
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 34

  "G....good? Good Rishi? Good Raj?" Rishi's voice was low, husky.

  He nodded, reaching back to stroke Rishi, almost surprised at skin instead of fur under his fingers. "Yes. Good Rishi. Good Malik. Thank you."

  Malik nudged the hand that held the brush, letting him know he was derelict in his duties. He went back to brushing, turning to look at Rishi out of the corner of his eye -- the young tiger really did make a beautiful, if wild looking man.

  "Why do you like the brushing so much?"

  "F...f...feels like loving."

  "Oh..." His hand stilled for a moment and then resumed brushing Malik.

  "Is... is bad?" Rishi looked confused, nostrils flaring.

  "No. No -- I am just surprised."

  He got another confused look. "But... But Rishi is here. No hiding and pouncing and surprising."

  He chuckled. "I just... I did not think that... you would accept anything from me that was like loving. I am just a man."

  "Yes." Rishi nodded, enthusiastically. "Our Mans. Mine and my Raj's Man."

  Malik grumbled, a low rough sound, and licked his foot.

  He stopped brushing, surprised again. Oddly... pleased.

  Rishi leaned close, licked his cheek, whispering. "Brush. My Raj has very big teeth." Yes. And Malik chose that moment to show them, grumbling again.

  He started brushing again, a little frisson going up along his spine. He wasn't sure though if it was from fear of those teeth or the licks bestowed upon him by Malik and Rishi.

  Rishi kept rubbing and purring, cheeks sliding against his skin, fingers smoothing his hair.


  A shiver went through him, pleasure sparking somewhere deep within his belly, feelings that he had thought dead to him forever surging through him. Another bass rumble came from Malik and suddenly the big cat was half in his lap, rough tongue scraping his chin in thanks. He scratched at Malik's ears.

  Rishi leaned over his shoulder, blinking down into Malik's eyes, purring.

  Strong teeth closed over his hand, so gently that he barely felt them, and Malik let go, pushing off him and wandering off toward the pool.

  Rishi nuzzled his cheek once more, then moved away, giving him a glimpse of an aroused young man before the tiger appeared, bounding towards Malik, tail dancing in the long grasses.

  He watched for a moment and then turned away, giving them their privacy, watching the grasses moving with the wind.

  ~Chapter Nine~


  Quietsneaking. Quietsneaking. Quietsneaking.

  Get Ready.

  Wiggle wiggle.


  He let the butteryfly go. They tasted bleh and were much more fun to...

  Oooh... Something in the grass...

  Sniff. Sniffsnifflisten.

  Quietsneaking. Quietsneaking. Quietsneaking.

  Get Ready. Wiggle wiggle. Pounce!

  His Raj's roar was very very very very much more loud than a butteryfly when his Raj was sleeping and was pounced.


  Rishi ran hard. Maybe his Raj would think their Man was pouncing...

  Or maybe not.

  His Raj was right on his tail. He could feel Malik's breath.

  He jumped, figuring if he went up, Malik would run right under him and then think Rishi went poof.

  Unfortunately, Malik was... long.

  He knocked his head on Malik's hindquarters, their whole home spinning in a big circle.

  Oh. Ow. No More Jumping.

  Immediately, Malik was there, nuzzling him, licking him gently.

  He blinked and then he Blinked. Oh. Better.

  Rishi moved closer, dragging his belly, purring. His Raj was so good to him, licking and purring even when he maybe, possibly, almost pounced the fine, long sleeping tail completely on accident.

  A soft lick to his face and a low purr were his reward, Malik soothing him.

  Oh. Oh, his Raj...

  Rishi rolled onto his back, purring low and happy, his pleasure just filling the whole air.

  Malik stroked one cheek along his soft belly fur, sharing their scent.

  He stretched out until his insides all unknotted and just were warm with wanting, claws scratching the winds.

  His Malik was happy too, the sounds coming from his Raj warm and rumbly and pleased. Malik moved over him, licking and nibbling at him, heavy weight sliding down atop him.

  Oh. Oh. Oh. His Raj made his eyes rolly, his breath heavy and faster.

  Before long, Malik was pulling away, urging him to roll over before that weight settled on him again, tail twining with his.

  He leaned up, rubbing against Malik, purring and rumblings growing louder, needier. His Raj. His beautiful Malik. His most wonderful mate.

  Sharp teeth closed on the back of his neck as Malik pushed against him, low growls flowing over him.

  His claws dug into the ground, stretching out. Each growl was in him, moving inside his belly like butteryflies, but big.

  So Big.

  Big like his Raj.

  So good and warm and it smelled like his Raj only more, and Malik rocked him forward, purring and grunting.

  Together they growled and rumbled and purred, singing together, loud and happy, telling the land and the beasts and the birds and the fishes that they were mates and they loved here.

  Oh. Oh, yes. Right here.

  His Raj roared, the sound full of fierce satisfaction, letting Rishi know how good it was, how pretty he was, how pleased Malik was with him. That sound -- the warmgoodwildlovingRishi sound sank into his fur and pushed heat from him, claws digging in, his own roar answering.

