
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 39

  He Roared again, this time so loud one might think he was three Tigers.

  "Yes! So good, Rishi!"

  Lynn moved faster, thrust harder.

  When his pleasure found him, Rishi Roared louder than even his Raj, voice cracking at the end.

  Lynn's cry came after, softer, gentler, but the heat that filled him was good, true.

  Rishi settled onto his Rock, curling beneath Lynn with a purr.

  Lynn hummed, hands stroking him.

  "Good. So... so Good Lynn."

  "Oh." He was kissed on his nape again. "So good Rishi, too."

  He nodded. Yes. So Good Rishi.

  He purred softly, blinking slow as the need to Nap feel on him again.

  A soft shiver went through Lynn. "It always amazes me how quickly it can cool off once the sun has gone."

  Rishi blinked, then shifted, pulling Lynn into his arms for a kiss before releasing his Man-form and curling around their Man, warming.

  "Oh. So warm, Rishi. Thank you."

  Lynn nuzzled into him, hands stroking over his fur -- slowing over time and then stopping.

  He Cuddled close, Grooming his Lynn carefully, purring loud when his Raj leapt up to curl in and Nap more. Such a Busy Day.

  Such a Good Day.

  So Good.


  Malik was... not jealous. No. Never that. He had no reason to be, certainly. Rishi proved his care and devotion every day with thorough pouncings. So he could not be jealous.

  Except that he was. Not of Rishi. Of Lynn. Of course it was not Lynn's fault that Malik seemed to intimidate him more than Rishi had, even though Malik had spent much more time with Lynn as a man than Rishi and brought him fruit and built him walls whenever Rishi pounced them down.

  Not at all.

  Malik sighed.

  It was clearly his fault, for being so proud that he did not like to ask for Lynn's company.

  So while Rishi was off pouncing the grasshoppers that came in the late of the year, Malik decided to take steps to fix what was obviously a difficulty. He went and found the brush among Lynn's things, and took it to their man, dropping it at Lynn's feet.

  "Oh! Would you like to be brushed, Malik?" Lynn gave him a smile and sat, picking up the brush and patting the ground.

  There, he told himself. See how easy it was to get Lynn to smile at him? Malik stretched out next to Lynn in a lazy sprawl, eyes half closed in anticipation.

  Lynn started to brush him, working with long strokes from the top of his head all the way to his tail, Lynn's hand sliding through his fur behind the brush.

  Oh. Yes. That made the purrs come out very loud and strong. Such care their Lynn took with them when he brushed, and Malik knew that men had to be good for something, didn't he?

  "You like that, don't you? You should come for brushes more often. Your fur is so soft." Lynn continued to speak quietly, rambling as their Man brushed.

  He purred louder to let Lynn know that he did like it very much indeed, and he panted, claws flexing in and out. So good.

  Lynn brushed him for a very long time and then stopped. "My arms are getting tired, Malik."

  Oh. He had almost fallen asleep. Malik sat up, nuzzling Lynn's hand in thanks, and almost wandered off to have a nap, but a thought occurred to him, and before he could decide it was a bad idea, Malik let his body change, feeling his man form come to him.

  "Would you like me to brush yours, Lynnnn?" Their Man's hair was getting quite long.

  "Oh. Oh, that would be nice, thank you." The pleasure that shone on Lynn's face made him feel guilty. Such a small thing, to make someone so happy. Cleaning the brush quickly, Malik waited for Lynn to take the piece of sinew holding his hair out, then began to stroke through Lynn's soft locks. Lynn's head bent forward. "Oh, that feels nice."

  "Mmm." It did. The smooth flow of the brush strokes, the silky softness of Lynn's hair under his hands; it felt very nice indeed.

  Lynn moaned. He pulled Lynn so that their Man rested against him, and drew the brush through the hair softly, easily. Their Man felt warm and good against him.

  "Your skin is so soft," Lynn murmured.

  "Your hair is very sweet. It smells like rain." Malik was not good with words, but Lynn liked them, so he tried.

  Lynn looked back at him, giving him a smile. "It isn't as nice as your and Rishi's fur."

  "It is, to us. It is different, yes?" He nuzzled the skin at the back of Lynn's neck, under the fall of hair. Lynn murmured and pressed back against him, hand sliding along his leg.

  Yes. It was good that he had asked, because Lynn was easier with him than he usually was, touching him freely. Normally he would not do so unless Rishi was with them, and it made Malik's heart glad.

  He let the brush drop to the ground, combing Lynn's hair with his fingers, pulling their Man closer into the cradle of his lap. Lynn cuddled against him. His hands were better for Lynn's skin than the brush, and Malik touched Lynn's face and neck, his chest and belly.

  Gasping softly, Lynn began to touch him back. Oh. More. Malik urged Lynn up, so that he could turn about and face him, sitting across his lap. That way he could put his lips to Lynn's, could taste his mouth.

