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She assessed him for half a minute before inclining her head. She saw the hovering maitre ‘d relax his posture when the man sat down. “What happened to your…friend in the bar?” she asked, as the wine steward brought the bottle she had selected.
He shrugged. “Once my eyes fell on you, she didn’t interest me.”
Somehow, the corny line didn’t promote her irritation as Barry’s had done. She sipped the wine after swirling it, and then nodded her approval to the steward. She didn’t take her eyes from her mysterious companion. “Would you like a glass?”
He studied the red liquid in her glass with interest. “It depends. What vintage?”
She kept her expression as bland as her voice when she said, “It’s a 1983 Staatsweingut, Steinberger Eiswein.” Regan held her breath, wondering if her companion would recognize the rarity of the vintage.
He cocked a brow. “Impressive. I would enjoy a glass, but only if you allow me to purchase the bottle.”
She inclined her head, wondering if he realized just how expensive it was. Well, if he couldn’t cover it, she could. Synergies Systems was picking up the tab on her vacation. It was one of the perks of being CEO. “If you wish.”
The steward made a production of pouring her guest a glass, and then waiting to see if he approved too. The rotund man beamed with pride when the other man nodded his appreciation.
She savored the rich flavor of the sweet wine a moment before speaking again. “Do you have a name?”
“Dante Giodarri. And you, signorina?”
“Regan Delaney.” She didn’t offer her hand to shake. Instead, her eyes devoured him, sweeping from his dark eyes, fringed by sinfully long lashes, to the strong column of his throat. Her gaze moved to his hands, and she admired the neat trim of his nails, the shape of his fingers, and the way his left hand flexed as he lifted the glass. She could easily imagine those hands gliding across her body.
She frowned at his name. She had certainly heard it before. “Where do I know you from, Dante?”
He shrugged. “We have not met. I would remember your beauty, and I’m confident you would remember if we were intimately acquainted.”
His arrogant statement should have irritated her, but she could only silently agree. She didn’t doubt she would remember Dante if they had been…close. Still, the need to know where she had heard his name before preyed on her mind. She cast through her memory, until the recollection came. “Yes, an article in Forbes. You were listed as one of the best international catches, corporately speaking, of course.”
Dante’s mouth curled. “I am no less desirable today.”
She chuckled. “No, certainly not. That isn’t a problem you have to worry about, Dante.”
“No, attraction isn’t a problem.” His eyes caressed her face for a lingering moment, before his expression became less intense. “What brings you to Castle Phantasie, Regan?”
She might have objected to his presumptuous use of her first name, if she hadn’t been calculating how to get him into her bed with the minimum of fuss. “I had an episode last week.” A stir of residual fear resurrected in her chest when she remembered the incident. In the middle of a stockholder meeting, her heart had seized before it began fluttering. She had been unable to breathe, and for nearly an hour after arriving at the hospital, she had assumed she was having a heart attack.
“What is this episode?”
She shrugged. “That was as specific as my doctor got. He told me it was an episode brought on by stress and forced me to take off some time for relaxation. My brother and his wife honeymooned here, and it was easy enough to let them make the arrangements, rather than go to the bother of choosing a vacation spot.”
A soft chuckle escaped him. “A woman after my own heart. I have to be physically pried away from my position. Only knowing I would lose my vacation days if I didn’t take them prompted me to come here.” A wry smile split his face. “Lasënbourg is close enough to Italy that I might return at a moment’s notice, sì?”
She filed the bit about Italy in the back of her memory, to ask him about it later—if they weren’t putting their mouths to more creative uses by then. “What do you do in Italy, Dante?”
“My company specializes in high-tech products.” He shrugged one shoulder as their waiter approached. “Let’s not discuss business.”
She nodded her assent when the handsome young man introduced himself as Konrad and asked for their orders. She listed her selections automatically, while she surreptitiously surveyed her dining companion. Her pussy clenched as she imagined turning him into a pile of sexual putty, content to fulfill her every whim. She could hardly wait to begin, and regarded dinner as an obstacle, although her stomach grumbled quietly with hunger.
