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Page 53

by Shifting (anth. )(Rob Knight Editor)(Torquere)(lit)

  "Help me. Please." The words were harsh, more growl and bark than anything, whispered against his throat. Heavy and dense, hands curled into claws, tongue stumbling over too-long teeth, his Keith was fading. "Love."

  "Yes. I promise. We'll make you all better. All good. I swear. You just have to hunt." He stroked and nuzzled and licked, feeling the unnatural coat the cub sported, tasting his own tears. "Come on. Yeah. We'll go."

  Keith nuzzled his throat, head bobbing in a nod. The tremors eased, the cub hearing him, listening. Trusting.

  They'd take the tunnels. They go and hunt and Keith could eat his fill. Fuck. Seamus had hunted twice since Keith had that once. God. He slid away, a sharp bark commanding Keith to follow. Every nerve in his body commanded that they go now.

  Keith padded behind him, quiet, sure, deadly. The hunger on the air was strong enough that the rats and pigeons fled before them, the stray dogs cowering.

  Yes. The cub knew what to do on instinct, and even if Keith hated Seamus for it after, he would do his best to let that instinct keep them together. Keep them a pack.

  When they moved closer to the end of a tunnel branch, Keith sniffed, growled low. Seamus could sense the cub's hackles rising.

  Perfect. Someone was there, just beyond. Someone scented with alcohol and desperation, someone who would run and fight and not be missed. Seamus faded back, letting Keith take the lead, letting his mate get the bloodlust up.

  Keith did not seduce or tempt; there was no thought in this hunt. The cub ran on pure instinct, taking up the chase with a low growl, body black and sleek in the streetlights.

  His own eyesight sharpened, sense of hearing and smell becoming acute, and Seamus let it go, let himself go as he had not since he found Keith all those weeks ago, running the prey with a savage joy. He could feel his mate's pleasure in the air, hear it in the sharp sounds. See it in the way Keith moved with him, willing, hungry. Free.

  Yes. That was what he needed. What Keith needed. He nipped at Keith's heels, slowing them, drawing it out a tiny bit, but in the end it was a matter of seconds before their prey went down under Keith's sharp jaws. The cub fed deep, tearing into their prey with a single-minded need, snarling and snapping.

  The need almost overwhelmed him, but Seamus held back, letting Keith have his fill. There would be another this night if need be, one for him as well as the cubs. Keith needed to feed. Needed to be his cub again.

  Finally, Keith slowed, bright eyes flashing at him. The look was sultry, sated. Wicked. "Another, love? Younger? Fresher? Not so..." Keith licked his lips, chuckling low, "beer-soaked?"

  He growled, nodding, moving away. He needed. Then he was gonna fuck the cub silly.

  Keith moved with him, hunger sated, but hunting beside him. With him.

  Just where he belonged.



  Oh. Yes. Better.

  He felt... Good. Awake. Alive.

  He could see everything, smell the motions of prey, the scent of the city. Better than all of that -- better than the blood and the flesh and the life?


  His Seamus.

  They moved together, quiet, quick, searching together for something to ease his lover's hunger, to feed their pack.

  Seamus was on the edge of desperation. It showed in every line of that big form, in every tightly leashed movement. So good to him, letting him have it all, holding back the natural urge of the Alpha. But now Seamus needed.

  The scent of fear was up ahead, of anger. Of lust. A young girl burst out of an alleyway, tears streaming. An older man, healthy, strong, threw a beer bottle after her, screaming obscenities. He looked over at Seamus, eyebrow raised.

  A single nod and Seamus was moving like smoke, fading into the shadows, only the glow of those gold-green eyes giving him away. Hunting. He kept in the shadows, head down, moving just enough to distract, to intrigue Seamus' prey.

  Seamus circled as the man moved toward him, cursing and waving his arms. It was too easy, but Seamus didn't draw it out, just attacked from behind, taking the man down by the legs.

