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Page 6

by Shannon Youngblood

  The promised knock from Gwen came over an hour later. I had paced the floor so many times, I thought I saw burn marks in the carpet. The anticipation and the not knowing was driving me insane, and although I had never drank more than champagne in my twenty-one years, I yearned for something stronger.

  Standing up, I waited by the bed for my father to come in. I didn’t know if I was getting my adoring and loving father, or the stranger I had met today, but standing, even if only a little, felt powerful.

  “Is my little flame ready?” His voice sounded as his head peaked in. When he saw me, I thought his eyes would pop out of their sockets.

  “Oh my, daughter. You look absolutely ravenous. Master Zander is a very lucky man,” he drooled as he walked towards me.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I said through gritted teeth as he grabbed me loosely by the shoulders and kissed my lips. I didn’t remember a time when my dad and I wouldn’t kiss this way. I would laugh when his mustache tickled my upper lip and then we would rub our noses together in an Eskimo kiss, but this kiss was different. It didn’t hold the same love and affection as you might find between a daughter and a father. This was visceral, and carnal. It made me want to vomit.

  He chuckled when he felt my tense bodily response. “Are you too grown up now to kiss your old man?”

  I didn’t know how to answer, so instead I remained silent. If I opened my mouth, I was scared of what would come out.

  “Come on, little flame. Your new Master and husband is waiting.”

  Holding out his arm, I wrapped mine underneath his as he laid his hand on mine. “You look stunning, Phoenix, and I was so proud of you up on that stage. You didn’t shed one tear. You’re the only one who didn’t.”

  I nodded, still unable to speak.

  “Tonight is going to be very special, little girl, and I hope you will remember it until the day you take your last breath.”

  If I hadn’t known any better, he sounded like the dad I had always loved and cherished, but now, knowing what I did, the undercurrent of lust and misogyny laced every word that came out of his mouth. I didn’t know how I hadn’t heard it before. I mentally smacked myself for being so blind and naive.

  In the same order we had been bid on, each girl and her father lined up in a single file row. I didn’t dare look around too much for fear of punishment, but it sounded as if every girl was sobbing. Every girl except for me.

  “Look at how brave you are, little flame. If you hadn’t been born with a cunt, you would have made a fine Master.”

  His words were like an icy bucket being thrown on top of me, but I didn’t react. I couldn’t. Hundreds of eyes fell on me and the other girls, and the nerves settled in, creating a lump in my throat.

  One by one as we entered the hall, I could see it had been transformed into a giant chapel-esque type scene. Thirty-six archways lined the room surrounded by flowers and people. In the eyes of any outsider it looked like a massive wedding, and although that was technically what it was, the outside people wouldn’t know it was all a lie.

  Each girl in front of me took their place with their Master. Slave number one went to the left and slave number two to the right. When it got to my father and me, and I anticipated going right, my father tugged at my arm and pulled me to the middle. In front of me stood Zander, stone faced, his hands behind his back. When we reached him, my father took my hand and placed it in his. I watched in horror as his other hand came out from behind him and he locked the leash in place once more.

  “Kneel, girl,” he whispered and out of instinct, I bent my knees and kneeled before him.

  “Good girl,” he praised.

  All around me, a similar greeting was occurring, accompanied with many cries and pleads to be woken from this nightmare. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Did they not see they had no choice, and crying and bitching about it wasn’t going to change anything? I felt bad for my wayward thoughts, but I had a deep sneaking suspicion that some of these girls wouldn’t last long.

  “Masters, Fathers, slaves.” A voice sounded over the loudspeaker. I looked around but couldn’t see where the voice was coming from.

  “Today we are gathered to once again further our commitment to The Faith, and to our Lord. We come before both and ask for his light to shine down upon us as we join these Masters and these slaves in holy servitude.

  “As we have for over a hundred years, we ask that you sanction the union between the Masters and their slaves. We ask that you guide and bless the Masters with a firm hand, a harsh tongue and a strong whip. While providing resilient knees, child bearing hips, and a silent tongue to their slaves, so that they might know their place at the feet of their Owner.

  “We come to you as Men, created in your image, destined to rid the world of heathens who would seek to destroy your true way of life. For we know that although we be but Men, we are superior to that of the female gender.”

  I rolled my eyes once again at the ridiculous opening speech the man had made, but it seemed he wasn’t done yet.

  “Masters, please repeat your vows after me,” he instructed.

  “I am the Master of my home and my property. I take this slave and promise to teach her her rightful place at my side, and on her knees. I will provide a firm hand, a harsh tongue, and a strong whip anytime she disobeys. I will fill her belly with my seed and produce new Masters for the coming age. I am her everything, and she is nothing. My word is her law, even above that of her family. Her breath, her life, her very will to live will be embedded in my absolute control. For I am, almighty, I am superior, and I am her Master, from this day until her last.”

  I listened in shock as every man around me boldly repeated every line, and every woman on her knees died a little more inside. This was so much more than I anticipated.

  “Slaves,” the man spoke, “Please repeat after me.

