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  A low, surprised snarl ripped through the air. "Mate?"

  "Need." He pushed up against Lee, taking his Mate's mouth. It only took Lee a second before those hot lips opened, took him deep. He rubbed against his Mate, taking that mouth, making it his. Lee moaned, opening wide, licking at his tongue, his lips, his teeth.

  He found Lee's hands and slid them up over his Mate's head, increasing the force of his kisses. Lee rumbled softly, but let him control the kiss, let him hold those strong arms against the concrete.

  He wanted to tear off Lee's clothes and lay bites along his Mate's collarbones and neck. He wanted to pinch Lee's nipples and tug on the man's cock, roll the sweet balls. Of course he would need extra hands for that and he didn't have any to spare.

  Sharp teeth scraped across his bottom lip, Lee's eyes bright, challenging. He growled, pushing his need hard against Lee. Lee met his motion, pushing back, pushing hard, making him fight for everything. He growled again, his teeth joining the kiss, clicking with Lee's. It made him harder, made him ache. One strong leg wrapped around his hip, pulling him closer, rubbing them together harder. He whimpered, trapped between his own hold on Lee's arms and Lee's leg around him.

  Lee licked at him, teeth sliding along his throat, marking him. "Taste good, kit."

  Oh. Oh, Lee knew he hated that. Knew it. Said it anyway.

  All the time.

  With a snarl he broke free of Lee's hold and turned Lee to face the wall. Lee growled, shoulder muscles bunching, rippling against his hands.

  "Not a kit. Not." He pushed, sliding his cock along Lee's ass through leather and denim.

  At the touch, his Mate snarled, entire body clenching, pushing away from the wall. "Younger than me. Mine."

  "Prove it!" he snarled back.

  The world seemed to spin, a roar splitting the air as Lee moved, slamming him against the wall, eyes alight. "Mine!"

  He struggled, breath slammed out of him, fighting Lee, refusing to give -- forcing his Mate to prove himself. Nails threatening to become claws landed hard on his nape, keeping him still, holding him down. "Say it."

  He held Lee's eyes for three of the longest heartbeats he'd ever had and then he dropped them.

  "Yours," he whispered. He met Lee's eyes and repeated the word louder this time, letting his joy in his Mate show. "Yours."

  "Yes. Mine." Those eyes were glowing, growls continuous. "Mate."

  "Yours. Mate." He tilted his head back, exposing the full curve of his neck, the long, vulnerable vein.

  The bite was quick, deep, burning into his soul, burning him with Lee's mark.

  He screamed. He came. His cock stayed hard, demanding more. He didn't demand though, it was not his place. "Please, Mate. More."

  Lee reached for his pants, tugging them down, exposing his ass, before popping open the button fly on the blue jeans hiding his mate's need from him. He turned to face the wall, offering Lee everything -- his obedience, his allegiance, his love, his need. He whimpered, pushing back with his ass. "Hurry, Lee. Need you, Mate."

  A desperate roar was his answer, Lee slamming inside him, taking him with strong, sure, burning strokes. Growling, he met Lee's thrusts, pushing back hard, demanding the best Lee could give him. He was fucked hard, not given a second to breathe, to think, to do more than feel. He put his hand in his mouth to muffle his screams as Lee's thrusts rocked him against the wall.

  "Mine. Do you hear me, Rex? My heart. My love. My Mate."

  He didn't say anything, couldn't, breathless and gasping, screaming. He nodded as best he could, shoved back as hard as he could. The pleasure was spectacular.

  Teeth fastened on his shoulder, biting deep, Lee's thrusts wild and jerky. He screamed, not even his hand able to muffle the sound as his come hit the wall. Heat filled him, Lee pushing hard against his shoulder. He collapsed against the wall, panting, trying to find his breath as shivers went through him.

  Lee held him, supported him, licked him as they floated down. "Mine."

  "Oh, yes, Lee." He purred, head falling back against his Mate.

