
Home > Other > Shifting > Page 51

  "Mmm. My babe, he's wanting." Seamus rubbed against the crack of the blonde's ass, throbbing, panting with need. "Say yes."

  "Oh. Oh, fuck. You... you're for real?"

  Keith chuckled, nodded. "Oh, yeah. We're for real."

  Shit, but he couldn't fucking wait until they showed the kid how real they were. The scent on the air was excitement, a little fear, and a healthy dose of male lust. Seamus pushed them further into the shadows, the driving music from the club echoing the pounding blood in his veins.

  The blonde groaned and snapped, grabbing Keith hard, lips smashing down on the cub's, hips humping between them. He growled, hands reaching for Keith's hips to pull them all together, keep them close. One of Keith's hands found his cheek, touching him, the other busy driving their prey mad. Hot and good, getting the prey's blood up, getting him all tender and needy. Keith was just driving him crazy as Hell, too, slinky and sexy and just altogether perfect.

  "Fuck. You always this hot for it? Shit..." The blond tugged Keith's hair, separating them. "Hungry little mouth."

  That made him growl again, and lean past to pull Keith close for a kiss of his own, deep and wet, staking his claim in case Keith forgot. His cub opened to him, rumbling into the kiss, so hungry, all his. God, yeah. The kiss went on and on, with him fucking devouring that sweet mouth, trying to fuck the blond through their clothes.

  The blonde groaned, rubbing hard. "Oh, fuck! You two... So fucking hot."

  Keith was the hot one, not him, and when the kiss finally broke, his cub proved it by grabbing the guy's crotch and rubbing hard. Such a good kid. Seamus pulled the blonde's head back and kissed that mouth as well, finding Keith's flavor there and soaking it in.

  The cub bent and found the blonde's nipple with those wicked teeth, driving the stretched body into desperation.

  Soon, Seamus thought. Soon. He drove them harder and faster, pushing, pulling, hands working whatever skin he could find. The blond he stretched even further, pushing the kid's head back and nipping at the tender throat.

  The scent of come filled the air, hips slamming into Keith, the blonde gasping and shaking hard.

  "Now, cub. Now." The command was plain, the words a snarl.

  Watching Keith move was the sexiest fucking thing he'd ever seen. Those eyes shone bright and a muzzle full of strong teeth closed over the blonde's throat, crushing it in two fierce bites, silencing the soft cries of passion that just started to climb into panic.

  Yes. So proud. So pleased. Seamus let the sounds and moves he made show it, letting Keith have that first taste, holding them all up as the blonde's struggles went weak and stopped.

  Keith's eyes flashed up to him, all humanity lost, then the cub stepped back, giving him his due as Alpha. He took it, his own instinct taking over, knowing only that he had to leave enough for Keith, and later, the pups.

  The cub paced, eyes glowing softly, panting as he fed. When he'd had his fill, Seamus backed away, letting Keith in. He paced as well, but with his back to the kill, protecting his cub from random passersby.

  Keith fed, muzzle tearing at the meat, little growls sounding. They slowed, then stopped. When the hunger eased, the cub stumbled back, panting, whimpering a bit.

  "Seamus. I..." Those too-human eyes fastened onto him, watching.

  "No." Wiping at his face to rid it of some of the blood, Seamus growled at Keith and shook his head. "No doubts. We have to get this back to the pups. They need fresh."

  Don't let the cub think, that was his policy.

  He thought the cub would argue, but Keith took a deep breath, nodded that white face. "The puppies. Right. I want to go home. How? How do we get... it home for the pups?"

  "That's the easy part. We go underground. That's why we live in the old downtown. Air raid tunnels. C'mon." Seamus led the way, dragging the meal with him, heading for the nearby tunnel entrance.

  Keith followed silently, the cub's heat just sliding along his spine.

  They got into the tunnel, several feet from the entrance, before Seamus stopped, dropping the food and grabbing Keith, kissing hard. "I can hear you thinking. No more of that. We feed the pups, as is our duty, and then I'm fucking you so hard you can't walk for a week."

