
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 35

  Rishi's mouth moved over Malik's fingers, lapping at them, wetting them. The wetness made Malik's fingers slide against him easily, helped ease the way for those hands to touch him. He was so hard again, body beginning to rock into Malik's hold, trembling with each new touch of tongue.

  "Sssssso Good." The words were husky, Rishi moving to lick at the tip of his need.

  He cried out, hips bucking. "Yes. Good. Good."

  "Sweet Lynn." Malik growled, hands moving fast.

  He clutched at Malik's thigh, Rishi's hair, whimpering and gasping, body moving with Malik's hand, caught deep inside the sensations. A moan brushed over the tip of his cock, tongue pushing into the slit in his shaft, tasting him. He shouted out, a wordless cry as he spilled his seed once again.

  Rishi whimpered, licking, nudging Malik's hand with his cheek.

  "Oh. Smells so good." Malik rubbed his seed into his skin, into the skin of Rishi's neck.

  "Oh... the two of you... so sensual." He slid his hand along Malik's hip. He had found completion twice and his companions had not arrived even once. It was time he proved he could give as well as take.

  Malik moaned, the sound a cross between a growl and a purr, and pushed harder against him.

  "Raj..." Rishi's voice was sharp with need, the young man panting against him, shivering.

  "What can I do for you?" he asked, wanting to be a part of it, but understanding that they might want to be with each other for their own completion.

  Without answering, Malik shoved him back deeper inside his little house, to his pallet, pushing him down. A single growl brought Rishi to them, and once again he was surrounded by heated flesh and deep, vibrating purrs. "Touch," Malik said and reached out to Rishi.

  Rishi undulated, eyes shining and golden, the long body dancing and twisting under Malik's touch, against his skin.

  He reached out, one hand on each man, moaning softly at the sensation of skin beneath his fingertips.

  They touched and tasted, both tiger men vocal in their pleasure, low sounds filling his ears. Malik finally made an impatient noise, though, and moved, so fast, pushing him onto his back, putting Rishi atop him, straddling him. Then Malik moved behind Rishi, covering him as if they were still cats.

  He gasped, unable to fathom that his body would be ready again for a climax, but he was hard, shaft sliding alongside Rishi's. Rishi growled, pushing back, head falling forward and exposing the skin of his nape. Malik drove them all hard, pushing Rishi against him, and he could see Malik bite down on Rishi's vulnerable skin, could see those big hands leaving bruises on Rishi's hips. Panting, he pushed his hips up, meeting Rishi's body every time Malik thrust. It was wild and fierce and felt amazing.

  The roar that preceded the splash of heat on his belly was deafening, wild and free and so happy.

  It made him jerk and bite his lip, his shaft twitching and spilling a little seed as his climax moved along his spine.

  Only when both he and Rishi were spent did Malik roar, shaking them both with the force of the last thrusts he made as he spilled into Rishi's body. Malik and Rishi fell together, sliding to one side of him, Rishi pressed up against his side.

  Then it was quiet but for their harsh breathing.

  The skin against him grew furry, warmer, the purrs steady and strong as Rishi stretched between them, tail moving.

  He stroked Rishi, petting the big tiger, wordlessly thanking the beast. He reached back, petting Malik's skin as well, so different from the fur of Rishi.

  Low and rumbly, Malik's voice reached him just before he drifted to sleep. "Smell better."

  Well, he supposed that was a good thing. His body certainly thought so.

  Sated and entirely relaxed for the first time since... he'd left England with Lord Ledringham.

  His eyes closed and he joined the others in sleep.


  He woke up in Lynn's box, the air hot and dark and heavy with scents and breathing.

  He knew the smells, knew his Raj, their Man, but...





  He started backing up, tail swishing, looking for the way out into the big sky with his Rock.

  Rishi did fine, until his back paw stepped on someone and things started moving and making the small box a very small box.

  Then things got... well... loud and snarly.

  Snarly and screamy and finally a huge body hit his and they rolled right out of the box and onto the ground outside where he could see the sky.



  He bounced up and stretched, roaring happily, watching as the silly birds who were standing on his Rock flew away.

  Stupid birds. They were just napping.

  Him and his Raj and their Man.

  So there!


  Malik roared as well, his Raj's voice very loud, and then Malik jumped at him, rolling him over and over.

  Their Man came out of the silly box, rubbing at one arm, pulling on the silly man coverings.

  He nipped at Malik's ear, bounding away to pounce Lynn and lick before going to hunt Malik's tail.

  Or Malik's ears.

  Either worked.

  Lynn went down beneath him. "Oof!"

  Rishi licked. Oof. Oof.

  Man's words were weird.


  But fun.

  While he was distracted with the man's words, Malik had been stalking his own tail, he knew so because suddenly very sharp teeth nipped the tip of it.

