Book Read Free

Worlds Apart

Page 5

by Isis Brown

Layla tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, Marco and I have decided we are going to keep in touch. No pressure or exclusivity or anything like that, but we are having such a good time together, why let a few hours in a car keep us from doing that when we can?”

  Layla pondered that for a second. “I guess we haven’t really talked about it.”

  “Well, would you be open to that? I mean I know it is early, but I don’t want to see Isabel get hurt.”

  “I’m sure Layla doesn’t want to hurt her either, Elliott, and it’s a two-way street,” Marco said, standing up for his best friend.

  Layla shot Marco an appreciative glance, before responding to them both.

  “I don’t even know what I want let alone what she wants, but I can promise you that whatever we do, it’ll be done with honest communication and positive intent.”

  Elliott looked intently at Layla for a moment before turning to Marco.

  “You’re right. She does sound like a politician.”

  “Told you,” Marco said, winking at Layla.

  “You know how that saying goes, ‘you can take the girl out of City Hall, but you can’t take City Hall out the girl.’”.

  “Is that how that goes? I’m pretty sure that’s not how it goes,” Marco said playfully.

  “Just let me have this one,” Layla requested, laughing.

  Seemingly satisfied with that answer, they moved on from the conversation and enjoyed the rest of their dinner before Layla went back to the hotel, where she fired off a quick goodnight text to Isabel and climbed right into bed.

  Despite being exhausted from lack of sleep the night before, Layla couldn’t stop thinking about Isabel, and that in two days she would be heading home to Portland. What did that mean for her and Isabel? Would Isabel want to keep in touch like Marco and Elliott? Would she want to go their separate ways? What did Layla want out of this whole thing?

  She tossed and turned for what felt like hours, before falling into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter Seven


  Layla woke to the sound of her phone vibrating on the nightstand. She picked it up groggily without even looking at the caller I.D.


  “Hey it’s Isabel, did I wake you up?”

  “Hey Isabel, yeah but that’s okay. What time is it?”

  “It is 8:30, and do you always sound this hot right when you wake up? You’ve got that low, scratchy voice thing going on and uh, it’s working.”

  Layla chuckled, still trying to wake her brain up.

  “So why aren’t you in my bed then?”

  “I wasn’t invited.”

  Layla stretched. “How soon can you get here?”

  Isabel groaned. “Don’t tempt me. I’ve got a meeting with my agent about a couple of audition tapes we sent in, but I should be free around 1. I wanted to ask you what you were doing tonight. Elliott got us all tickets a while back to this black-tie fundraiser for an LGBTQ youth center in Vancouver, and I know he has extra tickets. Would you want to go with me?”

  Layla took a moment to process all she just heard. “Sure, but black-tie? I didn’t bring anything formal with me.”

  “Oh, well that’s okay then. No problem,” Isabel said, trying to hide the disappointment from her voice.

  “No, Isabel, I want to go with you. I just need to go shopping. To try to find a dress. In a city, I don’t know. For an event in, wait …what time is the event?”

  “Starts at 6.”

  Layla looked at the clock on the nightstand and squinted as she did quick math. “For an event in 8 and a half hours.”

  Isabel put on her sweetest, most convincing voice “I know for sure the Canadian television ombudsman program will be very grateful for your attendance. There might even be something special in it for you.”

  “Something special, huh? What might that be?”

  “Only one way to find out.”

  “Not even a hint?”

  “Let’s just say, straps are involved.”

  Layla stumbled out of bed and ran to turn the water on in the shower.

  “Got to go,” she said hurriedly into the phone. “I’ve got a dress to buy.”


  Layla spent most of the day shopping and was able to find a black long-sleeved lace pattern dress that dipped to show a modest amount of cleavage and came down to just above her knee. It was a little short for her liking, but she didn’t have much time, and it was hard enough to find a dress that fit well in short notice for her to be too picky. She opted for a pair of low heeled pumps since she didn’t have time to break in a new pair of shoes and wanted to take it as easy on her feet as possible. She took her time doing her makeup and flat ironing her hair, wanting to make sure she looked good tonight for Isabel.

