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  "Yeah. Yours. Your mate. Gonna take care of you, babe." He rolled rubbed and pushed and loved, growling low and steady.

  "Yes. Going to take me again, Seamus? I feel empty, want to feel you."

  "Mmm. God, cub. Don't want to hurt you." It was too soon, way too soon, but he wanted to, so bad.

  "Don't. Love me. Just love me." Keith rolled away from him, hips canted up in the air, offer blatant.

  Fuck. He had to. Just had to. But he would get something to use this time. Seamus rummaged in the bedside table, coming up with liquid gold in the form of lube.

  "If you got even a twinge, Keith, you tell me, yeah?"

  "I will. Love. Please. Touch me." Keith's eyes were ringed with gold, bright and sweet.

  He gave in. Getting his fingers good and slick, Seamus slid two inside, forgetting the easy test he had planned, giving Keith what Keith was begging for.

  Keith moaned, cheek resting on folded hands, hips rocking so slowly back on his fingers. There was no hesitation, no flinching away, and Seamus moaned, spreading Keith wider, getting him ready. Keith was hot and tight, burning for him, taking him in deep and holding him tight.

  No holding back, not anymore. Seamus lined up, pushed in, getting inside the tightest, hottest place he'd ever been.

  A soft sigh sounded, Keith's body rippling underneath him. "Oh. Oh, love. Feel you. So deep."

  "God. Babe. So tight and good." Moving slow, easy, Seamus gave Keith his whole length, hips flush against that sweet, round ass.

  "Yours." They rocked together and it was good enough to taste, like prey on his tongue, heavy and good like a full belly.

  "Mine. Mine. Mine." The last word came out as a snarl, and Seamus bit down hard on the back of Keith's neck.

  "Yours!" Keith jerked, gave a short, sharp bark, hips moving faster, rubbing against him.

  "Mine." Seamus growled, filling Keith deep, hips rocking, cock jerking.

  His cub rose up, pushing hard against him, meeting each stroke, demanding more.

  They rocked and moved and thrust together until it occurred to him to touch Keith, to reach beneath and grab Keith's sweet cock, pulling on it. "Love you."

  "Oh! Oh, Seamus! Love you." Keith climbed the headboard, driving back against him, howling with pleasure.

  Seamus howled as well, hips snapping, shooting hard into his lover, his mate.

  The cub slumped in his arms, panting and hot, soft and melting. "Love..."

  "Yes." He panted, chest heaving, feeling like he'd well and truly staked his claim, knowing he'd want more all too soon. "Love."

  "Yes." Keith curled in his arms, almost purring, eyelids droopy. "Nap now?"

  "Mmm, yeah." A nap sounded good. Then food. Lots of it.

  ~Chapter Six~


  He itched.

  He itched a lot and he couldn't quite scratch it.

  Keith paced the floor, periodically sticking his head in the refrigerator for another snack.

  Damn, this was irritating.

  Two months with Seamus, maybe longer now, and he was settled, happy. Loved the puppies and the sex and those green eyes and...

  He realized he was staring out the window at some sunbathing teenagers, hunger eating at him, soft whimpers sounding.


  "Hey, cub." Seamus' hands slid over his back, cool and soothing. "What's the matter?"

  He growled softly, muscles rippling. "I itch, Seamus. I itch."

  "Yeah." Seamus petted, nails scratching over his skin. "I know, cub. So do I. Let's go out tonight."

  "Out? Out where?" He rumbled and stretched, wriggling with pleasure. Good. So good.

  Seamus leaned, scratching harder. "Out for a little fresh meat."

  "Fresh meat?" His head fell forward and he panted, shoulders bunching.

  "Yeah. Something hot and sweet and just what you need to soothe that itch." That voice took on the low growl he came to associate with comfort, and need.