  He was nuzzled, a low purr sounding. "Love you."

  "Love you. Mate." He felt good. Sated and boneless. Right.

  "Shopping. No sleeping." Lee pulled away, a soft groan leaving his Mate as they separated. He whimpered, turning to get a kiss. Lee took his mouth, the kisses overwhelming and sharp. "You will best me one day, but not today, Rex. I am still strong today."

  He purred. "I know. So strong, my Mate. You make me hungry."

  "Good." Lee grinned, chuckling. "Now. Shopping. Milk. Eggs. Food."

  "Then we go home and fuck."

  "Yes. Then we go home and fuck." Lee winked. "Again."

  "Good." He headbutted Lee and then took off, laughing as he headed for the grocery store.

  ~Chapter Seven~

  There was a mouse.

  In the midst of their home.

  A mouse.

  Rex stalked and pounced and ran and slammed into walls and slid around corners. He was having the time of his life. He was currently waiting. Back end up and vibrating as he staked out the wee beast's hole in the wall.

  A shadow fell across the hall, familiar, large, Lee's eyes glowing in the darkness, fangs white. A soft low rumble sounded, Lee watching the hole, whiskers twitching.

  His butt twitched harder. His mouse. His.

  He growled warningly. Lee tilted his head, lip curling. Then his Mate settled, stretching out along the baseboard. He watched Lee for a moment and scooted closer to the hole.


  Lee chuffed softly and inched a little closer, eyes twinkling. He growled again and slid a few inches closer himself, putting his paw near the hole. One black paw stretched out, claws showing.

  He whimpered, nose flaring. His tail switched. His Mate's tail answered his, sliding along the floor, thumping. Probably scaring his mouse.

  He growled, hissed. Quiet!

  Those bright green eyes widened, then narrowed. He got exactly one breath before Lee pounced him, biting his ass hard before loping down the hallway.

  He vibrated in place. Torn. The mouse or revenge.

  The mouse.


  With a growl he left the mouse hole behind in his dust, going after his Mate.

  Lee tackled him as he rounded the corner, bit his ass, and then took off again, tearing up the stairs. No. Bounding up the fucking stairs. Growling, he took them four at a time. Intent on his new prey. He caught a glimpse of Lee's tail, disappearing through an open door. He gave chase, paws skittering on the floor as he rounded the door.

  He got pounced again, this time with a happy purr, the heavy, thick body thudding against him. He growled. Damn it. Lee probably would have caught the damn mouse anyway. He headbutted Lee and then lay back, enjoying the feeling of that heavy body against him.

  Lee licked his face, his ears, snuggling into him, purring loud. Those green eyes watched him, almost glowing with passion, with pleasure. With joy. And it was all for him.

  He purred, headbutting Lee again and then shifting, stretching, offering himself to his Mate. A rough, wet tongue slid along his belly, scraping over his nipples. He jerked and moaned, nipples and cock going hard. Lee purred, the motion repeated, his Mate tasting him, lapping at his skin.

  "Oh, fuck, Lee." He whimpered, hands sliding into Lee's fur, holding on tight. Another purr, then those muscles rippled beneath his fingers. Lee's tongue slid over his hip, over his balls, over his shaft.

  Bucking, he pushed up into the licks. The licking continued, brushing over his cock, over the sensitive head, over his balls. Rough and warm, Lee's tongue sent him soaring, made him shiver and whimper, hips starting to rock. That black pelt was silken, soft against him, the tongue nowhere near as soft and twice as hot. His legs spread and he whimpered again, begging for more. Lee's cheeks slid along his inner thighs, breath panting against his balls, his ass, then that tongue slid again.

  He screamed, pushing against Lee's tongue. Again and again, his
Mate laved and licked at him, nuzzling and nipping, driving him mad.

