Book Read Free

Worlds Apart

Page 3

by Isis Brown

  Isabel laughed as she put the glasses on, and she had to admit they did help.

  “Walk with me to the park? Let’s find some shade and chill out for a bit. What do you think?”

  “That sounds great,” Isabel said as she looped her arm in Layla’s and walked in step with her to the park. Isabel enjoyed the proximity to Layla, feeling the heat radiate off her body, catching whiffs of her perfume as a light breeze passed through them. I am crushing hard on this woman.

  They made their way into Stanley Park, watching families mill about playing games, taking walks and setting up picnics. The sounds of conversation and laughter flowed around them as they walked together in comfortable silence. Layla found a shaded spot quickly and reached back in the tote bad and unwrapped a small fleece blanket, laying it out and sitting down near the edge. Isabel joined her, sitting down in the middle of the blanket, adjusting the glasses. She wanted to sit closer to Layla but didn’t want to be presumptuous.

  “Okay I hope this doesn’t come across as creepy,” Layla said as she stretched her legs out, and patted her thigh. “Only if you’re comfortable, of course, lay your head here and close your eyes. My grandmother used to get migraines a lot, and I would always massage her neck for a few minutes to ease the tension. It worked like a charm.”

  Isabel smiled and didn’t hesitate for one second. Despite not knowing Layla for very long, she felt at ease with her in a way she didn’t with most people who weren’t Penny or Toni. She swept her hair up into a loose bun on top of her head and laid her head on Layla’s lap, stretching her legs across the empty side of the blanket.

  Layla slowly and tentatively started to massage the back of Isabel’s neck with her hand, from her shoulders to just above her hairline where her spine met the base of her skull. It took everything in Isabel not to moan at the contact, both because it felt so good to ease the tension contributing to her migraine, and because of how intimate the touch felt.

  She heard rustling in the tote bag but didn’t dare open her eyes to let the light back in since she could feel her headache starting to subside and didn’t want to make it worse to satisfy her curiosity.

  Layla clear her throat quietly before taking a deep breath. “The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. Chapter One.”

  Isabel reached for Layla’s hand that was massaging her neck and gave it a quick squeeze. “You got the book?”

  “I got the book.”

  Isabel released her hand and sighed contentedly as Layla went back to massaging her neck. She felt so relaxed, and it seemed every minute that went by she felt better. Whether it was the food coma, the massage or the sound of Layla’s smooth voice as she read the book out loud to her didn’t much matter, as she soon fell sound asleep.


  Layla noticed Isabel’s breathing slow down and even out, so she closed the book, ending the massage as she tucked some of Isabel’s hair behind her ear that had fallen out of her bun. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was when she had ran into the book store by the restaurant and scared the living shit out of the clerk when she asked for it like a breathless maniac, and they had it in stock.

  She couldn’t help but look down at Isabel sleeping on her lap, looking cute and comical in her oversized sunglasses, mouth slightly open. While this was not exactly how Layla imagined their date would go, she had to admit she was still having a good time. Trying not to stare at the sleeping woman on her lap, Layla got lost in people watching as the sun inched its way towards the horizon. She guessed they had about an hour until sunset, so she wouldn’t rush to wake Isabel until it got too cold for comfort. She smiled at how surreal it was to be sitting at a park in Vancouver with Isabel Martin sleeping on her lap.


  Sometime later the sound of kids laughing nearby jolted Isabel awake. She sat up and was disoriented for a moment before remembering where she was.

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe I fell asleep. I’m so sorry,” Isabel said, as she slipped off the oversized glasses while squinting, testing out her reaction to the light. Having none, she folded the glasses and tossed them towards the tote bag.

  She felt a little moisture on the corner of her mouth. No no no. Please tell me I didn’t drool Isabel thought. She looked down at Layla’s thigh where she rested her head, and sure enough, she had drooled and left a wet spot on Layla’s jeans.

  Layla just watched Isabel with an amused expression. “How are you feeling?”