  “I am his slave. I am his property. I graciously and humbly kneel at the feet of my Master and beg for his rule. I promise to be obedient, never wavering in my position below him. I will bear him many sons to carry on the family name. He is my everything, and I am nothing. His word is my law, even above that of my family. My breath, my life, my very will to live will be embedded in his absolute control. For he is almighty, he is superior and he is my Master, from this day until my last.”

  Every word I spoke was like a dagger into my head, my heart, and my gut. In twenty-one years, I had never heard such an array of sentences that had the ability to produce that much vile in my mouth. I had no other word for it but sickening. To them we were nothing but live-stock. Bought to produce sons and keep them happy.

  Master’s little fuckhole.

  My inner terror didn’t stop the proceedings from commencing.

  “By the power vested in me by the Lord above and The Faith Supreme. I now pronounce you Master and slave, Husband and wife. Slave, you may kiss the feet of your Master.”

  Of course, I thought. What a fucking surprise. My father’s hand on my shoulder, squeezing, told me I wasn’t getting out of this little act of love, and with as much patience and dignity as I could muster, I leaned over and kissed the toe of the man in front of me.

  The urge to spit was high, and I tamped it down as I saw the other thirty-five ladies repeating the same despicable act as I had just completed. If they could be strong and brave about it, so too could I.

  The cheer around the ballroom was deafening, as fathers clapped their new son-in-law’s on the back and Masters, old and new congratulated their comrades. Unsure of my next move, I waited on the floor until I was told any differently. Defiance rose up within me, but I knew I needed to keep myself in check. Besides, I thought. This definitely wasn't’ as bad as Zander had made it out to be. I could handle this.

  “Congratulations one and all. The consummation tables are set up and ready. Masters, please escort your new slaves to their tables, and fathers please attach the binds.”

  I knew mine couldn’t have been the only eyes bulging out of their
sockets. Consummation tables? Binds? What the fuck was about to take place? I looked at Zander as he grabbed my leash.

  His green eyes poured out sympathy towards me, but there was something lurking in their shadows. There was a blackness, filled with rage and excitement. It was locked up tight behind his emerald pupils, but I could feel the fear crawling up inside of me for what that darkness held.

  As we walked, I looked around. Thirty-Six tables lined the outer walls of the large ballroom, all propped up for easy viewing. The stage had been cleared away, and these hard beds took their place. Dead in the center of the tables, Zander led me to my own and pointed to the flat surface.

  “Up you go,” he growled, fighting something within himself.

  When I didn’t move, a hard slap sounded throughout the room, making many people turn their heads.

  “I said, get on the fucking table,” he spat.

  In shock, I did as instructed, climbing up onto the table, my legs dangling off the end.

  “Lay down, girl.”

  As I laid down on the metal surface, I was reminded of my yearly gyno exams. True to my thoughts, little arms swiveled out from under the table, and Zander placed my feet in them.

  “Raise your arms,” he commanded and I complied.

  We waited for what felt like an eternity, before the auction Master sounded in the speakers.

  “Today, slaves, you are to be reborn. No longer will you be the flesh of your father, but instead, you will be the flesh of your Master,” he took a breath to let his words sink in. “Fathers, please bind your daughters and prepare to give them to their Masters.”

  He started at my hands, cuffing the metal restraints around each wrist tightly, pulling and stretching my arms as far as they could go. I could hear the cries of pain from the other girls, but I was determined not to give Zander or my father the satisfaction of hearing mine.

  “She’s a tough one, Zander,” Wayne laughed, “You’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  Zander remained silent as my father walked around the table and bound my legs to their posts.

  “Masters, please take your position at the head of your slave, Fathers, please prepare your daughters.”

  Prepare your daughters? What in the hell did that mean? Hadn’t he already done that with the binds?

  I looked up at Zander as he rounded the table, questions spilling out of my eyes.

  “You can do this girl, he whispered. Don’t break on me now.”

  I had no idea what he was babbling about.

  “Twenty one years ago, slaves, your father created you, pumping your mother with his superior seed. All parts of you were created by him. Today you will complete the first of three tasks. Today, you will thank your Father.”

  As soon as the words left his mouth, I looked down to my father who grinned and reached up to the top of my dress, grabbing it between my breasts and pulling, tearing it to shreds, revealing my naked and exposed body.

  The lust in his eyes as he surveyed my flesh was carnal and disgusting. His eyes darted from my ample tits, to my shaven pussy and back again. I had to look away as soon as I saw him lick his lips for fear I would throw-up all over myself.

  “Every whore on earth is born with a barrier inside of her cunt. The Lord placed it there for men to push through, breaking in their slut. As an example of his righteousness, he made it painful for slaves, a reminder that their holes are purely for use and not for pleasure.

  “Today, slaves, you will thank your Father by graciously giving him your hymen, paving the way for your Master to fill you with his seed. The Father giveth, and the father taketh away.”

  With no more words, and no time to process the insanity I had just heard, I watched in slow motion as my father spit on his protruding cock and in one swift movement forced himself deep inside my cunt, breaking my barrier and shattering my very existence.

