
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 23

  Jenna blinked. "You should have him caged."

  Lee grinned. "You should not tempt the Beast."

  Jenna chuckled. "I almost had you."

  He arched an eyebrow, reached out with one hand to tug the yarn, play with his Mate. "You'll never know."

  Rex growled and rolled, paw swiping at the yarn he was disturbing, his Mate trying to pounce, but tangled enough that Rex went down in a heap instead.

  Lee chuckled, dropping to his knees to tease and tickle, fingers alternatively plucking yarn and digging into soft, dark fur. Rex went wild, unable to focus on either the tickling or the yarn, bouncing between the two with feral fun.

  Jenna got up with a grin. "I'm going to find Joseph. You two try not to ruin my yarn?"

  Lee didn't say a word, just chuffed with laughter and went back to playing with his kit.

  It wasn't too long before Rex was hopelessly tangled and suddenly playing turned to panic, his Mate thrashing about, trying to get loose. Lee growled, threw his body atop Rex's to still the motions that were just making the yarn tighter. Purring loud, he started working through the yarn, trying to free his Mate.

  Rex was whimpering, breathing hard and fast. "Lee... let me up! Get it off me! I can't move, Lee!"

  "Shh. Shh, kit. You gotta chill the fuck out and let me get you out." He worked as quick as he could, purrs continual, close, so the kit knew he was right here.

  "I don't like being tied down, Lee." Rex whimpered some more, legs twitching, shifting from Beast to man to Beast again.

  "You're not tied down, kit. You're tangled, and I'm getting you loose." He licked Rex's cheek, getting one arm free.

  Rex finally settled in man shape, breathing heavily, but lying still.

  "There. Good. Just close your eyes and talk to me while I untangle this." He got Rex's fingers on the other hand free, licking them gently.

  Rex's eyes were still wild, the pupils huge, green almost gone and they closed slowly, a tremor moving through his Mate. "I don't like being tied down, Lee. I can't be tied down."

  "I won't tie you, Mate. I'm getting you untangled. I would never let you get hurt, Rex." He stroked and kissed, nuzzling him.

  Rex's breathing slowed, the whimpers coming further apart now.

  "Mmm... that's it, Mate. Relax for me." He kept licking, nuzzling, purring as the strings broke and fell away, freeing the kit.

  Rex stayed still for all of thirty seconds before he began vibrating. "Can I get up now?"

  "Sure." Lee took another kiss and rolled off. "All untangled."

  Rex morphed back into the Beast, leaping off the floor and well away from the bright yarn, growling at it from afar. Lee hid his grin and let the Beast have him, tearing and snapping at the offending string, defending his Mate. When he was done, Rex came to him, nuzzling and licking, purring. He scented, licking the soft pelt, headbutting with a rumble. Loved his Mate. Would do anything. Anything.

  Rex walked back into the yarn free corner of the room, tail and ass swaying, enticing him away from the sea of torn yarn. Growling softly, Lee crouched, muscles tensing, preparing to pounce. A gentle ripple moved through Rex, the only indication his mate had heard him, knew what was coming. He snarled as he pounced, rolling them, tails flicking madly as they played.

  So good! Fun! His Mate!

  Rex headbutted him and batted at him, big paws knocking into him. They rolled and wrestled, licked and growled, Rex's eyes shining for him. Finally they settled under the stairs, wrapped together, tongues moving in slow patterns.

  Rex's purrs were content and happy, blissful. He nuzzled and rumbled, grooming carefully, licking away every bit of tension, every ruffled hair. Rex was lazily returning the favor, though the kit was near to boneless, tongue swiping idly at his fur. So good. Comfortable, warm.




  Lee stretched, nuzzling Rex's belly. Rex's purrs changed in tone, warned of incipient hunger and arousal. Lee curled close, smiling into dark green eyes, letting their need bloom and grow. Rex licked his muzzle and shifted, the human in his arms lithe and pale skinned, smooth. The green eyes alone remained the same. He nuzzled Rex's cheeks, not letting the Beast go, letting his pelt warm his Mate. Rex smiled, hands sliding through his fur, fingers digging in and rubbing.