  Isabel took a deep breath and realized, thankfully, her headache was gone. “I feel great; migraine is gone.” Also gone, was her dignity in that moment. With a bashful grin, she looked at the spot on Layla’s pants and then up at Layla. “Uh, sorry about that,” she said, pointing to the spot on her jeans. “I guess I got really comfortable.”

  Layla laughed that good-natured laugh that Isabel was quickly growing to adore. “Please don’t worry about it. In fact, this is kind of great. Do you know how much I can get for these on eBay?”

  Isabel tilted her head and looked at Layla, confused.

  “I can see it now,” she said, wrapping one arm loosely around Isabel’s shoulder and pulling her close while lifting her other hand to the sky and looking away wistfully. “Want to make out with the beautiful and talented Isabel Martin, but don’t live in Vancouver? For the bargain price of just $499.99, YOU can own a pair of jeans that Isabel Martin, yes, THE Isabel Martin drooled on. Now you can swap spit with the incredibly talented actress herself.”

  Isabel laughed despite her embarrassment. “I think you’re severely overestimating the market value of making out with me.”

  Layla looked at Isabel, her voice suddenly low. “Oh, I doubt that.”

  The smile slowly faded from Isabel’s face, as her eyes lingered on Layla’s mouth, her intentions betraying her. When she looked up at Layla, she was looking at her with an expression so earnest, those incredible hazel eyes so soft, that Isabel wanted nothing more than to kiss her. She felt her stomach tighten in response.

  Layla lifted her hand and slowly slid it along Isabel’s cheek. She brought her face closer, lips hovering near Isabel’s. “Is this okay?”

  This is beyond okay Isabel thought. Isabel reached up and gently grabbed at Layla’s collar, pulling her forward. She whispered, “yes,” onto Layla’s lips before kissing her.

  The kiss was soft and slow. They found their rhythm quickly as Layla tilted her head to the side and deepened the kiss, eliciting a slight moan from Isabel. Layla eased her hand fully into Isabel’s hair, loosening it from the bun and running her hand along the back of her neck. Isabel shivered at the contact as she slid closer to Layla, running her hands slowly up Layla’s arms, then trailing her fingertips over her collar bone.

  Hearing people talk and laugh nearby brought Isabel back down to earth, and she broke the kiss, but not before flicking the tip of her tongue against Layla’s top lip. Layla sucked in a quick breath at that, and Isabel enjoyed knowing she had elicited that response.

  “Hmm,” Layla said as she pulled back, her eyes closed for a second more before she opened them and looked at Isabel.

  Isabel felt flushed, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Sorry to stop so abruptly, but you know,” She waved her hand around the park. “Public.”

  “I totally understand. I doubt your publicist would want you making out with Yankees in the park.”

  Isabel laughed. “Something like that, though it’s got a lot less to do with you being a Yankee than it does your complete and utter disdain for the fine craft of Canadian television. It’s unforgivable, truly.”

  Layla laughed and pulled Isabel into her. “I don’t know; some Canadian actresses are growing on me,” before releasing her and sitting up straight.

  Isabel reached past Layla and picked up the book. “I can’t believe you found and got this.”

  Layla shrugged. “What can I say? Sometimes things work out when you need them to.”

  The sun was beginning to set,
and the temperature dropped fast. Isabel shivered. “Crap. It’s getting late. We should probably go, huh?”

  “Yes, you’re probably right.”

  They packed everything into the tote bag Layla had purchased earlier and began walking out of the park. Layla insisted on walking Isabel to her car since it was getting dark, and Isabel then insisted on driving Layla back to her hotel for that same reason.

  Instead of dropping her off at the load-unload zone by the check-in area, Isabel found a parking spot near the front and turned the car off. She turned to Layla.

  “I had a lot of fun today. Despite the crippling migraine mid-way through. Thanks for taking care of me.”

  “Thanks for trusting me enough to take care of you. I had a great time, Isabel.”

