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Worlds Apart

Page 15

by Isis Brown

  “When is the press conference?”


  Layla looked at the clock in her office. It was just past 1:30. She walked to her desk, picked up the phone and dialed her assistant telling her she was now in an extremely important meeting with the attorney general’s office and was not to be bothered unless it was an extreme emergency and even then she was to be buzzed on the phone.

  “What was that?” Sasha asked through a yawn.

  Layla walked over to Sasha and put her hands on her shoulders lowering her torso so she was laying on her back, before picking up her legs and moving them on the couch so she was fully laying down. Sasha’s confusion caused her not to put up any resistance, as Layla picked up the blanket that hung over the back of the couch and unfolded it onto Sasha.

  “You’ve got some time. Sleep.”

  “Layla, I can’t, I have a million things to do,” She protested, trying to sit up.

  Layla sat on the very edge of the couch, her hand resting gently on Sasha’s chest. “Yes, and you can’t do any of them if you drop from exhaustion. You’re going to be making national news, again, tonight. You need to be functional for it.”

  Sasha closed her eyes for a moment; the comfort of the couch and warmth of the blanket seemed to do the trick.

  “You are so bossy,” Sasha’s brow was furrowed as she fought the sleep that was so eager to claim her.

  Layla ran her fingertips over Sasha’s eyebrows and the furrowed skin of her forehead, lulling her to sleep. She stood up and walked back to her desk, wondering if it was a good or bad thing that she was able to get the women around her to fall asleep so easily in her presence.


  Layla walked down the steps of City Hall to watch the press conference live alongside the Mayor and was proud of the way Sasha handled herself. Sasha spoke after the Attorney General and handled questions from the press like a public relations expert. Once it ended, Layla was sure to catch Sasha’s eyes and mouthed “Great job” before heading home as to not draw any attention to how often they were seen close together in public.

  Layla was startled by a knock on her door hours later. Looking through the peephole, she was surprised to see Sasha. She opened the door and greeted her with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey, I hope it’s okay that I still came by. I know it’s late,” Sasha said.

  “Of course it is okay. How did everything go after the press conference? You fucking crushed it, by the way.”

  “Well, that’s part of why I came by, to thank you. I didn’t realize how tired I was and how much better I felt after that nap.”

  A smile washed over Layla’s face. “So you’re saying you like it when I’m bossy?”

  “Okay, I didn’t say that,” Sasha laughed.

  “Pretty sure that’s what I heard.”

  Sasha reached out and grabbed the drawstring on Isabel’s pajama shorts and pulled her close. “Agree to disagree?”

  Layla playfully smacked Sasha’s hand away.

  “Entry is only granted to those in full agreement.”

  Sasha put her hand up as if she was swearing in at court.

  “Let the record show that I, Sasha Gibson, am in full agreement that I do in fact like it when you are bossy.”

  “So quick to give up on those convictions I see,” a smirk playing on Layla’s lips.

  Sasha grabbed Layla’s wrist, pulling her forward as she lowered her body, and scooped Layla up so quickly over her shoulder that Layla could do nothing but squeal.

  “What are you doing?” Layla laughed, “HOW ARE YOU THIS STRONG?”

  Sasha made her way to the bedroom, “I told you, I am very motivated.”

  Sasha plopped Layla down on her bed and climbed on top of her.

  Layla wrapped her legs around Sasha and smiled. “Prove it.”


  When Layla woke up the next morning, she was surprised to find Sasha still in bed with her. Layla curled her body around Sasha’s, kissing her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around her waist from behind.

  Sasha stirred and leaned back into the contact, sliding her fingers through Layla’s at her waist humming her approval. A minute later, she jerked her head up.

  “What time is it?”

  Layla craned her neck to look at the clock on the nightstand.


  “Shit.” Sasha slid out of the embrace and sat up.

  “Sasha, it’s Saturday.”

  “I know. I just, I usually don’t stay the night.”

