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Worlds Apart

Page 1

by Isis Brown

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, locations, and events are the product of my imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events, places, businesses, etc. are entirely


  (c) 2019

  Chapter One


  Layla sat back against the uncomfortable chair in her hotel room, waiting for her best friend Marco to finish getting ready. He always took twice as long as she did, but to his credit, always looked amazing by the time he was done.

  “Let’s go,” she said somewhat exasperated. “At this rate, we are going to miss the sky train and be late for our dinner reservation.”

  Not one to be rushed, Marco took his time with the finishing touches on his hair, took a selfie for good measure to post to his Instagram account, then came out of the bathroom giving her a pointed look.

  “As if you don’t have five different possible itineraries already picked out for us to get there early, let alone on time,” he said as he poured them two shots of cinnamon-infused whiskey from the bottle he had chilling in the hotel’s mini-fridge.

  “To best friends, big contracts and me getting laid in Vancouver,” Marco said as he handed Layla a drink and raised his glass.

  “I’ll drink to that, I think,” Layla said as she raised her glass, eyeing the whiskey wearily.

  Marco owned his consulting firm and worked with companies who wanted to be more inclusive in their hiring practices. He was awarded a big-time contract in Vancouver British Columbia, so he convinced Layla to take the week off work and join him.

  They rushed to the sky train and soon were at the up and coming sushi restaurant that was two blocks away from the gay bar they’d attend later that night. Ever the planner, Layla had them there a few minutes early and chose to ignore Marco’s ‘I told you so look’ when the host at the restaurant told them it would be a few minutes until their table was ready. Once seated, they settled into the familiar rhythm and conversation they’ve had since they were children.

  “So, what do you have in mind for tonight?” Layla asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Some drinking, some dancing, falling in love with someone tall dark and handsome for the week,” Marco said, a whimsical look on his face.

  “Oh, is that all? I’m glad we got two rooms then,” Layla responded as she raised her eyebrows suggestively.

  “You know, it wouldn’t hurt for you to get back out there yourself.”

  Layla shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

  “It’s not like I’m avoiding it, but I just haven’t met anyone and felt that spark, you know? Or at least a spark that’s lasted more than a night or two,” Layla responded truthfully as she poured a little soy sauce onto a small plate.

  Layla had found some comfort and company here and there with a few women since she and her last girlfriend broke up a couple of years ago, but nothing that made her want more. Instead, she was content to bury herself in work, which there was plenty of as the Chief of Staff for the first openly lesbian mayor of the City of Portland, Oregon. She held that post for the last four years, and if the upcoming election went their way, she would be for another four.

  “Not even that smoking hot babe at the Attorney General’s office? I swear I can feel the vibes coming off you two every time I’m at City Hall and you are within 50 feet of each other,” Marco said.

  Layla smiled as she thought of Sasha, dipping a sushi roll into soy sauce. “I don’t shit where I eat,” she reminded him, before popping the sushi roll into her mouth.

  “Never stopped me!” Marco exclaimed, laughing.

  “Remind me how well that’s worked out for you?”

  Marco squinted. “Point taken.”

  Once they finished their dinner, they walked arm in arm into the bar where Layla found them seats at a small table and Marco went to get them drinks. Layla took a moment to look around the bar, which was adorned with flyers, drink specials advertised on chalkboards, the faint smell of spilled alcohol filtering into her nostrils. A posted schedule on the wall and the music playing clued her in that it was 80s night. Marco joined her soon after that as he set her drink down on a coaster.

  After finishing one drink and being halfway through another, Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar started blaring through the speakers, eliciting a delighted squeal from Layla as she jumped up from the table and pulled Marco by the hand onto the dance floor. As the night wore on, the dance floor got more crowded, and Marco caught the gaze of a man just his type. Not missing a beat, Layla moved their dance party closer to the object of Marco’s affection then excused herself to go to the bathroom to give them a chance to dance together.

  A few minutes later she sat at the bar, sipping on water and wondering if she should head back to the hotel since Marco and his tall dark and handsome admirer were now dancing together.

  “Hey, you should come sit with us. It looks like the boys are getting acquainted.”

  Layla looked over to the woman speaking to her, who was nodding at Marco and the handsome stranger he was dancing with. She had kind brown eyes and matching brown hair that was loosely braided yet somehow managed to look elegant as it curved around her neck and over her shoulder.

  “Help me with these will you?” she motioned towards the one drink she couldn’t carry as she carried two others to a booth where she and her friends were sitting, not waiting for a response. Layla picked up the drink and followed her. Once they arrived at the large U-shaped booth, the woman set the drinks on the table and turned to her.

  “I’m Penny,” she said, then she gestured to her two friends. “That’s Isabel and Toni, and that,” she motioned to the man Marco was dancing with, “Is Elliott.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you all. I’m Layla, and that’s Marco,” she answered, pointing to the dance floor.

  Penny sat in the booth and scooted further inside to make room for Layla.

  “Thanks for letting me join you,” Layla said. “I was considering heading back to the hotel since they seem to be, well...”

  She let her sentence trail off as all four of them looked onto the dance floor to see Marco and Elliott dancing so close they could be making out any second.

