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Life = Death - volume 2 - Poems on Life , Death

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by Nikhil Parekh

  Life is as romantic as the person you care for; go and incorrigibly love it,?

  Life is as sacrosanct as the Omnipotent Creator; go and wholesomely lead it.?


  There was simply no happiness in inexplicably venomous sadness; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of sadness in the heavens of jubilantly poignant and

  resplendently enamoring; happiness,

  There was simply no daylight in morosely sadistic blackness; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of blackness in the sun of optimistically unfettered and spell-bindingly perennial; daylight,

  There was simply no faith in treacherously slandering infidelity; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of infidelity in the skies of unendingly unconquerable and compassionately everlasting; faith,

  There was simply no truth in deplorably sacrilegious lies; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of lies in the utopia of eternally sacrosanct and unflinchingly

  peerless; truth,

  There was simply no melody in venomously discordant deliriousness; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of deliriousness in the caverns of ecstatically unbelievable and vivaciously exuberant; melody,

  There was simply no humanity in indiscriminately devastating war; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of? war in the bloodstreams of pricelessly unassailable and fearlessly Omnipotent; humanity,

  There was simply no nature in preposterously robotic monotony; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of? monotony in the lap of divinely effervescent and

  rhapsodically exultating; nature,

  There was simply no open-heartedness in lecherously ominous manipulation; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of? manipulation in the rain of torrentially unfettered and beautifully panoramic; open-heartedness,

  There was simply no innocence in licentiously demented adultery; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of adultery in the womb of impregnably divinely and

  interminably fructifying; innocence,

  There was simply no love in demonically pulverizing terrorism; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of terrorism in the heart of immortally burgeoning

  and ubiquitously evolving; love,

  There was simply no simplicity in despicably marauding prejudice; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of prejudice in the cradle of everlastingly bountiful and victoriously undaunted; simplicity,

  There was simply no compassion in mercilessly despondent indifference; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of indifference in the clouds of timelessly bestowing and unconquerably embracing; compassion,

  There was simply no fire in nonchalantly decrepit nothingness; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of nothingness in the aisles of passionately rejuvenating and royally untamed; fire,

  There was simply no brotherhood in tyrannically meaningless selfishness; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of selfishness in the paradise of bounteously ebullient and amiably transcending; brotherhood,

  There was simply no freshness in egregiously wanton stagnation; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of stagnation in the rainbow of unlimitedly triumphant

  and mellifluously astounding; freshness,

  There was simply no transparency in cadaverously confiscating politics; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of politics in the mirror of candidly discerning and righteously radiating; transparency,

  There was simply no freedom in profanely bigoted incarceration; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of incarceration in the mists of limitlessly bewitching and undauntedly priceless; freedom,

  There was simply no life in satanically worthless death; and there was simply not the tiniest trace of death in the throne of perpetually winning and Omnipresently undefeated; life,?

  Therefore I say; do not think the slightest of life after you're crucified to ghastly death; and never ever even utter the word death whilst profoundly relishing and effulgently romancing; proliferating; gyrating and adventuring; in the

  immortal entrenchment of life.


  For some it was a garden of bountifully mesmerizing roses; while some could only indefatigably witness the acrimoniously pugnacious thorns,

  For some it was a surreally rhapsodic cloud showering perennial enchantment; while some could only relentlessly feel penalized by the shades of gruesomely

  pulverizing black,

  For some it was a forest of panoramically evergreen vivaciousness; while some could only fretfully rebuke the enigmatically inexplicable travails and trails,

  For some it was an ocean of unsurpassably unassailable happiness; while some could only unrelentingly blame the maliciously lambasting maelstrom of pernicious waves,

  For some it was an unflinching fortress of timelessly blissful solidarity; while some could only implacably feel the disparagingly deteriorating abrasions with the inevitably unstoppable unfurling of time,

  For some it was a tantalizingly celestial nightingale; while some could only dogmatically the curse the inconspicuous pinches of harmlessly holistic adulteration in the air,

  For some it was a meadow of eternally priceless peace; while some could only incorrigibly experience the frigid chunks of obnoxiously threadbare dirt,

  For some it was a fireball of insuperably untamed passion; while some could only intractably feel outlandishly intimidated by the wisps of hideously black smoke; that disastrously obfuscated their vision,

  For some it was an ebulliently fathomless book of unendingly euphoric adventure; while some could only tirelessly feel asphyxiated by the sheer and inexplicably unfurling volume,

  For some it was a bountifully persevering ladder to eternal success; while some could only intransigently castigate the unfathomable array of steep stairs,

