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Dragon Protectress

Page 5

by Opal Thomas

  "Devon would love that, actually. He tried to teach me, but that was an utter disaster," Tracie shared, laughing.

  Amelia sat down at the table, my eyes followed. She was wearing yoga pants, a sports bra and a light cotton t-shirt that she had tied in the front. Her outfit left nothing to the imagination and I was already wondering how I'd make it through a training session without a hard-on. I grumbled, inside.

  Sherry placed our plates on the table, and brought over the coffee carafe. "Time to eat up!" She said.

  I sat and dug in. "Tracie, remind me that I have a dream to share. More of a nightmare really."

  Both Amelia and Tracie looked at me, concerned.

  "I'm okay. I'm a big boy. Don't fret," I said.

  Tracie nodded, putting her attention back to her phone, working already.

  I turned my focus on Amelia, "So, inside or outside?"


  I nodded, taking a bite of food.

  "Inside, please. It's cold outside," she answered.

  "Fair enough."

  "When do I get to work with the symbols?" Amelia asked.

  Tracie looked up from her phone, sending me a quick look of surprise.

  "When you feel ready for them. As it is, we need to introduce you to them," I said.

  "Introduce me to them?" Amelia asked, a funny look on her face.

  Tracie stepped in, "The symbols are connected to consciousness. Their alive in an animated way. There is a special way that we introduce them to a mage. They enter into your consciousness and merge with you when called upon. That being said, they're very powerful, so the introductions are done separately and individually. Make sense?" she explained.

  "Is that why I felt the Gaia's energy when I first arrived here?" Amelia asked.

  "Exactly, although it wasn't a full immersing, it was a hello from the Gaia consciousness. It recognized your Mother's lineage. That you are of her blood and ancestry," Tracie shared.

  "That's so amazing, truly," Amelia replied.

  I caught Amelia's gaze. "We agree and once you are better acquainted, the symbols teach you in their own way. The energy is synced with your Kundalini, also known as the Dragon Serpent. The energy is tapped into an endless energy source. Our collective god-hood, if you will. It's immortal and powerful," I explained.

  Amelia nodded her head thoughtfully. "Amazing..."

  "That's why physical fitness and defense training are so important. Ironically, the training keeps you from harming yourself, first and only to harm with intent for self-defense or protection of another. This is where dark mages and benevolent mages differ. We only call on the symbols and energy to defend and protect as needed, never to harm with intent, malevolently. The dark mages have no scruples, believing they are superior to their benevolent kind," Tracie continued explaining.

  "So, they use the same energy and symbols? For dark purposes?" Amelia asked.

  Tracie and I nodded.

  "Exactly, and here's the interesting part, despite the neutrality of the symbols, it takes more dark mages to inflict harm or ill-will than it does for just one benevolent mage to call down protection, strength, wisdom, etc. Meaning there is a three to one ratio. Energy is always more powerful in the positive. In the right, so to speak. And then there is your family, your heritage. You're what is known as a three-fold. A triune. You can even further amplify the power, because you are a triune," I shared.

  "What does that mean, a triune?" Amelia asked.

  Tracie and I looked at one another. We both knew the time was coming soon when her awakening would get her to the phase that was going to blow her mind. Did we risk telling her now, before there was any training?

  "Let's wait until you've had some training first. It will be best if you focus on what we guide you to, for now," Tracie said.

  "Okay... but wow am I excited. This is amazing. All this time, I've been drawn to symbols, the supernatural and the metaphysical and never knew it was actually relevant to who I am..." Amelia said softly.

  "Your heritage is very rich, Amelia. We have all of your ancestry's journals and magic books. They will be bestowed to you, in time. First, learn to trust your intuition. It will tell you when you are ready for next steps. In a way, the questions you ask lead you to the next phase, and the next, and the next," I said.

  Amelia smiled. "I've noticed that already. In small ways."

  "Good, then keep growing and trusting that," It's very rarely ever wrong.