  Oh, that was good. He purred and stretched, rubbing happily against Rex.

  "Want you," Rex murmured, rubbing soft skin against his face. The sounds that rumbled from him were pure happiness and he changed slowly, exchanging the softness of fur for the heat of a kiss.

  Rex pressed eagerly into his mouth, tongue warm and wet and agile. Lee wrapped his arms around Rex, tugging them together, bodies rubbing and sliding and hot. Rex purred noisily, pressing even closer. He petted and pressed, rubbed and purred and licked and oh... Good. So good. His Mate.

  Rex rubbed hard against him, whimpering and purring and the look in those green eyes was happy and hungry.

  "Love you, Mate." He nipped Rex's bottom lip, hands cupping that fine ass.

  Rex growled, the sound fierce. "Mate. Lee. Mine. Love you."

  "Yes." He answered Rex's call, happiness too huge for silence. "Mine."

  "Yours, Mate. Yours." Rex rolled, putting the kit beneath him. "Make love to me, Mate."

  "Yes. Mine." He drew Rex's legs up, draped them over his shoulders, wet-tipped cock sliding against the tight hole.

  Rex whimpered, pushing against him. "Please."

  "Yes." He let Rex's weight join them, his happy growl filling the air. Rex cried out as his cock sunk deep. "Good. Good. Rrrrrrrrrex. Good." He rumbled, leaning over Rex's body, hips shifting and pushing.

  Rex met his thrust, body humping up, pulling his cock in. "Yes. Good."

  The thrusts were hard, but slow, steady, driving them higher and higher, making him ache. Rex whimpered and moaned, cried out and screamed, writhed on his cock. Finally the pleasure was too much and he bucked, almost bending Rex in half, roaring as his hand wrapped around the hard, hot cock. They slammed together, all heat and need.

  Rex screamed and roared, body jerking hard within his grasp. The tight heat around his cock rippled, milking him as Rex came.

  He pushed deep, filling and marking his Mate with his seed. "Mine!"

  Rex purred, hands sliding down his back to his ass, keeping him where he was. "Yours."

  "Yes." He let Rex's legs down and cuddled close, shaft still buried deep. "Better, kit?"

  Rex headbutted him gently. "Not a kit, Lee. And yes. Better."

  Lee chuckled softly, purring low. "Not a kit, Mate."

  Rex petted him. "Love you, Mate."

  "You know I will not let another harm you. I will never let another touch you, take you. You are my Own." He met Rex's eyes. "My Pride. My Heart. My Mate. Mine."

  Rex nodded, holding him tight. "I know. I just... I panicked, I couldn't move."

  He licked, nuzzled. "There are things like that that scare me also, Mate."

  Rex chuffed. "Not you, Lee."

  "Oh, yes." Lee settled more comfortably. "Ask Joseph. When we were all kits, I fell from a ledge and hit my head. When I woke up I couldn't see. It lasted for four days. I have never been so scared."

  Rex whimpered, hands stroking, petting. "Oh Mate... how awful."

  He nodded, nuzzling. "But I can see now and I have you to be an extra pair of eyes for me, for the Pride."

  "Heights don't still scare you, do they?" Rex asked quietly.

  "No. But they did for a while. I had to learn to trust myself again."

  Rex nodded. "I love you, Mate."

  "I love you, Rex." Lee nuzzled and lapped. "I want ice cream. Wanna go get banana splits downtown?"

  "Oh! Yeah!" Rex bounced up. "Race you upstairs -- last one dressed has to eat the banana!"

  He chuckled and followed nice and slow, watching Rex's ass.

  Lee liked bananas.



  Lee was taking him dancing.

