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Page 17

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  "Really? Did himself chase the foolish one away?" Looping one arm about Feris' neck, Anneal took a kiss, licking at Feris' lips.

  "Of course. And our territory was marked again." Feris pressed close, warm hands holding onto his hips.

  "Good. You protect us well, my Feris." He gave Feris more kisses in return, only belatedly noticing that Feris hair and back were wet. "Is it raining?"

  Feris purred, distracted by his kisses. "What? Raining, yes. Spring is early."

  Spring. For the first time the idea of spring did not make his belly clench. Instead it made joy well up in his chest. Anneal rolled, taking Feris beneath him, and laughed down into golden eyes. "And what shall we do this spring, Feris?"

  "Rut?" Feris winked up at him, hands holding onto his ass.

  That made him chuckle, and dip for another kiss. "Oh, yes. I think there should be much rutting. And perhaps we could go north a ways, explore parts of our territory I have not seen?"

  Feris nodded. "Himself has not done more than mark the northlands in too many years. Our presence there would be good."

  The freedom to choose was an astounding thing, making the weight of years of responsibility and pain slide away. "As long as I am with you, I am content. I love you, Feris."

  Feris purred and pushed him, rolling them over so that he lay beneath the weight of his lover's body. "Love you. Feris loves An neal."

  Feris bent, mouth open around his neck.

  He moaned, letting Feris mark him, claim him, his lover's mark stronger than the marks on his cheeks could ever be again.

  Feris purred, scenting him, rubbing eagerly against him.

  He rubbed right back, almost giddy from the knowledge that he would never need leave Feris again, or pull Feris away from the land that was his. It was amazing.

  "You are happy, An neal? Truly happy?"

  "More than I have ever been, Feris." There. Let Feris scent the truth of that for himself.

  Feris growled softly and bent, kissing him wildly.

  Oh. The hunger Feris showed him never failed to both humble and inflame. Anneal wrapped arms and legs around his lover and held on, kissing.

  "I would have you inside me," rumbled Feris, hair around them like a golden curtain.

  "Will you ride me, Feris? I would see you." He loved to see Feris above him, taking him as much as he was being taken.

  Feris growled softly. "Yes, An neal. I will ride you, see your eyes."

  He moaned, head falling back to let Feris at his throat again. There were no clothes to pull away, as Feris was very good at convincing him to sleep nude. All there was to it was to find the oil to prepare his lover for his shaft.

  Feris took his neck again and then grabbed his hand, bringing it up and sucking his fingers into Feris' hot mouth.

  That would work as well. When his fingers were thoroughly wet, Anneal pulled them away, reaching behind Feris to push between Feris buttocks, finding that tight, hot space.

  Feris went to his knees, eyes half closed as he pushed his fingers in, rumbles filling their cave.

  "You are beautiful, my Feris. So good." Still so tight, his Feris, so hot inside. He prepared Feris quickly, unable to wait.

  "I want you," Feris murmured, hand reaching back to grab his shaft, to guide it to Feris' entrance.

  "Yes. Now." He let Feris take him in, the scrape and drag making him crazed, hips arching up to aid the joining.

  Feris roared, throwing his head back as he was fully seated inside the hot, tight passage.

  "Oh." So hot and good. Anneal thrust up, his shaft throbbing, the sight of Feris above him unbearably exciting. It never ceased to amaze him, that sight.

  Feris began to move, rising and lowering, riding him. The golden body danced on his prick, writhed on it. He touched, hands moving from Feris' thick, heavy hair to his back and hips, grasping Feris' buttocks and pulling hard. So strong and wild, the scent of them, the feel of them together.

  Feris roared again, hands landing on his chest, body moving quickly. Feris' musk grew stronger, the cock that slapped against his belly leaving a wet trail. He reached for that thick shaft, knowing how Feris loved to be touched, how his love never seemed to become used to it. Closing his fingers about it made them both moan, and Anneal pulled at it, loving on Feris any way he could.

  Feris roared again, movements becoming faster, jerky. Feris' body grew tight around him, clenching as heat sprayed over his hand onto his chest.

  Moaning, Anneal pushed up as Feris pulled tight around him, his own shaft throbbing as he spent hard, head spinning.

  Feris was purring, dropping down against him and nuzzling.

  "Mmmm. Love you, Feris." He stroked Feris' back, feeling the giddy happiness return.

  "Yes. Yes, An neal. Love. Is good." Feris licked at his lips and his nipples and then his lover shifted, becoming fur and muscles, purrs vibrating against him.

  His amazing Feris. His cat. Never would he have thought, when he first woke from his desperate refuge in a mountain cave to a growling cat, that he would be where he was today. And be so content to be there. Anneal touched the scars on his cheeks with the hand that was not buried in Feris' fur. He was an outcast from the society that raised him. But with Feris, he had found a home that he was proud of, one he never need leave again.

  Feris' purrs filled the cave with warmth, filled his life with warmth.

  He could not ask for anything more.


  The Beast Within

  by Sean Michael

  ~Chapter One~

  Rex's legs were starting to throb enough that he knew he was going to have to stop in Edgetown for at least a few days. He'd been on the road since he left Centreville four days ago, the motorcycle a constant vibration between his legs, the ache in his side slowly fading.