  He leapt at Malik, all teeth and claws and roaring and, oh, this was So Good Playing!

  His Raj rolled and growled and bit, and sprang away, running, tail taunting him as Malik hid behind Lynn.

  He squatted down, muscles bunching, getting ready to pounce.

  "Oh, sweet Lord and saints preserve me!" Lynn cringed and closed his eyes tight.

  He pounced, leaping hard and landing on Malik's hindquarters.


  Lynn squeaked and said "oof" again.

  Malik growled, the sound happy rather than fierce, and turned to pounce back. Which squished Lynn between them.

  Lynn really enjoyed that Oof word. It must mean Happy So Good Tigers.

  And their Man was playing now too, wriggling and pushing, making gaspy noises.

  Oh! So good, to play with his Raj and their Man, and Malik must think so too, for his Raj licked and romped and bounced with him.

  He happily munched on Malik's back leg, scooting his tail and hind end from the swipe of those heavy claws.

  Lynn oofed again and scrambled away.



  Rishi headbutted Malik and they both started stalking.

  Taking off to the left, his Raj disappeared into the grass, only the tip of that long tail telling Rishi where he was.

  Lynn was heading toward the river, acting as if he did not know Rishi and Malik were stalking him.

  Rishi herded their pre... their Man toward an open spot where his Raj could pounce.

  The grasses stopped waving, his Raj's tail disappearing, and Rishi wanted to bounce. That meant his Raj was really trying to surprise their Man.

  He didn't bounce though. Not even a little bounce.

  Well, maybe a tiny bounce.

  He nipped at their Man's heels, moving Lynn where his Raj needed.

  Lynn was easily herded, making a tsking noise, but going in the direction he wanted. "I thought you and Malik were playing."

  He chuffed, tongue lolling.




  Lynn moved right toward the river, just like he knew Malik would want. His Raj was very brave, going under the water, because everyone knew water got in your eyes and your nose and that snappy things lived there. Still his Raj hunted from the water often.

  His Raj was the bravest.

  And strongest.

  And loudest.

  And wettest.

  Just as Lynn turned to tsk at him again, Malik burst up out of the water very fast, roaring loud, right at Lynn's knees.

  Lynn shrieked, stumbling back and tripping over him, falling over him.

  Rishi pounced and licked, nuzzling Lynn before letting Malik have his prey.

  Malik shook very hard and water flew everywhere, and then his Raj claimed the prey, standing over their Man and licking Lynn's throat, very carefully.

  Lynn gasped and breathed hard. "Oh... Oh, it's you. Took a year off my life, I'm sure."

  He wandered over and started grooming his Raj, their Man, purring.

  His Raj dripped all over Lynn, purring too, tail twining with his.

  "Well I suppose it is a good thing I was headed for a bath in the first place."

  Rishi chuffed, headbutting Malik easily. Bathtime!

  Turning, Malik pushed him toward the water before turning back to take Lynn's wrist carefully into that big mouth and pull.

  Their Man chuckled. "Yes, Malik, I am coming."

  Rishi backed in carefully, purring at the lovely coolness.

  Lynn gave him a look and then ran in and began to splash a very very lot.



  Oh, that was...

  He closed his eyes tighttighttight and pounced, water spraying everywhere.

  So there.


  Their Man's laughing smelled good.

  ~Chapter Ten~

  Their Man seemed much happier. Really very much happier, as Rishi would say. Which made Rishi happier because Lynn did not smell bad. Which made Malik happier, because Rishi did not grumble and he could bathe and nap mostly undisturbed.

  This was good.

  The one thing Lynn seemed to have trouble with still was the oofing. Rishi tended to pounce the much smaller man as if he were another tiger, and that was. Well. Lynn was not a tiger,

  So Malik was teaching Lynn to stalk Rishi for a change. Rishi, who was in the shadow of his rock, sleeping happily on his back, feet running in the air as if he chased butterflies in his dream.

  Malik was on his belly, creeping up on Rishi, and he looked back over the tip of his tail at Lynn, growling softly for their Man, who was learning to be very quiet, but was slow because of it.

  Lynn was sweating, teeth biting his lower lip.

  Their Man looked so serious!

  Malik had a sudden urge to call off the hunt and lick Lynn all over, but that could wait. First Lynn would pounce Rishi. They were close enough, now, and Lynn was next to him, and he nuzzled Lynn's cheek.

  Lynn gave him a smile that was only a little nervous. "Are you sure he won't think I'm attacking him?" Lynn whispered very quietly.

  He purred, nudging Lynn forward. He would protect their Man if Rishi got too rambunctious.

  Lynn took a deep breath and another step, closed his eyes and jumped.

  Rishi's eyes opened before Lynn's feet left the ground, but his Rishi waited, roaring and jumping in playful surprise as Lynn landed on that soft, white belly.