  They all chuckled and picked up their drinks, Layla sipping her water as she started looking at the women around the table. She could swear she recognized Isabel from somewhere, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. That wasn’t unusual for Layla since she worked in politics she was constantly surrounded by dozens of people throughout her day and often recognized people although she couldn’t place where exactly she knew them. Isabel had shoulder-length straight blonde hair, gorgeous green eyes, and Layla intentionally had to avert her gaze to not stare at her while she tried to figure out why she recognized her.

  “So Layla, tell us about you,” Penny encouraged.

  “Oh, nothing too glamorous. Lebanese. I work in politics, am here in Vancouver with Marco for the week while he is here for work. We are both from Portland…” and realizing she was starting to sound like a dating profile added, “I like medium-sized walks on the beach, stand-up comedy, and carbs. Lots and lots of carbs.”

  “I hear THAT!” Toni said, raising her glass which Isabel promptly clinked with her own.

  “What about you all?” asked Layla.

  “I’m a teacher,” Penny answered. “I teach grade 7 and am already out way past my bedtime. Elliott is a bartender at one of the local gay bars while he attends graduate school, Toni is the best God damn hairdresser in this province…”

  “You’re just saying that so I keep doing your hair for free,” Toni interrupted.

  “Not true at all!” Penny feigned indignation. “But also, maybe,” she answered, laughing. “Last but certainly not least, you are i
n the presence of Isabel Martin. Rising star of the web series world and soon to be big-screen movie star.”

  “Okay, please stop,” Isabel said as she looked down at the table and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, speaking for the first time since Layla joined their table.

  So that’s where I recognize her from Layla thought. She did her best to keep up and support as much LGBTQ content as possible, especially if it represented women and non-binary characters who dated women. She had dozens of donations to crowdsourcing campaigns to prove it.

  “That’s great, so how do you all know each other?” Layla asked, looking between them and catching Isabel’s eye.

  “We grew up together, used to all live on the same cul de sac in Elementary school and have just been best friends ever since,” Isabel answered, smiling fondly at her friends.

  “Well, Isabel has to be best friends with me. She needs me more than ever now that she can’t trust just anyone with those beautiful blonde locks,” Toni teased, tugging at a strand of Isabel’s hair.

  “Not to mention all the dirt I have on her. Oooh AND PICTURES!” Penny added playfully.

  “So this is what it feels like to be held hostage by one's nearest and dearest friends? How did I get so lucky?”

  Layla laughed as she enjoyed the friendly banter between them, who she could tell had a great deal of affection for each other.

  “How about you Layla? How long have you known Marco?” asked Isabel.

  Layla looked at Isabel and was struck by how beautiful she was. She took in her appearance, the long green dangly earrings that matched the color of her eyes, the way her hair fell off her shoulders, her prominent cheekbones and perfectly plump lips. She realized she was taking too long to answer and cleared her throat.

  “We met the first week of the 2nd grade and have been inseparable ever since. Predictable, I know.”

  “Tale as old as time,” Toni started singing.

  They all laughed again and raised their glasses for an impromptu cheers.

  “Okay girl, is there a reason you’re not drinking with us?” Toni asked, pointing to Layla’s glass of water.

  “Pretty sure I’m quite a bit ahead of you all with my alcohol consumption.”

  “Nonsense,” Isabel said, waving her hand dismissively. “If you’re sober enough to know all the words to Love is a Battlefield I think the night is young for you,” she finished with a slight smirk.

  Layla felt the blood rush to her face. “So you saw that, huh?” Her face scrunched in playful embarrassment.

  “Oh she saw it alright,” Penny teased, and Isabel shot her a look that said don’t you dare.

  Layla was confused looking between them both when Toni said “Okay, time for the next round and this one is on me. Layla, what are you drinking?”

  “Oh. Umm. I’m not sure if I should…or at least let me pay?”

  “Come on,” Toni whined. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to argue with a Latina before?”

  “Hey now, no peer pressure at this table ladies,” Penny admonished.

  “Excuse me, who invited teacher Penny? I’m pretty sure we told her she wasn’t allowed to make an appearance tonight,” Toni playfully complained, rolling her eyes.

  “Okay, fine! Vodka soda please,” Layla answered while laughing. Then quickly added, “And more water!”

  “I’ll help you carry the drinks back,” Penny offered as they all stood up to let Penny and Toni out of the booth. When Isabel and Layla sat back down, they were seated next to each other on the inside of the booth.

  There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Layla and Isabel spoke at the same time.

  “I hope I’m not crashing your night out with friends-”

  “So what exactly do you do-”

  “Sorry!” they both said in unison before easing into a laugh.

  “Not at all,” Isabel said as she lightly put a hand on Layla’s forearm. “We were just out for Elliott’s birthday, and he is otherwise engaged. Plus it’s always nice to meet new people.”

  “Oh absolutely, you all saved me from being at the mercy of Canadian late-night TV. You know, for a country that doesn’t believe in torture, someone should tell that to your comedy series writers,” Layla said with a playful grin.