  He moved in, ripping out the man's throat, snarling at the splash of sweet, hot blood on his tongue. A sharp bite fell on his neck, Seamus warning him to back off, nothing left of his man in this Seamus. The tender belly was Seamus' by right. He growled, but stepped back, tongue lapping the blood off his lips.

  Quick as anything, Seamus moved in and tore into the meal, snarling over it, more heat and metallic scent spilling into the night.

  Then Seamus slowed, licking the elongated muzzle, and bent, clasping something and offering it to him delicately. The choicest parts. His own right as Alpha's mate. He licked Seamus' muzzle in thanks, then bent, eating quickly, feeling the strength and power and pleasure fill him, ease aches that had tortured him.

  The feast was too soon over, and Seamus nudged him away from the carcass, a short, sharp bark urging him to follow. By the time they reached the end of the alley, Seamus walked upright.

  "We didn't leave enough for the pups."

  He nodded, focused. So clear, so alive*. He could feel Seamus' desire, smell the hunt on the air. "Where to? Closer to the tunnel or do we clean up and find someone to follow us home?"

  "Close to home. I'm not dealing with the dance, babe. Want you."

  That sent a shiver through him, made him growl something. "Good. Hurry."

  "Yes." It took them all of five minutes to find a good meal to take home, took less to procure it. Seamus was on a roll.

  They worked quickly, not talking, just moving with a quiet desperation to get the pups fed and settled, get things safe. Waiting until they could finally break. Touch.

  Jade and Liz and Bruiser met them with licks and whines and low heads, tails up. The meal seemed to reassure them, make them happy, and as soon as the pups were digging in, Seamus dragged him off.

  He went easily, eagerly. He had days to make up for. Weeks.

  The door to the bathroom shut behind them and Seamus growled, pushing him back, mouth closing roughly over his.

  Need and passion sparked between them and he pushed into Seamus' body, meeting that hard kiss head-on, hands burying in that thick red hair. Hard, hot, desperate for him, Seamus took his mouth, hands moving over his body like they were searching him, making sure he was there.

  He moved into the touches, thighs parted, one leg hooking around Seamus' hip. Fuck, yes. His. Good. So fucking good.

  Nothing that urgent could last, and Seamus spread him wide, using spit and fingers to loosen him before pushing inside him, burning him up. The thrusts were sharp, fast, fierce. He used his strength to meet that hard, hot body again and again.

  Between kisses Seamus growled at him, begging him not to leave, never leave. The sounds tore at him, and he was glad when Seamus bit down on his shoulder, stifling a howl as Seamus came hard inside him.

  He wrapped around his mate, rubbing, rocking, his spunk hot and wet as it spread between them. Holding on tight, Keith pet and promised, holding Seamus close, mouth moving over whatever skin he could find.

  "Love you, cub. So much."

  "Yes. Love you, Seamus. Mate. Love." He took a soft kiss, then another. "I'm sorry."

  "Just promise me you won't ever do it again." Seamus stroked his back, their breath slowing. "That you know what you are."

  "I am your mate. Pack." He growled softly. "Not one of them. Not anymore."

  "Exactly." A soft nuzzle showed Seamus' approval, and then it was into the tub.

  They stank.

  ~Chapter Ten~

  Seamus rolled off the bed, stretching hugely, muscles pulling and joints popping. Good nap. The bed was still full of arms and legs and Keith's mop of hair and the kids' furry tails.

  He grinned, pulling back the blanket and popping Keith hard on the ass. "Hey, cub. What's for dinner?"

  Keith startled, snapping at him and pushing further under the blanket, ass disappearing behind Bruiser.

  Oh ho. Someone was feeling a
little bruised and snarly. Maybe he'd been a little too rough with the kid the night before. But damn it was good.

  "Come on, cub. M'hungry."

  Bruiser's eyes opened, the puppy yawning, tail wagging at the idea of food. Keith frowned at the pup as the heavy tail whacked him. "Traitor. Want cereal?"