  "Lee! Please..." He was writhing, bucking, needing. Lee settled, tongue moving faster, harder, purrs filling the air. Whimpers and moans and needy sounds filled the air, coming from him. The sounds were hungry, Lee licking, lapping at the tip of his cock, feeding from him. He twisted Lee's fur, trying to get more.

  Lee rumbled, slowly morphing, tight sucking mouth pushing over his cock, pulling hard. He screamed, bucking up, hips pushing his cock deeper into Lee's mouth as his fingers slid through his Mate's hair. His Mate shifted, turning until that long, hard prick brushed his cheek, leaving a wet trail. His mouth opened and he reached for Lee's prick, wrapping his lips around the side of it, licking and sucking.

  Lee jerked, moaning loud around his dick, head moving faster, bobbing against him.

  He brought his hand up and got the tip of Lee's dick into his mouth and sucked the rest right in, pulling hard while he could, before Lee made him forget everything. Sharp and strong, Lee's prick leaked for him, proving his Mate's need even as that mouth proved Lee's hunger. He wrapped his hands around Lee, holding his lover's ass, squeezing as he sucked. He moved his own hips without thought, pressing up into Lee's mouth over and over.

  Oh, so good! They made a wild circle of want, of need, of lust. Lee sucked and he kissed and they fed and growled and purred and it was good.

  Screaming wasn't an option, but he tried anyway as Lee's mouth pulled his orgasm out of him. Lee drank him down, mouth so hot, pulling out every second of pleasure. He shuddered and shook and it was only when the last aftershock went through him that he started sucking Lee's cock with renewed fervor.

  "Rrrrrrrrrrex! Mate! Love!" Lee's voice was no more than a needy growl, so feral, such pure sex.

  He sucked harder, tongue sliding along Lee's cock. Soft cries sounded, mixed with purrs and sobs, Lee's hips rocking, pushing, needing him. He swallowed around the tip of Lee's shaft, pulling as much of his Mate into himself as he could.

  Lee growls were sharp, fierce, desperate. "Soon. Please."

  He growled in return, sending vibrations along his Mate's cock. The pulse of seed was hot, sharp, so male upon his tongue. He swallowed again and again, taking Lee's essence into himself, marked by the burning seed.

  His Mate purred, cuddled close, licking his thigh. "Good."

  "Yes, Mate. Good." He rubbed his face against Lee's heat.

  "Love you." Lee rolled and stretched, groaning.

  "Love you, Mate." He morphed and curled up around Lee, purring.

  His Mate changed, started grooming, tongue running over his pelt. His purring grew louder.

  Sometimes it was better to be hunter.

  With Lee it was better to be Prey.


  There'd been rumors filtered down through drifters that Diego was sending scouts to Edgetown. That the Centreville Alpha was planning a little takeover. Rex had followed the rumors back to the Bakers, just outside of Edgetown. The rumors weren't wrong, he'd run into two of Diego's lieutenants, nosing about. He'd taken them by surprise, and he wasn't the kit who'd left Centreville. He'd sent them home with scratches across their noses and their tails between their legs.

  Not without a cost, though. His leather pants were the only reason he wasn't bleeding to death and he was terrified of what was going to happen when he took them off. He drove straight to the Pride, unsure where Leah was, needing his mate more than a doctor anyway.

  He nearly fell off his bike, but he did manage to get it parked, the engine turned off and then dragged himself up the stairs. Joseph was guarding the door. The surprise in the man's eyes was the last thing he saw as he collapsed.

  The sound of constant growling filled the air, furious and low, He could smell his Mate. Close and strong and raging.


  The growls stopped, the scent of love and Mate stronger. "Shh... No talking, kit. Leah's got you all patched up, yeah? You're going to be fine."

  Warm familiar hands stroked his face, lips moving over him.

  He wanted to just relax, just drift in Lee's love, but... "Diego's men... at Bakers."

  A dark, furious roar sounded, the sounds of breaking glass filling the air.

  Leah's familiar scent came close. "I'm going to give you something, Rex. It'll make the pain stop. You'll be fine."