  He would stop long enough to change the dressing on his wound -- it was healing nicely -- and to feed, otherwise he just kept moving. He wasn't running away from Diego and the Pride. No, not him. He was running toward new opportunities. Striking out on his own.

  The fact that his decision to do so coincided with Lupa's information that Diego was about to terminate his chances at Pride Alpha on a permanent basis merely proved good timing on his part.

  He rode through the streets of Edgetown, keeping beneath the speed limit.

  He didn't realize he'd been deliberately seeking out more of his kind until he found himself parked in an alley behind a bar called the Treehouse. Real smart, escaping one fight just to find another. It was what he did though.

  He got off his bike, kicking the stand down. He took off his helmet and gloves, on the alert.

  The night was warm, the alley fairly dark and the air smelled less like city than Centreville had. There was a hint of forest and water that made him want to relax. He couldn't though, because there was another of his kind nearby. A male. He could feel it.

  It didn't take long at all before the back door of the bar opened, a lean, older male sauntering out, dark hair hiding his eyes. "Yes?"

  Every muscle in his body tensed, his aches and pains forgotten as he took a few steps forward. "You in charge?"

  "I am." The voice was rich, powerful, unafraid. Dressed in rich leather pants, skin-tight shirt and a wide collar with a single claw dangling from it, the Alpha looked sexual, sensual. Not a fighter.

  He growled, low in his throat, quickly weighing his options. Diego would be ready for an attack at any time, but this one was no Diego. Without warning he sprang, leaping at the Alpha.

  The Alpha ducked, slamming into him with one sharp shoulder, sending him stumbling into a wall. He turned and reached out with one arm, swiping as got his bearings. A sharp snarl sounded, teeth sinking into his shoulder, the Alpha pushing close, refusing to let him gain footing.

  He flailed, striking out with both hands, claws of one hand raking across the alpha's back, the other hand ineffectual against the leather pants. Another furious growl and his head snapped back, slamming into the brick. He kept conscio
usness, but the alpha rolled him, exposing his throat and belly. "Submit."

  He growled, body tense. He might have pushed it, might have risked the hit, but he could feel the wound in his side oozing blood, could taste copper from his nose and lips in his mouth. With another growl, he relaxed his body, letting his head fall back, his hands going lax at his sides. The alpha scented him, growling low, before a hard, sharp bite marked him, claimed him. He jerked in surprise. "You marked me!"

  "As is my right as alpha of the Pride." Glowing eyes flashed at him, strong, feral. "You're hurt. Come into the back and rest."

  He was confused. As an interloper, he wasn't due the respect of being marked, taken in. Hell, Diego had never even marked him, never found him worthy enough to be taken into the Pride proper. "You aren't going to kill me? Or force me out?"

  "Will you harm the Pride?"

  He shook his head, harming the Pride would be stupid, only taking on the Alpha would get him anywhere.

  "Then we could use another male to protect the litters. You smell like Centerville Pride." The Alpha's nose wrinkled in distaste. "Diego and I are... well-acquainted. Come inside and rest. I have customers."

  "I was never in the Pride," he noted, following the Alpha. "Diego won't let anyone who's a potential challenger close."

  His side was aching again, the wound opened up for sure -- Diego didn't fight fair either. Not that he would have necessarily beaten the old man this time, but he hadn't stood a chance against four.

  "Diego is weak and protects himself above the Pride. I do not." He was led to a small room with a well-clawed leather couch. "Rest. I'll be an hour and then I'll see to you. Name's Lee."

  "Rex. Thank you." He sank down into the couch, hurting enough he didn't care of Lee saw how weak he really was. Man had bested him fair and square anyway. He'd already submitted.

  "Rest. You're safe here." The voice was low, rumbling, comforting.

  He nodded; he knew. He could feel it in his bones. His eyes closed, his wounds, the fight, and four days without any sleep catching up with him.

  The last thing he heard was the quiet sound of the door closing behind Lee.


  He locked the front door and turned off the lights, moving through the bar with ease. He started cleaning, wiping down tables and sweeping the floor. He didn't jump with the cell phone vibrated in his pocket, just answered it with a growl. "Yes?"

  "Did he come?" The whisper was low, desperate, familiar.

  "Yes, Lupa."

  "Did he attack?"

  Lee growled. "Of course. And he submitted. He's sleeping now. I'm about to take him home."

  His sister whimpered softly. "Home. Lee. Thank you."

  "You could come home, Lupa. We have four males now. We would protect you." His shoulders bunched, voice going rough. "I would protect you."

  "No, Lee. I belong here, with him. I... I couldn't let Diego kill Rex." His little sister sighed, whimpering softly. Lee could see her in his mind's eyes. "I knew he would find you."

  "He did, and now I need to care for him, introduce him to the Pride." He had given his sister a promise, if the kit submitted, he would mark Rex, draw the kit into the Pride.

  "Yes. Bright blessings, brother-mine. I am in your debt." Before he could answer, the phone went dead.

