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Dragon Protectress

Page 1

by Opal Thomas


  Book One


  Opal Thomas















  -- Aiden --

  I was circling the crowd, invisible and undetectable in the air. Other than the breeze my wings caused, no one could see me. Amelia was at the center of the mob and the look of terror on her face said it all.

  She was trapped.

  Frozen in place, I could see her turning her head this way and that way, looking for an escape.

  It was too soon to pick her up and pluck her from the raging crowd of angry people, seeking a witch they only knew about but couldn't identify. Her cloaking ability already working on her behalf without her even knowing it.

  I swooped back around, waiting for the right moment to grab her. As it was, she would be startled but I was hoping she'd soon realize I meant no harm.

  There were about fifty of them. Men and women. All screaming and hollering at one another, for the witch-sorceress to be found. All under the sway of a dark mage who controlled them psychically. Worrisome and bizarre at best.

  Holding ground, hiding in plain sight, I could sense her fear rising but somehow she remained composed. Soon, I'd be the one to help tell her about her ancestry. Her amazing lineage.

  But for now, I needed to save her. Rescue her.

  She started to walk quickly, ducking behind cars, hiding and then striding fast to get away from the mob of people that had appeared out of nowhere. It was now or never. I swooped in and picked her up, being mindful that my talons didn't hurt her. She let out a startled scream as I carried her up into the sky.

  "You're safe, Amelia. I'm getting you out of this mob. I'll explain everything..." I said to her, telepathically.

  "Who are you?!" she shrieked out loud, struggling in my grasp.

  I waited until we were far enough away from the mob before answering her question, fearing that they might overhear us. Her voice being powerful enough as is, let alone when raised due to fear.

  "I'm a dragon shifter. Hold on tight!" I said, carrying the helpless woman away from her temporary enemies. I flew fast and hard, not knowing if we'd be followed by the Denizen. Once we were far enough away, I landed, safely placing her on the ground next to where I'd parked my Tesla. "I need to shift," I said, hoping to keep her calm because she looked ready to bolt. "I mean no harm, you're safe."

  "Dragon shifters don't exist! Why are you rescuing me?!" she cried out, still startled. Still afraid.

  "My name is Aiden... And I most certainly do exist." I said, starting the shift into human form so I could drive us to my home.

  Bones cracked and hissed as my large dragon form shifted back into my human body. Magic easing the pain that came with a quick shift. Once done, I was standing naked before the most powerful witch I'd ever sensed in my existence.

  "Please, get in," I said, throwing open the passenger door.

  She hesitated but got into the car. I shut the door and opened my back door, grabbing some clothing that I quickly put on. Jeans and a t-shirt, then some slip-on shoes. I got in my car, fired it up and we were on the road, headed to safety.

  My haven. My home.

  * * *

  -- Amelia --

  Aiden was driving his car, a sleek Tesla, quickly. Speeding down the empty highway at near eighty miles an hour.

  "Why did you rescue me?" I asked awkwardly. We'd been driving in silence for a few minutes and I had no idea who'd just plucked me out of an angry mob or why he'd been compelled to help me. It had happened so fast. Not to mention, he'd changed form right in front of me - from a dragon to a human.

  Aiden peered at me sideways. "Because you're in danger, Amelia."

  "From who?" I asked. "Who am I in danger from?!"

  "The Denizen, or as we refer to them - the Den," he explained. "They've been searching for you for almost a decade. I knew things were likely to get violent eventually. I had no choice but to intervene and help."

  My mouth was open in surprise and I let out a little gasp. "What do you mean?"

  "You don't know yet, do you?" he asked.

  "Know what?! Look mister, you better get to explaining or I'm going to throw myself from this car..."

  He reached over and squeezed my shoulder. "Rest easy, if I'd wanted to hurt or harm you, it would have been done and over with already. It's not my style."

  "That may be, but I'm still confused. You came out of nowhere. I have no clue who you are. We've never met. What is going on?"

  "I can answer most of your questions. But I need to get us to a safe place first. They have hunters looking for you. Scouters, if you will. They're corrupt and will do next to anything to get their hands on a young witch-sorceress to brainwash with their mind-control tech. These are very powerful mages who lured you out," he explained.

  "Lured me out..." I uttered in disbelief. "Mages... witch-sorceress..."

  What was he even talking about!?

  I was a college student in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pure and simple.

  "I know it's a lot to take in so suddenly. I'm sorry that it had to happen this way. We've been watching you for some time now. Waiting for you to come to your own realization that your powers are more than just delusions or fantasy."

  They'd been watching me? Waiting? My powers? What the hell did he know about me?

  He peered at me sideways again, a look of understanding and concern on his handsome features, his eyes sincere.

  "So, my being there wasn't a mistake?"

  "No, they drew you out. Your telepathic skills aren't fully developed yet, so they can talk to you, in your mind and make suggestions about doing things without you realizing it. They did it tonight, to get you outside."

  "Outside..." I said, flabbergasted. It's true, I hadn't really planned on being out tonight. I'd just wanted to stay in and read a book but then the idea to take a walk just popped into my mind. Out of nowhere.