  "Wait! Sent them home. But someone... needs to watch. Lee! Diego needs watching." He whimpered, needing Lee.

  A series of short, sharp snarls sounded, ringing through the room, then his Mate was there, furry and purring, tongue sliding over his skin. He whimpered, turning to bury his face in the soft fur, tears finally coming. The purrs were endless, the comfort and warmth cradling him, surrounding him. Lee's presence was everywhere, loving him. He wrapped one arm around Lee, holding on, holding tight.

  The growls and purrs echoed with the soft calls of "Mate" and "Mine" and "Love" and "Need" and "Pride". Again and again Lee sang to him. He floated there, healing as Leah's drugs and Lee's love worked on him.

  He wasn't sure how long he dozed, how long he floated with Lee holding him and purring, calling for him, for his health, but the strength of the Beast and the healing power of his Mate poured over him, easing him.

  However long it was, he finally opened his eyes, searching for his mate.

  Lee was curled at the end of the bed, stroking his leg, whispering with Joseph and Jenna. None of them looked like they'd slept in days, pale and drawn and worried.

  "Lee..." He called out to his mate, but it was little more than a croak. Thirsty, he was so thirsty.

  Six eyes looked over at him and Lee moved, so fast he couldn't keep track of his Mate. "Mate. You should rest. Jenna. Water."

  "Need you," he muttered, hand reaching out, searching for the warmth of his Mate's skin.

  "Shh..." Lee kissed his shoulder, moving until he was resting on those strong thighs, a straw placed to his lips. He felt better immediately, drinking down the water, feeling it rush into his stomach. Jenna stopped him from taking too much and he growled. Lee rumbled. "Easy, kit. You don't want to tear your stitches puking, yeah?"


  "Just a few dozen. You were cut pretty bad. Healing quick though. Leah says you're strong, stronger than she imagined." Jenna gave him another little drink.

  "Diego? Bakers? The Pride is safe, right?"

  "You don't worry, Mate. Diego will pay for his insult." Lee's eyes flashed, a low growl sounding.

  "Mate... the Pride needs you here." He reached for Lee, grabbing his Mate's hand. "I need you here."

  Lee nuzzled him, taking his hand. "Diego needs to understand he cannot interfere, cannot enter my territory, my Prideland."

  He held as tightly as he could to Lee's hand. "I sent them away, Lee. With their tails between their legs. Two on one and they could not defeat me. Diego won't like those odds -- he'll stay away."

  Those bright eyes sparked. "So strong, my Mate. They're already scaring their kits with your name."

  He laughed, hardly wincing at all with the pain. "If they are so scared of me, imagine how they feel about my mate, the Alpha of Edgetown. They must know you as the fierce Beast you are."

  "Yes. And they will shudder soon when I tear Diego's throat out and smear his blood along the streets."

  He growled, the sound low and dangerous. "I would like to see that, Mate."

  He was nuzzled, Lee licking and nibbling his fingers, purring. Sensation moved through him, sweet need responding to his mate's touch.

  "You need to sleep. Joseph and I need to do rounds, Mate." Kisses brushed his forehead, his brow.

  "You're leaving?" He clung to Lee's hand.

  "Shh... I'll be close by. Samuel will watch you." Lee leaned in, gave him a soft kiss. "I love you, Mate."

  "Samuel isn't you," he pointed out with a pout.

  "No. And if Diego sends out more men? Would you rather Samuel meet them, or me?"

  "He wouldn't dare." But he let his pout go, let Lee's hand g
o. No one could protect the Pride like Lee could.

  "I will not risk us all, Mate. I will be close." His hand was squeezed, then Lee moved away, the air around the Alpha crackling with violence.

  He watched Lee go, worry and pride and arousal all wrapping up within him.


  Five nights since his mate was attacked. Five. Five nights and between him and Joseph and Jenna? They'd taken down three scouts, leaving one alive with a message torn into its pelt, into its face.


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