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  He was wearing his usual leather pants and one of Lee's mesh t-shirts. He was skeptical. Until he walked into the place. Dark corners, only the dance floor was lit with strobe lights, loud music -- so loud he could feel the bass in the floor through his boots, and a press of bodies. He could feel the Beast responding to the driving beat and the lights and the bodies and realized why Lee had had chosen a night when there was no moon. It was going to be hard enough to stay human as it was.

  He looked around, trying to find Lee.

  When he saw his Mate, the club stopped moving for a second, kind of hiccupped. Lee was leaning against the bar, wearing tight, tight denim pants that had a lace-up fly, just hanging on those lean hips. The shirt was white and sheer, clinging to the firm muscles, the flat belly. Add that to the sleek black hair and firm jaw? Classy. Hot. Pure hunger.

  With a low growl he started toward his mate, not even seeing anyone else.

  A guy came up, simpering, flirting, trying to get Lee's attention, all big eyes and blond curls. Oh, he so didn't think so. He pushed between them and looked the guy in the eye, not saying a word, just growling. The guy swallowed and backed off with a last look beyond him toward Lee.

  He turned around to meet his Mate's eyes. "Mine."

  Those bright green eyes sparkled, looking him up and down, then Lee smiled, the look feral. "Yes."

  Rex was hard, hungry, almost ready to forget the crowd and beg Lee to fuck him right here, right now.

  Lee slammed back a whiskey. "Want a drink, kit?"

  "Yeah. I do." He pressed forward, taking Lee's mouth in a hard kiss and pulling the flavor of whiskey and his Mate into his mouth. Lee growled, opening wide, tongue pushing deep. His Mate was hard against him, hot.

  He wanted to get fucked.



  He growled, rubbing hard against Lee.

  Lee broke the kiss, backing away. "Dance. We're here to dance."

  "This isn't dancing?" he asked, panting hard.

  Lee chuckled and slid out onto the dance floor. He could see the beast within his mate, see the slide and purr and play of slender muscles. He followed with a half growl, half purr, not willing to let his Mate get too far away. He had to admit the music felt good along his spine, spurred him to moving. That body started moving, dancing with a preternatural grace, drawing the eyes and interest of the crowd. Free and feral, Rex had never seen Lee out and about, no kits or Pride to worry over. He was going to come just from watching and when he added his own movements, matching Lee... They were having sex, no matter what Lee wanted to call it.

  Lee brushed against him, moved away, tempting and playing and touching. Wanting. The rest of the dancers faded into the background, not that he didn't know they were there, but he didn't care as he played with Lee, danced with his Mate, making it all about heat and moving together and seduction. He could smell the heat, the hunger, the pleasure pouring off his mate in waves. When they got closer, Lee scented him, lips sliding up his jaw. He shivered, pushing close and burying his nose in Lee's neck, pulling the scent of Pride and sweat and sex and Mate into himself.

  "Want you, Mate. Want to fuck you, make you scream." A sharp nip bruised his throat. "Make you come."

  He growled, head going back, exposing more of this throat. "Yes."

  Right here, right now, Mate, if it was what was wanted.

  "Upstairs, there's a roof. The sky." Lee's eyes shot to a flight of stairs.

  "Yes." He pushed against Lee, needing.

  "You go first, I'll meet you." Lee licked him. "Hurry."

  With a whimper he tore himself from Lee and headed for the stairs, pushing through the crowd. He didn't look back, even as he reached the stairs, knowing his Mate would follow, would not make him wait.

  He made it up without a problem, the night air cool and good on his skin. He looked around for a few heartbeats before he heard a soft growl and was treated to the sight of his Mate, leaping from a balcony to the roof. He growled, watching the beauty of his Mate in motion, cock throbbing.

  As he watched, Lee unlaced those tight jeans, cock pushing free. He dropped to his knees with another whimper, mouth opening in anticipation. Lee stalked him, sex and heat pouring out into the night. "Mine."