  "Right, and luckily for you, even though dark mages can hide their psychic mind-control from your everyday human, they can't cloak it from my kind."

  "Your kind... and that would be?" I asked, almost scared to know.

  "I'm a Draco. A dragon shifter."

  He was beautiful is what he was. He had an allure to him, a shimmer that rolled right off of his skin. His face was handsome, with a profile that was killing me. It was one thing to get rescued, but another entirely when the being sitting next to me was also ridiculously attractive.

  I sucked in a deep breath. This was crazy. Too much. I was feeling dizzy, scared and alarmed. "A draco, a dragon... like in the books I like to read?"

  "Exactly. We're not imaginary. We're real but we try to keep that on the down-low. For reasons."

  "I bet! Wow... Aiden, why are you so interested in me? I'm not a witch or a sorceress. Certainly not both," I stated wanting to make sense of what was happening.

  Aiden didn't reply, just kept driving until we exited the highway, heading out of town at an alarmingly fast pace.

  "Where is your place?"

  "On the outskirts of town. Towards the mountains. Not too far away."

  I gulped. I was in a car with a man who had just shared he was a dragon shifter. A man who'd just saved me from the angry cluster of people that I'd sensed something was off about. A group that seemed to be in a swarm mentality, as if hypnotized.

  I fell silent, atte
mpting to wrap my mind around what was happening and why. I had too many questions and for some reason, Aiden had answers. Answers that made no sense. I'd always known there was something different about me but that didn't mean I believed him. Believed any of it.

  We pulled down a road that led to a private, gated estate. Soon enough, the gates opened and we were pulling up to a nice, modern home that was tucked away by lots of trees and brush. Hidden almost. He pulled into the garage and once the door was closed, I saw a woman and a man, standing by the inside door, looking at us intently.

  "That's my sister and her mate. Her husband. Tracie and Devon. They're very happy to see you. To meet you."

  I studied Aiden's face, taking in the excitement that was there. Not knowing what to say, I opened the car door and got out. Aiden followed and soon, we were all heading inside the house.

  "Are you okay?" Tracie asked us both.

  I nodded, in a daze, taking in my surroundings. The house was so modern. Clean and furnished like a contemporary museum. The art on the walls was also modern. Symbols were in the paintings that seemed antiquated and powerful. One jumped out at me as I'd seen it in a recent dream I'd been puzzling over. In the dream, it had 'sung' at me, a beautiful beseeching melody. It captured my attention and Tracie noticed.

  "Does that one speak to you?" she asked.

  I swallowed and nodded. "Yes, I saw it in a dream. Had never seen it before. Til now."

  She nodded as if understanding, a smile creeping on her pretty face as my comment registered with them. They looked at one another with knowing understanding.

  "Is that important?" I asked.

  "Very. Tell me, does it make you feel anything?" Aiden asked, shifting his gaze back to me.

  Assessing myself, I realized that an energy was running through me, making me feel powerful. Safe. Alive.

  "Yes, it does. Like an energy..."

  "... running through you?" he said, finishing my sentence.

  I nodded. "Exactly."

  "We'll explain more about the symbol, at a later time. For now, do you want something to drink? Eat?" Tracie asked, stepping towards the kitchen that was part of the large open living space, no walls separating the interior. Just an amazing view of the hills off in the distance through the floor to ceiling windows.

  "Yes, both. I haven't had dinner yet. Before Aiden... arrived," I said, unsure of what word exactly to explain about how he'd swooped out of the sky, like an eagle plucking a rodent off the ground and carrying me away from harm.

  "We just finished our meal, but have leftovers. Do you like fettuccini? Caesar salad and garlic bread?" Devon asked.

  "Sounds delicious. Thank you..."

  Aiden led me to the table in the center of the room, dividing the kitchen from the living room, where a fireplace burned. He pulled a chair out for me and soon, a plate full of food was placed before me. It smelled amazing.

  "Devon was a professional chef. He loves cooking Italian. Eat up!" Aiden shared, digging into his meal.

  I began to eat, feeling awkward but welcomed. I'd planned on ordering takeout. This was a much nicer meal than I'd planned on having. Aiden and I ate while Tracie and Devon looked on, an amused look on their faces. Some sort of family understanding, I guessed.

  "So, Amelia. Did Aiden explain anything yet?" Devon asked, sitting down to join us at the table, setting a wine goblet before me and then pouring.

  I picked up the wine and downed it. "More please..."

  They laughed and Devon obliged, pouring more wine to the brim. Tracie set down another bottle and poured wine for all of them.

  "Yes, he shared some things that are rather hard to believe. Forgive me, I'm still wrapping my head around what's happening exactly..."

  "Understandable," Aiden quipped between bites.

  "It's okay. At your pace. You're safe here. Our family is well acquainted with your family. Your ancestry. It's part of our ancestry too. But your parents wanted you to have a normal childhood," Tracie shared, a look of motherly concern passing over it.

  The mention of my parents made me pause eating and I put my fork down, finishing my bite and then taking a sip of wine."My parents? You knew my parents? They've been dead thirteen years now..." I asked, surprised.