  They rested together, panting in the heat, Malik licking the spot where those big teeth had sunk in.

  He found one of Malik's paws, licking and nuzzling, purring so loud that his whole self vibrated.

  Malik answered with purrs just as loud, proud, happy sounds, and the claws in the paw he licked flicked in and out.

  Oh, his Raj was the best Raj, the finest, strongest, loudest...


  His Malik.


  Their man was... quiet. Not that he wasn't always that way, but he had been better, offering to brush Rishi often, chattering while he did. Well. Offering when Rishi went to him and leaned on his legs and demanding a brushing.

  Malik wondered. Perhaps Lynn had not liked brushing him, because ever since then, the man seemed more like he was to begin with. Quiet.

  Concentrating hard, Malik brought forth his man self, and went to find fruit. Perhaps that would make the man happy. He found three ripe fruits and brought them to Lynn's walls, sitting next to the man and offering them silently.

  "Oh. Thank you, Malik." Lynn gave him a smile, hand lingering as the fruit was taken. "Thank you."

  Watching the man carefully, Malik nodded. "You... are you well?"

  Lynn blinked. "Well? Yes, I am fine."

  "You have been very quiet, Lynnnn."

  "There hasn't been anyone to talk to."

  That made him sigh. Men were so... they could not address anything directly. They had to talk around things, and deliberately misunderstand. "You talked to us before. What have we done?"

  Lynn looked away. "You have done nothing."

  "But you are sad?" He put a hand to Lynn's leg, trying to get the man to look at him.

  The man went very still for a moment, staring down at his hand. Then Lynn looked up at him and there was something in his eyes, sadness or regret, some man emotion he couldn't quite read. "I am lonely."

  Well. He did not know what to say to that. He and Rishi tried, but honestly sometimes they forgot to be men, and talk to Lynn, and it was their fault he was there, so it was their fault he was lonely. "I am sorry."

  "It isn't your fault. And I know you and Rishi have tried, but it isn't the same thing. You both have each other, and I have no one. And I never will. I am a young man -- it is a long time to be alone."

  Malik frowned, his frustrated gro
wl making Rishi lift his head to look at them. "You are not alone. And you could ask when you wish to talk."

  Rishi's head tilted, the look in those gold eyes confused, curious.

  Lynn's eyes grew moist. "You do not understand me. I am not speaking of talking. I... "

  Oh. Oh, the man meant... "Oh." Lynn meant loving. He was lonely for a girl mans.

  The man blushed. "Yes. Oh."

  Malik pondered. He did not like for the mans to be unhappy, but this was a difficult problem. Finally, he nodded. "We will get you a girl mans."

  Rishi squeaked, eyes wide.

  "A girl mans? Oh! Oh." The man's cheeks got even redder. "Oh, you can't. I mean... I -- thank you, but I do not wish to have a girl mans."

  "But..." Oh, he would never understand. "You said you did not wish to be alone that way. The loving way." The obvious solution was a female.

  "Yes, but a girl would not be the solution. I... well, like you and Rishi, I prefer the companionship of a male."

  Rishi stood, rumbling softly, hackles raised as he stalked up and settled square in Malik's lap, the claim clear.

  "Oh." Brows drawing together, Malik growled some more, just because. "Then what is wrong? Rishi and I are males." It made perfect sense to him. They would just help Lynn when he was lonely.

  "But you have each other," the man said, nodding at Rishi in his lap.

  Malik chuckled. "Rishi likes the loving, though. He will help."

  Rishi nuzzled his belly, cheek sliding along his thigh, marking him.

  Perhaps help was a strong term.

  "Just like that?"

  There was something in Lynn's look or voice that gave him pause. Not that he wished to take his offer back. He just... worried that he had been too quick to offer. Scratching Rishi's ears, Malik shrugged. "We do not want you to be unhappy."

  His Rishi purred, stretching under his touch, eyes closing to slits.

  "I would not come between you." Malik was silent, petting Rishi easily, letting the young one's purrs soothe him. How could he explain that nothing could come between them? Lynn smiled sadly at him. "You do not have to do anything. I am lucky to be alive and not dead like my master. I should not complain. Some days it is just hard."

  Rishi groaned, rolling over and licking Lynn's hand. The young one was not the most patient and the scent of unhappiness made his mate twitchy.

  "We do not need to talk about it anymore if you do not wish to." Right then, at any rate. "Will you swim with us?"

  "Oh, yes. I would like that."

  Malik nodded. "Then we will swim. And I will be a mans and talk to you." The rest? They would settle later.


  It wasn't so bad really.

  And Malik and Rishi were trying very hard to include him in things. Well, Malik was and Rishi was always happy to be brushed and to return the grooming favor. He was even growing used to smelling like tiger spit.

  The hardest part was seeing Malik and Rishi together. So happy. And he didn't begrudge them their happiness, it just rather illuminated his own state.

