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Motorcycle Master: Bad Boy Angel (Alpha Male Master Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  "HH is a really vicious guy, right?"


  "Maybe it wasn't just you. Maybe Kratos kept his members out of the loop because he was protecting them. He didn't want them anywhere near HH after he learned how savage and brutal he is."

  "I hadn't thought about that, but you could be right. Something else happened today, unrelated to all this crap."


  "After I spoke to you these three kids came in, maybe around fifteen years old, and one of them pulled out a package of cigarettes. I nailed his ass."


  "It was weird. I'd been thinking about Kratos and how different his life could've been, and I felt compelled to lecture them about choices. I know I scared them, and I think...I hope...I might have made a difference."

  "Wow. That's heavy. It's great, but it's heavy."

  "I hate smoking, and I've had to live around it for two years. It makes me sick."

  "I quit about a year ago," she said softly. "Sometimes I relapse."

  "Not anymore you don't!"

  "Uh. Right. Not anymore."

  A fresh fluttering of butterflies jumped to life, and leaning against him she rested her head against his chest.

  "I love you, Marco."

  "I love you, Kat."

  "I need to go to sleep now, baby."

  "Yeah, me too."


  As Marco made love to Kat early the following morning, they experienced a newfound intimacy. He was soft and sensuous, loitering his mouth over her breasts, gently nibbling her nipples as he fingered her pussy, and kissing her lovingly as he rode them to their orgasms. Lying breathless and in each other's arms, he ignored the passing hands of the clock and luxuriated in their closeness.

  "I suppose we have to make a move," she grudgingly mumbled.

  "I suppose we must," he sighed. "Would you like to have breakfast at the diner across from the tavern?"

  "I don't know, would I?"

  "It's surprisingly good. They make fabulous black walnut waffles."

  "Yum. That sounds great. I'm absolutely in."

  "Am I taking you back to your place, or are you coming to the tavern with me?"

  "Home. I want do so more of my own digging on those homes and Jason Dean, and I might swing by that house again."

  "Be careful."

  "It's my middle name. What time is the memorial starting?"

  "At three o'clock, but I'm sure the place will be jammed all day. I have no idea how we'll pack everyone in."

  "Do you ever open up the sliders on to the patio? That's what I'd do."

  "I forgot those sliders are there. Kratos never opened them, but that's exactly what I'll do. Thanks, Kat. I hope they'll budge."

  "I'm ravenous. Feed me, please."

  "I am too. Let's go."

  It was only a short time later they were climbing on to his bike and zipping to the nearby diner, and as they settled into a booth near the window, Marco stared across at the many motorbikes already in the tavern's parking lot.

  "You were right," Kat remarked. "It's going to be jammed."

  "I didn't expect people would show up so early. The place doesn't usually open until noon. Maybe I should get over there."

  "Have breakfast first, and don't worry about taking me home. I'll call for a taxi."

  "I was looking forward to the ride up the hill, but maybe you should."

  As they ordered their food and watched more motorcycles roll up, Kat looked around to make sure no-one was listening, then leaned across the table.

  "Marco, I think we should have some of our guys here today. It will be easy for them to get lost in the crowd, and with all the drinking, tongues might get a bit loose. It's a golden opportunity to get more intel."

  "It's covered. I talked to Steve about that yesterday. Sorry, I should've told you."

  "Yeah, you should've, but that's okay. So much has been going on you can't remember everything. How will I recognize them?"

  "They'll be wearing T-shirts with snarling wolves on the front."

  "That fits. Wolves on the hunt."

  "That was the first thing I thought too, but Kat, when you come back I want you to stick close to me. There'll be a ton of bikers you haven't met. You'll be seen as fresh meat."

  "Don't worry, I can handle myself."

  "I know, but I'm pulling rank. I make the rules, remember," he declared, his voice suddenly stern. "Like I said, I want you sticking close to me, and I'm not kidding around. I know some of the guys showing up today, and they're not to be messed with."

  As Kat nodded her head, she felt the butterflies. When other men had attempted to lay down the law, she'd tossed her head and did as she pleased, but with Marco it was different. She loved his control and his desire to keep her safe, and she found herself wanting to please him.

  The waitress arrived with their breakfast, and both starving they began to devour their meals while continuing to watch the steady stream of visitors arriving to pay their last respects, but as Marco downed his last bite and drank his coffee, Kat saw a frown cross his face.

  "What that matter?"

  "Isn't that Jason?"

  "It looks like him," Kat replied, staring out the window. "It's hard to tell from over here. He's tall enough, and that mop of sandy hair looks like his, but why are you surprised?"

  "He wasn't going to be here until the memorial service later today."

  "He probably wants to talk to you before it gets too crazy."

  "Then why didn't he call me? He knows the tavern is closed until noon. Jim opened early, but he didn't advertise it, so how would Jason know that?"

  "Marco, you're overthinking. Jason has friends in the club. Any one of them could have called and told him."

  "Maybe," Marco muttered, and though Kat's suggestion was reasonable, his instinct was telling him something was wrong.

