Book Read Free

Worlds Apart

Page 9

by Isis Brown


  Isabel exasperatedly tossed her phone onto the couch, startling Ramsey, who was snoozing beside her. She rushed home to make sure she was on time for her phone date with Layla, only to have Layla not respond for over an hour, and when she did respond it was to let her know she was going to dinner with someone else.

  “What do you think, Ramsey?”

  Ramsey perked his ears up at his name but didn’t have much to offer in the name of advice. “Thanks for nothing,” she mumbled. Needing to talk it through, Isabel called Penny.

  “Hey Iz, it’s late. Everything okay?”

  “Sorry, I forget that you’re on adult time. I can call back tomorrow, everything is fine.”

  “You don’t sound fine. What’s wrong?”

  Isabel stood up and started pacing in her living room.

  “I don’t know. I think I’m making too much out of it, but I was supposed to have a face time date with Layla tonight, and she had to work late, which happens. We have both had to cancel or push it later before, so that’s not the issue. But she text me and said she’s going to dinner with Sasha, a co-worker of hers, who is gorgeous by the way, and she’d call me after. It just upset me. I get having to push our call for work, but to have dinner with someone?”

  “Okay, I hear you. Would you be mad if she was going out to dinner with someone who wasn’t gorgeous?”

  Isabel took a few seconds to think about it. “If I’m going to be honest, not really. I just miss her, and I rushed home to be here and she’s out having dinner with another woman.”

  “What’s this about Isabel? Did she used to date this woman or something?”

  “I don’t think so. I don’t know.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “She’s like a ten, Penny. A TEN. And she’s this fancy lawyer, and they have all these late work nights together,” she took a deep breath. “I think they have this connection, and it makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Uncomfortable or insecure?”

  “Both?” Isabel laughed humorlessly.

  “Isabel, Layla is over the moon about you. Has she ever given you a reason to doubt her?”

  Isabel sighed. “No.”

  “Talk to her. Let her know how you feel, even the insecure bits.”

  “I will sound like a paranoid, jealous person.”

  “You are a paranoid, jealous person, but we love you anyway. She loves you. Talk to her.”

  Isabel grumbled, “I would, but she’s currently out to dinner with another woman.”

  “You know what I mean. Goodnight honey.”

  “Hey, thanks, Penny. Really. Give my love to everyone.”

  “Will do.”

  Isabel tossed her phone back down on the couch, then went to pour herself a glass of wine. She waited an hour for Layla to call, and when she didn’t, she got ready for bed. She stared at the ceiling for what felt like ages before falling into a fitful sleep.


  “You know, for someone who was so against two shots of tequila, you sure didn’t have a problem ordering a third,” Layla said, squinting her eyes accusingly at Sasha.

  Sasha didn’t respond, but slowly licked her hand in the spot between her thumb and pointer finger before pouring salt there, a gesture that Layla was ashamed to admit she found extremely erotic. Layla felt a jolt of arousal and forced herself to look away.

  “You quitting on me already Layla?”

  “I am a lot of things, but a quitter isn’t one of them,” Layla said, braver than she felt, as she followed in the same ritual of pouring salt on her hand, avoiding eye contact with Sasha for as long as she could.

  “To kicking ass and taking names,” Sasha said, raising her shot of tequila.

  “Hear hear,” Layla answered, clinking their glasses together, licking the salt off her hand, and swallowing the shot. Biting down on a lime, she took a moment to let the tequila settle.

  “So how are you holding up with everything?” Sasha asked.

  Layla took a long sip of her water. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we are fighting an imbecile in DC who seems intent on taking our country back 50 years, while your boss runs for re-election while dating a celebrity in another country. Talk about burning the candle at both ends.”

  “You know, when you put it that way I’m suddenly exhausted,” Layla laughed. “Honestly, I don’t even have time to dwell on it. I keep putting one foot in front of the other, and when I look up to catch my breath it’s like six months has gone by.”

  “Well, you seem to be handling it well, thriving even.”

  Layla smiled. “Takes one to know one, you’re not slouching over at the AGs office either. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be the youngest Attorney General elected in State history.”