  Jade barked sharply with a firm no.

  "There. See?" His stomach rumbled, and Seamus grabbed a foot, tickling. "Want meat."

  "'m going to bite your ass." Keith growled, although there was laughter underlying it, a flash of playful dark eyes.

  "Promise? I'll wag my tail just for you, babe. Don't you want some hot, sweet, fresh stuff?" Oh, yeah. He was hungry. Just the thought made him hard. A low rumble sounded and the pups scrambled as Keith pounced, leaping right at him. They went down in a flurry, wrestling back and forth hard enough to rock the bed when they hit it, the pups barking excitedly. He laughed, panting hard. "That the best you can do, cub?"

  "Taking it easy on the old-timer is all." Keith head butted him, teeth threatening his throat, daring him.

  That made him snarl, made him turn the kid beneath him and slam those thin shoulders to the floor, teeth closing over the cord of Keith's throat. "Mine."

  The pups had gone still, three pair of eyes watching, waiting. Keith gave a soft rumble, head falling back, soft belly offered without hesitation, and the babies relaxed. "Yours."

  "Mmmhmm." He nuzzled and licked, rubbing hard. God, the kidgot to him in every way. Knew when to push and when to give in. And he was hot.

  Hands tangled in his hair, thin legs wrapped around his hips and held on. Keith was hard against him, full and hot and eager. Eager for him.

  Growling, Seamus barked the pups right out of the room, then pulled back and lifted Keith's hips in his hands. Those legs slid up over his shoulders, just like he'd planned, and Seamus bent to lick at Keith's tight little hole.

  Needy whimpers and wild little howls filled the air, Keith shaking in his hands, muscles taut. Fuck, yeah. Seamus got that hot space ready for him, fucking it with his tongue like he wanted to fuck it with his cock. So good, watching the cub go crazy. For him.

  The sounds grew more and more desperate, Keith's nails scraping along the floor. He could smell the strong musk of his cub's need, rich and heady. When his cub was wet and ready, Seamus bent those long legs double, pushing Keith's knees to his shoulders and pushing in hard. His cock slid right in, hot and tight and fuck he was just howling with it.

  Each thrust was met by a grasp of needy fingers or a cry or a ripple of that fierce grip of a body. He fucked that ass as hard as he could, growling, biting, feeling skin break beneath his teeth.

  Keith cried out, sharp and sweet, ass clenching around his cock as the cub sprayed hot seed between them. A long howl escaped him, and Seamus filled that sweet ass with spunk, hips pumping hard.

  "Yours." The whisper was soft, accompanied by a long soft lick to his throat. "Love you."

  "Mmm." The skin beneath his lips tasted of salt and sated need. "Love you, cub." Seamus' stomach rumbled. "But that still doesn't get you out of bringing in some take out."


  He was vibrating, walking with his hair hanging into his face to conceal his glowing eyes, the way his nose twitched. The way his tongue kept sliding over his lips, hunting for the taste of blood.

  They were never going to get to the house fast enough.

  Definitely not, the way Seamus kept scenting him, low growls coming from deep in that wide chest. Finally it was like the tiny thread holding Seamus together snapped, and he was pulled into an alley so fast he couldn't even blink.

  Keith snarled, the instinct to fight or fuck undeniable, the scent of his Seamus rich and strong. Seamus shoved, pushing him hard against a wall, taking a kiss that drew blood. He growled, claws raking across Seamus' shoulders, lips parting wide. Bloodlust was singing through him, between them.

  "Gonna fuck you good." The voice was low, guttural, Seamus lifting him with strong hands and pulling him close.

  "Hard. Want to feel you." He scented Seamus, panting as he inhaled.

  "Yeah. Fuck yeah, babe." Seamus knew his mood, knew he didn't need tender preparation, just shifted their clothes out of the way and pushed in, hard and fast.