When Konrad left them, she asked, “Are you vacationing on your own?”
“Sì, there is no woman I wanted to share this with.” Dante leaned in closer, lowering his voice to a whisper. “Why have you come alone to this romantic place? Do not tell me you have no lover, for you are too beautiful to go without a man’s touch.”
She was surprised that his carefully calculated compliments could incite a shiver of excitement. Regan was aware of his tactics of maneuvering himself into her bed, but she wasn’t above responding to them. “I have no time for a lover.”
He frowned, lifting her hand in his. “That is a crime. You should make time for passion.”
Tremors of sensation flashed up her arm from where his fingers stroked the back of her hand. She admired the way their tones complemented each other—his skin a dark contrast to her paler shade, which hadn’t seen much sunlight in ages.
“There are other things that require my attention. I don’t completely ignore sex, but it isn’t usually a priority.” Why would it be, when she could gratify herself as easily with her vibrator, and without the emotional complications of a relationship, or even the time involved with foreplay?
He gazed at her with hooded eyes. “You are a woman who needs to be in control, aren’t you?”
She nodded.
“Do you try to control every aspect of your life, mia piccola tiranna? Do you plan every detail?”
“Yes.” Her reply was more of a breath than a sound, as his fingers glided over her wrist. How could this simple touch so ignite her senses? “What is that you called me?”
His smile looked almost feral. “My little tyrant, for you strike me as such. Have you planned your evening down to the tiniest detail, Regan?”
She nodded. “And yours.”
He cocked a brow. “Really?”
She took a deep breath to bolster her confidence, although it needed little inflating. She had this man where she wanted him. She didn’t doubt for even a moment that he would accept her. “Yes. We’re going to spend the night in my suite, fucking each other in as many ways as we can manage.”
He frowned. “I am not accustomed to having decisions made for me.”
A small smile curved her lips. “You won’t regret coming with me, Dante. It will be a pleasurable experience.”
A flush appeared on his cheeks, and he hesitated. For a moment, there was a hint of something indefinable in his eyes. “Are you certain you want that, without knowing more about me?”
She nodded. “I came to Lasënbourg to enjoy myself. I need sex,” she said bluntly, “and I want it to be with you. If you want that, come with me. If not, there are others…” She trailed off, letting the silence settle between them. She meant every word, but her heart still pounded in her ears, awaiting his response. She could find another man to satisfy her needs tonight, but found herself wanting only Dante.
He inclined his head. “I will come with you.”
Chapter 2
Regan experienced an uncharacteristic bout of nerves as she slid the electronic card into the slot and stepped inside her suite. The heat of Dante’s body burned into hers, transmitted through the scant inches separating them. Her stomach quivered with excitement, and she turned to him as soon as he cl
osed the door. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, pressing her lips against his.
They were firm and hot, and she flicked her tongue across his mouth, probing to open his lips. He grunted as she pressed her body closer, crushing her breasts against his chest, while seeking access to his mouth. He parted his lips, and her tongue darted inside to savor the sweetness of him. He tasted of the Eiswein and peppermint.
When he tried to engage her tongue in a passionate duel, Regan withdrew hers from his mouth and licked his lower lip before drawing it into her mouth and biting gently. He stiffened, and his cock poked her in the stomach. She chuckled against his mouth as she threaded her fingers through his thick hair, holding him immobile. She traced her tongue down his chin, to the column of his throat. She flicked the tip against his Adam’s apple when he swallowed.
Dante tried to grab hold of her, to hold her immobile for his kiss, but Regan twisted away. She sensed his reluctance to let her take charge, but wasn’t about to lose this opportunity. She needed him, but on her terms.