  Marco met her at the hotel room as she finished getting ready, looking sharp in one of his black business suits that was almost a tuxedo. He helped Layla zip up her dress while she put on some dangly black earrings that she bought to match her dress. Once she was ready, she gave a twirl to Marco who was the one now sitting in the hotel room chair waiting for her.

  “How the tables have turned,” he said to her before appraising her from head to toe. “You look amazing, poor Isabel isn’t going to know what hit her.”

  Layla wasn’t quite sure what hit her, either.


  Layla and Marco arrived in time for the cocktail hour before the fundraiser began. Marco helped her out of the car, and she looped her arm in his as they walked towards the entrance looking for the rest of their group.

  Marco spotted Elliott first, who looked gorgeous in a navy blue suit across the way talking to a few people neither she nor Marco recognized. Layla squeezed his hand before letting go of his arm. “Go.”

  Marco looked at Layla then quickly back to stare at Elliott. “I can wait until we find Isabel,” he said, trying to be supportive.

  “I can find her just fine, now stop drooling and get over there,” she said with a playful elbow to his side. Marco kissed her on the cheek and smoothed down his jacket and tie to make sure he looked presentable before walking over to Elliott.

  Layla walked around the fancy event space looking at the displays on the tables and the groups of formally dressed people as she searched for Isabel. While she made a loop around the hall, she accepted a glass of Champagne from one of the servers. As she made it back to the entrance she spotted Isabel, Penny, and a man who Layla assumed was Penny’s husband walk in together.

  Time just about stood still as Layla laid eyes on Isabel. Holy shit. She had a tight, perfectly fitted strapless long red dress, with a slit that went high enough to get a peek at her gorgeous legs yet left just the right amount to the imagination. Her hair was pulled up in an elegant ponytail, no doubt courtesy of Toni, and she had on gorgeous diamond earrings, a matching necklace, and red lipstick that Layla couldn’t wait to smudge.

  Isabel walked straight to Layla, grabbing the hand that wasn’t holding the Champagne glass in it and pulling her into a quick embrace, kissing her lightly on the cheek. “You look amazing. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Layla blushed before leaning in close. “Speak for yourself. You’re killing me in that dress. Killing me. You look incredible, and it’s going to be very hard for me to behave myself.” She let her eyes trail down Isabel’s body to the slit on the side of her dress.

  “Wow, subtle,” Penny teased as she and her husband walked up to them. Penny leaned in to give Layla a quick hug while her husband held his hand out for a handshake.

  “Great to see you again Layla, you look great. This is my husband, Tom.”

  Layla took Tom’s outstretched hand. “Great to see you both, you look amazing. It’s nice to meet you, Tom.”

  Penny turned to her husband. “Tom, why don’t you take Isabel and grab us some drinks. Layla and I will find our table and get us all situated.”

  Isabel looked like she wanted to protest, while Tom looked like
he knew better. He stuck out his elbow, and Isabel reluctantly looped her arm in his as they headed towards the bar.

  “So,” Penny said with a sly grin on her face. “Seems like things are going well for you and Marco this week, huh?”

  “They really are,” Layla said, offering her arm to Penny as they started walking towards the check-in table.

  Penny looped her arm through Layla’s. “I heard you already got the third degree from Elliott, so I’m not going to go there. I will only say that Isabel is really special, which I think you know. She’s in a sensitive time right now with her career taking off. I don’t think it has quite hit her yet, you know? So regardless of how this goes, and I hope it goes whichever way you two want, just be kind, okay? I’m worried that she is coming up on the last of her days when people get to know her for who she really is, not what she does for a living.”

  Layla took a few seconds, thinking of the best way to respond.