  Hot and sweet. Yes. Oh, please. That growl made him ache and he dropped to his knees, nuzzling Seamus' crotch, breathing in the sweet, heavy musk. His love. His. Moaning, snarling, Seamus sank long fingers into his hair, holding his face against the heavy bulge there, rubbing against his cheek, his lips. He answered each sound with one of his own, sniffing hard, needing that scent under his skin, in his bones.

  "Yeah, cub. Need you. Then we'll go play." Seamus rolled those strong hips, moving hard against him.

  He managed to get the fabric open, off, get his mouth and face on Seamus' cock and balls, licking happily.

  "Uhnn." The sound was so good, vibrated right through Seamus' cock and into his mouth. And the taste, oh yeah. Salty and wild and pure animal need. He whimpered, pulling hard. Needing his love. Seamus gave him just what he wanted. Strong touches and heavy moans and the scent of rutting. "Cub. So good."

  Nodding and moaning, he agreed, hands running along the heavy muscles of Seamus' legs.

  Faster and faster, Seamus moved against him, hands moving his head just where Seamus needed his mouth, thick prick sliding in and out. He throbbed, heat and need building in him. Finally that cock pushed into his throat and he swallowed, closing around the tip.

  A deep howl sounded, answered by the pups in their room as Seamus came, seed pulsing into his throat. He pushed Seamus down, licking and lapping the seed he missed, growling and keening.

  Seamus spread for him, offering something he rarely did, lifting his hips. "C'mon, cub. C'mon."

  Keith whimpered, bending to lick, to ease the way, to open his lover.

  Opening for him easily, Seamus panted, sharp nails scraping along the floor. "Come on, cub. Need."

  He snarled and leapt, finding the position they needed. He fastened his mouth on Seamus' shoulder and pressed deep, growling low.

  "Fuck!" Seamus pushed up, meeting him more than halfway, bodies slapping together. Hot and needy and almost soothing that damned itch.

  He drove in harder, faster, more, looking to ease his need, his hunger. Looking for something.

  Those long legs wrapped around him, Seamus pulling him deep, deeper, heat closing around him so tight. Keith howled, hips slapping against Seamus, world coming into sharp focus.

  "Fuck, yeah, cub." Seamus was breathless and hot, body fused to his.

  His orgasm slammed through him, shook him deep inside.

  "Yeah. Yeah, that's it." Seamus let him come down, petted him, soothed him. "Now it's time to get a bite to eat."

  "Eat... 'm so hungry, love."

  "Yeah. We need a little something special. Trust me. We'll go out, it'll be good." Seamus grinned at him, showing his teeth.

  "Good." He nodded, nuzzling, trusting, growling low. "Yes."

  "Yeah. Up, babe. Let's get you all prettied up. Then we gotta tell the pups what we're doing." Seamus shoved, and he rolled, and Seamus yanked him to his feet.

  "Prettied up?" He followed easily, bouncing.

  "Yeah." Ooh, Seamus' ass looked pretty, swaying that way. "We need to get gussied up, babe. Do some hunting and gathering."

  "Hunting where, love? We don't live in the country."

  "Urban commando, babe. All of that hot, fresh meat just prime for the choosing."

  "Urban..." He stopped short, frowning, shaking his head. "You don't mean what a think you mean, right?"

  Seamus stopped halfway through pulling on a shirt, blinking at him. "What do you think I mean, cub?"

  "People. You mean people. Like... like the first night. You mean people." Saying it out loud made him shaky. "Murder."

  "No. I mean making sure we eat what we need. Babe, we're higher up on the food chain, okay?" The shirt got tossed aside, and Seamus rubbed against him, petting his back.

  He shuddered, relaxing into Seamus' touch. "I can't. There's no way, love. I... I can't."

  Sighing, Seamus pulled him to the bed and sat him down. "You have to, babe. Or at least, I have to and you need to eat when I do."

  "Why? I'm okay. You're okay." He took Se
amus' hands. "I'll eat beef. Whatever. I can't eat people, though. I can't."