  Chapter 8


  One thrust. One Push. One shove was all it took for the flames within me to be doused. Betrayal was a word I didn’t think I would ever use when it came to speaking of my father, but here and now, as he stole the very sanity coursing through my veins, as he ripped my innocence from my body, it was the only word that ran through my mind. The pain of losing my virginity was nothing in comparison to the pain in my heart and in my soul.

  All around me I heard the terrified and dismayed cries of my sisters. All of us slowly losing our grips on life as we knew it. From the outside, I knew it had to have been gut-wrenching and traumatizing, but on the inside, cheers and applause reigned out around us.

  The entire ordeal lasted only a split second, but in that moment, I felt my soul leave my body and hover overhead. It was easier to deal with it this way. I watched as my father, the man who raised me, split me open and danced in my blood. I watched as he withdrew his cock from my pussy and smeared the tiny droplets of blood onto my pelvis. I watched as Zander walked around the table, shook his hand and took his new place between my legs.

  “Stop,” I whimpered, but it fell on deaf ears.

  “He’s not going to stop, little flame. Not until he’s put a baby in that ungrateful belly,” my father leaned down to whisper in my ear. “This is what you are. A set of holes and a womb. You had better get used to it and fast. Zander is savage.”

  His tongue delivered his words like a harsh serpent, hell bent on crawling into my brain and poisoning my every thought. For a moment, a brief second in time, I wanted to let him. How much easier would it be to just give in and accept this way of life? I mentally shook that thought off. There was no way in hell I would ever submit to either of these men. I was my own person, and I would find a way out.

  I snatched my soul out of the air and shoved it back into my empty shell of a body, just as Zander cock slid into my pussy. I looked at him, but his face was unreadable. He grabbed on to my hip bones and almost in robotic movements, fucked me. I couldn’t feel the pain anymore, but I didn’t know if it had just subsided or if I had just blocked it out.

  I took a moment to observe my surroundings as Zander pumped away at my body with, what it seemed to be, little vigor. All around me, girls cried and sobbed while their fathers held onto their wrists and watched their daughters have sex for the first time. It was disgusting and vile.

  The girl next to me, my friend Britt, screamed repeatedly until her father shoved his own tie into her mouth. For a brief moment she looked over to me, her eyes pleading with me to do something, but I was as trapped as she was.

  I couldn’t look at her anymore. The terror in her eyes was too much to bear, and I brought my eyes back to the man defiling my body. He had picked up his pace but I didn’t know if it was to complete the job or if he was really enjoying it.

  His face gave me the answer I didn’t really want to know. Replaced were the green eyes I had first encountered, in its place stood two shiny dark gray, almost black orbs of the monster I had seen in the dressing room. Zander was no longer holding back as he slammed into me repeatedly, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of my hips.

  I winced and tried to pull away, but my binds prevented me from going anywhere. I watched as his eyes travelled up my body until they found what they were looking for; my own, and when they did, I couldn’t look away. It was as if a magnet connected his pupils to mine, and I was helpless to separate our gaze.

  The fire in his eyes grew hotter as his hips drove into me faster and with more aggression. I could hear my father behind me cheering him on as he vigorously stroked his own cock next to my cheek, and I still couldn’t look away.

  “Mine,” he growled, tilting his head back and breaking our connection. The trance was gone, but the feeling building inside of me grew without want nor warning. His simple declaration had ignited something inside of me I had never felt before, and something I didn’t want to feel. Sweat ran down my brow and my body flushed into a pale pink shadow.

  “You really are a slut,” my father shouted. “Look at how much your body is enjoy
ing this!”

  He was right. My body was betraying me in the worst fashion. It didn’t matter how much my heart and my mind protested, my body was not following commands. It had a mind of its own and it was out for pleasure. I felt my body tensing just as Zander locked eyes again with me and stopped his thrusts, his cock buried deep inside me.

  My cunt clenched as he came inside me., and I could feel every throb as he slowly emptied himself into my waiting womb. At the same exact moment, warm and sticky liquid hit my bare tits as my father panted beside me, gently stroking out what remained inside of his dick.

  I couldn’t stop the tears. I hadn’t shed one since I had arrived, but this was all too much for even me to bear. A waterfall cascaded down my cheeks and I screamed as loud as my lungs would allow. I needed to let something out and that was the only thing I had any control of.

  “Shut the fuck up,” my father bellowed, smacking my face with the back of his hand.

  My screams stopped instantaneously as I looked up at the man next to me, and rage filled my body. I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by the man still hard inside of me.

  “If you EVER touch her again Wayne Ainsworth, I will end your pathetic and miserable life. Phoenix is MINE now.”

  My mouth dropped open as did my fathers for one brief moment, until he remembered who he was.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” He shouted, drawing the attention of some of those around us.

  “I am Zander Cuningham. Son of Mitchell Cunningham, the former High Master, and you will watch your tongue when you’re speaking to me, or my slave. Am I understood?” He barked, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Wayne took a step back, his mouth open and catching flies, his cock shrinking in his hand. I had never heard anyone talk to my father like that before, and it was clear, neither had he. Without another word, I watched my father tuck away his cock, zip up his pants and storm out of the ballroom as people gawked from the sidelines.


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