  A few beats passed before they both leaned in for a goodnight kiss that turned into a good night make-out session. Layla could not seem to get enough of Isabel’s lips, her neck. Isabel slid her hands into Layla’s soft curls, as she slid her tongue into Layla’s mouth the way she wished she could have at the park. They only broke the kiss once they were breathless, as they rested their foreheads against each other.

  “God. You make me feel like a teenager, making out in a car,” Layla said.

  “Oh, this was way better kissing than I had in high school.”

  “Same amount of drool though, all things considered,” Layla joked, which earned her a hearty laugh and a playful tug of her hair from Isabel.

  “Ugh, you drool on a girl’s pants ONE time, and they never let you hear the end of it.”

  Layla unclipped her seatbelt. “Can I see you again?”

  “I would like that. I owe you dinner, that was supposed to be my treat back there, and you swooped in and paid.”

  “You aren’t ready for my ninja skills Isabel. I’m sorry you had to find out that way, but now you know. They call me,” she paused for dramatic effect, “The LebaNinja.”

  “Ah yes, very impressive indeed,” she rolled her eyes. “I’ll call you tomorrow, LebaNinja, and we will plan it out. Sound good?”

  “Sounds great.”

  They leaned in for one last kiss, and Layla got out of the car making sure to give one final look back and wave to Isabel who was waiting to make sure Layla was safely in the hotel before leaving.

  She whispered to herself in the car as she pulled out of the parking lot:

  Best. Date. Ever.

  Chapter Four


  “So let me get this straight,” Penny said over the phone to Isabel. “You, ever the low maintenance woman, said you wanted the date to continue, to read a book, and for your headache to go away, at the same time, and she DELIVERED?”


  “Damn. Layla’s got it going on.”

  “Mmhm. And you didn’t even get to hear how hot Layla sounded when she was speaking Arabic and ordering us food.”

  “I can only imagine. Why is it you’re on the phone with me right now and not in her hotel room?”

  “Okay, settle down there. I’ve only known her for three days.”

  “What’s that got to do with anything? You either click or you don’t. I can hear the clicking all the way here in my classroom. Did you at least get a goodnight kiss or what?”

  “I sure did. Mm. Mm. Mm.”

  “Um. Okay, I’m really happy for you, but I draw the line into you moaning on the phone to me about it.”

  “I wasn’t moaning… per se. I mean I was while we were making out, but that’s neither here nor there. Also, don’t forget it was me you talked to for hours when you lost your virginity to Tom. Need I remind you, you spared no detail. If I wasn’t gay before, I sure was after that.”

  “First of all, that was a million years ago. Second, who knows what to do with balls their first time?” Penny took a deep breath. “Okay, we are getting off track. When are you going to see her again?”

  “I’m not sure, but I am going to call her today. Instead of going out, I was thinking of inviting her back to my place. I was worried it is too soon but apparently not according to you.”

  “I mean she’s only here for what, a few more days? I say go for it. Invite her over, see what happens. Maybe she ends up whispering sweet Arabic nothings in your ear, calls you her little baklava.”

  Isabel cackled. “Okay, this is getting weird, hanging up now, love you.”

  Penny laughed. “Love you too. Be safe. Call me later and let me know how it goes.”

  Isabel hung up the phone and tried not to dwell on that sinking feeling in her stomach every time she remembered Layla didn’t live in Vancouver and was leaving in a matter of days.


  Sitting outside a dressing room, Layla checked her phone for the fifth time in the last hour to see if Isabel had been in touch about getting together again. Nothing yet. She sighed as she waited for Marco to show her the next outfit he was trying on. They had been at this for hours.

  “So, what do you think?” he asked as he showed off the light jeans he paired with the deep v neck shirt and motorcycle riding boots.

  “I don’t know how you do it, but it looks good.”

  “It’s a gift, my dear, I’m merely glad you are here to witness it.”

  Layla rolled her eyes. “Any chance we can witness some lunch soon? I’m starving.”

