
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 40

  Lynn was laughing again, hands making him feel so good.

  He liked that laughing, liked the happy-good-real sound of it, liked that he was the why of their Man's laughing call.

  Lynn shifted, sitting up so his head went on the ground, but it was good because that let their Man rub and scratch him harder.

  He was so happy, so good, so...

  What was that?

  He rolled over, snarling, watching the ground.

  Nothing happened for a long moment, then the grasses moved again, a No-Leg that Bites sliding along the dirt.

  Coming for their Man!

  Rishi roared fiercely, stamping on the ground, paws swiping it away.

  Their Man looked pale, one hand on the long throat. "Rishi! You saved me!"

  He growled and searched the grasses for another No-Leg, for danger, marking their territory as he paced and snarled. Their Man! Theirs.

  Lynn stayed where he was, watching. When he was sure it was safe he went back to their Man and Lynn threw long arms around him. "My hero."

  He pushed Lynn down and began licking and scenting their Man, paws tearing the cloth away. His Man.

  "Rishi!" Lynn's hands were hard in his fur and then they gentled, stroking, petting. "It's okay, Rishi. I'm okay. You saved me."

  Rishi purred, pushing into those hands. He met Lynn's eyes, rumbling. Their Man. Love their Man.

  "Good, Rishi. So good."

  Lynn rubbed their cheeks together, face buried in his fur.

  He rubbed himself along their Man, stroking their bellies together, claws dug into the dirt.

  Lynn gasped and the scent of their Man's musk grew stronger. "Rishi..."

  Oh. Good smells. He nudged Lynn with his head, tongue lapping at the smooth throat.

  Lynn moaned, head dropping back to give him lots of room.

  He licked and nuzzled, the urge to bite growing as the need to mate grew. Rishi morphed, his man teeth would bruise, but not kill -- his True teeth were sharp and strong and fine.

  "Oh!" Lynn made that funny purring noise, legs wrapping around him.

  He lifted his head and put his mouth against their Man's, tasting and licking.

  Lynn's lips fastened around his tongue, sucking strongly. Their Man's fingers slid over his skin, stroking, petting.

  His eyes rolled as pleasure ran through him. Good. Good. More. His man-paws wrapped around Lynn's hip, tugging them closer together.

  Lynn moaned and started moving, sliding them together.

  Rishi knew this, knew mating and rubbing and good smells and pleasure. Knew touching and tasting and... Good. He bent his knees, pushing them together faster and harder.

  One of Lynn's hands moved around to stroke his belly and then to pinch his nipple, fingers closing over it and tugging.

  Oh! Oh, bright! Rishi lifted his head, roaring at the hotsharpbright feeling.

  "Like that, Rishi?" Their Man's voice was low and husky.

  Lynn's fingers slid across his chest to tug at his other nipple.

  His cry was sharp, short, hips rolling faster, passion nipping at his heels, need driving him.

  Lynn's legs tightened, pushing their need together harder and low moans painted the air.

  The pleasure attacked, bit deep, and he called out, his cry echoing through the air as he spent.

  Lynn moaned again and rubbed frantically against him.

  He nestled down, giving their Man his weight, his skin, to rub against. Rishi brought their mouths together, tasting Lynn's want.

  Lynn's cry filled him as their Man jerked, scent of manseed growing strong on the air.

  Rishi let the man-self go, curling around Lynn with a purr and lapping the bitter-salty seed from the flat, pale belly.

  Their Man's hands were gentle on him, fingers sliding through his fur. "Mm... so good, Rishi."

  He chirruped, head bobbing. Yes. So Good Rishi.

  Lynn's laughter filled the sky.

  Rishi rested his head against their Man, snuggling and loving. So much nicer than sleeping at night. So much nicer than sl...

  In his dreams, Rishi was a Big Strong Male, chasing his Malik and their Man.


  Rishi was off, chasing butterflies. There was a particularly pretty one, large and violently blue, that would keep Rishi busy for a good bit of time.

  Which was a shame, for Malik was... wanting. Lynn was asleep, and Rishi was gone, and he did not wish to simply pleasure himself.

  Malik pondered chasing Rishi down, for sleep was sacred, and Malik did not wish to interrupt Lynn's rest, but by the time he found Rishi the need would be muted.

  He would share it with Lynn instead.

  A single thought changed his form, and Malik went to Lynn on two legs, cock standing out proudly from his body. Malik stretched out next to Lynn and put a hand on Lynn's hip, feeling warm skin under fine linen.

  Lynn murmured, almost purred and moved a little closer.

  Their Man was learning to be a cat. It made him smile. He moved closer, pushing his hardness against Lynn and moaning.

  A soft gasp met his movements, Lynn's eyes popping open. "Malik."

  "Lyyynnnnnn." He purred, reaching for Lynn's man parts and rubbing them with his hand.

  "Oh!" A shudder went through Lynn and one warm hand wrapped around his shaft. "Oh."

  "Love." Yes. That was what he needed. Lynn was warm and scented with want and sleep and Malik licked Lynn's neck, his cheek, working to Lynn's lips for a kiss.