  "That was delicious, thanks for bringing me here," Kat exclaimed, finishing her last waffle and polishing off her tea, but as she looked across at him, it was clear he hadn't heard her. His focus was still on the actor.


  "Jason showing up like this has me worried. My gut is telling me there's more to it. Huh. That's interesting. Check out the van."

  Following his gaze, Kat saw a white panel van backing into the alley that ran alongside the tavern. It stopped very close to the side entrance near the dumpsters. Moving closer to the window, Kat squinted as she studied the innocent looking vehicle.

  "Maybe it's Johnny's guys with the new chair."

  "No. It's too clean and it doesn't have decals, in fact it looks brand new, and the windows are tinted. I don't think I've ever seen a car around here polished to within an inch of its life."

  "You're right. Our guys would have a fake logo on the side. What do you think it means?"

  "I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling, and look, Jason's out of the bar already. That was quick. How much would you like to bet that van will leave when he does?"

  "Zero. I'd lose my money."

  They watched the handsome actor don his helmet and climb on his bike, and as he rode away, the van pulled out from the alley and followed.

  "What the hell?" Kat muttered, staring across at Marco with wide eyes.

  "I think he...or rather they...were planning on finding the tavern closed and empty and me there by myself, and that van was going to transport me somewhere neither of us want to go."

  "The mansion!"

  "Yep. The mansion."

  "I'm suddenly feeling a teensy bit worried," Kat said, dropping her voice. "I think you're the one that needs to be careful."

  "I'll bet Jason was shocked to see all those bikes when he rolled up."

  "He couldn't have grabbed you with all those guys in there, could he?"

  "Who knows. I used to think Kratos was nuts. He always had Tank at the swinging doors near the bar and Leo down the hall outside the office, but I'm beginning to think his paranoia was justified."

ou and Leo are tight now, right?"

  "Yep, and I think he just got his old job back! I'm going to continue with the custom. Leo can stand outside that office door for me now."

  "Jason's left though, along with that van. You should be fine."

  "Not necessarily. I think I'm going to take you home and call Steve from there. Find out what time our boys will be showing up. I'd feel better if they were around when I am."

  "You're that worried?"

  "Let's just say I'm beginning to understand why Kratos was so paranoid, and I think Jason and HH are more closely connected than I thought. If they're up to something I want to make it as difficult for them as I can."

  "I'm glad you're being so cautious," Kat said softly. "I don't think I could handle it if something happened to you."

  "Remember that if you suddenly take it into your head to do something reckless. I feel exactly the same way."

  "I'm not reckless!"

  "You can be," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, let's go."

  Leaving the diner, Kat climbed on to his bike and wrapped her arms around his torso, and as he roared through the busy Los Angeles streets, the intrigue of their lives seemed incongruous to the everyday hustle and bustle of the city. Winding up the canyon road they were soon approaching the decrepit but beautiful old house, and riding around the back he parked against the shed where Kat kept her motorcycle. Pulling off their helmets they walked around the house, she unlocked the front door, and they trotted up the stairs.

  "Do you want anything?" she asked as they entered her apartment,

  "After that breakfast I'm set for the day," Marco replied, moving across the room to stare out at the view. "This really is a cool place. It's a shame it's so run down."

  "Yeah, I know. I'm just going to change into something more comfortable. Make yourself at home."

  "Something more comfortable? I like the sound of that."

  "Don't get too excited," she said with a grin. "I didn't mean anything sexy."

  "On you a paper sack would be sexy!"

  As she giggled and disappeared into her bedroom, he pulled his phone from his jacket and called Steve.

  "I agree, they were there to take you for a ride," Steve said gravely after hearing Marco's report. "I did talk to Tank, and it's obvious he knows more but he's scared shitless."

  "I should pay him a visit. He might open up to me. I am the new boss."

  "That's a good idea, but he's under agency protection and I'm not sure how you'd be able to explain getting past the guard at his door."

  "Leave that to me. When are our guys arriving at the tavern?"

  "Any time now. They left about twenty minutes ago, but Marco, after what just happened, are you sure you want to go forward with your plan?"

  "Absolutely. I want this insanity to be over. I'll have Kat print out the letter before I go. When Jason shows up for the Memorial I'll set the operation into motion."

  "Let the games begin," Steve muttered. "I'll make sure everything's ready to go, and speaking of Kat, I think you should stay at her place."

  "I'll think about it, but you know my house is secure," Marco replied as Kat walked in from the bedroom. "I have to go, but I'll get in touch when it's time."

  "That sounded intense," Kat remarked, flopping down on the couch as Marco ended the call. "You really think you'll kick this into gear today?"

  "Why not?"

  "Good question. Okay, I'll get my laptop."

  "First..." he murmured, walking slowly across the room and sitting down next to her, "you need to come here."

  Pulling her into his arms, he sank his fingers into her hair and pressed his lips against hers. She melted into him, and as he broke away she let out a long sigh.

  "I wish we'd met another way. I wish you weren't going back there. I know I don't sound much like a tough FBI agent right now, but I'm scared for you."

  "We're almost at the finish line," he said softly, "and..."

  "And what? What's going through your head?"