  Keith gasped, licking at his lips, growling. "Only a week?"

  "At least. We'd have to eat sometime." Good. Kid was back in instinct mode. Damned good.

  "I'll call for pizza." The cub nipped his lip. "Home. I want to go home, love."

  "Yeah. Let's go home."

  All things considered? Seamus couldn't have asked for a better first hunt. Keith really was a natural.


  He'd done it. He made it home, made it in. Brought the... the... Brought it in without freaking out.

  He helped Seamus get it down the hall, locked the doors. Then...

  Then the pups attacked it and ate and it...

  And its fingers wiggled.

  Fingers that had... Oh, God.

  Keith tore through the house, body slamming into the bathroom door, just making it to the toilet before he lost it.

  When he was done, and his head rested against cool porcelain, Seamus crowded in to kneel behind him, one big hand holding his head while the other held a cup to his lips.

  "Here, babe. Rinse out."

  He nodded, swishing the water in his mouth, starting to shake now, not sure if he was embarrassed or sick or scared or disgusted. "I'm sorry."

  "Nah. S'okay." His hair fell in his face, and Seamus stroked it, smoothing the sweaty strands. "Knew you'd start thinking sometime."

  "I..." He looked up, blinking as his eyes started stinging. "I did my best. I just... On purpose, Seamus. He didn't do anything to me and I... Oh, God. I need a shower."

  "Okay. Okay, babe." Strong, capable, Seamus' hands pulled him up and into the shower, turning the water on so hot he yelped, stripping them both with quick motions. A low, constant sound came from Seamus' throat, soothing him.

  The water rinsed him, eased him, and he pushed into his lover's arms. Letting Seamus touch him, hide him. Seamus knew, he could tell. Knew how he felt even if Seamus didn't understand it. So gentle, those hands soaped him, rinsed him, made him clean.

  He closed his eyes, letting the spray wash his face. A thousand questions slammed into him, making him frown, making him worry.

  "What, babe?" Seamus smoothed the lines creased into his forehead with soft lips.

  "I..." He took a deep breath. "How often will I have to... And why was it easy? And why did I want to? And was I any good at it?"

  His eyelids, nose and lips got the same light kisses. "Because half of you is different now, and it knows what to do. Not that the human species is all that evolved from cavemen anyway."

  "But Seamus... Love..." Keith took another hitching breath. "I wanted to. I did. I wanted to do it."

  He was going straight to hell. Or jail. Or some Looney bin.

  Maybe a big kennel.

  "Of course you did." The water went off, and Seamus lifted him like a child, stepping over their discarded clothes and grabbing a towel with one hand on the way by. They sat on the couch as Seamus dried him. "You gotta eat. You know that on some level, just like you know what you gotta eat."

  "Did I... did I do okay?" Part of him was stunned, recoiling, but most of him wanted to know he'd performed well.

  "Oh, babe." Seamus smiled at him, eyes bright but serious. "You were fucking fantastic."

  "Yeah?" He pushed close, nuzzling Seamus' throat, draping himself over that solid heat.

  "Oh, yeah. Made me so hot, babe." The proof of that was huge and hard against his thigh.

  Keith reached down, hand circling the stiff flesh, pumping gently. "You looked so angry when you left. You're a fine actor."

  "Yeah, well it wasn't all acting. Don't like seeing you flirt with someone else." The deep snarl gave him goose bumps.

  "It was easy. Like my brain turned off and all I could hear was us -- you and me. I mean, it couldn't be, but it was." He was nuzz
ling Seamus' face, licking his chin and jaw.

  Seamus was just growling happily, hips moving that big cock up into his hand, hands smoothing over his body. "S'way it should be. We're a mated pair you and me."

  "Yeah?" He was relaxing, mouth moving over Seamus' neck and shoulders, body shifting under those strong hands.

