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Vega: Book Four of The Stardust Series

Page 22

by Autumn Reed

  “So, what’s my next lesson?”

  Jackson chuckled and stood, then lifted me from the couch. “I better take you home before even considering the answer to that question.”

  Never Enough

  Liam greeted me at the door to his penthouse, a huge grin on his face. “Gorgeous,” he exhaled, and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing tight and lifting me off the floor. “God, I’ve missed you.”

  “I visited earlier this week.” I laughed but understood how he felt. No matter how much time I spent with him, or any of the guys, it never seemed like enough.

  He set me back down but kept our foreheads pressed together. “We should leave now, unless you would prefer to forego stargazing?”


  His eyes darkened, and he brushed his lips against mine before ushering me inside. “We have all night.”

  I willed my heart to stop racing, but it seemed impossible when he stood across the kitchen island, irresistible in a navy cross-neck sweater and jeans.

  “So, where are we going?”

  “I hoped you could help. Any ideas?”

  A place I visited during my astronomy class immediately came to mind. “Yeah, but it would be easier if you let me drive.”

  “Nice try.” He snatched his keys from the counter and tossed them in the air. “Unless you’d like to make another wager?”

  “Let’s go.” I tugged on his arm.

  When we reached the parking garage, he looked pointedly at his car. “If you’re certain?”

  “Considering you seem to up the ante each time, I’m guessing your stakes would be too rich for my blood.” Knowing Liam, he’d devise some bet he was sure to win, then require me to sleep in his bed naked. Somehow, the idea didn’t bother me nearly as much as it should.

  “Your loss,” he said as he opened the passenger door for me.

  “That must be the secret to your success at Zenith,” I mused aloud.

  He climbed into the driver’s seat. “What, my natural charm? My dashing good looks? My—”

  “All right, I think I get the point. Seriously, though, how do you convince people to give you information?”

  “Subtle manipulation.” Vague.

  “But, how? Is it the sexy accent? The handsome package?” I intentionally stroked his ego. Subtle manipulation, right?

  He smirked. “I have a sexy package, huh?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m starting to suspect that you annoy the information out of them.”

  “That’s your theory for how I got Marilyn to go along with our plan?”

  The city passed by my window in a blur. I refused to consider Liam’s methods for getting Marilyn, or any other beautiful woman, to do his bidding. “I doubt it. She seemed pretty enamored with you.”

  “It was all an act.” He glanced over at me. “She’s bored and lonely and wanted someone to talk to and flirt with. I pandered to her, but I’ve never slept with someone for an assignment, and I would never do so now that we’re together.”

  “So, you listened. That’s all it took to gain her trust?” I asked skeptically.

  “I’ve had intensive training in psychology, body language, imitation, and spotting people’s weaknesses. I play on their emotions, using their hopes and fears to my advantage.

  “Theo researches every target in-depth, giving me a leg up before I ever meet them. But, nothing compares to an in-person evaluation.”

  It all sounded like something a con man would do. I found myself drawing comparisons between Liam and Neal Caffrey, the glamorous art thief turned FBI criminal consultant from White Collar. Handsome and well-dressed? Check. A taste for the finer things in life? Check. Beautiful woman on his arm?

  “Do you manipulate me?” I blurted.

  “My training is ingrained, but I would never intentionally manipulate you.”

  “Have you ever done so unintentionally?”

  He stared out the windshield before briefly meeting my gaze. “Honestly? Probably, at one point or another.”

  After I updated him on my training progress, we lapsed into silence for the final stretch to Mount Hamilton, which was more treacherous than I remembered—a narrow road filled with twists and turns. Liam seemed to enjoy the drive, but I was thankful when we reached the top as daylight was fading.