  For some it was an unbelievable rainbow of heavenly versatility; while some could only ruthlessly feel the incomprehensibly endless festoon of harsh shades,

  For some it was an Omnipotent Sun of invincibly righteous hope; while some could only acrimoniously feel the boundlessly austere rays left; right and spurious center,

  For some it was a iridescently twinkling star of unprecedented optimism; while some could only remorsefully feel the infinitesimally uncanny flicker; inflamingly imperil their sanctimonious existence,

  For some it was an immortally patriotic march towards glorious martyrdom; while some could only grievingly feel the blood soaked sacrifices in the triumphant odyssey in between,

  For some it was an unshakably sacrosanct mother who timelessly proliferate God's Omnipresent chapter of survival; while some could only preposterously feel the savage waves of bedlam labour pain; in between,

  For some it was the most blessed icing on even the most diminutive little thing that they had achieved; while some could only relentlessly shiver to the winds of rejuvenating coolness,

  O! Yes; For some it was an indomitably victorious inferno of passionately loving heartbeats; while some could only limitlessly grouse the reverberating sound; ignominiously admonishing it for bringing cacophony in their dwindling stride,

  Because although the Omniscient Creator had bestowed it in the most holistically unconquerable of forms upon every organism symbiotically alike; Life's the

  way you chose it to be; Life's the way you make of it; Life's the way you believe it to be; Life's the way you see it.




  The shortcut to reach the towering summit of the building; was to use the gold embossed escalator,

  The shortcut to pass the treacherous waves of the tumultuously stormy sea; was an electric paced motorboat,

  The shortcut to reach the astronomical peak of the colossal mountain; was a swanky airplane which flew faster than the speed of light,

  The shortcut to topmost fruit suspended from the branch of the gigantic tree; was a ladder with coherently aligned metal rungs,

bsp; The shortcut to painstakingly masticating gargantuan morsels of food; was to consume equivalent amounts of tiny vitamin capsules,

  The shortcut to walking long distances on bare foot; was the bombastically haughty and silken complexioned and scarlet sports car,

  The shortcut to assiduously taxing the dainty fingers to pen down fathomless lines of literature; was the feather tipped and stupendously contemporary computer,

  The shortcut to bathing in cold water at the crack of every dawn; was to inundate your armpits with exotic scent; fool people as if you had washed your gruesomely sordid persona umpteenth number of times in the day,

  The shortcut to browsing onerously through the overwhelmingly bulky book; was to simply read its last page and drift off to blissful sleep,

  The shortcut to surreal fantasy and incredulously haywire fantasy; was to put abrupt brakes to your wild imagination,

  The shortcut to delivering the marathon speech for indefatigable hours on the trot; was to tell somebody to dub it perfectly in your voice,

  The shortcut to witnessing vivaciously striped lions wandering through a labyrinth of paths in the dense jungles; was to spot and profoundly admire them in their locked cage,

  The shortcut to waiting for rain to pelt down in harmonious unison from the sky; was to stand under an incessant stream of artificial bathroom shower water,

  The shortcut to sedulously tying buttons and wearing several garments every fresh morning; was to not change your previous attire at all,

  The shortcut to pertinently sniffing every now and again infinite times in a single day; was just one deafening and volcanic sneeze which nearly brought the roof down with its poignant ferocity,

  The shortcut to speaking a hundred lies; is uttering an irrefutably solitary yet formidably invincible truth,

  The shortcut to glancing at the watch every unleashing second of the day; is to gaze languidly forward to relish the color of natural light,

  The shortcut to crawling miserably on obdurate ground in an unfathomably enduring endeavor to reach the finishing line; is to wear a pair of ice skates; travel faster than the speed of light,

  The shortcut to prolifically earning quick money; was to marry a rich mans daughter; and worship him more than the almighty lord all your palpable life,

  The shortcut to speaking relentlessly all day; was to phlegmatically maneuver your snobbish fingers in thin wisps of gentle air,

  But as a matter of fact there simply was no shortcut to life; as one had to lead it every second; every minute; every hour; every day; till the time he was bestowed upon with the divinely prowess of inhaling breath; till the time the Omniscient Creator gave the

  order to live and love.