  Lee finished closing the bar, then went to see to the kit, resting in the back. The kit jerked as he came in, jumping up, eyes wild, teeth bared. Obviously expecting a fight. He rumbled softly, meeting the panic head-on, moving into the room with complete confidence. "Let me see your wounds."

  Rex relaxed slowly, awareness coming into his eyes, the fight going out of him. The kit nodded and took off the leather jacket. The white t-shirt beneath was stained red along one side.

  He growled, nostrils flaring, the scent of blood strong, rich. Lee waited until the t-shirt was removed and then moved in, licking the wound, cleaning it, lending his health to his Pride. The flavor of Rex called to the Beast, and his purrs and rumbles soothed the kit. His Pride. The Beast slammed to the forefront, scenting the Other Pride on what was his. Lee rubbed and licked, marked and scented until the kit smelled like home, like Pride, like his.

  The kit was trembling hard by the time he'd done, whimpering softly.

  Purring, he rubbed his cheeks against the kit's, nuzzling, soothing. "Safe. Home."

  Tentatively Rex rubbed back. "I've never been safe before."

  He kept purring, encouraging the touches, the bonding. "You are Pride, now."

  Rex growled, pride in the sound. The kit licked at his cheek, tasting home.

  He licked back, nuzzling the soft skin behind Rex's ear, chuffing in approval at the good scent, the Pride scent. "Are you hungry?"

  Rex whimpered. "Starving," the kit admitted, letting him see all the weaknesses.

  "Steak, then. We'll eat together, talk, and then go home and meet the others." He backed away, growling as he yawned. "Long day."

  The kit's stomach rumbled loudly. "You have no idea."

  He nodded and dug out a shirt from the tiny closet where he kept spares. The Beast was miserable on the wardrobe. "Here. The cafe down the street is open all night. T-Bones and eggs. They're used to my hunger."

  Good thing too, when the females were heavy with kits, before they were so far the Beast took them, they could eat.

  The kit put on the t-shirt and covered up with his leather jacket again. "I don't have any money."

  Lee nodded. "This building is ours, plus a butcher's and a small animal hospital. We care for our own." He shrugged on a jacket. "Do you want to roll your motorcycle in so it's safe?"

  "Yes, please." The kit followed him back out into the alley, sticking close. He let the kit touch him as much as possible. They needed it, both of them -- him to learn the kit's scent, Rex to gain comfort, familiarity. They locked the bike away and then headed down the road, towards the lights of the cafe. Rex's stomach growled again and the kit gave him a sheepish smile. "You said steak, woke the beast up."

  Lee's laughter chuffed out of him, and he nodded. "It is a hard thing, hunger. How long has it been since you had meat?"

  "I've been making do with rats for months now," the kit admitted.

  "Oh..." He growled, head rubbing against Rex instinctively. "No more." Damn Diego and his fucking greedy fear. May his fur fall out in clumps. Rex pushed into him, rubbing their cheeks together, hand clutching at his arm. Rumbling, he accepted the touches, accepting Rex as Pride. "No more. You are home."

  "Home." The kit shook his head. "It seems unreal."

  Someone came out of the cafe as they got to the door, the kit tensing immediately.

  "Safe. You are mine now. None of ours will challenge that." Lee touched the dark mark on Rex's throat and then muscled the kit into the door, taking a booth in the far back.

  Rex's nostrils were flaring, hands curled into fists. "I can smell it."

  "Relax, kit. No fangs." He growled softly. "Here comes the waitress. Hey, Bonnie. Steak and eggs, coffee, milk. For both of us."

  Poor kit, so hungry, so alone. Rex gave him a hungry look. "Two steaks?"

  He nodded. "Double up on one plate. Rare."

  "Thank you," muttered Rex, eyes glowing, breath coming quickly.

  He purred, scooted forward enough that their legs touched under the table. "After this we'll go home, find you a spot to curl in."

  "I could sleep. After eating. If I were safe." There was such a yearning in those words.

  "The Pride has a house. We have six females and four males, now. There are five kittens." He held Rex's eyes. "You will be safe there. You are mine."

  The kit growled, bristling a little at his words. Then the glowing eyes lowered, Rex just barely nodding.

  "Such anger. Is it so hard? To admit that you belong with the Pride now?" His voice was a snarl, rumbling and frustrated. "I am not Diego. I do not look to surround the kittens with weaklings and toadies. We are strong, brave. Clever. We are a true Pride."

  "Am I to
take your word for it?" growled Rex.

  "No. But until you are strong enough to challenge me, kit? You will accept what I say until you have reason not to." His body rippled under the jacket, shoulders hunching.

  Rex's eyes lowered again. "Yes, Lee."

  He huffed, shaking off the frustration, the anger. The kit had been ill-treated, ill-raised. The milk and coffee came first, the strong scents relaxing him, soothing him.

  The kit grabbed his glass of milk and drank it down in one shot, throat working hard, his mark fresh and dark on the pale neck. When the glass was empty, Lee pushed his own glass across the table. The dark green eyes flashed up at him and then the kit took the glass, downing it just as quickly. "Thank you."


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