  Since the observatory was closed at night during the fall and winter, Liam selected a pull off with no other cars, and we followed a path through the trees to a small clearing. Deciding it was the perfect spot, I sat cross-legged on the blanket and soaked up the scenery. Situated atop one of the highest points in the area, we overlooked nearby ridges with the city lights in the distance. Clouds floated at eye level, giving the place an ethereal feel I hadn’t noticed on my previous visit.

  “Wow. You don’t take picnicking lightly, do you?” My mouth watered as he laid a smorgasbord of food on the blanket before us—a charcuterie plate, crackers, fruit, and Caprese salad.

  “When it comes to you, I never take anything lightly.”

  I tried a bite of prosciutto and melon, an odd pairing that was surprisingly delicious. “Thank you for this.” I leaned over to kiss his cheek.

  “Anytime.” He smiled.

  Cloaked in darkness, we fell quiet, watching as the stars appeared. The crisp air kept me alert, and I hoped the temperature wouldn’t continue to drop as quickly now that the sun had set.

  “This is nice,” Liam finally said, “peaceful. Do you ever miss the calm and quiet of living farther from the city?”

  “Yes, but I miss seeing the sky like this most of all. It’s how I feel connected to my mom.”

  We lay back on the blanket, and he wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close to his side. Staring up at sky, I was content to relax in his arms and appreciate the magnificent view. The vastness of the universe never ceased to amaze me, reminding me how insignificant my own problems were.

  After a while, he asked, “Will you tell me a constellation story?”

  “You know about that?”

  “Ethan mentioned it once, probably in an attempt to make me jealous.”

  I thought about dismissing his request in favor of sharing random astronomy facts, but I realized I wanted to tell Liam a story. Ethan wasn’t part of my life anymore, and I wouldn’t let a memory with him take away something I loved.

  “Okay. What constellation do you want to hear about?”

  “Pick one. I’m your captive audience.”

  I scanned the sky. “Can you spot Orion?”

  He used his free hand to outline the prominent constellation located along the celestial equator.

  “As with most constellations, there are several versions of the story. In mine, Orion was the hunter of the gods, responsible for providing the meat for their meals. One day, Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt, asked to tag along. Orion killed a deer instantly, with one well-aimed shot.

  “That night at dinner, Artemis praised Orion’s prowess to the gods. So, the next morning, Orion woke at dawn to hunt. Hoping to impress her, he shot every animal he found and piled them near Artemis’s home as a surprise.

  “But, Artemis was horrified when she saw the dead animals. As the goddess of the hunt, she protected the animals and punished those who killed more than they could eat.”

  “Uh oh,” Liam said.

  “Uh oh is right. In her rage, she stomped the ground and a scorpion arose from the dust. The creature stung Orion, and he died a slow, painful death.”

  “That was your bedtime story?” He sounded horrified.

  “Don’t worry,” I said casually, “the gods rewarded Orion for years of loyal service by placing his constellation in the sky.”

  “Well, that’s fair compensation for an agonizing death.” He was silent a moment. “Wait, isn’t Scorpio another constellation?”

  “Mhmm.” I pointed up to the sky. “It’s opposite Orion, but it’s barely visible until the hunter sets. When you look at the stars, Orion is said to be fleeing the scorpi

  “So, the scorpion was also rewarded?”

  “I never really thought of it that way.”

  “Wow. You attempt to woo a girl, and it bites you in the arse, literally.”

  I laughed. “That’s not the moral of the story.”

  “What else could it possibly be?” he teased.

  “Don’t be wasteful or boastful.”

  “Well, then, let’s not waste our dessert.” He dug into the picnic basket, removing yet another container. “And, I definitely won’t boast about how delicious these are.” He offered me a chocolate-covered strawberry, and I pushed up on my elbows to accept.

  The dark chocolate shell crunched between my teeth as a ripe strawberry burst with flavor. It was such a simple dessert, yet incredibly satisfying. “This is delicious.”

  He leaned over me and covered my lips with his, kissing me languidly. When he stared into my eyes, I found his own full of adoration. Lying beneath him, with the starry sky at his back, I felt cherished. Treasured.