  Neither could it ever wholeheartedly laugh; even as the most unbelievably effervescent clowns danced in inarticulate unison around it; and for times beyond

  the realms of handsome eternity,

  Neither could it ever mischievously twinkle; even as the most vivaciously nubile maidens; rapturously encircled its stupendously masculine teats and

  uninhibitedly rampant chest hair,

  Neither could it ever unabashedly dream; even as the most tantalizingly surreal mists of heavenliness; profusely enshrouded it from every conceivable end,

  Neither could it ever sensuously romanticize; even as the most voluptuously enchanting women of tomorrow; indefatigably traced every of its visibly blessed


  Neither could it ever merrily whistle; even as the most profoundly euphoric winds of the atmosphere; made a poignantly enthralling beeline for every bit of open space in its nostrils,

  Neither could it ever sensitively hear; even as the most ecstatically thunderous sounds of mother nature; unleashed themselves on every barren quarter of this Universe; in the form of unrelentingly seductive rain,

  Neither could it ever celestially eat; even as the most bounteously panoramic fruits of nature divine; vividly danced till times beyond infinity; right infront of its eyes,

  Neither could it ever effusively empathize; even as the most wretchedly bizarre sufferings on innocuously untainted humanity; lambasted at whisker lengths from

  its placid contours,

  Neither could it ever joyously blush; even as it was ubiquitously serenaded; by every man and woman alive on the trajectory of this fathomlessly spell-binding planet,

  Neither could it ever perspicaciously prognosticate; even as the most impregnably divine rays of resplendent clairvoyance; victoriously blazed through the royal whites of its eyes,

  Neither could it ever jubilantly speak; even as the most mystically pin-drop silence in the fabric of the entire earth around; fervently and solely waited for nothing else; but being timelessly consecrated by only his voice,

  Neither could it ever symbiotically embrace; even as every religion; fraternity; color; and tribe on this gigantic earth; came invincibly close to it after forgetting all differences of caste; creed; and perennially bonding into the religion of priceless


  Neither could it ever ardently desire; even as the most insuperably wondrous dewdrops of effulgent excitement; sparkled till times beyond infinity; all over its silent and humbly obeisant bodily contours,

  Neither could it ever righteously earn; even as the entire wealth on this boundlessly enigmatic planet; was there for him to command; only if he executed the quintessentially simple words of immortal love,

  Neither could it ever potently proliferate; even as the most rapturously enamoring ladies of mankind; were seen tirelessly squabbling with each other; to ascertain their right to interminably mate with him first,

  Neither could it ever perseveringly sweat; even as the most Omnipotently blazing beams of the Sun; traced an infinite circles of true manhood; on its unnervingly

  exposed armpits,

  Neither could it ever synergistically defecate; even as the most obnoxiously decayed elements of food and water; unstoppably swelled and reigned supreme; in its

  unmoving intestines and stomach,

  Neither could it ever passionately breathe; even as the entire Universe of exuberantly undefeated air; lay readily virgin for it; to majestically and timelessly devour with its pair of harmonious nostrils,

  Neither could it ever perpetually love; even as every beat of peerlessly unflinching companionship on this endlessly fructifying earth; expressed its very last wish as entering into the caverns of its fearless chest,?

  And how on earth could it ever do all this; as the body which once upon a time was the most unassailably virile form on planet earth; had now been consumed by

  the coffins of remorsefully unending extinction; had now succumbed to inevitably unbearable fate; was as a matter of fact; now; and an infinite more moments from

  now on; declared by the Omnipresent Creator; as wholesomely and completely dead.


  The day I didn't wear clothes; I shivered uncontrollably in the austere breeze of uncouth winter,

  They day I didn't eat food; I found myself miserably slithering towards the

  corridors of precarious starvation,

  The day I didn't write poetry; I found my fingers virtually paralyzed; and the blood in my robust veins metamorphosed into a morbidly colorless liquid,

  The day I didn't bathe; I felt pools of disdainfully fetid sweat; stab my impeccable visage more than a billion treacherous thorns,

  The day I didn't sleep; I felt daggerheads?of insurmountably fatigued exasperation; assassinating each iota of my blissfully mental peace,

  The day I didn't wink; I felt the romantic youth in me die an obnoxiously famished death; all mischief in the atmosphere pathetically desert me like a piece of dilapidated garbage,

  The day I didn't pray; I felt like a diabolical monster; drifting further and further away from the sacrosanct countenance of Omnipotent God,

  The day I didn't lie in the lap of my mother; I felt as if the world had
come to a brusque end; there wasn't an iota of humanity prevailing in any quarter of this colossal Universe,

  The day I didn't swim; I felt as if the insatiable exuberance in my bones had died

  a profusely asphyxiated death,

  The day I didn't discover; I felt as if my incredulously augmenting fantasy; had ruthlessly blended with ethereally dwindling horizons,

  The day I didn't dream; I felt that life was a barbarically monotonous workshop; with each hour of the day relentlessly restricted to the realms of parasitic office,


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