  "Yes, god bless. They asked our family to keep watch over you while you grew up. What Aiden shared was to be revealed to you on your twenty-first birthday. But I'm afraid that the Den made that necessity happen sooner than later."

  "The dark mages?" I asked, that question sounding so strange to my own ears.

  They all nodded at once.

  "It has been er - uh - challenging to say the least to keep your identity secret. Your powers are awakening now that you're nearing your twenty-first birthday. They've been searching for you for a long time. You come from a very powerful line of witches and sorcerers. It's the kind of power that you need time, practice and maturity to blossom into," Aiden explained, having paused eating his food as well.

  "So the mages were going to kidnap me?" I asked, still confused.

  Once again, they all nodded.

  Devon opened a manila envelope and pulled out a folder. He placed it before me. I opened the folder and a letter in my Mother's handwriting was inside. I gulped, holding back the tears.

  "In time, everything will be explained and revealed. But there is some urgency to your situation. We're sorry that we couldn't have explained sooner. We wanted to honor your parents' wishes," Tracie continued to explain.

  I ran my hand over the handwritten words. I sucked in a steadying breath. My twenty-first birthday was three months away. My graduation from college six months away. But I was getting the sense that my life was changing faster than I'd dared dream.

  * * *

  -- Aiden --

  Considering all that had happened in such a short time, she was calmer than I'd expected. It was hard not to stare, being in her presence was stirring my senses. I'd always observed her from afar. Being near her was having an affect on me I'd never experienced before.

  It wasn't just that she was beautiful, but that there was an aura of mystery and wisdom about her. Which made her mesmerizing.

  Her reaction to the Gaiia symbol had been interesting. One that we'd all felt.

  I continued eating while Tracie took on the task of explaining to her what was happening. My sister had always been a better communicator than me and would have rescued Amelia herself if Devon and I hadn't intervened.

  Our family was sworn to protect her family and had been doing so for millennia. But the unfortunate end of her parents' lives at a young age had forced us all to do what was best for Amelia and to honor their wishes of raising her as normally as possible. Being immortal, I'd protected her family for as long as I could remember. Keeping watch over her ancestry was a source of pride for my family as we'd helped sculpt their power for good and not evil, over the eras.

  With modern times, new challenges had arrived that made it easier for those who used their power for evil, to find her. Something we'd hoped to prevent altogether. But as is often the case, the more powerful the witch, the harder it is to keep their power hidden.

  She continued eating and drinking the wine, growing calmer as we all became better acquainted. Now that she was here, we could shield the Den's telepathic scoping and manipulation to keep her safe. As far as they knew, she'd just disappeared from plain sight once I'd touched her, not knowing that a guardian - me - had plucked her right off the ground.

  Tracie shared more about Amelia's parents' wishes once she'd read the letter from her late Mother, who had written it a long time ago as a safe-guard. Now that Amelia knew who she was, who we were - only time and training could unfold the magic she was capable of.

  The night unfolded and we gathered around the fireplace in the living room, each of us taking our turns answering her many questions. Eventually, she grew tired and we could see from the overwhelmed look on her face that she needed to rest.

  "Aiden, can you show her the guest
room? Get her what she needs?" Tracie asked.

  I nodded. "Of course."

  Amelia looked at me, a small smile on her face. "Thank you. Thank you for rescuing me."

  "My pleasure."

  She stood and so did I, leading her upstairs to the guest room that would become hers for as long as she needed.

  "We'll get your belongings and move them here. But I'm afraid we can't have you do so yourself. For a while, you need to lie low. Stay off their radar," I said as we arrived at the guestroom door.

  "What about school? I have classes..." she said.

  "We'll work on that too. Figure out how to keep you safe while you finish your education. I'm not sure exactly how yet, but we have our ways," I said.

  Amelia nodded and then entered the guest room. We'd been anticipating her arrival and with Tracie's motherly touch, had redecorated it to be more to her liking.

  "It's beautiful. The decor. I feel comfortable already..." she said, trailing her finger along one of the bureaus. "Pretty colors and design."

  "I can't take credit for that. All Tracie. She has a knack."

  "Whose home is this?"

  "It's mine. Tracie and Devon live close by but we come and go from each house all the time. It's our home, I guess you could say. We own several properties in the area. But this one is mine."

  She smiled shyly. "It's masculine. Like you."

  For some reason that made me smile too and I had to remind myself not to stare. Her green eyes were pulling me in. I managed to look away, breaking the moment.

  "I want you to make yourself as comfortable as possible here. My home is your home. We're keen on hospitality. Understand?"

  "Understood," she said, stepping towards the bed and sitting down on the ottoman at the end of it where there were clothes waiting for her.

  She picked up a pair of pajamas and smiled. "You guys thought of everything didn't you?"

  "We did," I said, then winked. "Tracie is a Mother Hen. Comes with the territory. Female Dracos are always very nurturing and protective. You'll see."

  Amelia let out a small laugh. "That will be nice. With my Mother being long gone, I've forgotten what that feels like."


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