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Page 45

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  Lynn jumped too, shrieking at him.

  Oh! Lynn wanting to play!

  Their Man was much better than a shiny bug.

  Rishi pounced, roaring playfully.

  Their Man shrieked again and then started to tickle him, fingers digging into the sensitive skin where his legs met his body.

  That made him dance and chuff, bouncing away and running around to let Lynn do it again, tail high and happy.

  Lynn was making that man happy noise; laughing he called it.

  He raised up on his back legs, boxing carefully with his paws, then bounded away again. Oh! Oh, he loved their Man. Loved loved loved.

  Lynn was still laughing, stumbling as their Man chased after him.

  He flopped down, turning to catch Lynn and roll, face nuzzling the good-smelling neck.

  "Oof!" Lynn laughed a bit more and their Man's arms wrapped around him, fingers digging in.

  Yes. Oof. Oof meant So Good Rishi, he knew that word.

  He started licking, purring down through his bones.

  "Oh, Rishi." Lynn's hands dug in deeper, scratching him most nicely.

  Yes. Oh, Rishi. He stretched and rubbed, belly stroking against Lynn, claws rolling in the air.

  Lynn made his funny man-purring noise, rubbing back. "So soft and warm, so good, Rishi."

  So Good Man. Yes. He purred and shifted, wanting to tell his Man that -- that they were So Good. Together. Happy.

  "Ssssssssssso Good, Man." He headbutted Lynn, rumbling. "Sssso good."

  "Oof." Lynn chuckled. "Yes, Rishi."

  Then Lynn put their lips together.

  Oh. His Raj had been first to teach him this, tempted him to be a man with these touches of tongue. He opened wide, tasting Lynn eagerly.

  Their Man made soft noises, tongue licking at his.

  Oh. Oh. He pushed up, rubbing harder, mouth open, hands sliding over Lynn's back. Oh. Oh, more.

  Lynn's hands were on his not furry skin, sliding soft and warm, leaving him tingling.

  "Lllllllynn. More. Oh. More." He gasped, eyes rolling. "More."

  Lynn deepened the kiss, body moving against his.

  Oh. Oh, good. Hot. Hot in his belly.


  He roared, shivering a little, body so excited, so wanting.

  Their Man made more noises and started to lick at him, biting kisses on his chin and his neck and his shoulders.

  "L...L...Lllynn." He shook, exposing his throat as his thighs parted, so hard, so so hard. Lynn bit at his throat, marking him with so hot lips and tongue.

  The goodhotneed exploded, heat pouring over his belly, his man-pelt.

  "Rishi," murmured Lynn, sliding down his body and licking at his seed, tongue strong and sure on his belly.

  Oh. Oh. Oh.

  "So... so good. So good." The world was spinning and moving and... Oh.

  "Mmmm... yes, Rishi." Lynn kept licking until his man-pelt was clean and then Lynn started licking his shaft.

  He whined, shifting. His body tingled, bare skin all full of lightning. The feelings were big -- big like his Raj, like the sky -- and they hunted every bit of him.

  His shaft was licked from top to bottom and then Lynn took one of his balls into their Man's so hot mouth. Rishi's eyes popped open, rolling wildly, the sensations pulling from the base of his belly. Humming around his ball, Lynn sucked gently and then let go, taking the other one into Lynn's mouth.

  As soon as he could, Rishi turned, hips in the air, offering Lynn his body, his need, fingers and toes gripping the ground. Lynn made the funny purring sound again and then began to lick at his entrance, fingers hard and hot as they held him open. The sounds that left him were sharp barks, loud and needy, the pleasure too much to be silent.

  Lynn's tongue pushed inside him, making the same movements as rutting.

  Rishi arched, entire body moving, focused on that touch, that tongue. Finally, when he thought he would spill again, Lynn took away his tongue and instead pushed inside with his cock.

  Roaring, Rishi pushed back, muscles rippling.

  In. Oh. In. Good. Much Good. More. Oh.

  "Rishi... Oh." Lynn moaned and pushed all the way in before pulling out again. Before he could protest, Lynn was pushing back in again.

  It was running and hunting and breathing and good and hot and he never wanted it to stop, never wanted to catch his breath.

  More and more, harder and faster, Lynn moved with him, hot breath panting on his neck, hands hard around his man-hips.

  His hands tightened in the dirt, panting, roaring, needing.

  One of Lynn's hands slipped, moving around his body and taking his shaft in a tight hold. "Oh Rishi!"

  It only took a single touch to his shaft and he spent, lights flashing behind his eyelids.

  Lynn roared most impressively, heat filling him.

  Rishi settled on the ground, purring softly. So Good. So Good.

  Lynn lay on top of him, pressing soft kisses against his neck, hands sliding on his man-pelt.

  Good. So Good. His Lynn. His and Malik's.

  Rishi purred.

  Much better than bugs.

  So there.


  ~Chapter Nineteen~

  Lynn was paddling about in the river.