  And, somehow that feeling made me bolder. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, and the ache within me, the need to touch and be touched, grew. I clutched at his sweater, pulling it away from his body to access the warm, smooth skin of his back. Liam lifted his head and gave me a devilish grin before undoing the top button on my shirt. He kissed the newly-exposed skin at my neck, then repeated the process until he was able to push both sides of my shirt away. He stroked the outline of my dark blue lace bra from my shoulder to the valley between my breasts, causing my nipples to harden.

  “Are you cold?”

  “No.” In the back of my mind, I was vaguely aware of the cool temperature and the fact that we were outside where someone might see us, but I didn’t seem to care. And, considering the lack of other cars, I didn’t think it was likely we’d get caught.

  I tugged at the hem of his sweater, and he shrugged it over his head, baring his chest to me. Although I couldn’t view much of his amazing body in the dark, I couldn’t resist touching his stomach, so lean and defined it didn’t feel real.

  Without warning, he flipped our positions so I was straddling him, my hands pressed against his hard chest and my hair cascading over his skin. Liam’s hands were everywhere—in my hair, caressing my back, gliding over my breasts, and burning my skin. He captured my lips with his, plundering my mouth with his tongue.

  In one quick move, he rolled me onto my back. He pulled my bra to the side, and I gasped when he sucked a sensitive bud into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it. “So perfect.” He rained kisses over my breasts, down my stomach. “So beautiful,” he added, almost awe-struck, only pausing when he met the top of my jeans.

  “I want to make you feel good,” he whispered in a fractured voice. “Will you let me?”

  I stiffened, knowing that what he proposed would change things. Was I ready?

  Apparently recognizing my hesitation, Liam gave me a deep kiss, full of desire and something else. Something that told me he would do everything within his power to guarantee my happiness. I had sensed the depth of his feelings for so long, I didn’t question it. I accepted it.


  The sound of my zipper sliding down seemed to echo in the quiet, and fear mingled with excitement as his fingers skimmed the top of my panties. Instead of dipping inside like I expected, they slowly inched down to rub me over the silky material. As he teased me, desire coiled in the pit of my stomach, shoving any lingering anxiety out of the way.

  But, when he finally moved my panties aside and slipped a finger inside me, my body instinctively tensed.

  “Relax, gorgeous. You feel incredible.”

  His softly spoken words combined with the intoxicating feel of his mouth exploring my neck eased my tension, allowing pleasure to take over. My breaths came in short pants as his finger worked its magic, gradually increasing in speed and pressure. An explosion detonated inside me, and I moaned, unable to hold it in as my muscles clenched around his finger and my body quaked. While I was still experiencing the aftershocks, his finger circled my sensitive nub, prolonging my release.

  As I came back down to earth, my hand reached out, and I palmed him over his jeans. “Will you let me reciprocate?” He sucked in a sharp breath, and I took it as a good sign to continue. But, as I started to move my hand, he grabbed it, holding it in his.

  Before I could protest, he sighed. “If I’m going to maintain any sense of control, that can’t happen. Watching you come undone was temptation enough.”

  I’d been too lost to consider feeling self-conscious until now, and I buried my head in his side.

  “Hey,” he cooed, “look at me.” He stroked my skin, skimming his fingers over my body, as if trying to memorize every piece of me. His touch reassured me, and I finally looked him the eye.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing, losing control with me.”

  “Trust me, I’d love to, but I need to do things differently than I have in the past.” The words “with other women” hung in the air. “I want to ravish you, yes. But, I also want to worship you, and take care of you, and please you. And, I’m not ashamed to admit that I want to hold you in my arms all night.”

  I basked in his touch, contemplating his words as I buttoned my shirt, finally noticing how cold it had gotten. I knew that we had something different, something special. For once, I didn’t think about the past or the future. I savored this moment, with him.