  Sasha shook her head. “I’m not sure I’m going to run just yet.”

  Layla waved her hand dismissively. “Bullshit. You’re doing most of the work now anyway, would be nice actually to see you get credit for it.”

  “I would cheers to that, but I don’t think I can have another shot of tequila.”

  “Oh thank God. I already have to take a cab home tonight. I’d prefer not to have them take me to the hospital first.”

  Sasha laughed as she squeezed Layla’s arm before motioning towards the waters they both had in front of them. “We should probably finish these. Lord knows I’m going to be hurting in the morning.”

  “You and I both. Not to mention, I still need to call Isabel back.”

  Layla couldn’t be sure, but she thought she saw Sasha’s smile dim a bit.

  “How is that going? The long-distance thing?” Sasha asked.

  “It is going pretty well. I never thought I’d be the type for long-distance, but it turns out with our work schedules, it kind of works.”

  “I definitely couldn’t do it,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Why not?”

  Sasha raised an eyebrow, then took a long sip of water. “Sometimes, I just need to get home and have an itch scratched, like, immediately.”

  Layla’s water went down the wrong pipe, and she coughed. “Like you don’t have an itch scratching drawer? Or wait, let me guess, a Rolodex of available people who can pop in day and night to scratch whatever itch you have?”

  Sasha gave her a pointed look. “I do alright; I’ll have you know.”

  “I don’t doubt it at all.”

  They shared a look that lingered a beat too long. Layla felt the blood rush to her face and the jolt of arousal shoot through her body. Again. Sasha shifted in her seat and changed the subject.

  “Let’s get you home to your lady so you can talk about your feelings,” Sasha offered, elbowing Layla playfully. “I’m going to go ahead and call a cab, and maybe see who might be … available.”

  Layla laughed and helped Sasha put her jacket on before they headed out of the restaurant. As they stood close to each other awkwardly, Layla gave herself a quick pep talk about not making it weird and keeping it appropriate. Lucky for Layla, Sasha decided for her and gave her a polite hug before they went their separate ways.

  Layla called Isabel from the back of the cab on her way home, and upon getting her voicemail opted to send her a text instead of calling her again.

  Hey babe. I’m sorry about tonight, I didn’t think work would go so late, and dinner went even later. I miss you. I hope you’re sleeping well. Call me when you wake up. Xoxo.

  Layla got ready for bed, only a shadow of doubt in her drunkenly cloudy mind that she had made a mistake tonight.


  Layla woke up late Saturday morning with a slight headache, her mouth as dry as the Sahara. “Could be worse,” she mumbled to herself, before dragging herself to the shower. After two Tylenol, two cups of coffee and some breakfast, she finally sat down on the couch to watch some mindless television to give her brain and body a break. She dozed off and was startled awake by two quick knocks on the door, and the sound of the lock turning from the outside. The only people that had keys to her place were Marc
o and Isabel, so she expected to give Marco hell for scaring the shit out of her until she stood up and was face to face with Isabel. Who looked pissed.

  “Hey,” Layla said uncertainly, not knowing how to react to the intense look on Isabel’s face. Layla’s mind was racing, wondering whether they had a scheduled visit that she forgot about, her mind still foggy with sleep.

  Without a word, Isabel looped her hand around Layla’s neck and brought her in for a bruising kiss that Layla didn’t even have the time to process before Isabel’s tongue snaked into her mouth, and her body took over, momentarily silencing her thoughts.

  Isabel pushed Layla back towards her bedroom, ripping Layla’s shirt off, followed by her own before fusing their mouths again. Their kisses were sloppy, needy, with Isabel splaying her hands all over Layla’s skin, grabbing, pulling, caressing her with a sense of urgent possession they had not yet experienced together.

  Isabel slid Layla’s sweats and underwear off at the same time, shoving Layla down on the bed and climbing on top of her, rubbing her jean-clad thigh in between Layla’s legs, eliciting a groan. Layla broke their lips apart, trying to get her wits about her to ask what on earth was happening. She was confused but well on her way to not caring.