  “I hear you, and I think it’s great that she has good friends who have her back. It speaks to what an amazing person she is. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen when I go home on Sunday, but I can tell you that I do care about her. More than I probably should, honestly. I mean it’s been six days Penny, and I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know. It’s been six days of me hearing all about your whirlwind romance. Nice move at the park, by the way, feel free to give Tom some pointers. We have been together a long time and--”

  Their conversation was interrupted as Isabel and Tom returned with drinks, Isabel shooting eye daggers at Penny for sending her on the errand, looking worried about what she might have said to Layla.

  Once they were seated at their table, the program began. There were guest speakers, video testimonials, and conversation as dinner was served. Layla was happy to donate to the extremely important cause of funding programs for vulnerable LGBTQ youth, who she already knew were disproportionately affected by homelessness, depression, and a myriad of other challenges before they reach adulthood. That was one of the priorities in her work in Portland, and she was happy to help the community here in Vancouver as well. She knew what to expect, having gone to dozens of events like these back home.

  What Layla did not expect, however, was that Isabel was one of the guests of honor that evening. As Isabel was being introduced Layla learned that she started volunteering at the drop-in center over a year ago, and was receiving an award tonight for all the work she had done with the youth on behalf of the community. She squeezed Layla’s hand as she was called up to the podium, and she gave a heartwarming speech about self-love and acceptance, and the importance of community before asking attendees to dig deep in their pocketbooks to donate. Isabel received rousing applause at the end of her speech, and Layla couldn’t stop staring at her with a sense of wonder and admiration.

  Layla felt someone watching her. She glanced over to see Penny looking back at her with a smile on her face as she nodded slowly, almost in approval and the belief that Layla’s feelings towards Isabel were genuine.

  Once Isabel sat back down at the table and graciously accepted the compliments of everyone seated with them, she looked at Layla coyly. Layla leaned in. “You could have given me a heads up, you know.”

  “A heads up about what?” Isabel blinked innocently, her eyes wide.

  “Maybe that you’re this amazing woman who volunteers and helps the members of our community who need it most and that you were receiving an award. I would have…I don’t know, brought you a gift or something.”

  Isabel grabbed Layla’s hand under the table. “The fact that you busted your ass to join me tonight is all the gift I need. Also, the award thing is dumb. They’re only giving it to me because I’m an actress. Plenty of people volunteer every day, and they’re not up here getting an award. I just accepted it because if it’ll help them raise more money for the drop-in center, then it’s worth it.”

  “Well,” Layla said as she pulled her hand out of Isabel’s and lowered it to her leg underneath the table, sliding it up the slit of the dress slowly. “I really admire the work you’re doing.”

  Isabel swallowed hard and tried to not react to what was happening. “Are you sure it’s my work you’re admiring right now?”

  Layla slid her hand as far as she could without making it obvious, curling the very tips of her fingers along the inside of Isabel’s thigh, then squeezing it.

  “What? I can’t admire all of the wonderful things you have to offer?”

  Layla turned to face the rest of the table and continued to engage in conversation without removing her hand. She kept stroking the softness of her thigh, running her fingertips over and around her kneecap, in a slow constant rhythm. She could feel Isabel’s leg muscles tense beneath her touch, which only encouraged her further. Layla was engaged in a deep policy discussion regarding tax structures and social services with a board member seated close to her when Isabel abruptly grabbed her purse and excused herself from the table, citing her need for the washroom.

  When she got back a few minutes later, Isabel moved her chair a few inches farther from Layla, and upon starting to protest, Isabel gave her a look that said don’t even think about it. They enjoyed the rest of the dinner with Layla behaving herself, and as soon as they walked back into her apartment, Isabel slammed her up against the door.

  “Do you know how fucking crazy you were driving me back there with your hand under the table? I’ve been on edge for hours.”