  "You can, babe. You have to." Playing with his fingers, Seamus nodded, like he'd made a decision. "Otherwise you'll be worse than the pups and as much as I like you fuzzy, I like you better smooth."

  "Worse than... What do you mean? You mean I'll be fuzzy more often?" Okay. Okay, he could handle that.

  "I mean you are what you eat. There's a long winded scientific explanation for it, I'm sure, but it boils down to if you don't, you could go feral on me and never get back to you." Seamus held his hands, not letting him up.

  "But I've been... me for months since he bit me. Since you found me." He was whimpering, shaking, scared, really scared for the first time since Seamus had found him.

  "Babe." That big body surrounded him, Seamus stroking and petting and giving him his scent. "I know. I know. But we only have to do it so often, you know? And I've been putting it off, knew it would upset you."

  Keith curled into that comfort, letting Seamus ease his soul. "I can't. Oh, love." He whimpered again and closed his eyes, nuzzling Seamus' chest.

  "You will. You won't just have to, you'll want to. I know you don't believe me. But, babe. Let's hunt. You'll see. You need it, the blood and the heat and the chase. I know you do. Here, where you itch."

  "What about the people though?" He was itching, he couldn't stop moving, stop growling. Maddening. It was maddening.

  "Don't think about it that way. Think about the pups. How would they survive without us? How would they get their food? How would I be without you? I got whole when you came along." That sub vocal growl was there, behind the words, and the sharp scent of heavy emotion came from Seamus' skin.

  He licked Seamus' throat, nuzzling, responding to the meaning underneath the words.

  "We need to go now, Keith. Now." The command was inescapable. He whimpered, something deep inside him responding to that command, something imprinted inside him. "Get dressed, babe. Something hot. We're going hunting."


  Keith's first hunt. Now that was something he had to make fucking special. Also had to make sure he was careful, picking the spot, the time, and the prey. Because God knew the kid would probably bolt if they were interrupted or caught.

  Seamus finished dressing, stomping into his boots and checking his look. Not bad. Yeah, he was gonna have to be on the ball. Then he caught a glimpse of the cub.

  He'd be really careful. Really. If they ever got out of the fucking apartment.

  Black leather tight enough to be a second skin, laced up the thighs and at the crotch set off Keith's heavy black fringe of hair. The mesh shirt was deep red, the collar around the cub's throat complete with a tiny gold buckle.

  Those bright eyes were ringed with dark eyeliner, making them pop.

  "Goddamn, cub. You're looking good enough to eat." A little tooth showing, there, just to back up the claim.

  Keith looked him over just as carefully, from the toes of his shitkickers to the shiny gold buttons up the front of his vinyl pants to the green mesh of his shirt. A soft hungry growl sounded, Keith licking his lips. "Mmm. Yes. Yes, love."

  The cub took a step forward, inhaling, breathing him deep.

  Kid was a natural. Seamus grabbed the lock on that collar and pulled Keith in for a deep, biting kiss. "Let's go."

  He got a worried look, eyes fastened onto his. "We're okay, right?"

  "Hell, yes. Hungry. Just like you." The effort it took to calm his voice amazed him. "Trust me, cub. Okay? And damn, you look pretty."

  Those pale cheeks turned pink. "I trust you. I do."

  Then the cub started bouncing again, eyes flaring with hunger, need pouring from him.

  "C'mon, babe. Gonna show you off. Take you dancing and all but fuck you on the dance floor."

  "Cool!" Keith bounced out the door, the movements sexy and wanton, loose and hungry all at once. Fuck, yeah. His cub was born to hunt. He could hardly wait to see the kid in action. If it was anything like the way it was when he mock stalked Seamus? The kid would be a joy to behold.

  They headed for the lower end of town, where the clubs teemed with just the sort of prey Seamus looked for. Single men on the prowl, or maybe a runaway no one would miss. Keith bounced ahead of him, turning heads, and he got to growl at the guys they passed. Fuck, he loved that.