  “Oh,” Layla said, disappointed. “Okay, well…” she let her sentence trail off as she pulled the sheets up to her shoulders, feeling self-conscious.

  Sasha sighed. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong.”

  Layla steeled herself. “No, it didn’t. Look we just fell asleep after, it happens. I know what our arrangement is Sasha, feel free to go,” she said, gesturing towards the door. Sasha got out of bed, grabbing her belongings and stepping into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Feeling claustrophobic in her bedroom, Layla got out of bed. She slipped on a t-shirt and underwear and walked out to the kitchen, busying herself by starting the coffee.

  Sasha came out minutes later, and Layla expected her to be fully dressed and making her way to the door. Instead, Sasha was wrapped in one of Layla’s robes.

  Sasha walked up to Layla, who was still busying herself doing anything she could think of so she didn’t have to look at her. Sasha reached out and grabbed Layla’s hands, turning her around.

  “Hey,” She said, forcing Layla to look at her.

  Layla didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. She put her guard up, getting ready for the worst.

  “Okay, so I kind of freaked out a little back there,” She said, nodding back behind her at the bedroom.

  Layla pulled out of Sasha’s grasp and crossed her arms. “Kind of?”

  “Fine. I seriously freaked out back there. Happy?”

  “Not really.”

  Sasha sighed but didn’t move away from Layla. “Look. I’m sorry. I know that must have come across like I didn’t want to be here with you, and the truth is that I do want to be here, and that really freaks me out. I can’t have that, Layla. I can’t want to be here in the mornings.”

  Layla threw her hands up. “Well, what am I supposed to say to that? Sorry you like spending time with me? This is absurd.”

  “To you, maybe, but I have a system, Layla. And it works for me.”

  “Well I didn’t force you to be here Sasha, and you staying the night doesn’t mean I’ll soon be dragging you towards the altar. So you need to reconcile what you want with what you think you want.”

  Sasha seemed to contemplate this for a minute as she leaned back against the kitchen counter. Layla turned and started pouring herself a cup of coffee. Sasha walked up to Layla and grabbed the cup of coffee from her hands, taking a small sip.

  “Mmm, this is good. What are you going to have?” She asked with a small smile on her face, as she walked towards the living room taking the coffee with her and plopped down on the couch.

  Shaking her head and suppressing a smile, Layla poured herself a cup and walked over to the couch.

  Sasha turned to Layla. “Hey, can I borrow your laptop? I want to check on how the press conference was covered.”

  “Of course.” Layla logged in and handed her laptop to Sasha, who looked up and read out loud the various articles covering the lawsuit. They discussed the pros and cons of the coverage, and a strategy moving forward. Layla liked this part of their relationship. It was easy, comfortable. It was a place there were no complications, where they didn’t have to figure anything out. It just flowed.

  Sasha closed the laptop and looked at Layla. “Now what?” she asked, a nervous smile on her lips.

  “Follow me,” Layla said as she went into the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients for blueberry pancakes.

  “Nooo, you didn’t!” Sasha exclaimed as she clappe
d her hands together in excitement.

  “Uhh, you should lower your expectations because I don’t actually know how to make blueberry pancakes.”

  “But you have all the ingredients!” Sasha said incredulously.

  “That I do, but if you remember the deal, it was only that I have the ingredients on hand. Not that I know how to use them.”

  Sasha stood there with her mouth open for a moment before dramatically putting on the apron that hung off the side of the fridge. “And I thought I was the lawyer here.”

  Layla laughed as she sat on the stool of the breakfast bar, and watched Sasha make them blueberry pancakes.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Layla and Marco were sitting back on Layla’s couch, while Marco was scrolling through Netflix trying to find something for them to watch.

  Layla’s phone rang with an incoming facetime call, and seeing it was Layla’s mom Iman, Marco snatched the phone out of Layla’s hand and answered.

  “Hi, mama!” He said enthusiastically.

  “Hi habeeby, how are you?” She asked, a big smile on her face.

  “Good! Just hanging with your daughter, we just ate and were about to watch something on TV, how are you? How are baba and Sara?”