  Layla didn’t attempt to push away from where she was pinned to the door, she merely slid her hand up the slit of the dress and groaned when she realized Isabel wasn’t wearing any underwear. And that she was wet.

  “Can I make it up to you?” Layla asked.

  “You can, and you will. It’s time for you to go through what you put me through,” Isabel said, pinning Layla’s hands against the door, before having her way with her.

  Chapter Eight


  Layla awoke to Ramsey licking her face and the smell of breakfast cooking in the kitchen. She wrapped one of Isabel’s robes around her naked body and ventured out of the bedroom.

  “Morning sleepyhead,” Isabel said over her shoulder while stirring the eggs.

  Layla wrapped her arms around Isabel’s waist from behind and kissed her neck. “Hey, sorry I slept in so late. Someone wore me out.”

  Isabel smiled as she leaned into the embrace. She turned around to give Layla brief peck before pointing to the coffee maker with her spatula. “Coffee? I just made it.”

  Layla poured herself a cup then sat on a chair in the breakfast nook and watched Isabel cook. She had to admit to herself that she had strong feelings for Isabel, and it was both exciting and terrifying since she was leaving tomorrow. Layla thought about the conversation she had with Marco and Elliot and wondered if she should broach the subject.

  Layla must have been lost in thought for a while because she was snapped back to reality when Isabel set two plates down and sat next to her at the small table. “Hey, what’re you thinking about? You look a million miles away.”

  Layla hesitated to answer, then averted her eyes.

  Isabel set her fork down and grabbed Layla’s hand. “Lay it on me.”

  Layla faced Isabel and took a deep breath. “I leave tomorrow, and I’ve been trying not to think about it but…” She let her sentence trail off.

  Isabel was silent for a moment but didn’t let go of Layla’s hand. “I know. I’ve been trying not to think about it, too.”

  Layla took a deep breath, wiped her hands on the robe, and decided to level with Isabel.

  “Isabel. I like you. I mean. I like you, and that makes me feel like such a walking talking lesbian stereotype. I want to keep seeing you, but I realize the challenges with that, and I recognize that I don’t even really know what you want to do – and Marco and Elliott make it sound so easy just to say thanks for everything see you later, and I just wish we could freeze time for a little
bit, so we don’t have to figure anything out.” Layla let out a long exhale.

  Isabel smiled at Layla’s nervous rambling and leaned in to give her a tender kiss.

  “I like you too. I have never been in a long-distance thing before, but the thought of us just going our separate ways feels terrible.”

  “It does feel terrible. What do you propose?” Layla asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe we keep seeing each other when our schedules allow, and not putting too much pressure on things. I know we both have demanding jobs, but mine is a bit more flexible than yours between projects. Maybe we see when I can come see you next, and when I’m there we make a decision about whether or not we want there to be a next visit.”

  “One step at a time?” asked Layla.

  “One step at a time.”

  Layla smiled and pulled Isabel into a quick hug, excitedly squealing and kissing Isabel all over her face and head saying in between kisses, “That. Sounds. Perfect.”


  Layla and Marco caught up on their wild week on the drive back to Portland, and she was exhausted by the time she laid her head down on the pillow in her bed. She didn’t even want to think about the mountain of work that awaited her in the office tomorrow morning. She was about to drift off to sleep with Isabel on her mind when her phone beeped with an incoming text.

  “You think you’re so cute, huh?” Attached to the text was a photo of the oversized sunglasses Layla hid in Isabel’s room with a sticky note that read: “For the famous actress, champion of the Canadian television ombudsman program, who will need anonymity now more than ever.”

  “I see you found the present I left you.”

  “I did. You really know how to treat a girl.”

  “I’m just getting started.”

  “Hmmm. Get home safe?”

  “Yes, just crawled into bed.”

  “Thanks for the visual.”

  “I aim to please.”

  “Don’t I know it. Goodnight, LebaNinja.”

  “Goodnight, Isabel.”

  Chapter Nine



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