  “Isabel,” Layla huskily said, trying to start a conversation before Isabel slipped her head down and flicked the tip of Layla’s nipple with her tongue, cutting Layla off as she moaned and arched her pelvis into Isabel again.

  “You skipped out on our phone date last night, but now you want to talk?” Isabel asked with an edge to her voice, before aggressively taking Layla’s nipple into her mouth, the pain leading into an exquisite pleasure. Layla slid her fingers into Isabel’s hair, holding on for dear life.

  Isabel teased Layla’s nipples mercilessly, taking away all other pressure points as she caressed her into a frenzy with her tongue, Layla becoming increasingly desperate to be touched between her legs.


  “What?” Isabel said, a hint of condescension in her voice, as she slipped off Layla and the bed. She pulled down her jeans and underwear before reaching into the nightstand until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out the harness and dildo with the vibrating bullet insert.

  Layla slid her hand between her legs, needing to ease the ache as she eyed Isabel hungrily.

  “Don’t, not until I say you can,” Isabel commanded as she adjusted the harness around her legs and waist. Layla didn’t think she could feel more aroused at that moment, but she was. She had no idea what had gotten into Isabel, but she had enough sense at this point not to interrupt.

  Isabel turned the bullet on inside the harness and climbed back onto the bed, sliding her face in between Layla’s legs. She flattened her tongue, tasting Layla’s wetness and sliding her tongue as deep inside her as she could, as Layla’s legs quaked at the contact. Isabel slid her tongue in and out, then slowly around in a circle teasing Layla’s opening. Once Isabel was seemingly satisfied at how wet Layla was, she moved up and positioned herself at Layla’s opening, sliding the tip back and forth coating it then rubbing it along Layla’s clit. Layla was about to lose her mind in anticipation, her body thrumming with desire.

  “What do you want? Still want to chat, Layla?”

  “No,” Layla whimpered as she moved her hips towards Isabel.

  Isabel pulled back, teasing Layla. “You sure? You know, I think we probably should. Make up for that time we missed last night.”

  “Isabel, fuck, I get it, okay? I’m sorry.”

  Isabel slid inside Layla in one thrust and watched satisfied as Layla’s eyes rolled back in her head, releasing a long, low moan.

  “What do you have to be sorry for?” Isabel asked, slowly rolling her hips, easing in and out of her.

  Layla slid her hands down Isabel’s back and was quickly redirected as Isabel grabbed Layla’s wrists one by one, pinning them over her head and using the leverage of their position to fuck Layla deeper.

  “I asked you a question,” Isabel said heavily, her skin glistening with sweat.

  Layla could barely utter words she was being so thoroughly fucked.

  “Last night. I’m sorry about last night.”

  “I bet you are.”

  Isabel released her grip on Layla’s wrists, and putting one hand on either side of her head, pushed herself up a bit to put some space between their bodies and increased the speed of her thrusts.

  “Oh my God, yes,” Layla exclaimed, feeling her orgasm building, her hips rising to meet Isabel thrust for thrust.

  “Now you can touch yourself,” Isabel said, leaning back as she delivered short and fast thrusts, holding Layla’s thighs for leverage and watched as Layla lowered her hand where she needed it most. Layla’s eyes connected with Isabel’s as she raised her other hand and caressed Isabel’s breast and nipple. Hearing Isabel’s strangled moan sent Layla right over the edge, where she had the most explosive orgasm of her entire life. She threw her head back and howled, triggering Isabel’s orgasm as both their bodies bucked against each other. Stilling her hips, Isabel took a moment to catch her breath before she pulled out, unclasped the harness and tossed it off the bed, then collapsed on top of Layla.

  Layla started running her fingertips up and down Isabel’s back, kissing the top of her head, waiting for Isabel to say something. When seconds turned into minutes, Layla decided to take the lead.

  She slid her hand down and cupped Isabel’s chin, guiding her up so they were lying face to face.

  “Hey,” Layla said, looking at Isabel questioningly.

  Tears formed in Isabel’s eyes, betraying her as they slid down her cheek.