  “Patience is a virtue, but yes. Let me change back into my clothes and let’s grab a quick bite. I’ve got to head back to the office anyway. They’ve got me working late tonight while I show them how to host a recruiting slash networking event properly.”

  “Finally,” Layla whispered under her breath as Marco went back into the dressing room. Just then, her phone starting vibrating. Layla smiled as she checked the caller I.D. and took a moment to collect herself before answering.

  “Canadian TV Complaint Hotline,” Layla answered in her best professional tone. “How may I help you?” The phone was silent for a couple of seconds, and Layla began to panic.

  “Yes hello, this is Isabel from the Canadian television ombudsman program. We have heard of your… unfortunate viewpoint on our hard-working and talented television staff and were hoping we could meet with you to discuss this. Perhaps over dinner? Tomorrow night? At our office, which happens to be my place?”

  Layla stood up and started walking aimlessly around the dressing room area. “Well you know, I didn’t plan on working late, but I suppose my true dedication to the arts has no limits. What can I bring?”

  “Just yourself, I’ll text you the address. 6 o’clock?”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Just as Layla was hanging up with a shit-eating grin on her face, Marco came out of the dressing room. He looked Layla up and down and said “You look like the cat that just ate the canary,” then paused for a second before adding “honestly, there’s got to be a better term for that for lesbians.”

  Laughing Layla said, “I’m sure we could get creatively crude if we wanted. That was Isabel, and we are having dinner at her place tomorrow.”

  “Well well well, I guess we aren’t done shopping after all.”

  Layla groaned and followed Marco out to the register so he could pay. She didn’t understand why her having a date meant he needed more clothes and was shocked she didn’t put it together sooner as he dragged her into a lingerie shop.

  Chapter Five


  Layla knocked on the door right on time, clutching a bottle of wine and a bouquet that she hoped wasn’t too over the top for a second date.

  Isabel opened the door and greeted Layla with a big smile before brushing a kiss across her cheek, then taking inventory of what Layla brought.

  “Wow, these are beautiful,” she said as she took the flowers, then narrowed her eyes at the bottle of wine. “Although I thought I said you didn’t need to bring anything.”

  Layla shrugged. “You can’t expect an Arab to show up empty-handed, especially the first time they go over to someone’s home.”

ed,” Isabel said, as she slid her body close to Layla to close the door behind her. They made eye contact, and Layla could feel the electricity between them. Isabel led Layla into the kitchen as she went to grab a vase to put the flowers in. As Isabel was reaching up to the top shelf in one of the cabinets to grab the vase, her shirt slid up and revealed the small of her back, and Layla couldn’t help but notice the exposed skin and her desire to run her fingertips along it.

  She was pulled out of her thoughts by fast and light footsteps moving towards her, and she looked over just in time to see a beautiful boxer, who jumped around her excitedly, tail wagging as he went to sniff her and say hello.

  Layla set the bottle of wine down on the counter then got down on a knee and greeted the boxer, patting his head and laughing as the boxer tried to lick her face. “Who is this magnificent creature?” she asked Isabel

  “That’s Ramsey, love of my life, guard dog extraordinaire – as you can tell,” she said affectionately.

  Just then, Ramsey laid on the floor and gave his belly up to Layla, who laughed and gave him full belly rubs. “Oh yes, you’re a real killer, aren’t you Ramsey?” as his tail happily thumped on the kitchen tile.

  Once the flowers were in a vase, the wine opened and poured, Isabel led Layla to the living room where they sat comfortably next to each other on the couch, with Ramsey settling on the floor near Isabel’s feet. On the television, reruns of an old comedy sitcom were playing.

  “Dinner will be ready in a bit, hope you like baked chicken.”

  “I do, thank you for making dinner and inviting me over.”

  They alternated between talking and watching tv as they sipped their wine, and petting Ramsey when he got needy and decided to remind them of his existence.

  “I’d like to propose a toast,” Isabel said while raising her glass “Here’s to me not getting a migraine halfway through dinner, and of course, to the artistic brilliance that is Canadian television.”


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