Once he seemed to stop struggling, she allowed her body to relax against him again and burrowed into the crook of his neck, inhaling his spicy cologne. Regan’s pussy tightened as he cupped one of her breasts and flicked her nipple with his thumb. They both groaned with frustration when she took a step back. “Take off your clothes, Dante.”
He arched a brow. “I am unaccustomed to a woman issuing orders.”
She shrugged. “I want to see you naked.”
“I want to see your body as well.” His cool tone was a contrast to the flush staining his cheeks. “I suggest we both disrobe.”
Her lips thinned, but she inclined her head. She wasn’t used to being denied, and rarely negotiated with anyone, but she sensed Dante was worth a bit of compromise. She reached behind to unzip her dress as Dante unbuttoned his shirt. The dress fell to the floor seconds later, and she stepped out of it.
His eyes widened with appreciation when he saw the scarlet and black teddy clinging to her every curve. Regan smiled as she ran a hand down her breast, to her stomach, then lower. She paused to flick a finger across the front panel of the panties, before tracing the line of the garter down her left thigh. “Do you like this?”
He nodded, and his hands stilled at the zipper of his pants.
“Do you want to see more?”
His answer surprised her. “Eventually. For now, I want you to leave on the teddy.”
She frowned at the steely thread of command she heard in his tone, deciding conquering Dante would be more of a challenge than she had imagined. She licked her lips, excited by the thought. “For now,” she agreed. “However, I want to see you without any clothes at all.”
He met her eyes, and his burned with a touch of resentment at her orders when he unfastened his trousers and pushed them down, along with his skimpy briefs, in one quick move. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the slacks. His gaze never wavered from hers as he lifted one foot, and then the other, to remove his socks. “Does this satisfy you, mia piccola tiranna?” He cupped his hardened cock in his hand, absently stroking the head with his thumb.
She nodded, deciding to be sparing with words of praise. They wouldn’t inflate his ego, or help her reach her goal of controlling him. It would take more than knowing he pleased her to make this man submit. “Lie on the bed.” Her pussy clenched as she imagined him lying on his back with his impressive cock jutting into the air.
He crossed his arms. “You first.”
She shook her head, mimicking his pose. “Obey me, and you’ll be rewarded.”
He stiffened. “I’m not a dog, signorina. I do not heel to anyone—man or woman.”
Rather than take offense at his haughty tone, Regan trailed her fingers across the smooth skin of her cleavage, glancing at him from the veil of her lashes. “Have you ever tried?”
“Yes, for a woman I cared about enough to try something new.” He shrugged. “Submission doesn’t suit me.”
She cocked a brow. “Perhaps you didn’t have the right Domme.”
“Do you practice the lifestyle?”
She shook her head. “No, not as such. You said it yourself. I’m simply used to being in control of every situation.”
Dante took a step toward her, and then another. He reached out to touch her cheek, ignoring her attempt to dart away. “You are obsessed with control. Look where it got you.” His other hand rested on her chest, near her heart. He patted gently. “You need to surrender control sometimes, mia piccola tiranna.”
She grinned at his silly nickname for her, rather pleased to have made such an impression on him. She ignored his suggestion. “I never surrender.”
“You will surrender to me.”
She frowned. “Never.”
Dante tilted his head. “Those are my terms, Regan. I have no doubt you can find another man more amenable to your games, but do you want to?” His hand moved from her chest to her pussy. He cupped it in his hand. “I feel how hot, how wet, you are. Do you want to continue the search? If you can’t surrender control to me, I’ll leave. Not in anger, but because I am not the submissive type.”
She squared her jaw. “Neither am I.”
He chuckled, and his finger pushed aside the crotch of her panties to stroke her neatly trimmed curls. “When did you last try?”
Her eyes widened, and she couldn’t remember. Anger stirred in her, and she opened her mouth to tell him to leave. A gasp escaped her instead as his thumb circled her clit. She couldn’t resist thrusting her hips.
“What will it be? Shall I leave, or will you submit?”