  “Wooooooow,” Isabel laughed while putting her hand on her heart as if deeply wounded. “I’m pretty sure no critiques of any kind are allowed from your kind while you have that disgusting clown as your President.”

  “You’ve got me there,” Layla responded, holding her hands up in front of her in defeat. “I apologize on behalf of my people. In some of our defense, the majority of us didn’t vote for him.”

  Just then, the drinks arrived as Penny and Toni slid back into the booth. They continued an easy conversation while checking in on Marco and Elliott who seemed to be having the time of their lives. That is until Bon Jovi’s You Give Love a Bad Name came on, and Marco came over to the table to commandeer Layla personally.

  “Sorry ladies,” Marco said as he interrupted their conversation, “But I need my bestie for this one.”

  Layla slid out of the booth, apologizing to Toni, who had to stand back up to let her out, as Marco grabbed her hand and started to lead her towards the dance floor. She turned her head around and looked back at the group after a few steps and said “feel free to join us!” but she was led through the crowd before she could see if anyone was following. They met up with Elliott on the dance floor and formed a small circle where they danced together, trading partners, singing at the top of their lungs, and passing around an imaginary microphone between them and the few strangers who happened to sing alongside them. Toni joined them mid-song and fit right in.

  Layla loved the freedom being surrounded by people on the dance floor afforded her, especially since she had to be so serious and professional at her job. She wasn’t an especially good dancer, but that didn’t inhibit her in the slightest. As she felt that weird sensation that someone was watching her, she peeked back at the booth where Penny and Isabel sat. She made direct eye contact with Isabel for a couple of seconds before her view was cut short by people on the dance floor.


  “Hello, anyone there?” Penny asked sarcastically as she waved her hand in front of Isabel’s face.

  “Sorry, I spaced out. What did you say?”

  “Oh is that what we are calling you staring at Layla’s ass? Spaced out? I was talking to you about Jen’s upcoming recital. You know Jen? My daughter? Your God-daughter? Remember her?”

  “I was not staring at her ass, and I remember the upcoming recital. Stop being so dramatic.”

  “Don’t insult me. Of course you were staring at her ass. I’m straight, and I’m staring at her ass in those jeans.”

  “Okay. Fine. I was looking at her. But for the record, I was not staring at her ass. I was staring at… her hair,” Isabel said, breaking eye contact with Penny.

  Penny tilted her head to the side, using one of her patented teacher signature moves.


  Isabel threw her hands up. “And her ass.”

  “Thank you. So, are you going to ask her out?”

  Isabel looked incredulously at Penny. “Am I going to ask out the woman who is here for one week and lives in another country? No. No, I am not.”

  “Okay, now who is being dramatic?” Penny held up a finger. “One, if she lives in the Pacific Northwest, it doesn’t count as a different country.” She held up a second finger. “Two, what better way to get to know someone than a week-long timeline. If you two have a great time, it’ll be a week to remember. If you have a terrible time, it’ll be over in a week, and you won’t ever have to see her again.” She held up a third finger. “Three, you’ve been working so much lately you haven’t dated in ages. When is the last time you got laid? I’m married my high school sweetheart, we have two kids, and I swear I get laid more than you do.”

  Isabel glared at her best friend. “I thought we said teach
er Penny wasn’t allowed out tonight?”

  “This isn’t teacher Penny sweetheart. This is hard-ass best friend Penny.”

  “I think I need another drink,” Isabel said, looking towards the bar.

  Penny drug Isabel to the bar and ordered her a shot of tequila. After Isabel downed the shot, Penny led Isabel to join their friends on the dance floor.


  After they danced the rest of the night away, they all gathered outside the bar as they organized their ride shares home. Predictably, Marco and Elliott planned to share a car back to Elliott’s place.

  Marco went to say goodbye to Layla, and it looked like they were having a quick conversation with Layla shaking her head and nodding toward the car where Elliott was waiting. Marco gave Layla a quick hug then turned to the rest of the group to thank them for a fun night before he crawled into the back seat of the car next to Elliott.

  “Thank you for letting me join you tonight ladies, this was fun,” Layla said as she pulled out her phone to check on something.

  “Totally our pleasure Layla, you’re amazing,” Toni said as she leaned hard against Penny. Penny looked like she was struggling to keep Toni upright, so she started leading her to a nearby bench to await their ride. Penny looked over her shoulder and gave Isabel a knowing look before focusing on keeping Toni upright.

  Isabel took a deep breath and walked a few steps over to Layla.

  “So what will you do while Marco is at work this week?” Isabel asked.

  “I’ve got a few things on my list, but honestly, my day job is so stressful that I am looking forward to having a little downtime, you know? I didn’t want to over-plan my vacation.”

  “I get that,” Isabel responded, leaning back against the same wall as Layla.

  “What about you? Do you live in Vancouver full time? I imagine you must travel a lot for work.”

  The small talk was painful for Isabel as she tried to muster up the courage to ask Layla out. Was it always this hard? Isabel was used to people asking her out, and she could swear she caught Layla checking her out a couple of times, but maybe that was recognition and not attraction. It was becoming harder for Isabel to tell the difference.


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