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Page 37

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  He purred, snuggling close to them, offering his Raj his nose again, tail sliding through the water.

  So Good.

  More cool water, but none in his eyes because Malik knew how water did not go in his eyes and then his Raj urged them out of the water. Out. So that they could all curl up together.

  Rishi purred, following his most wise and strong and beautiful Raj and their so good Man.

  "Would he be better off as a man do you think?" Lynn asked.

  "I... I would be better able to see if he has damaged himself. Rishi... can you?" Malik sounded worried. For him.

  He rumbled softly, thinking Very Hard.







  He stood, shaking his head, already missing his claws and tail. "Rrrrrrrrrrrrrraj."

  Lynn made the funny man-purring noise. "So lovely."

  "Oh." Soft and sweet, his Raj kissed his sore nose. "You will be good again very soon, Rishi." Malik smiled at Lynn. "He will be fine."

  Rishi leaned in, nuzzling, purring. He would be Good. He was a So Good Rishi.

  That rock? No. But him?

  Yes. So Good.

  "Oh, good! Then I won't feel bad for taking revenge for being soaked." Lynn had laughing in his voice.


  Rishi looked at his Raj.

  Silly man-words.

  Laughing, Malik nodded at Lynn, and suddenly they were rushing him toward the water again, holding his arms, and his two man legs got all tangled. Startled, he lost the Man-shape, his Real Self twisting and snarling, tail snapping.

  Lynn went down with a cry, rolling away from him.

  His Raj... his Raj disappeared under him, a sharp cry sounding.

  Rishi leapt away, roaring and confused, ears laid back flat.


  Not as Mean as that rock, but...

  Still Mean.

  "Oh dear. I am sorry, Rishi," their Man said. "It was meant in fun. You know -- playing?"

  "Rishi." Breathless and hoarse, his Raj sat up, hair sticking out all over. "Yes. Play."



  Stupid Mean rock, made him Grumpy.

  He shook and ruffled his fur, then hunkered down to pounce his Raj. He could play. Rishi's were Good at playing.

  "Oh dear, you might want to brace yourself, Malik. Or change before he pounces. Trust me."

  He wiggled his hindquarters, getting ready, and...




  Rishi knew playing.

  His Raj did not look like he wanted to play, though. His Raj looked like... like their Man did when he was being smooshed by both of he and Malik when they slept.

  Their Man was having fun though, chuckling.

  Rishi licked his Raj, a questioning purr sounding. All was Good, yes?

  Rishi was So Good?

  Strong fingers curled into his ruff as Malik gave him scratches. "Good, Rishi. My bright one."

  Oh. Oh, good.

  He purred and nuzzled, licking and lapping at his Raj, claws digging into the ground.

  Malik rubbed cheeks with him, purring happily. Then looking at their Man and whispering. "Rishi. Rishi, if you were a man again, we could do the loving with Lynn."


  Oh, that was a Good Idea.

  Especially since their Man would sometimes brush after loving and brushing was...


  He pushed himself back into the man-shape, cuddling into his Raj's arms.

  "Oh, wonderful," murmured Lynn, coming to them, hands warm on his man-pelt.

  His so-smart Raj pulled Lynn into their embrace and put all of their mouths together, licking at them.

  Their Man's fingers were so clever, always knowing how to touch to make him shiver.

  He purred, man-paws stroking their Man's fur, his Raj's fur. So warm. So good.

  So so good.

  "Llllllovely." That was a good word, tickled his tongue.

  Malik chuckled, no words coming from his Raj, just touches and sounds of joy.

  He pushed into Malik's kiss, licking Lynn's flavor from his Raj's mouth, then letting Lynn put the So Good Man taste back.

  Ever willing to lead, Malik twisted and turned and pulled them until he was on his back, their Man on top of him, and his Raj pushing them together.

  Lynn whimpered, licking at his lips and rubbing.

  He opened his lips, chasing Lynn's tongue, body rippling beneath the warm skin.

  Over Lynn's shoulder he could see Malik's blue eyes, bright and smiling at him, before Raj bent to bit at Lynn's neck, marking their Man, drawing forth his scent.

  Oh! Oh, good! He growled, arching and lifting his head to lick Malik's lips, lick Lynn's skin.

  Lynn whimpered, caught between them.

  "Good. Rishi. Lyyynnn. Good." Malik's hands slid from Lynn to him and back again, strong and hot.

  "Oh yes, so good," murmured Lynn.

  Rishi purred, nodding. So Good. Yes. Good. More.

  "Mmmm." Malik purred. "More." Suddenly Lynn went sliding down and back as Malik pulled him, ending with his head on Rishi's tummy. His Raj rumbled. "Put your mouth on him, Lynn?"

  Lynn gasped, sending breath sliding on his skin and then ohsohotandgood, Lynn's mouth took his shaft. His eyes went wide and he roared, stretching as the feelings washed over him. Oh. Oh.