  “We are good! How is work? Layla tells me things have been going well for you at home and that it is growing, even Canada, huh?”

  “Yes, thankfully things are going well. I miss you. Are you coming soon?”

  “Yes, I was calling to tell Layla, we booked our flights and will be coming a few days before the New Year and staying about ten days.”

  Layla squeezed herself in the frame by Marco so she could say hi to her mom.

  “Hey mama, just ten days? I thought you were staying longer?”

  “Hello, habeebty. Well you know Sara, she can’t handle being away from Bassem for more than two weeks. She is already complaining that he can’t come with us.”

  “So they’re still going strong huh?”

  “They are, but at least your baba is starting to accept it.”

  “Why wouldn’t he accept it?” Marco asked.

  “Bassem is an artist,” Iman said, chuckling. “You know how Omar is; he wants a provider.”

  They all nodded knowingly, thinking of the stoic man Layla’s father was, and how ultimately he worked so hard to provide for his family, he wanted to make sure they would be taken care of in the future.

  Marco handed the phone off to Layla. “Okay, looking forward to seeing you, mama, let me know if you need anything.”

  “Okay I will,” Iman nodded into the phone before switching over to Arabic for the remainder of her conversation with Layla.

  “How are you, my darling, you are looking healthier. The color is back in your cheeks.”

  “I’m good, mama. You know how it is with work.”

  “I do, and I know it wasn’t about work. How are you feeling?”


  “A little birdie told me there might be someone new helping, huh?”

  Layla glared at Marco, who was still scrolling through Netflix.

  “That little birdie has a big mouth.”

  “He was worried about you, now not so much.”

  “I’m okay, I swear.”

  “But your heart still hurts for her, right?”

  Layla looked into the phone yet said nothing. Iman nodded.

  “Everything in its time, my love. Now enjoy your night. Talk to you soon.”

  “Say hi to baba and Sara. Email me the flight information okay?”

  “Okay. Salam.”


  Layla turned and looked to Marco.

  “Is there anything you don’t tell that woman?”

  Marco looked at Layla. “You scare me, but not as much as she does.”

  She sat back next to him on the couch. “I get that,” Layla said, taking Marco’s coffee cup out of his hands and taking a sip before handing it back.

  “So what is your plan for New Years? Hanging with us or going to see Elliott?”

  “Now that I know they’re going to be here for New Year’s, would you be okay if I invited Elliott down? He knows your family is as close to family as I’ve got, and he wants to meet everyone since meeting mine isn’t an option.”

  “Of course. Mama would be crushed if she didn’t see you anyway, and I know she’d be happy to meet Elliott. I’m assuming you’ve told her all about Elliott since apparently, no relationship news stays private?”

  Ignoring her jab, Marco couldn’t hide his smile. “Yeah, I did. He is really special, Layla. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  Layla turned to face him. “Wow, so this is getting serious. Like serious serious?”

  “Sure is,” Marco said, running his hand through his hair.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Marco exhaled loudly. “Well, I mean, your love life kind of fell apart for a while there, and the last thing I wanted to do was tell you how well mine was going.”

  “Oh honey. I’m sorry I’ve been so wrapped up in my shit that I didn’t recognize this wonderful thing was happening for you.”

  Marco smiled. “It is wonderful. He is wonderful. I love him, Layla. I haven’t been with anyone since him, even though we said no pressure and all that other bullshit. I can’t stop thinking about him. I don’t want anyone but him.”

  Layla leaned forward and captured Marco in a tight hug.

  “I’m so happy for you. You deserve this, Marco. No one deserves it more.”

  “Okay I wouldn’t say no one,” he said, releasing her. “Your time is coming, my dear, if it isn’t here yet.”

  Layla sat back on the couch.

  “Nope, we aren’t going back to me and my love life. It’s either you and Elliott, or..” she looked at the TV, “Cake Wars? Apparently?”

  Marco shrugged.