  He didn't usually do it on his own, but it was too hot for him to sleep, it was almost too hot for him to breathe, and he needed the dip in the water.

  Both Malik and Rishi had been lying under the tree, fast asleep.

  He'd made noises, enough to wake the tigers if they were inclined to be woken, but neither of them had budged.

  So he'd gone down on his own, sighing happily as the water cooled him off.

  He floated and paddled and swam, staying near enough to where Malik and Rishi always entered the water, knowing it would be safer in the tigers' territory.

  It took a moment for him to realise that the river had gone silent. Oh, the water was still flowing, making its noises as it flowed against its banks and over rocks and bulrushes, but the wildlife had gone dead quiet.

  He glanced over at the bank, but neither Malik nor Rishi were at the water's edge. He didn't really want to imagine what else might make everything go still and quiet like this. Trying not to panic, he headed for shore.

  He could hear something behind him, something moving fast and slick and oh, dear sweet Lord...

  He felt something scaly push against him less than a heartbeat before he heard a furious roar, an orange and black blur splashed and snarling behind him. He didn't even look back as he scrambled for the shore.

  He pulled himself up, panting, his heart in his throat, shaking at how close it had been. Safe now, he turned to the river.

  Rishi had an alligator in his jaws, shaking it furiously, water spraying everywhere. He could hear the tiger's rage as Rishi growled and snarled and shook. He wanted to help, to make sure the alligator was killed without hurting Rishi, but there was nothing he could do but watch, hands clutched together in front of him.

  It didn't take long before he heard a hideous crack and then alligator went limp, simply twitching and jerking. Rishi tossed it onto the shore, paws landing heavy on the carcass as a triumphant roar filled the air.

  "Oh Rishi!" He fell onto Rishi, hugging and petting. "You saved my life! Thank you. So good, Rishi. So good."

  Rishi nodded, big head nudging him into the soft grasses, tongue sliding over his skin. It took Lynn only a moment to understand that Rishi wasn't grooming, the big cat was searching his skin, assuring that he was not hurt.

  He lay back, letting Rishi examine him, letting the warm tongue soothe him, prove to himself that he was unhurt. His shaking slowed to the occasional shudder.

  Finally Rishi started purring, grooming and straightening the damp fur and him in turns, the muscled body relaxed, easy.

  Another shudder went through Lynn. He was safe. Rishi was safe. It had been close, though.

  He turned and wrapped his arms around Rishi's neck, burying his face in the w
arm, damp fur, pressing close to Rishi. Rishi's purr vibrated him all through, the hot, rough tongue brushing his shoulder. He pushed Rishi over onto his back, the big tiger letting him. Then he started to rub, hands digging into Rishi's fur as the relief gave way to need. Pure, driving hunger.

  Rishi stretched, paws in the air, then slowly morphed so his hands were rubbing warm, soft, barely patterned skin.

  "Oh, Rishi." He buried his face in Rishi's neck, moving against warm skin.

  "Llllynn." Rishi's mouth moved against the top of his head, fingers stroking his back.

  "Rishi. For a moment back there I thought I was dead. Thank you."

  He kissed Rishi's neck. "Thank you." He kissed Rishi's jaw. "Thank you." He kissed Rishi's lips. "Thank you."

  Rishi was blushing, golden eyes glowing and warm. "Thhhank you."

  He was given a hungry, deep kiss, Rishi's tongue exploring his mouth. He leaned hard against Rishi, rubbing their hips together. Rishi purred, stretching beneath him, need hot and stiff against him. He moaned, moving faster against Rishi. "I need you," he whispered.

  A low rumble sounded and Rishi managed to turn, spinning beneath him, lean buttocks offered to him, to his need.

  "Oh! Yes, Rishi, yes." He knew the tigers never used anything to ease the way, but he still preferred making the way easier. He pushed himself down along Rishi's body and then began to lick at the tiger-man's entrance, fingers spreading the rounded buttocks apart. Rishi growled, hips rocking, the sound so needy, the musk of his lover strong and male.

  "So good, Rishi," he murmured, licking and licking before pushing his tongue into Rishi's body. The sounds were rich, echoing as Rishi snarled and growled for him, so vocal in pleasure.

  It wasn't long before he simply could not wait any longer. With a cry, he surged up, pushing into Rishi's body, shuddering as tight heat closed around him.

  Rishi roared, hips arching and moving for him, fingers dug into the grass. They rutted furiously, all his residual fear pushing out from him as he thrust into Rishi over and over again. His lover took it all, encouraging him with body and voice and need. As he pushed into Rishi over and over again, everything else fell away. There was nothing but the squeeze of Rishi's body around him, the warmth of Rishi's hip under one hand, and the heat and silk of Rishi's shaft under the other.

  Rishi's roar rocked him, the long body squeezing him tight as heat sprayed over his fingers. The sounds and scents of Rishi's pleasure and the way Rishi's body held him so tight sent him right over and with a cry he filled Rishi with his pleasure.