  He'd come upon them earlier, out in the water, playing and rubbing, one thing obviously about to lead to another and he'd fled back to his home to curl up in his cloak.

  A noise sounded, a coughing, barking, unhappy sound that Lynn knew was Rishi, searching for him.

  He took a deep breath and considered hiding where he was -- he knew Rishi did not like it when he was unhappy. But if the big cat was looking for him, eventually Rishi would come and knock his walls down to find him.

  He let the air out in a sigh and found a smile for his face, stepping out of his shelter.

  Rishi was pacing, fluffy and toothy and rumbling, eyes looking at him, curious, almost hurt.

  He frowned. "What's the matter, Rishi -- oh! Of course, my brush."

  He returned to the shelter and his small box of belongings, pulling the brush out.

  The light flickered and then Rishi, thin and human and very very male stood in his shelter. "Llllllynn."

  "Rishi!" He gave the man a happy smile. It was not often that Rishi would become a man, especially without Malik's example and encouragement.

  "Oh! Is something wrong with Malik?" he asked as it suddenly occurred to him.

  "Nnnno. No. Wrong with Llllllynn."

  He shook his head. "No, I'm fine, Rishi."

  He held the brush tightly in his hands to keep from reaching out to touch Rishi's lovely skin.

  Rishi frowned, moving closer, nostrils flaring. "No. No fine." The soft, smooth cheek brushed his as Rishi scented him. "No fine."

  Oh. Rishi's skin was soft and warm and so very human. Such a beautiful young man. With a fierce and very large lover.

  "I am physically quite well," he said quietly, voice rough, clutching the brush quite hard.

  A soft, curious noise tickled his jaw. "No. Man wants." The soft tongue slid over his skin. "Yesssssssss. Wants."

  He gasped, swaying slightly at the intimate touch. His shaft was suddenly hard, aching. They could smell his unhappiness, why would he think they could not smell his desire as well? "I'm sorry. No offence is meant."

  "Offfffence?" Rishi was purring, nuzzling yet closer, body so warm.

  "I... you... Malik..." He swallowed, breath growing shallow. His hands twitched, wanting desperately to reach out and touch, hold, arouse. "You already have a mate."

  "There is no need to be sorry." Another, larger body crowded him from behind, Malik's breath stirring his hair.

  Rishi's purr grew louder, breath and lips hot on his skin.

  "Oh..." A shudder moved through him as the brush dropped from his hands. His eyes closed and he might have fallen, except they held him between them. "Oh, please," he whispered, head tilting slightly, lips parting.

  "Please." Rishi snuggled closer, skin so soft, so hot, Malik heated and strong behind him.

  "Yes. You need." Malik's voice was a low growl.

  His hands were trembling as they reached up, sliding over Rishi's arms. So warm. So smooth and such muscles beneath the silky skin. He licked his lips, leaning forward, begging a kiss.

  Rishi's eyes flicked to Malik for a heartbeat before those soft lips covered his in an eager, joyous kiss. Behind him Malik reached around to hold Rishi's arms, pulling them all together. A sob left his throat, his mouth opening wide to Rishi. Rishi's tongue pressed into his mouth, licking and tasting, purrs becoming more audible, vibrating them.

  He clutched tight to Rishi's arms, rubbing between their bodies, only his trous keeping them from being entirely indecent.

  His whole world became warm skin and rough purring, Malik rubbing against him from behind. Rishi's shaft was a brand against his belly, wet-tipped and hard, moving sure and steady. Malik's was even hotter against his back.

  How long had it been since his body had seen any relief? Too long. With another sob his release was upon him and his seed spilled into his leggings.

  Malik soothed him, soft touches to his back and hips easing his shudders, lips moving on his neck. Rishi's purrs grew sweet, the touch of tongue against his belly as Rishi dropped to his knees even sweeter. His hands slid through the shock of hair on Rishi's head, another shudder going through him at the softness -- just like fur.

  He let Malik support him, leaning against the tiger-man's strength. The purring intensified once more, Malik pushing at his trous, trying to get them off.

  Rishi helped, fingers curling into the waistband, mouth busy. His fingers were trembling as he undid the buttons on his trous, his body still wanting, still needy after such a long famine from sensation and intimacy. The tongue that cleaned him was soft, hot, his entire groin lapped and laved and tasted, Rishi visibly vibrating. "Oh my sweet Lord. So good. Oh, Rishi... yes."

  "He likes how you taste, Lynn." Malik chuckled against his skin, making him shiver.

  "Yes, I like it, too." The words ended on a moan, another shudder going through him.

  His sacs were explored, nuzzled, Rishi's fingers trailing throug
h his curls. So very long. It had been so very long since any had touched him as they did now, Malik pushing against his buttocks, hands sliding between he and Rishi to find his prick.

  He reached back, hand sliding over Malik's skin as his other hand buried in Rishi's hair. Small whimpers filled his shelter, brought out of him by these two tiger-men.


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