  Lynn's mouth opened on a soft moan, their Man pushing closer. He could feel Lynn's shaft, hard and hot, rubbing on his belly. His own shaft was hard, the touch of Lynn's lips and skin and hair making him so. The scent of them was rich and deep and full of need, and it made him growl.

  A shiver went through Lynn. "Oh, Malik..."

  "Yes. Lynn." He gripped Lynn's buttocks, pulling his Man close so that their shafts rubbed, feeling the thrill of it go up his spine.

  Lynn's hands clutched at his shoulders, holding on tight. "Yes, Malik, yes."

  His Lynn. His as much as Rishi's, his as much as Rishi was his. Malik set his teeth to the thin skin of Lynn's neck, drawing a mark there.

  Another shudder went through Lynn, this time his Man shouting out his name. "Malik!"

  Noises were good, let him know that Lynn enjoyed it too. He went looking for more noises, bending Lynn back and moving his Man's shirt aside so he could lick a small nipple. Gasping, Lynn pushed up against his mouth, hands going to his head, keeping him there. Yes. He bit and licked, and blew cool air, and the tiny bit of flesh responded by getting hard, and turning a deep red. Malik smelled Lynn's need, and it made him purr, made him push against their Man.

  "Just a minute," Lynn muttered, their Man pushing away for a moment. Before he could get upset though, Lynn was pushing off his breeches and tearing away his top and then his lap was full of mans again, this time naked and pushing against him.

  His shaft jerked, and Malik growled long and low, hands closing on bare flesh this time as he gripped Lynn's bottom. So smooth and good.

  Lynn pressed back into his hands and then forward against his shaft, his Man's hand once again strong on his shoulders.

  Malik took another kiss, tasting need on Lynn's mouth, knowing that he had no reason to be jealous at all. Sweet moans filled his mouth, Lynn moving against him more firmly now.

  Shoving a hand between them, Malik grabbed both his shaft and Lynn's, pulling them together and rubbing. The feel of it made his head fall back, made loud sounds come from him, purrs and growls and man sounds too. Lynn's mouth closed over the skin of his neck, sucking and licking at him.

  Oh! Oh, hot and good and Lynn had never marked him before, but he thought there might be a bruise there now. Malik shuddered, hand moving fast, his other hand tight on the soft flesh of Lynn's bottom, squeezing.

  Lynn whimpered, gasped. "Oh, Malik. Soon."

  "Yes. My Lynnnnn. Soon." They rocked, his roar filling the clearing as Malik shot, his seed marking Lynn as his own.

  "Malik!" Lynn's pleasure scented the air alongside his own, spread warmth over his hand and belly.

  They rested together, and he held Lynn, letting his strength support them. When he was sure Lynn would not slide off, he brought his hand up to lick it clean, savoring the tas
te of them.

  Lynn gasped softly. "Sexy..."

  Malik licked the last off, looking at Lynn curiously. "Seexyyy?"

  Lynn smiled up at him, eyes soft, happy. "It makes me hard again."

  "Oh!" Malik blinked, then smiled. "Good."

  Lynn laughed softly and hugged him tight.

  Hugging back, Malik thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd found a way to make Lynn happy with him as well as Rishi. He just had to put aside his stubborn pride, and ask.


  He was a Big Hunter.



  Rishi headed towards his Rock and his Raj and their Man, a long-horned runner in his mouth.

  He had Pounced and it had Run and Run and Run and he had Chomped and Held On tight.

  His Raj would be So Proud.

  Meat all for them

  Yes. Meat from Rishi the Hunter.

  Who caught it all alone.

  By himself.

  So there!



  It was hot.


  He was tired and the long-horned runner was heavy.

  Rishi looked and looked and couldn't see his Rock, though he could smell it.

  He dropped his kill and braced himself and Roared.


  Only moments passed before Malik burst into the clearing, roaring, looking about wildly, hair standing on end and tail lashing.

  He bounced, lifting the prey and laying it at his Raj's feet.

  All for his Raj.

  Malik looked from him to the kill and back again, blue eyes bright and proud, and Malik came to him purring and rubbing cheeks.

  He purred and rubbed and nuzzled, stepping back from the kill so his Raj could have the best parts, the soft parts.

  Instead of tearing in, his Raj took the kill up in those great jaws and hauled it back to their rocks, dragging it easily.

  He followed, bouncing, tail high.

  He admired his kill.

  He admired his Raj.

  He admired his Raj carrying his kill.

  Yes. Brave Strong Raj and his Hunter Rishi.

  When they reached their rocks, and Lynn's little walls, Malik stopped, and immediately changed into the silly man form, calling for their Man.

  Lynn came out of the walls. "Malik? Rishi?"

  "Lyyynnnn. Look at what Rishi has brought us. Will you want some?" His Raj pointed to his kill.

  He bounced and pranced, so proud. So Strong. So Good Rishi.