  Lynn moaned into his mouth, pressing closer still, hand tightening around him. "Love you, Malik."

  His pretty Man Lynn. Malik growled and plucked at the silly man clothing. He wanted to see and touch it all.

  "Oh! Of course." Lynn's hand left him, but only so the offending clothing could be removed and then Lynn was pressing close again, their Man hot and smooth against him.

  A purrrrrrr left him, long and low, and he began to lick the salt from Lynn's body. Neck, chest, those pale nipples. Lynn gasped and jerked, hands sliding through his hair and holding him there. He loved them with his lips and teeth, one to the other and back. His hands smoothed down Lynn's sides to hold thin hips, and his mouth followed, down over Lynn's belly to his heat and hardness.

  Lynn gasped and pressed forward, then their Man was backing off and saying "Wait, wait."

  Malik bit back a growl. Wait for what? "Lyyynnnnn."

  "Trust me, Malik. Just..." Lynn pushed and tugged and moved him until they were both face to hardness. "That's what I wanted," murmured Lynn. Then his shaft was licked at by Lynn's warm, wet tongue.

  Oh. Ohhhhh. Malik moaned, forgetting for a moment that he could touch Lynn as well, just feeling. Then he reached for Lynn's heat once more and licked, loving the taste. Lynn moaned softly and took his prick into their Man's mouth. So hot. So very hot. This was good. Lynn's idea was good. Sometimes their Man had the best ideas. Malik pushed into Lynn's mouth and took Lynn deeper into his, making happy noises.

  Their Man was making happy noises too, muffled by his flesh, making him vibrate.

  So good. So right. Just what he needed. Malik touched Lynn's sacs, fingers sliding behind to find Lynn's opening. Lynn swallowed around the tip of his shaft and started to move, sending the flesh in his mouth deeper.

  "Mmmm." His need came up within him, rising in his balls. He moaned around Lynn's flesh, sucking hard.

  Lynn pulled hard on him as well, encouraging him to move, to rock with Lynn. They became a circle of pleasure, so good, so happy, He pushed against Lynn's hole, slipping a finger inside. Lynn cried out around him, seed splashing down the back of his throat, so strong, so good.

  His own need released, his seed falling on Lynn's tongue, hips rolling as he thrust out the last of it.

  Lynn licked him clean, hands petting his flanks, soft murmurs of praise and happiness filling the air. When there was no more of Lynn's taste to be found, Malik pulled away and crawled up for a kiss, thanking Lynn wordlessly.

  "Mmmm." Lynn's happi
ness filled their kiss and Lynn pressed close, nuzzling, cuddling.

  Malik purred. "Love."

  Sleep was sacred, but so was loving. Malik was glad he'd woken Lynn for it. And now they could nap.

  ~Chapter Fourteen~

  There was a storm coming. Malik could smell it, and it made the air still and heavy. The feel of it made him twitch, from his nose to the tip of his tail. This storm would bring bad things; he could feel it.

  Rolling off his rock, Malik went to their Man where he sat mending his pitiful pair of trousers, and nudged one leg, rumbling low.

  "Hello, Malik." Lynn rubbed his fur, scratching behind his ears. "It feels heavy today -- there's a storm coming, isn't there?"

  Their Man was growing more adept by the day at reading the weather, and Malik was proud. He rubbed his head against Lynn's leg, then moved to take the hand that was on his ears into his mouth and pull. He wanted Lynn inside the little shelter.

  "It's going to be that bad, is it?" Lynn frowned but stood and headed toward his man home.

  Rishi came barrelling through the tall grasses, gold eyes wide and worried. He could feel the tension in his young one, the mixture of fury and fear. The scent of... man.

  Growling low, Malik gave a sharp order to Rishi, an order to go the opposite way as the men, and hide. Still growling, he pulled on Lynn's hand, pulling their Man toward the trees.

  "I'm coming, Malik, you don't need to take my arm off -- I won't melt if a few drops get me."

  Rishi paced, head swinging, growling low. Wanting him. Calling for them to come.

  The urgency built, his need to protect his Man and his mate strong. He herded Lynn right past the makeshift shelter, taking them to the tree line, rushing them.

  As they passed the shelter, Lynn started to hold back, feet dragging. "What? Sweet Lord, Malik, I don't want to be stuck in the trees and their dubious shelter!"

  Wavering for a moment, thinking of changing to his man form to talk to Lynn, Malik stopped. Growling, he pleaded with Lynn; he did not want to tell Lynn the men were coming. He just wanted Lynn safe.

  Rishi was vibrating, whining, ears laid flat. The sounds all meant the same thing. They were coming. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

  Lynn tsked and shook his head, muttering about silly tigers and how he was a man and his little house made a better shelter than being out in the open, even if there were trees. Lynn came with them though, not as fast as he'd like, but followed nonetheless.

  They made the safety of the tree line, and Malik let go of Lynn's hand, nudging both him and Rishi to get them to move farther in as the first fat drops of rain fell. Rishi moved with him, tail swishing and flailing, eyes slitted.