  "You choose, babe." Seamus waved a hand toward the other side of the street, where light and music spilled out of the clubs. "Something you can dance to."

  The cub picked a club with booming music, driving and industrial, the only lights the rainbow colored neon. They paid their cover, Keith's body reacting to the heat and the music and the presence of prey so close. His own body reacted to Keith, cock growing hard in his pants, heat sitting low in his belly. They skipped the bar, because the minute they got inside he pulled Keith right to the dance floor, pulling him close and starting to move.

  He imagined Keith could dance before the change, but now? Now with the hunger and the heat riding him? That slim body was an addiction. One he would happily wallow in. Moving to the beat, he dragged Keith close, pulled their hips together and watched the whole fucking place watching them. Hard and hot, Keith rocked into him, hips pushing hard, ass a sweet temptation against his hand.

  Seamus rocked back, leaning to bite at Keith's ear. "Look around, babe. Look at them. Any of them look good?"

  Keith whimpered, leg sliding along his own, eyes glowing. "The one in the denim with the blonde hair. The tall one. He smells like food, Seamus. I can smell him."

  Oh, fuck, yeah. Cub had good instincts. Wild, gamey, the guy he picked out was perfect. Fucking perfect. Seamus rewarded Keith with a nip to the throat and a low sound of approval.

  "Cool. Now, you get him to come to us."

  Keith moaned, pressed close. "Bring him here, love?"

  "Yeah." He grinned, knowing it was more predatory than happy. "Least we can do is show him a good time."

  There was a moment of hesitation and then those eyes glowed. "I can do that."

  Then Keith got back to dancing, putting a bit of space between them, catching their prey's eyes again and again, sparking interest.

  Seamus played along, advancing, pushing Keith back toward the guy, making with the jealous. Part of it wasn't so much playing either. Burned his gut to see the cub flirting with someone like that. Made him hard as a damned rock, too.

  It didn't take long for the guy to step forward, trying to puff himself up, lure Keith away. Keith's motions grew slinky, seductive, instinct overriding nerves.

  Tamping down on his original instinct, which was to tear the guy a new one right there, Seamus glared, no teeth showing, and put a hand to Keith's shoulder like he was trying to talk him back.

  "You got him hook, line, and sinker, babe. I'm gonna stomp off. Bring him out back to the alley. You can do that, all right. Bring him to me, babe."

  "Yeah, love. I can do that." The words were a soft growl, Keith still moving under his hand.

  Seamus growled, shaking his head like he was truly pissed. "Just remember, this part? This is an act." Raising his voice, Seamus threw up his hands. "Fuck it," he said, loud and clear, and whirled, stomping away, out of the club. Then he slipped quietly around the back, massaging his aching cock. Waiting.

  Two songs passed before Keith's soft laughter sounded, low and seductive, the cub keeping the blonde focused, distracted, rubbing and wanton in those arms.

  That was his boy. So damned good. Seamus knew if the kid stopped worrying, let the instinct move him, he'd be perfect. They made it to his little corner of the shadows, and Seamus stepped out, probably scaring the blonde half to death.

  "Oh, babe. You brought me a new toy."

  Keith chuckled, wiggled in the blonde's arms. "Isn't he pretty? And so warm, too."

  "Yeah?" Letting loose an almost subsonic growl soothed the new one without the kid even knowing, and Seamus moved in to press against the blonde's back. "Smells good."

  "Mm-hmm." Keith kept
moving, stretching to nuzzle the blonde's throat, glowing eyes just meeting his over the guy's shoulder. "Makes me want, love."

  "You okay with this, kid?" He whispered it in the blonde's ear. It was nice to give them the illusion of choice. Looking right in to Keith's eyes, he bit lightly on the blonde's earlobe.

  The blonde shivered, "I..."

  Keith leaned back, lower bodies rubbing together, eyes seductive and wanton. "Please. Come and play. I... I've never done this before, not like this."


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