  "I've been thinking about something for a while now. I suppose this is as good a time as any to tell you. When this is over I want to turn in my badge."

  "You're kidding?"

  "I want to open my own business."

  "Holy crap. What sort of business?"

  "A detective agency, and maybe offer bodyguard services. Would you have any interest in working with me?"


  "Yeah, seriously."

  "That's a lot to think about. I love my job, but it sounds really appealing."

  "I've been meaning to ask you, why did Johnny have you rent this place? You must have realized it would only be for a short time."

  "I, uh, actually I didn't rent it. This property belongs to the agency. It's one of our safe-houses."


  "They rarely use the upstairs rooms. I chose this one because of the view."

  "Wait a second, what about the day I came here and the front door was unlocked?"

  "That was Johnny. He needed something downstairs and he poked his head in to say hi. I told him you'd be arriving any minute and to leave it open for you."

  "It's disturbing how well you lie," Marco said with a deep frown. "I think you missed your calling. You should have been an actress."

  "Thanks. That was a compliment, right?"

  "Why don't they fix that railing?"

  "They will, but like I said, they rarely use these upstairs rooms."

  "You are just full of surprises," he murmured, shifting her body so she was straddling his lap, "and as much as I would like to ravage you right this minute, we need to get that letter done and I have to get moving, but there is one more thing. Steve suggested I stay here. No-one knows where you live.

  "Marco, I like that idea. I like that idea a lot."

  "Good. Then it's settled. Now let's get to your computer before you become completely irresistible."

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Inside his luxurious black and white bedroom, HH was pacing. Given the circumstances he should have realized the tavern would have opened early. He'd thought he could nab Marco and whisk him away before anyone arrived. As the new leader of the Kings, Marco needed to be shown how things worked. From what HH had witnessed and heard, he believed Marco was smarter and tougher than Kratos, but all men could be broken. They could be shown things that would freeze their blood, things they'd never forget, things that secured their unwavering loyalty. Still, there was Kat. It seemed the new boss had taken a shine to her. HH grinned as he recalled Marco spanking her bare ass in the office. The memorable scene sent energy through his loins. Maybe he'd have them both over for a conversation. Men were so much more pliable when there was a woman involved.


  It was almost three o'clock and the tavern was jammed. In the office Marco had moved the couch from below the oversized photograph of Kratos and set up a table in its place. On it was a book for visitors to sign, along with treasured items from the early days of the club and personal effects that belonged to the much revered leader. When the memorial service was over Leo would take up his position outside the door, and Marco would stay in the office as people were allowed in to pay their respects.

  Marco had been circulating among the many visitors, but when Kat arrived he broke away and greeted her with a hug, then led her through the throngs to a table in a corner near the bar. It had been occupied by two gang members who had been saving it for him, and as Kat sat down, Marco left to get them a beer.

  She studied the crowd, immediately spying three rough-looking men wearing black T-shirts boasting snarling wolves. She smiled. It was a reassuring sight, but a moment later she spotted Jason Dean. He was pushing his way through the crowd towards her, and she realized an opportunity was about to present itself. Should she flirt? No, he'd be accustomed to that, and being casual didn't seem right either. She wanted to rattle him. If Marco decided to go forward with the operation, having Jason unnerved might help. Clad in lea
ther from head-to-toe, with his long blond hair and movie-star good looks, she had to admit he made a striking presence. She could see the girls eyeing him, and one of them was brave enough to intercept him. Kat watched him mumble something in her ear. The girl laughed, then sashayed away, then oozing confidence and charisma he continued moving towards her. When he reached her table, though she paid him no attention, he slid uninvited into the empty chair.

  "Damn, that was like running the gauntlet," he declared, then shooting her a smile he shuffled his chair closer to hers. "You're hot. Why aren't I sleeping with you?"

  Kat almost cringed at the corny line, and even though she knew no reaction was a reaction in itself, she completely ignored him and kept her eyes focused on the crowd.

  "You're right, I guess we should at least know each other's name before we tumble between the sheets," he continued, apparently unfazed by her lack of response. "I'm Jason Dean. What's your name, sexy lady?"

  "Cruella Deville."

  "Nice to meet you, Cruella," he chuckled, "and the question remains. Why aren't I sleeping with you?"

  "I'm just lucky I guess," she replied, slowly turning her head and fixing him with a cold steady gaze.

  Jason had used the line a thousand times. It had been met with giggles, embarrassment, and shock, but he'd never once been met with contempt. It threw him. It didn't help that her eyes were impenetrable and her expression unreadable.

  "Ouch! Man, you're tough. How can you be so hot and so ice-cold?"

  "It's the company, and either way you'll end up getting burned or frostbitten, so maybe you should take a hike."

  "Fuck me! What's your problem? How about a little respect?"

  "Respect is reciprocal. Show some and you might have it returned."

  "You know what, Cruella, you're right. My apologies. Let's start over," he said, leaning forward with a remorseful expression. "You're very beautiful, and that's the truth. May I ask your name, and are you an actress?"

  "I am as it happens, and my name is Kat, and before you make any stupid remarks about my name, be warned. I have very sharp claws."


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