  We finished eating breakfast, the conversation ebbing down.

  "Alrighty, kiddos. I'm off to get some work done in town. I'll be back after six," Tracie said, waving goodbye and throwing a kiss as she stood and headed to the garage.

  "I'm right behind you, I need to get groceries and some errands done too," Sherry said as she cleared the table of dishes, then putting them in the sink and dishwasher. "I should be back in time to prepare dinner."

  Which led to Amelia and I sitting there. Just the two of us.

  * * *

  -- Jerau --

  Foremost on my mind was putting me back in the favor of Venom. Then, I would be back in Tazora's perimeter, where I rightfully deserved to be.

  The drive out of Seattle had been pleasant enough. I made the ascent into the suburban areas where highway gave way to scenery, green rain forest and eventually, gravel roads.

  While searching for clues about the Witch in the Denizen private library, I'd stumbled across a unique public document that listed a resident of Green Pines Acres as one of the POA's for a minor who was coming of age. It was curious as three non-relatives had been given POA for Amelia R. Stuart and her twenty-first birthday was coming up in a few months. It was also interesting that a public record had been done when there was no need to do so.

  What could have been the reason behind it, I wondered? Wouldn't it have made better sense for a family member to be a POA?

  Unless there were no survivors? Which was rare...

  Stuart. That was her Father's last name. Possibly linked to human royalty. I pulled up and researched. Sure enough, certain lineages did indeed connect with the royal house of Europe with origins in Scotland.

  I trusted my gut. It was my intuition that usually ended up being right, even when the data failed to add up. Even Venom couldn't deny that my intuitive skills were often dead-on.

  The rest had been easy. Social media proved useful and there was information about her but certainly not enough to be entirely sure that she was the progeny of Arthur and Ruth Stuart. This, I would still need to investigate.

  In the meantime, I decided that tracking into the woods might also prove useful. I was known for being stealthy and undetected because I had the power to make myself invisible, as it were. Meaning, I could cast the mirage or illusion that something else altogether occupied the space I did.

  I knew that I'd need to give up my car at some point and wasn't sure where the land became marked 'private'. I'd expected a fence of some sort but other than for the occasional farmer or suburb, nothing called out to me.

  Stumped, I sat at the wheel of my Jeep and honed in, pulling solely from my third eye, looking for a bright spot.

  It flickered.

  My eyes flew open.

  I'd felt it and sensed it.

  I closed my eyes again.

  Sure enough, there it was again.

  Opening my eyes, I smiled to myself. She was within a mile or two's range. No one had an aura that bright, that big. It had to be her!

  I decided to drive in closer until I couldn't any longer. I found an off-highway gravel road and slowly made my way down until I hit a private property sign and a gated entry that was blocked by two decorative gates.


  I took out my cell and dialed Diamond, my brother. Him and his team of goons might be useful if I ran into trouble. Plus, they'd be excited if I actually uncovered the Protectors safe-house and estates. Let alone, actually finding her.

  "Diamond," I said when he answered. "Wo
rk. I think I might know a location for the Witch. Meet me at the coordinates I'm sending. I'll wait til you arrive..."

  "Word," was all he said before hanging up.

  A half hour later, Diamond arrived in a Hummer with three others.


  -- Amelia --

  Breakfast over, Aiden led me into the gym. Walking directly behind him, I couldn't help but to admire his strong, tall physique. Wide, muscled shoulders gave way to a toned and tapered midriff. I admired until he was turned and facing me while I began to stretch, not knowing what to anticipate.

  "Mindful readiness," he said.

  I nodded, staying mute and receptive. Instead, I acknowledged his comment with a bow, which seemed to surprise him. But it made him smile. My goal. Next, was to get him to laugh.

  "The best defense is a good offense, ever heard the phrase?" he asked.

  I nodded again.

  His eyes latched onto mine. "Why is that important, Amelia?"