  "Mmm." Pulling at him, Seamus moved him until he straddled Seamus' heavy thighs. "S'why we're so good together."

  "We are." He nodded, body rubbing his... mate's. Those growls were filling him, making him need and melt all at once. "I want you, love. You promised me... said you were going to fuck me."

  "Oh, shit yeah." Seamus surged, and he dangled for a moment before Seamus heaved him over one shoulder, heading for the bedroom. "Gonna do you so good, babe."

  He yelped, reaching down to pinch that strong, fine ass.

  He went flying again as soon as they reached the bedroom, bouncing on the big bed until Seamus came down on top of him, trapping him. "Mine."

  Keith shook his head, wiggling. "Nope. You're mine."

  A laugh rang out, Seamus throwing his head back and letting loose. "Works both ways, babe. Spread for me."

  He drew his legs up and back, spreading himself wide. "Mmm... love. Need."

  The only reply was another deep growl, and Seamus slid down, pushing him even wider. Then Seamus licked at his hole, pushing at him with lips and tongue, opening him.

  He growled, arching, body shaking and wanting. Needing.

  "Mmm." Pure lust traveled up his thighs from Seamus' low growls, that tongue pushing in again and again. Seamus held him hard enough to leave bruises, pushed him higher than he thought he could go.

  He couldn't catch his breath, couldn't stop his body from moving, begging for more. It was like hunting, riding this need, hot and fierce and wild and necessary.

  "Yeah." A strong surge of muscles sent Seamus up and over him, blunt cock pushing at his hole. "In, now."

  He nodded, pushing himself down, fucking himself on that sweet prick, head thrown back as he howled.

  Sharp teeth closed on his throat, Seamus marking him, hips driving Seamus' cock into him over and over. Driving everything else out.

  Hunger and need swept through him like a fire, burning away the fear, the worry, the only thing strong enough to meet it was the animal that raged and lusted within him.

  "Mine, mine, mine." Seamus' chant was guttural, the words barely words, but they matched the rhythm of their thrusts, and they rang in his head.

  Keith nodded, jerking, hand pulling hard at his cock. "Yours. Yours."

  Seamus looked at him, eyes wide and dark, before those hips snapped and Seamus just howled, filling his ass in deep pulses. The heat and need and scent and sound all coalesced into white-hot pleasure, pouring out of him, spraying over his skin.

  Still inside him, Seamus collapsed, full weight resting against him. That broad chest heaved with great, sobbing breaths. "Oh, babe..."

  "Yes. Love you." He nuzzled, licking the salt from his mate's skin.

  "Mmmhmm. Love." Nuzzling, licking, Seamus eased him down, pulling him toward sleep. "No more thinking today, cub. You let me worry about that."

  "'kay. Yeah." He curled in close, eyelids so heavy, body sated of all hungers.

  Seamus' low rumble followed him down into sleep. Seamus would take care of everything. His Seamus. His mate.

  ~Chapter Seven~

  Seamus woke up so hard he hurt. Hurt. He's been dreaming about Keith's mouth, how hot and sweet it was, and he woke up and reached for the cub.

  And Keith wasn't there.

  Seamus could hear him, talking to the kids as he worked, clanging pots in the kitchen. Feeding time.

  Shit. Well, there was always his hand, even if it didn't feel as good, and Seamus started stroking himself, cock jumping in his hand.

  Which was what he was doing when Keith walked back into their room.

  "Oh..." Keith's eyes flashed. "Ooooh, so pretty."

  "Mmm. Missed you, babe. Was thinking about you when I woke up like this, all hard and needing. Dreamed of your mouth." Seamus spread wide, letting Keith see it all.

  Keith licked his lips, moaning low, slowly unfastening his shirt. "So sexy, love."

  "Yeah? I think you're the sexy one, cub. So hot for it." Hell, just the touch of Keith's look was better than his hand.

  "Make me hungry." Keith shrugged off his shirt, crawled up between his legs, scenting his thighs. "Make me want."