  Lynn laughed, wriggling on Rishi, fingers digging in to scratch.

  Oh. He was so proud of his Rishi, and of Lynn as well, and Malik bounced almost as well as Rishi, going to them to reward Lynn with soft purrs and licks, and Rishi with a quick nibble. Rishi stretched up, purring loud and strong, the scent of lazy pleasure strong, hanging in the air like falling feathers.

  Lynn laughed and rubbed and scratched and the scent of their Man slowly grew muskier, stronger as need joined the happiness.

  Malik licked along Lynn's back, loving the taste of happiness and Rishi on their Man's skin. So much better than fear and sadness.

  Their Man gasped, laughter cutting off for a moan. "Oh... Oh, sweet lord."

  Rishi purred and licked their Man's chest, tongue dragging over the nipples, Rishi's laughter soft, merry. His own purrs came loud and strong. The trousers Lynn wore were in the way, though, and Malik pawed at them.

  Lynn gasped again, twisting. "I don't... you're both... not men. Oh!"

  The words ended on a moan, Lynn rubbing harder and harder against Rishi's belly.

  Rishi's tail slid against him, thumping and touching him as they tasted their Man, touched Lynn. So good, his Rishi, and he let the young one know with his sounds, and by twining tails, finally getting under Lynn's cloth and tasting his soft skin.

  "Oh, no, my trousers," murmured Lynn, but it didn't sound like a complaint and their Man's musk grew stronger, the rubbing faster.

  Rishi was growling, rumbling and rocking, tongue lapping at the curve of shoulder and throat.

  There was very soft skin at the base of Lynn's back, so unlike his, even when he was a man, and Malik rubbed his cheek there, marking it with scent. Their Man cried out loudly, seed spraying and filling the air with a so good scent.

  Rishi growled, teeth grazing Lynn's shoulder, just marking as the instinct to bite flared. Malik gave him a sort of warning growl, and bent to lick both Rishi and Lynn clean. Lynn, panting and gasping, gave a little jerk and a moan as his tongue slid over their Man's shaft and sacs.

  Rishi stretched, purring softly, paws kneading the air.

  "Oh, my," said Lynn, getting up and taking a few steps back. "Oh, dear. I... "

  Their Man made a bit of a squeaking noise and grabbed his torn coverings and fled back toward his shelter.

  Rishi turned, making nervous barking noises, nostrils flaring with worry.

  Men were strange. With a rough growl to reassure Rishi, Malik thought hard about man forms and felt himself change. He would have to go and speak to Lynn, see what was wrong.

  Rishi rumbled, cheek brushing along Malik's hip, nose pushing into his hand.

  He stroked Rishi's head. "He is unhappy, young one. I smell it." The little door on the shelter he had made Lynn was closed, and Malik only just remembered that he should knock on it.

  There was a sigh and then their Man called out. "It's open."

  When he went in he found Lynn sewing up the ripped trousers.

  "What is wrong, Lynn? I am sorry I hurt your cloth."

  Lynn shook his head. "It isn't that, Malik. I..." Their Man shook his head again. "I keep holding to my old world values when I should be making my own rules."

  Tilting his head, Malik scented the air. It was sad and... uncertain? "It did not feel good?"

  Lynn laughed and he got a true smile from their Man. "It felt very good, Malik -- quite wonderful, really. You see where I come from such things would be wrong -- more wrong than two men making love. To tell you the truth though, as I sit here and sew I have to wonder why I continue to allow myself to be ruled by a society I am no longer a part of."

  Their Man was so brave, so much more than Lynn thought himself. Malik sat next to Lynn, reaching out to touch his side, running his hand up and down. "Where I come from, where I lived once as a man, it would have been wrong too. But who is here to disapprove? Rishi?"

  Rishi's head popped in, the young one rumbling.

  Lynn chuckled. "I think the only thing Rishi disapproves of is this shelter and my clothes."

  Smiling, he reached out to Rishi. His dear young one had no doubt been listening for his name. "He would rather you went unclothed, yes."

  Rishi crawled in, belly low, slow and careful, to lay that soft chin in his lap.

  Lynn reached over to scratch Rishi behind the ears. "Yes, I imagine he would."

  Silky, beautiful fur his Rishi had, and Malik's hand met Lynn's on Rishi's head. "It would make it easier for me as well." He could not resist. "When I wish to lick you."

  Lynn's colour went high, but their Man looked pleased. "I do not wear my blouse very often anymore. Perhaps I will eschew wearing it altogether -- use it to patch my leggings."

  Rishi was purring, pushing closer, climbing over his legs and partially into Lynn's lap, heavy and hot and so soft. It seemed Rishi was happy with the idea of Lynn wearing less, just as he was. And comfort for Rishi always involved body weight


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