  Malik disappeared behind their Man, and he could not see what his Raj was doing, but it made Lynn gasp and squirm, made a groan vibrate around him. Lynn's hands held his hips, so tight.

  He scratched at the ground, head shaking, calling out his pleasure again and again, roaring and barking at the heat chasing him.

  His Raj must be making Lynn feel good too, the way their Man moaned and held him and he knew what it felt like for Malik to put his mouth where it must be on their Man, and the thought made it even better.

  Lynn sucked harder, tongue moving over his shaft, quick like a butteryfly.

  Rishi jerked, body chasing the good feelings, pleasure leaping higher and higher.

  His Raj's face appeared once more, peering at him over Lynn's back, and Lynn moved against him as his beautiful Raj pushed into their Man, rocking all of them.

  Lynn's moans became constant around him, their man's head bobbing over his shaft with His Raj's movements.

  His eyes were locked with the bright blue of his Raj's, holding on to his man-shape desperately as he moaned.

  "Now, Rishi. Please now." The words were more growl than man sound, but he heard and understood. The scent of his Raj's seed came to him strong, and Malik roared, pushing Lynn down on him hardtightgood.

  The splash of their Man's pleasure hit his legs.

  He roared, pouring his need into their Man's lips, the whole sky so blue.

  They all wrapped together like cubs in a litter, so warm and good and right. "My good Rishi," Malik said, petting him. "My Lynn."

  Lynn made that silly man purr, but it meant that Lynn thought he was a so good Rishi too.

  He purred loud, leaning up to beg a kiss from his Raj.

  Malik gave him a deep, lazy kiss, tongue moving over his lips and into his mouth, deep purrs sounding.

  "Mmm..." So happy. He was so happy.

  So happy so good Rishi.

  So there.



  Sleeping, Lynn had discovered, was quite high on the tigers' priority list.

  Of course, given how hot it was, there were many hours in a day where sleeping, or at least lying lazily about, was the best one could hope for.

  He didn't sleep as much as Malik and Rishi did, so he would take the time when they were asleep and he was not to mend his clothing, or explore the area he had come to think of as "theirs".

  He usually stayed out of the water unless one of the tigers were with him and he made sure he knew how to get back if he ventured out across the grasses.

>   It was a slow, easy pace and he found himself becoming used to it, enjoying it.

  He certainly didn't miss the cold and damp of an English winter.

  Thinking about it made him wonder if it was Christmas yet. He hadn't been tracking the days here at all. Which meant no Christmas, no Queen's birthday, no birthday celebration for himself either. That line of thought led to depression, so he shook himself and settled to watch the sun set over the savannah. The sight never failed to move him.

  The sensation of being watched tickled at the back of his neck and he noted two, dancing golden eyes staring at him from the grass. Waiting patiently for him to notice so that the playing could commence.

  Malik had been firm with Rishi, explaining that the tiger could only play when Lynn was ready. Of course, Rishi considered any eye contact whatsoever as indication of ready.

  Muscles bunching, he leapt toward Rishi; he'd discovered it was less painful for him to be the pouncer than the pouncee.

  Rishi growled and rolled, paws holding him close as the world spun madly. He pushed against Rishi's soft belly, the big tiger careful not to crush him and finally they stopped with Rishi on the bottom. He was dizzy and laughing, hands stroking Rishi's soft fur.

  Rishi's purr vibrated him from shoulder to knee, the rough tongue hot on his cheek. The tiger was talking -- chirruping and chuffing, trying to tell him something, eyes warm.

  "What is it, Rishi? Hmmm? Having fun?"

  He got a nod of that huge head and another long lick, Rishi purring louder, tail rubbing his leg. Another purr answered Rishi's, and Malik appeared, licking at his cheek with a very rough tongue, then licking Rishi.

  Smiling, he spared a hand to scratch behind Malik's ears. Rishi licked Malik's chin, vocalizing softly.

  They were certainly loving enough, with each other and with him. Malik nuzzled them rather impartially, chuffing at Rishi's nibbles, then went off to stretch out nearby, watching them through half closed eyes.

  He hid his smile against Rishi's fur. Malik seemed to value sleep most of all.

  Rishi watched Malik for a minute, those eyes wicked and twinkling. Lynn could see the plotting going on in that mischievous mind; then Malik rumbled, one paw stretching out, claws sharp, exposed. Rishi harrumphed and then turned those eyes back to him, gleaming.

  He laughed, fingers digging into Rishi's fur, scratching hard. "Oh, you're a good Rishi, aren't you?"

  Rishi nodded, enthusiastic and sure, long body stretching. It made him laugh again. Rishi loved being called good.

  A definite snort came from Malik's direction, and the big tiger stretched, rolling to his back, surely to taunt Rishi with that wide-open belly.

  Lynn felt Rishi tense, muscles twitching beneath him.

  He rubbed against Rishi a moment, enjoying the glide of his skin against the softness of Rishi's belly. His distress over a man having relations with tigers was rapidly disappearing, lost beneath the wide sky and warm tongues.