  * * *

  I snuggled deeper into the luxurious bedding, grasping at the remnants of my dream, a dream that closely followed the events of the night before. Liam’s arm draped over my hip, his warm hand resting on my stomach beneath the borrowed silky, button-down pajama shirt.

  Feeling restless, I twisted to face him, and my heart nearly burst at the sight of his mussed hair, a sleepy smile playing at his lips. I had never seen him so relaxed, so unguarded. Studying the angles of his face, I couldn’t resist tracing his prominent cheekbones. His eyes fluttered open, watching me intently as my fingers ghosted over his lips before trailing down his neck.

  “I could get used to this.” His voice was low, husky even, the British accent more pronounced than usual. He inched closer, nuzzling against me, then pressed his lips to mine. His movements were unhurried, and I felt surprisingly at ease lying in bed with him.

  “Did you sleep well?” He stroked my hair, his hand coming to rest on my back. The way he looked at me made me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I wished I could capture this moment and freeze time.

  “Yes, very,” I admitted, almost surprised, mostly because I’d half-expected to wake up at some point in the night to continue what we’d started on Mount Hamilton. “Did you?”

  “Never better.” He smiled, his gray eyes nearly pearlescent in the morning light. “You shared the covers, didn’t snore, and let me sleep in. Not as late as I’d like, but I’ll forgive you.”

  “How magnanimous.”

  “Mmm, I know,” he said with a yawn. “I’d love to stay here all day, but I have a feeling you’re going to want breakfast.”

  He placed a soft kiss on my lips and threw back the covers. I watched as the muscles of his back flexed, waiting as he adjusted his pajama pants before turning around to face me. Despite all the times I’d seen him shirtless, I still couldn’t believe how incredible his body was.

  When I moved to follow him, he held up a finger. “Wait here.”

  He vanished in the direction of his bathroom, returning a moment later wearing a fluffy robe, a second one draped over his arm. I stood from the bed, noticing the way his eyes lingered on my bare legs, the tops of my thighs barely covered by the nightshirt. He wrapped the plush robe around me from behind, holding me in his arms and kissing my neck.

  We padded to the kitchen, where he rifled through the fridge, placing an array of items on the counter, including a blender full of cream-colored liquid. “Savory or sweet?”

  Why did I always have to choose? “How about bo

  “Then both you shall have,” he said as he whipped out a shallow pan and a wooden T. “Ready to learn how to make crepes?”


  “I already prepared the batter, so I’m putting you on crepe duty. I’ll make the filling.”

  After demonstrating the proper crepe-making technique, he left me to my own devices. I poured just the right amount of batter in the pan, swirling it around with the wooden T, and finally flipping it before removing it from the skillet. It was easier than I expected, and I got into a rhythm. When I’d drained the blender, I had a stack of thin crepes ready to be filled.

  “Excellent crepes, gorgeous.”

  I nodded, pleased with how they turned out. “We make a good team.”

  When I took a bite of one with Nutella, sliced strawberries, and bananas, I groaned. “This is delicious.”

  His gaze heated, and he inched forward, licking the excess creamy-hazelnut spread from my lips. “I’ll say.”

  Liam had given me a choice between sweet and savory, and I was coming to find that I wanted it all. I desired the spicy, sensual Liam as much as the sweet, adoring one. With every additional facet of his personality I uncovered, I wanted more, like a craving that couldn’t be satisfied no matter how much I consumed.


  “Haley, when are you going to put your book down and pay attention to me?”

  Not looking away from the page, I muttered, “Just one more chapter.”

  “Nope.” Theo pulled the book from my hands and stuffed an envelope between the pages to hold my place. “You said that thirty minutes ago, and I’ve barely seen you the last few days. Let’s do something.”

  I sat up on my bed and gave him a rueful smile. “Sorry. It’s an addicting series.”

  He eyed the girl dressed in black leather on the cover. “I didn’t realize you were into vampire novels.”


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