  "All yours, babe." Oh, yeah. Keith just had to touch him now and everything would be fucking perfect.

  Keith's hands slid under his ass at the same time that hot tongue slid over cock and fingers. "All mine."

  "Fuck! Yeah, cub. Yeah." His hips came up, pushing into that sweet touch, hand falling away from his cock.

  "Mmm... yeah." Those sweet dark eyes were sparkling, that tongue lapping and wetting him, lips sinking over the tip and pulling hard.

  Moaning, Seamus grabbed a double handful of sheets, hips pumping up and up, the reality a Hell of a lot better than the dream. Keith took him deep and then deeper still, moaning around his prick, hands digging into his ass.

  "Gonna blow, babe, if you keep doing that." He felt it in his balls, ready to fucking burst.

  His mate licked the tip of his cock, backing away, teasing.

  Oh, God. The cub was gonna kill him, but what a way to go. Seamus reached for Keith, a low growl sounding.

  Keith grinned, shifted away. "Come get me, love."

  He was up and grabbing the cub before the kid even moved good, tearing at Keith's jeans.

  The air between them was wild, fierce, hot and biting and perfect, Keith smooth in his hands.

  So good. What the Hell did he ever do before his mate? It was like he couldn't even remember that time. They went down in a tangle of hot skin and long limbs, and Seamus rubbed against the cub, cock hard enough to pound nails.

  "Fuck me. Now, love. Now." Keith turned, ass tilting up towards him.

  "Oh, cub. Yeah." No way was he gonna resist that, and all it took was a little spit and some quick fingers and Keith was ready for him. He pushed in quick and hard, letting them both savor the burn.

  They rutted, all growls and whines and teeth and fuck, it was good. Seamus could taste it, like fresh blood in the back of his throat.

  Spicy and metallic and so hot it burned. Dreams had nothing on his cub's body, so tight and good, or his cub's lips under his.

  Claws scraped along his back, Keith arching. "Love! Please!"

  "Yeah." Seamus pushed harder, slamming into his cub, putting all of his need into it, all of his want. "Love..."

  Keith screamed, body rippling around him, heat sprayed between them, scent heady and strong.

  "Fuck! Keith..." How he held out as long as he did, Seamus had no fucking clue, but it was a fucking explosion when he came, filling Keith with his spunk, howling his pleasure to the air.

  Keith panted, nuzzling and licking his throat, hands petting. "Love. So hot."

  "Mmmm." He did some nuzzling of his own, holding the cub close. "Needed you. You."

  "Yours." Keith smiled against his skin. "Love you."

  "Love you, babe." He wasn't hurting anymore, and he didn't have to use his hand. His cub was all snuggled up to him and the kids were fed, so they could nap some. Dreams were nice, but he'd take his real life any day.


  He'd been feeding the puppies some stew when Jade turned and bit him. Bit him hard. Hard enough to break the skin.

  Keith went and washed his hand, cleaned it out with alcohol and -- ow! Oh, fuck, ow! -- stuck a bandage on. He was headed to grab his book when something struck him and he went hunting his lover.

  "Seamus! Seamus! There's no weird, fucked up reaction from the pups biting, yeah? No excessive fuzzies? No weird diseases?"

  "Hnuh?" Seamus was napping, butt naked, spread out in the middle of their bed. Seamus had freckles on his butt. How had he never noticed that before?

  Oh, too
fucking cute. He leaned down and nibbled, tasting the salt on Seamus' skin.

  "Mmmm. Hey, cub. Was that you just now, or was I dreaming?"

  "Was me. Got bit by the pups. You taste good."

  Seamus wiggled for him, ass muscles flexing. "Feels good, too. Uh, yeah, there, babe."

  "Mmm..." He kept nuzzling and licking, hands sliding up along Seamus' side, down over strong thigh muscles. Those hips rolled under his mouth and hands, pushing more of Seamus' skin at him, filling his nose with the hot scent of need.


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