  “Oh, honey.” Layla slid her thumb across Isabel’s cheek, wiping her tears.

  Isabel started crying, and Layla did her best to comfort her by rubbing her arms, wiping her tears, and holding her hand. Once Isabel’s sobs slowed down and her breathing evened out, Layla reached to the nightstand and grabbed a few Kleenex, handing them to Isabel.

  “Thanks,” Isabel said, as she blew her nose. “Sorry, I’m a mess.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for. I’m so sorry about last night. That was really poor decision making on my part. If I had known missing our date would upset you this much, I would have skipped dinner last night.”

  “No, it’s not that. Well, it is, but it isn’t just that. I’m…” her voice trailed off, and she took a deep breath.

  “What is it, Isabel? Just talk to me. Please.”

  Isabel looked up at the ceiling. “I feel insecure, okay? It’s hard being apart so much and anyone with eyes can see there is something between you and Sasha. So when you blew off our date to go out with her, I just felt... I don’t know.”

  “You felt what? Do you think I’m cheating on you?” Layla asked, suddenly defensive.

  “No, of course not. My logical brain knows that. I just… in the moment, I had this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I was jealous. I know it’s stupid, but it’s how I felt, and if we are going to be honest, it’s how I still feel sometimes when I think of you two.”

  Layla adjusted her body, propping up her elbow and resting her head on her hand.

  “How often do you think about this?”

  “Not a lot, I’m not obsessing over it or anything. I just have seen you two together, and you mention her a lot when you talk about work.”

  Layla sighed. “You’re right. I do. She’s a friend and one of the few that gets what it is like being a woman of color in a highly politicized environment, so I think we naturally gravitate towards each other.”

  “Doesn’t hurt that she is fucking gorgeous.”

  Layla didn’t know what to say to that. Agreeing seemed counterproductive, so she chose to say nothing.

  “Are you attracted to her?” Isabel asked.


  “It’s a simple question Layla.”

  Layla let out a long sigh. “Yes. Sasha is an attractive person, that doesn’t mean an
ything is happening between us. I’m with you. I love you, okay? I don’t want anyone else.”

  Isabel’s eyes teared up again. “Really?” She said, in such a quiet voice, Layla barely heard it.

  Layla slid her arm around Isabel’s waist, pulling them close together.

  “Really. Isabel, you’re it. I’m all in.”

  Isabel leaned in and tenderly kissed Layla’s lips, and Layla kissed her back, hoping to convey the affection and commitment that she couldn’t find the words for. Their languid kisses turned more heated as Layla slid her tongue along Isabel’s bottom lip, and when Isabel started to slide her body on top of Layla’s, Layla broke the kiss.

  “No no. I haven’t recovered from you fucking my brains out a few minutes ago.”

  Isabel shyly smiled. “I don’t know what got into me. I got up at 6 am and got in the car and drove straight down here with no other thought than coming over here and topping you.”

  “You thought you’d come over here and claim my ass,” Layla said laughing, peppering kisses along Isabel’s jawline.

  “Mhm, and you didn’t seem to mind it.”

  “Who can mind being so thoroughly handled? Any chance I can return the favor?”

  “Sure, just wait until I cancel on you for a super-hot talented actress, then you can come fuck my brains out.”

  Layla rolled her body on top of Isabel, reaching in between their bodies.

  “Do I have to wait that long?”

  Isabel hooked her legs around Layla’s waist.

  “No, you don’t.”


  After they were both showered, they went into the kitchen to start cooking an early dinner.

  “Tacos?” Layla asked.

  “YUM, yes, please. How can I help?”

  “Make the guacamole?”

  They danced around each other in the kitchen while music played in the background. Sneaking kisses here and there, catching up on the day to day details of what they’ve missed in the last few weeks. Layla was relieved they seemed to have gotten their groove back.

  “So, Isabel, my dominatrix, how’s the family?”

  Isabel rolled up a kitchen towel and snapped it at Layla’s ass. “Don’t encourage me. They’re good, Poppa is driving Neeno nuts per usual, not taking his blood pressure meds. He is just so old school and stubborn, you know?”


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