  He was going to make me speak, "Because, I'm aware of a potential threat before it manifests itself as one. Mindful readiness..."

  He winked at me, "Exactly."

  I handed him my list of questions, feeling a bit sheepish. He glanced them over and then folded the paper. "More on these at a later time. For now, I need to gauge where you're at in the art of self-defense."

  He spread his stance wide and then brought his hands together, in the prayer pose, in the middle of his chest and closed his eyes. I mimicked him.

  Suddenly, out of nowhere, he came at me. I rolled and landed behind him, ready to leap to me feet.

  He turned, genuinely amused. "Ah, I see. Feline reflexes."

  I grinned coyly. He could play with me all day long. I wouldn't mind...

  "Alrighty then, how about you show me what you'd do if I came your way and was a bad mage," he instructed.

  I shook my head, still opting to be quiet. Either way, I had a plan in mind. But wasn't sure how it would work until we went through the motions.

  "I'll take it easy on you at first... But as time progresses, I won't be able to afford that luxury to you. I just need to gauge where you're at. Make sense?" he asked.

  I nodded.

  So there we were, for the better part of two hours, he came at me again and again and again. I managed to escape, evade or wrestle myself free almost every time. As much as I wanted to stay focused on the training, I couldn't help enjoying when we were limbs tangled together. It got hard to pretend I was protecting myself when all I wanted to do was fall into a jumbled heap of desire with him, right there on the gym mat.

  At some point, he took off his sweatshirt and left on a white, armless, cotton t-shirt that revealed his muscled arms and chest. I could see the beginnings of a tribal tattoo that was sure to be of a dragon. His adidas sweatpants hung low on his hips, threatening to undo me when I got a glance of his lower abs and the beginning of the ever-so-wonderful man 'V' that led to forbidden man-scape.

  Sucking in a deep, centering breath - I willed myself to focus. Stay centered.

  I knew he was losing his focus too when all it took was a side-swipe of my leg to knock him over. Uninhibited, I jumped on top of him, all jazzed up on adrenaline. I play-mocked that I had him tackled before I came to my senses and realized that the utterly funny look on his face, showed both pure amusement and pure desire.

  We both froze.

  I realized that I likely looked like one of those silly cats on Instagram that is fighting itself in the mirror. All goofy-looking and ferocious for a clown-like enemy. So, I went to roll off of him but he grasped me around the waist, holding me in place. "Not just yet..."

  I froze, feeling suddenly bashful and shy. I looked away and he tilted my face back to looking at him, keeping me in place. My body always did have a way of betraying me and my innermost desires. Although I'd only known the man all of three days, he was occupying my mind more than he had right to. There we were, just two people gazing at one another. So much being shared, but nothing said.

  Then I stretched myself along-side him, still breathing hard from my exertion. To which he did the same. And there we were, laying side by side in the gym, staring at the ceiling like two teenagers in the throes of young love - still in denial.

  I started to giggle, to which he looked at me with a questioning look. I decided to try sending him a telepathic comment.

  'Can you hear me?' I asked.

  He showed surprise on his face, 'Yes...'

  'So, I'm doing this right, then?'


  'Good, because I need practice at this too...'

  He grunted a yes, then nodded.

  'Can you read my mind?'

  'Yes, but only with your permission.'

  'Bless the gods...' I said in relief.

  I sat up, although it killed me to, not wanting to break the sexy dynamic between us. I turned to look at him and found that he was studying my face. He had the same look as he did the first day, when he'd rescued me. Mystified disbelief. Asking himself if I was real.

  "I'm real, Aiden. Always have been. Just like you are, right here, right now," I said softly. To which he gave me an even funnier look. As if I'd read his mind. "It's written all over your face. No mind-reading today..." I answered his unasked question.

  He smiled and then sat up, leaning on one arm, the other drawing me closer to him.

  It was about as soft and sweet as a first kiss can be. So sensual. And there it was. What we'd both been hiding. This draw to one another. The attraction. When we pulled away from one another, there was so much, unspoken between us.