One of his fingers plunged into her wet entrance, and Regan gasped again. Her body ached for release, and she couldn’t deny her attraction to Dante. She just found his terms distasteful. How could she give over control to this man, a man she didn’t know? A man she didn’t know if she could trust.
“Regan?” He removed his hand and stepped back. Dante nodded. “Sleep well.”
He took two steps before she found the strength to stop him. “Wait. I’ll…” She licked her dry lips. “I’ll try.”
“You won’t try. You will do.” He spoke firmly as he turned back to her. “Now, you lie on the bed. Leave on the teddy.”
Her spine stiffened at his tone, but she forced her legs to obey. She walked to the bed, climbing the two steps of the platform, and sprawled across the bed. Regan’s nails carved half-moons in her palms as he walked around her, eyeing her from every angle. She was exposed and angry. His eyes seemed to violate her as they roamed over her form, and her response was disconcerting. Rather than reacting with outrage at his treatment, her body thrummed with excitement.
“Beautiful.” Dante stepped onto the platform and sat on the bed. He stroked her arm, and his other hand splayed across her waist. “Your breasts are a banquet, and I’m a starving man.”
She squirmed at the outrageous statement. “Dante—“
“Shh.” He pushed down the straps of her teddy, and then the cups, to reveal her large breasts, tipped with rosy nipples. His head dipped down, and he took a beaded nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly.
Regan squirmed again, arching her back to push up her breasts. “Oh, Dante.” She closed her eyes as he nipped the bud before swirling his tongue around it. She groaned when he cupped her other breast and pinched the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She gasped as he pinched harder, sending a dart of mingled pleasure and pain racing through her.
At a leisurely pace, he suckled her nipple, acting as if he had all the time in the world. His gentle treatment of that one was a strange contrast to his rougher handling of her other nipple. Regan closed her eyes, trying to separate the sensations, but found them impossible to sift through.
She lifted her arm to thread her fingers through Dante’s hair. She whimpered when he jerked away from her.
“No touching, unless I tell you to.”
Her eyes widened. “Don’t be silly. I want to touch you.�
“No.” He spoke the word not with harshness, but with a finality that left no doubt he would walk away if she didn’t obey.
Regan clamped her mouth shut, resisting the urge to argue. The prideful part of her demanded she send him away, but her pussy protested. For once, she let the animalistic side of her brain win. She dropped her hand and tried to lie still as he slid down her body. Her thighs clenched when she felt his hot breath caressing her stomach, and she tensed with anticipation of his tongue exploring her pussy.
Dante’s mouth hovered over her, and his breath caressed her clit. It swelled further, and Regan’s pussy overflowed with her arousal. She arched her hips to bring her closer to his mouth, but he moved back the exact distance she had moved forward. He blew a wisp of air across her inflamed flesh, bringing another rush of moisture. He still made no move to touch her.
“Please.” She hated the pleading note, but she ached for his tongue to devour her swollen pussy. “Dante…”
He didn’t answer, except to raise his head a few inches.
Instinctively, Regan reached out for him, trying to bring his head down on her. “Lick my pussy, dammit.”
He evaded her and stood up. “You need help with submitting, I see.” Dante turned and walked away.
Regan thought he was leaving and bit back an impulsive plea for him to stay. No man was worth sacrificing her pride, no matter how big his cock, or how well he carried an air of sexuality.
He didn’t walk to the door. Instead, he went into the sitting room. She heard him moving around in that room and the other unoccupied bedroom for a few minutes before returning. When he reentered the master room, her eyes widened. He held a handful of curtain ties.
She had admired the intricate beauty of the ties when she first checked in to her suite. They were a bold contrast to the white velvet drapes. Each tie was a double layer of ebony beads, extending about three feet, and ending with another foot of velvet fringe on each end. Her stomach quivered as he approached. Even as she unconsciously admired his cock, her thoughts didn’t stray from his intentions. “What are you going to do with those?” she asked, her apprehension apparent, as he sat on the bed.