  Layla turned off the TV and turned back to Marco.

  “Tell me everything,” She said.

  Smiling, Marco obliged.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Layla’s head resting on Sasha’s bare stomach, she was tracing random patterns along Sasha’s hip bone.

  “Hmm, that tickles,” Sasha squirmed. She started running her fingers through Layla’s hair, massaging her scalp.

  “Okay, I’ll behave as long as you keep doing that,” Layla offered. “Hey, I meant to ask, what are you doing for the holidays?”

  “An office party that Friday but other than that, nothing. You?”

  “Well, we’re Muslim so Christmas isn’t our thing, but my family is coming to visit for the New Year. Marco and Elliott got everyone tickets to the Crystal Ballroom, so I think we are going to ring it in there. You’re welcome to join us if you want, but before you storm into my bathroom again, it’s a no-pressure thing. This isn’t a formal meet the parents so this means we are a couple situation.”

  Sasha laughed. “I’m not freaking out. The last thing I want to do is make apology blueberry pancakes again.”

  Layla blew a raspberry on Sasha’s stomach.

  Sasha squealed and squirmed until Layla laid her head back down. “I appreciate the invitation. Let me think about it and get back to you?”

  “Of course, we will be meeting up at my place first then heading over, so just join up if you feel so inclined.”


  “Now get back to work,” Layla said as she put Sasha’s hand back on her head, humming her approval when the massage started again.


  Layla answered the door looking gorgeous in form-fitting black pants, a short-sleeved blue silk blouse and a surprised look on her face. Recovering quickly, she pulled Sasha in by the hand and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before setting down the bottle of wine she brought on the counter.

  “Hey, I didn’t think I’d see you,” Layla said, a genuine smile on her face.

  Sasha shrugged. “What can I say? I’m growing as a person.”

  Layla l
eaned in for a quick kiss. “Nice dress, you look amazing. Ready to meet everyone?”

  Sasha took a deep breath and wiped her hands on her dress. She was wearing a deep purple knee-high cocktail dress with matching amethyst earrings, and she now wondered if she should have dressed a little more conservatively since she was meeting Layla’s parents.

  Layla laughed. “You look like you’re about to walk the plank. Relax Sash.”

  Sasha nodded, a smile creeping in at Layla’s use of a nickname. She steeled herself as she followed Layla into the living room.

  “Everyone, this is Sasha,” Layla said, as she turned to Sasha. “These are my parents, Iman, Omar and my sister Sara.”

  Sasha walked over as Layla’s parents came over to greet her. She smiled, noticing Layla looked exactly like her mother. Sara waved from where she was sitting on the couch snuggled up to Marco, talking to Elliott.

  “Hi everyone, great to meet you.” She looked over towards Marco and Elliott. “Hey, guys.”

  They settled into conversation in the living room, and it wasn’t long before Marco got off the couch and declared it was time to get the party started.

  He pulled Iman off a chair and asked Layla to play some Arabic music, and soon Iman had tied a scarf around her waist and was belly dancing around the living room, encouraging everyone out of their seats. Iman and Marco were dancing together until Omar pulled Elliott out of his seat and started teaching him how to dance as well. They were all trading partners, and Sasha was content to watch them all dance from her seat until Iman came over to Sasha and extended her hand.

  Sasha couldn’t resist the pull to engage, as she slowly felt her walls coming down around her. Everyone seemed so nice, and she didn’t get grilled with questions like she expected to be. Accepting Iman’s hand, she learned to dance the basics, learned pieces of flare from Sara and was laughing wholeheartedly when Layla came to dance with her, exaggeratedly wiggling her shoulders and eyebrows at the same time. It had been so long since Sasha had been around a close-knit family, she forgot how fun it could be.

  She did her best to temper the swell in her chest seeing Layla bond and dance with her family, as well as the forgotten pain she had buried years ago from the loss of leaving her own. Shaking her head to rid herself of those thoughts tonight, she accepted the scarf Layla handed her, tied it around her waist, and went back to dancing.


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