  "What now?" I asked.

  He remained silent. Pensive and stunned.

  "Are you afraid?" I asked.

  "No, never. Not in that way. But awe-struck, yes. I'm awe-struck..." he answered.

  "How so?" I asked.

  "I'd given up on finding... a woman like you. I'd settled for human women long ago..." he shared.

  "I'm human, silly," I said, play-smacking him on the upper arm "Right?"

  He gave me a decidedly funny look, as if he was privy to something about me or us that I didn't know yet.

  "Right?" I said again.

  That snapped him out of it and jumped up to his feet. He seemed distracted. It was as if he was shaking himself out of something. Getting back to awareness. Privy to something I didn't know yet.

  I stayed on the floor, pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I looked up at him. "Aiden, what is it?"

  * * *

  -- Aiden --

  I heard the thought, loud and clear. Interrupting my conversation with Amelia. A Den near the property who was contemplating Amelia's lineage and who her POA's were. Then, clear as a bell - the name, Stuart.

  The fact that the female denizen was so close, put me on edge. If Amelia wasn't sitting on the floor in front of me, I would have shifted already.

  "Follow me..." I ordered, extending a hand so she could stand up. As soon as her soft hand met mine, something primal and deeply protective ran through me. Fierce, like a pissed-off grizzly bear or a raging bull. Something like me...

  "What's wrong?" she asked, looking alarmed.

  I didn't have the time I needed to explain. I needed to get to the intruder on my property and fast. I led Amelia downstairs and opened a secret door.

  "Do you trust me?" I asked.

  "Of course I trust you! Why?" she asked.

  "This is our safe room. Stay in here until one of us makes contact. Do not come out until we tell you to!!"

  The look on her face was of pure fear and concern before the door slammed shut, locking her in.

  'Tracie, a black mage is on my property. I've put Amelia in the safe room. I need you and Devon ASAP!' I said, telepathically before I leaped up the stairs, locking the door to the basement.

  I ran out the backdoor, stripping my clothes as I went and took flight into the air, shape-shifting as I went, then cloaking. Whoever it was that was stupid enoug
h to be on my property was about to meet a dragon.

  One very pissed off dragon.

  * * *

  -- Tracie --

  "Shit! Shit! Shit!" I said out loud, once I received Aiden's telepathic message. Of course there'd be an intruder once I'd made my way all the way to work. I should have trusted my gut and not gone into the office on a Sunday!

  I used Bluetooth in my car to call Devon. It trilled until his voicemail started. "Honey, I need to you to get to Aiden's place asap! He's locked Amelia in the safe room. I'm turning round and heading back now, but I'm a good thirty minutes away..."

  Driving as quickly as the law would allow, I considered parking my car and taking to the sky. Shape-shifting was easier done at night when the risk of being seen was considerably lower. My cloaking skills weren't as good as Aiden's were, and one of the reasons I opted to not shift if he was available.

  I decided against it and drove on, calling Devon repeatedly.

  Why wasn't he answering? Golfing or not, he should be answering my calls!!

  That settled it. Once we got through this situation, the rule would need to be that two of us remained near her until we got through her training.

  I began to hone in on the perimeter of Aiden's property and sure enough, I sensed the enemy that he was worried about.


  That was interesting.

  The Den usually had their male counterparts do scoping out, not a female.

  Twenty minutes later, I drove by a Jeep parked just outside of Aiden's private property signs at the gates. I couldn't sense anyone immediately, but remained extra cautious.

  Was this all a ruse?

  'Aiden?!' I called out telepathically.

  It was eerily too quiet. Silent. For him to not answer me.

  A shiver ran down my spine, keeping me on edge. On alert.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I decided to shift. Allow my inner dragon to scope out Aiden. I got back in my car and pushed the gate clicker. It opened and I pulled in, driving out of sight from the adjoining road. Parked, stripped and in a minute, I was all dragon.


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