  Rishi settled on the ground, purring, hair shifting as he rubbed his cheek on the grass. "Llllynn."

  "Oh, Rishi. That was lovely. So good." He kissed the back of Rishi's neck, curling on the warm back.

  "Yes. So good Rishi. So good Man. So good." Rishi reached for his hand, licking it slowly, purring against his fingers.

  He chuckled, Rishi always making him happy. There wasn't much that was important in the tiger-man's life and he considered himself lucky to be one of the things that was.

  "Love you, Rishi," he murmured.

  "Mmm..." Rishi nodded. "Llllllllllove. Love. Love love love."

  He purred, knowing it wasn't as good as Rishi or Malik's noises, but knowing his tiger-man would recognize the sound as happy pleasure.

  Rishi grew large, warmer, fur soft against him, as Rishi purred back, giving him a place to rest on the broad back.

  He rubbed and settled comfortably, sighing as exhaustion suddenly overtook him. Between the scare, the heat and the orgasm, he was ready to indulge in one of the other things Rishi thought was important, that was becoming just as important to him -- a nap.


  Rishi limped across the clearing, whimpering and whining low. One of the No-Legs that Bite had bitten his paw and made it Ow and Oh, Ow and Not Good.

  So, he went to find his Raj. His Raj would See and Lick and make it All Better.

  At least Rishi hoped so.

  Because Ow.


  Not Good.

  His Raj was the biggest, finest, lickiest Raj ever, and he took Very Good care of Rishi, so it was good that Malik was on their rocks, surveying their territory with a serious look.

  Oh. Oh, his Raj.

  So Fine.

  So Big.

  He hurried over -- Oh. No. No, that was Not Good.

  He limped over, calling low.

  Malik was there by his side so fast, rumbling purrs soothing him as Malik nosed him over on the ground, sniffing at him to find where he hurt.

  Rishi gave Malik his Very Best Pout, holding up his paw for his Raj to find.



  Malik growled at the bad hurt ow and licked it so softly, not hurting at all, making it feel better right away.

  Oh. His Raj was So Good and Fine and Strong and His. His purr filled the air, claws pushing out and drawing back again and again.

  Those soft licks and nuzzles kept on until he was purring and his paw was only a little ow and not oh at all.

  Rishi rolled, stretching and baring his belly and throat in thanks, singing of his Most Good Raj with his best voice.

  He was soothed and claimed at the same time as Malik rubbed against his belly, scenting him with soft pushes of Malik's cheeks.

  It made his belly fur tingle, made his tongue hang out, made his tail twitch.

  Malik kept on, grooming him with long swipes of tongue and whiskers, rumbling sounds telling him how brave and good he was to face up to No Legs, how pretty his fur was, how much Malik loved him.



  Oh, his Raj made him full with need, with pride.

  When Malik had licked and nuzzled almost every part of him, his Raj covered him with that big body, pressing down against him, rubbing cheeks with him.

  He stretched, reaching out with his claws, the pleasure too much to stay still.

  Malik rubbed other things against him then, pushing and pushing, the soft fur of Malik's belly tickling him.

  He arched up into Malik's heat, their tails sliding together.

  Malik bit down on his neck, so gently, teeth barely sinking in, marking him, claiming him as Malik's to hold and heal and love.

  Heat filled his belly, tingling through his Whole Self. Oh. For his Raj. He was made for his Raj.

  His Raj was just as hot, hard against him, purring deep and rough against him, tail so tight around his. They moved together more in need than comfort now, Malik's loving making him want.

  He called out, telling all the beasts and birds about their love, about his Raj.

  His cry echoed with one of Malik's, a deep roar that told the trees and the clouds how Good he was, how right.

  Rishi nodded, head back, grasses and skies spinning and whirling, making his breath come fast like he was hunting.

  Those sharp teeth closed over his throat again, deeper this time, low growls making his fur stand up, Malik rumbling and groaning, heat splashing against his belly.

  His own pleasure bloomed and ran to meet his Malik's, pouring out from him, the scent strong and good.

  They rested together, Malik holding him down with his Raj's greater weight. Finally Malik moved, backing off and licking him, grooming away their pleasure, working to his sore paw, nuzzling and licking, checking to make sure the ow and oh was gone.

  He purred and watched, watching the rhythm of Malik's tongue, flicking in and out. So Good to Rishi. So Good.

  No Legs that Bite could bite him all they wanted. With his Raj to heal him and love him, there was nothing they could not mend.


  Malik paced.

  Rishi napped. Lynn was off staring at the grasses, a passtime that Malik did not truly understand. And Malik... well. He wanted to play.

  Naps were sacred. malik maintained that staunchly. But so was play, even to old tigers like him, who were charged with protecting a Rishi and a Lynn.

  Rishi's tail twitched, and that made up Malik'
s mind for him. He pounced, landing on that flippy tail and batting it with his paws.

  Rishi rolled, happy little roar filling the air as that tail flicked wildly. So good, his young one. So eager and willing to play, even fresh from a nap.


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