  He could smell the men on the wind, now, sour sweat and dirt, and it made him want to roar, to run out into sight and attack them, but he knew that would be stupid. He could smell gun oil as well.

  "Sweet Lord, I'm going to get completely wet," complained Lynn. "I do not understand why you would not let me go to my shelter."

  Rishi growled, head swinging, the bark of 'No', clear.

  Yes. As it was, Lynn was too high profile standing up, and Malik pushed at his legs, trying to get him to squat or kneel.

  "What is wrong with the two of you?" Lynn pushed at his head and took a couple of steps back. "You'll have me covered in dirt as well as soaked through!"

  Just about then the men crashed into their clearing, many of them carrying guns, just as he'd feared. Malik went motionless, hoping they would not be seen, and that Rishi would follow his lead.

  Rishi rumbled, but went perfectly still, eyes focused on the men.

  Lynn gasped, also frozen, eyes on the men. Then their Man looked down at him. "Go deeper into the forest, I will distract them. I'm saved, you see -- they will take me back with them and they need never know about you and Rishi. Go now!"

  Lynn's hand passed over his and then Rishi's heads and then their Man ran toward the men.

  Rishi's eyes went wide, a disbelieving sound torn from his mate's throat. The same sound would come from his own throat were it not for the need to be silent. Malik crowded Rishi back further into the underbrush, determined that they would not be seen. The pain in his belly could wait. That Lynn could leave them so... It hurt. Yet he knew better than Rishi that Lynn was a man. And men needed men.

  As they watched, the strangers noticed Lynn and he was surrounded by them. There was much noise and pointing and soon they were moving away from where he and Rishi hid, toward Lynn's shelter.

  Rishi snarled as the men moved closer to their home, body tensing to spring, claws digging into the dirt. Rishi must not be seen; he would not be able to stand it if he was caged again, or worse, shot. A low growl of command escaped him, and Malik sprang, rolling Rishi beneath him, teeth closing on his mate's throat. Rishi fought him for only a few heartbeats, muscles tight and claws pushing at his fur before a soft broken noise sounded, his mate going still and silent beneath him.

  Oh. His poor Rishi. Malik looked back toward their Man, their shelter, hoping against hope that Lynn would convince the men to go without him.

  Lynn was waving and pointing toward the river, shaking his head when one man with a long gun pointed toward the trees. Then Lynn fetched his box and his cloak. Two of the men pushed down the walls of the shelter and then they were all off, making for the river and following it. Not once did Lynn look back toward them.

  Rishi watched Lynn, the young one quietly crying out for their Man again and again, begging Lynn not to go, not to go away.

  It broke his heart to hear, and Malik nuzzled softly, rubbing cheeks with his mate. They would follow, he and Rishi, at a safe distance, to make sure Lynn got back safely to the land of men. Malik did not like the look of the ones who came. And then they would return to their rocks and it would just be the two of them once more.

  Once that would have been a relief. Now it caused a wound that he was not sure they could heal.


  Lynn walked with the men, leaving Malik and Rishi behind without even a look.

  He couldn't.

  Some of the hunting party he was with had already expressed an interest in exploring the trees and had been reluctant to accept his assurances that there really was nothing there.

  He'd finally convinced them by pointing out that only a fool would make their home in a place frequented by wild animals. Especially tigers. He'd played up the death of his Master, convinced these hard men that he had no love for tigers.

  Sweet Lord, but that wasn't quite true, now was it.

  There was a time, not so long ago, when he would have given anything to return to civilization, to be again among men.

  It was only as he was again among them, civilization their destination, that he realised his heart had changed. He wanted to go back. Not to say his farewells, but to stay, to take his place and there was a place for him there. Perhaps he'd been too close to see it, but now he could. Now he knew.

  Now it was too late.

  Well he'd gotten his wish, and like in most of the stories his mother used to tell when he was just a wee lad, he wanted to take it back.


  Things were different now.

  He and his Raj had followed their... the mans for too long and then they had come home to their Rock.

  Rishi had spent the whole first day marking their home. He had used his claws and teeth and made the man's Box Go Away.

  He'd torn and marked every tree, every place the man had touched to make the smell of Lynn Go Away.

  He had licked and groomed his Raj, had rolled and rubbed against their Rocks, had Roared as loud as he could.

  Our Home.

  Go Away.

  Go Away.

  Go Away.

  When Rishi was done, he went to sit and watch his Raj nap. He hated the mans and he was never going to pretend to be a mans ever again and if another mans came? Rishi would eat him dead.

  So there.

  One blue eye popped open to look at him, and Malik
rolled to his paws, coming over to stretch out right next to him, purring in that half-hearted way he had ever since they returned to their rocks.

  Rishi leaned and nuzzled, carefully grooming and loving his Raj. If he had been more careful, then the mans would not have put him in the Box and Raj would not have eaten a mans and Lynn would have never come and never left and his Raj would not be unhappy now.


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