  He sucked Lee's cock in as his answer. His Mate roared, bucking into him, hard hands finding his head. He sucked hard, tongue working the hot prick, hands sliding up along Lee's legs to grab hold of his hips. Lee moved strong, steady, pushing with a furious rhythm that matched the music vibrating his legs. He growled, wanting his Mate's climax, demanding it.

  To his shock, Lee pulled away, panting, spinning him around. "Want to come in your ass. Need you."

  Whimpering, he pulled open his leather pants, pushing them down to his knees. He leaned against the wall, legs spread as wide as he could get them. "Hurry, Lee. Please."

  "Yes. Mine. My Mate." Teeth brushed his nape as Lee grabbed him and pushed deep, fucking him with desperate strokes.

  He screamed, pushing back to meet each thrust. His Mate took him, teeth sinking in and holding him as they moved, bodies slamming furiously. He clawed at the brick, trying to find leverage, body shaking with intense pleasure. Hot fingers surrounded his cock, tugged, heat splashing within him, filling him, pushing his own seed from his body. He screamed out his pleasure to the night sky.

  Lee's weight slumped against him, breath panting against his nape. "Mate."

  "Mine," he growled, body still shaking with his pleasure.

  "Yours." The word was purred, a soft tongue soothing him.

  His own purrs started then as he arched into the sweet touches. Lee rocked inside him, slow and easy, just touching, licking.

  "Mate... oh Mate." He leaned his head back, breathing deeply, scenting them together.

  "Yes. Love you. So fine, my Mate. My heart." The soft, needy sounds poured over him. His cock twitched and he whimpered, pushing back into the slow thrusts.

  "Shh... easy. Slow, now. So we can feel it." Lee's voice was pure, distilled sex, sliding on him. Another whimper and he stilled, letting Lee take him, letting that hot cock slide into him and make him feel so good, so needy.

  "Love you." Lee purred, the sound loud and good, vibrating through his spine, one hand stroking his cock. He growled, a ripple going through him. How did Lee expect slow and easy when he did things like that. A soft chuckle answered him. "Impatient."

  "For you? Always." He pushed into the hand around his prick and back again. "Lee... Mate. Need."

  "You've got me. I'm inside you." Lee pushed hard, purring. "Can't you feel me?"

  "You're teasing me," he growled.

  "No, kit. I'm loving you." The words were soft, husky. "When you become Alpha, you can do as you wish. Today, I am still Alpha and I want to make love to you."

  He growled, whimpered, pushed back against Lee's cock. Nothing he did sped his Mate, the thrusts sure and strong, but slow, steady. Inexorable. Lee was going to kill him. He leaned against the brick, whimpering and moaning, body pushed higher and higher but never quite high enough. His Mate shifted, cockhead sliding against his gland now, harder and harder, never missing. He started screaming, with each thrust, body on fire.

  That thumb worked his slit, the sensations unbearable, amazing. "Come for me. Let me feel you."

  He screamed out his Mate's name, seed pulsing from him in long waves. He could feel his body growing tight around the thick prick inside him. He shuddered and whimpered and shook. When the pleasure eased, Lee was pulling away, hands sliding down his spine, comforting. He turned, pushing into Lee, burying his head in Lee's neck. His Mate held him, purring softly, strong and sure and his.

  "Love you," he whispered, hands sliding around Lee's waist, holding on.

  "Love you, Mate." Lee nuzzled him, lips sliding on his skin.

  The music was still thumping through the roof beneath his feet, a constant, driving heartbeat. They were still dancing, really, standing close, nuzzling each other.

  Yeah, he could s
ee why Lee liked this.


  Rex was horny.

  He was hungry and needy and wanting and ready to just pounce his Mate as hard as he could just as soon as he could.

  Only they were on the street. Walking casually to the all night grocery store. It was a hot night, not the kind where you walked quickly. He scanned the street. There was an alley coming up right ahead. It wasn't particularly deep or dark, but it was off the street. As they passed it, he shoved into Lee, sending his Mate stumbling into the wall.


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