  He slid off Rishi, not wanting to be caught between them when Rishi pounced.

  Rishi gave him a nuzzle, then sprang up, roaring and growling and heading right for that pale belly, tail held high. That speed that was so unexpected in one Malik's size came to the fore, and Malik rolled and twisted, letting Rishi land where he had been.

  Rishi shook and recovered, bounding after Malik, muscles moving like water under the striped skin.

  Grinning, he stood so he could watch the tigers play.

  Malik allowed himself to be caught, only to push Rishi down and gnaw at the younger tiger's leg. So very loving with Rishi Malik was, but always reminding the young one, as Malik called him, who was the boss. Rishi rumbled, playing and wrestling for a long while before baring his neck, his belly to Malik. The tenor of Rishi's sounds changed, grew soft, steady.

  The low growls and purrs from Malik softened as well, becoming less playful, more contented, which was Lynn's sign that it was safe to join them without being squished. So join them he did, fingers digging into their fur, scratching them both, sharing his love equally between them.


  Well, he supposed it was true. Strange as it might be, love them he did.

  Rishi wiggled and shifted until that huge head sat firmly in his lap, muzzle against his belly. Smiling down at Rishi, he turned his attention to the tiger's ears, scratching where he knew Rishi enjoyed it the most.

  Curling easily about them both, Malik purred and stretched, rocking him furiously against Rishi until he settled. He gasped, body responding to the rubbing, to their closeness. Rishi purred, nuzzling, licking his belly through the shirt.

  Scenting him, Malik rubbed muzzle and cheeks against him in a gesture he was beginning to recognize as a claiming.

  He let his head fall back, knowing the neck and belly were important to the tigers. Rishi nosed until that soft muzzle was under his shirt, tongue lapping and nuzzling, nose cold and wet. He jumped at first but then he giggled, squirming.

  Low purrs got louder, Malik rubbing against both him and Rishi, pushing them together. Rishi stretched, rumbling, tail flicking furiously. His laughter faded, replaced by moans and gasps as the tigers rubbed against him. With a whimper, he pulled off his blouse, fingers going to the ties of his trousers, pulling them open eagerly.

  Rishi rumbled, tongue lapping at his curls, his shaft, eyes closed. Another whimper left him and he buried his hands in Rishi's wonderful fur.

  A deep bass sound reverberated through him as Malik joined Rishi, rough tongue moving over his skin. "Oh... oh, Malik, Rishi. So good... please."

  Rishi's purr was low and rich, sweet, tongue lapping faster, harder. The two big cats seemed to battle over his skin, over the taste of him, their sounds rocking him, their fur tickling.

  He drew in gasping breath after gasping breath, beginning to rock between them as the sensations spiked through him.

  Rishi growled, the vibrations going through him, hot and wanton. Soft, soft fur rubbed at his sacs, Malik sharing scent with him, lifting him into Rishi's tongue.

  "More, more. So good. Soon." He was babbling but he didn't know what he was saying, he just wanted it to go on. Rishi's tongue dragged over the tip of his need, rough and hot. At the same moment, Malik licked him as well, from just beneath his sacs to the base of his shaft.

  He screamed, loud and shaking as he spent himself.

  Rishi snorted, licking his own nose clean before bending to clean Lynn's skin.

  A low, ominous sounding growl came from Malik, and suddenly the tigers rolled away from him, Malik covering Rishi roughly. Rishi stretched, calling out, eyelids half-closed, head down. Their mating was rough, hard, Malik sparing Rishi none of the tenderness they had just shown him, but neither of them seemed to be unhappy.

  In fact, they were loud, vocal, feral and unbearably breathtaking together.

  Malik's teeth closed on the back of Rishi's neck, snarling, teeth sharp and tight as he pumped into Rishi. He was riveted, knowing he was witnessing a great love between two fierce and beautiful creatures.

  Rishi roared, claws digging into the ground, eyes bright and wide as the tiger shook. An echoing roar, deeper and rounder rang out as Malik pushed hard into Rishi, muscles rippling under the thick fur on his body.

  It was enough to make him hard again, seeing them together like that, hearing their pleasure, smelling it, knowing they had let him watch.

  Soft purrs and chuffs came from the panting pair, Malik nuzzling Rishi sweetly before looking at him, blue eyes bright and hot.

  "Beautiful," he murmured. "So good."

  Rishi purred, licking Malik's paw, head bobbing.

  So lovely together and, even from the short distance he was away, their purrs vibrated through him. He crawled over to them, curling up against the warmth of Malik's body. Now that the sun was down, it was cool enough to sleep with the tigers, to be warmed by them.

  Sleeping was quite high on the tigers' priority list; he discovered he was growing quite fond of the practice himself.
/>   ***

  Lynn was hopelessly lost.

  The dawns here were beautiful and temperate, cool verging on cold and really were the best time for walking. He'd developed the habit of exploring, mapping the area claimed by Malik and Rishi and beyond.


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