  "Ewww." Their Man made a face and then suddenly smiled. "Meat. Wonderful. You won't be offended if I cook it, will you?"

  "No. I thought I would cut you a haunch before Rishi and I ate, if you wanted it, though. The way we eat would spoil it for a man."

  Rishi stopped and watched. His Raj was So Smart. His Raj knew all about the weirdnesses of the mans.

  All about.

  "That would be lovely. Thank you. It will be wonderful to have a spot of roast."

  Their Man looked quite pleased.

  He walked over to get a scratch, pushing his head under Lynn's hand.

  "Oh, this is your doing, Rishi? Thank you. So good."

  Lynn's hand stroked his muzzle and then their Man's fingers scratched behind his ears.

  While he was petted and praised, Malik went to get their Man's cutting blade and cut off the most useless part of the animal and wrapped it in a skin his wonderful Raj had made for their Man's meat.

  "There. Do you need any help with it? Rishi and I would eat." Malik smiled at them both.

  "Thank you, but I can manage. I will make a fire while you eat."

  Their Mans scratched his head a bit more and then took the meat and removed himself. Lynn did not seem to like to watch them eat.

  He was vibrating, he was so happy. He crouched down, chin on his paws, purring, giving his Raj his due.

  Malik was himself again so quick, just a blink, long body rubbing against his as his Raj praised him, purring for him. Malik bent to eat, ripping into the kill with all evidence of enjoyment. Malik ate steadily for long moments, then stood back to let him have his share.

  His Raj had left him the most tender parts.


  Oh, his Raj loved him so.

  He purred and fed, growling and tearing, heart beating fast as he ate. When his hunger was gone, he lifted his head, roaring and happy.

  Malik roared as well, the sound ringing with approval and pride.

  Rishi cleaned his paws, his face, licking his chops. Then he moved over, grooming his Raj, purring loud and low.

  So good Rishi. That's what his Raj's purrs and chirrups told him. As did his Man's fire. Which stank.

  He wrinkled his nose, burying his muzzle in his Raj's fur, his Raj's musk.

  Rumbling, Malik licked at him, nuzzling and pushing him toward their lagoon.

  They played until they reached the edge, then he backed in, chuffing as he watched his Raj splash and play.

  Malik did not have his distaste for water on his face, and splashed happily, growling and romping.

  He gave chase, keeping his eyes closed, pouncing clumsily after his Raj's tail.

  They played until his Raj started to droop, the meal and the play making his Malik sleepy.

  They stumbled together up to their Rocks, Rishi following Malik and curling beside him, licking one of his Raj's paws as he idly watched their Man.

  Lynn had the meat over the flame, puttering happily around it.

  Before long his Raj was snoring, curled about him, utterly content.

  He rested his chin on his Raj's paw, blinking slowly.

  Being a Brave, Strong, So Good Hunter Rishi was hard work.


  But Hard.

  Almost as hard as being Raj. He licked Malik's chin then settled, eyes closing.

  Almost, but not quite.

  ~Chapter Thirteen~

  Men slept at night.

  Rishi knew this because Lynn told him.

  Sleeping at night was boring.

  He was sitting, tall and happy on his Rock. Malik's Rock was empty, his Raj gone hunting or swimming or walking or something that involved no bouncing and Rishi guarding their Man.

  Still, guarding a sleeping man was no fun.

  Rishi leaned forward, peering hard down at their Man. He had learned that if he looked very, very hard at their Man, Lynn would wake up and then he could pounce.

  Sure enough, Lynn began to stir, shifting and making a snuffling noise.

  He began to vibrate, muscles tensing, readying to spring. A low, anticipatory growl escaped from his throat as he waited for those eyes to open.

  Their Man blinked, a small frown making his eyes small. "Malik? Rishi?"

  Rishi rumbled happily and leapt down, landing beside his Man and licking one cheek.

  "Oh! It was you." The frown disappeared and one of Lynn's arms went around his neck, Lynn rubbing their faces together.

  He purred, flopping onto the ground and pressing close. Awake! Their Man was awake. He nuzzled and rested on paw on the thin chest, holding Lynn down for grooming.

  Lynn was laughing, hands scratching behind his ears.

  Oh, that was good. He purred louder, harder, rubbing against their Man's covering and skin, leaving his scent for Malik to find. Poor Malik left Rishi behind to swim and hunt and walk and Rishi got to play with their Man.


  Their Man made a puny purring noise, hands scratching and scratching.

  Rishi wiggled his head, rolling it over their Man's belly. Good. Good. So good. Almost as good as... Oh!

  He flopped over, head landing on Lynn's belly, chin lifted so their Man could scratch there, too.

  "Oof! You big lug," murmured Lynn, hands moving to scratch his throat and down along his belly.

  Lug. Oh... that was so better than good. Lug must be a man-word for Good Rishi.

  He stretched as far as he could go, paws batting
the air.


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