  His howl echoed against the building, wild and sharp, claws digging into the brick. His own sounds blended with Seamus' deep growls, a hair-raising harmony as Seamus pounded him. Better than the hunt, better than the splash of blood on his tongue -- Keith needed Seamus deeper even than the beast.

  His Seamus was wild with need, biting, scratching, pulling him up, spreading him wide. Slamming him.

  He met each thrust, body tight, taking his lover in deep and deeper, head tilting as he offered Seamus the curve of his throat. Seamus took, teeth sinking into his throat, the vibrations of a howl moving against his skin as Seamus filled him with hot spunk.

  The bright heat of the bite sent him over, come pouring from his cock as blood spilled into his Alpha's mouth.

  Panting, chest heaving, Seamus lapped at his blood, low sounds of approval coming out. His head lolled, his hungers eased for the moment, muscles loose and fluid with pleasure.

  No more solid than he was, Seamus leaned, plastering him to the wall. "Oh, babe."

  "Yeah. Yeah, love." He grinned, feeling so good, strong, fucking flying. "Love this, with you."

  A toothy grin and a hot kiss were his reward. "Love you, babe. Now we should go feed the pups, yeah?"

  "Mm-hmm. Feed the babies and then it'll be time to play some more, yes?" He butted Seamus' jaw gently, chuffing, rumbling. "Play hard?"

  "Real hard babe." Seamus' tongue caught his cheek, rough and firm.

  "Good. Let's go home." They headed out, moving as one, just like before. This time though, Keith was searching for his lover's scent upon the air.

  ~Chapter Eleven~

  Seamus hung up the phone and stared blankly at it for a few minutes. Well, maybe it was more than a few minutes, because Bruiser whined and started licking his hand.

  Well, fuck.

  He needed Keith. Like now. Needed to wrap around him and just hold on.

  What if the Elders thought Keith was a danger to the pack? What if they told Seamus Keith had to go? What if they decided the experiment wasn't working and they had to go back? Keith was a city boy, born and bred. He might like to visit the pack lands, but Seamus doubted Keith would flourish there.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. There he was, in the living room, with Jade stretched out on his feet and Liz curled up on one side. Seamus went to Keith and shifted Liz to one side, crawling onto the couch and glomping.

  Keith looked up at him with those almost-black eyes, snuggling close, a concerned little whine sounding. "Bad phone call?"

  "Elder's coming this week to check our progress." Better. Seamus snuggled, nuzzling, taking in the scent of his mate.

  Hands pushed through his hair, petting him, comforting him. "Okay. Is that bad?"

  A growl escaped. "Well, he says he's going to evaluate us too."

  "Us?" Keith leaned back, frowning. "What do you mean? Do you mean they may not want me helping with the pups?"

  "I mean they don't know you, know you weren't born this way. They'll want to make sure." He trailed off, inhaling deeply. No way. No way were they taking Keith from him.

  "Make sure what?" Keith pushed close, scenting him, tongue sliding along his jaw. "You're worried, love. I can smell it on you."

  "Make sure you'll be strong enough, I suppose is the easiest way to put it." Why the Hell was he pussyfooting around? If Keith was going to lose it he would have a few months back. They were hunting together seamlessly now. "It's just that most of the ones who are turned... well, they go bad, love."

  "Go bad? Seamus?" One dark eyebrow arched, Keith's look almost funny in its mixture of aggravation and confusion. "Go bad how, love?"

  "There's lots of ways." The clothes keeping him from skin made him impatient, and he tugged at them, pulling them away. "A
lot go crazy the first couple of weeks because they don't know about the hunt, you know?"

  "Okay. Yeah. I can get that." Keith worked at getting him naked too, the thin hands sliding over his skin, soothing him, loving him. "Keep going. I need to know."

  "Right." Oh. He arched as Keith scratched that spot at the small of his back. So good. "Then there's the ones who go a little nuts on the opposite side, go feral, sorta. Like they go too far with the new side of them. They're like... rabid. Have to be put down."


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