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Page 16

by Shannon Youngblood

  “That’s right.”

  “Your father is evil,” she agreed. “But why can’t you tell Master Zander?”

  “Do you think Zander will want to keep a wife who can’t bear him children to pass on his family name?”

  I watched as she thought about it. She was having the same argument I had been having with myself since I had found out. Would he really get rid of me? Could I take that risk?

  “I will tell him eventually, Gwen, but for now, you have to promise to keep my secret.”

  She nodded. “I promise Miss Phoenix. I promise.”

  If Gwen had told him, he hadn’t made it common knowledge or approached me about it, but I was fairly certain she had kept her word.

  Every day since then Gwen and I had spent hours together talking, laughing, and really getting to know one another. She really was, as she said, becoming like a sister to me, and I loved her more and more every day. I didn’t think I would get through all of this without her.

  Zander visited me frequently. Sometimes it was just to check up on me, and sometimes just to take a nap next to me. I didn’t mind either way, and truthfully I enjoyed his company far more than I wanted to admit. I also missed his hands on me and accidently told him that the day before. He was on the verge of drunk and being quite open.

  “I can’t wait until you’re back to health, little bird. I’ve missed touching you,” he smiled, his palm on my cheek.

  “Me too, Master,” I blushed remembering our last soiree in the bathroom.

  “Oh really?” He smiled, his hand travelling from my face, lightly down my body until it rested on the blanket right above my pussy. He pressed down on the covers, cupping me and I moaned low in my throat.

  “Master,” I whimpered.

  “We can’t, little bird. You’re still much too fragile.”

  I pouted at him and he chuckled.

  “In time, Phoenix. In time.”

  A thought crossed my mind but I didn’t say anything.

  “What are you thinking over there? Your cheeks are turning that delicious shade of pink I like.”

  I shook my head at him, embarrassed at my wayward thoughts.

  “Tell me,” he commanded lightly.

  “I--uh-- I don’t have to move if you stand on the bed.”

  It was the easiest thing I could say without being downright obvious in my request.

  I could tell in his drink induced fog he was trying to put together my words when suddenly it clicked.

  “Oh,” he said surprised and then smiled wickedly at me.

  He got up from the bed and locked my bedroom door before climbing back on and standing up. It was slightly amusing watching him try to stand. Between the alcohol and the unsteadiness of the mattress, he had to cling to the ceiling to find his purchase. But when he did, his cock clad jeans were right in front of my face, his feet on either side of me.

  “Is this what you want, my little slut?” He asked, moving his hips back and forth.

  “Yes, Master,” I said slowly rising my arms to unbutton his trousers.

  “Put your hands down. Remember little bird, you’re not to move.”

  I nodded at him and responded, “Yes, Master.”

  My eyes widened with greed and lust as he clumsily undid the button on his pants and with one hand and a few jiggles he shimmied his pants down to his ankles.

  “Open up, little bird,” he said, “I’ve got something for you.”

  I didn’t hesitate and neither did he. As soon as my lips parted, he shoved just the tip of his cock into my wet mouth and I licked around his engorged head.

  He groaned low in his chest, and I knew he was using every amount of strength he possessed to not buck all the way into my throat.

  “I don’t want to hurt you little bird,” he told me. “Lean your head back onto the headboard so your body won’t be jostled too much.”

  I did as he commanded at the same time he took his hands off the ceiling and planted his palms on the wall above me, his body arching into me.

  “That’s it,” he moaned, his hips slowly pushing into me, making me gag and my ribs crying out in pain. I hoped he didn’t notice.

  In and out slowly he pushed and pulled while I hallowed out my cheeks and sucked him hard. He never went too far, never flaring my gag reflex and for that I was both grateful and sullen. I didn’t want to be in pain, and neither did he, it seemed, but I had already grown accustomed to his rough treatment, and I loved it.

  “That’s it my little whore. Suck off your Master.” One of his hands came down to fist in my hair and I could feel myself getting wetter by the second.

  Somehow, he knew.

  “Can you reach your cunt, little bird?” He said through gritted teeth.

  My hand fell down my body until I got to my sensitive area.

  “Rub yourself, slave, but don’t you dare cum.”

  My fingertips found my swollen clit, and with two fingers I slowly massaged it, moaning low in my throat.

  “That’s it, slave, keep moaning for me.”

  His movements became faster and more jilted as I continued to rub furiously. He still wasn’t going all the way to the back of my throat, but I could tell it was taking a toll on him.

  I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue, licking the bottom of his shaft and inviting him in deeper.

  He took my invitation and plummeted deep down my throat. He removed the hold on my hair and moved his hand down to my cheeks, pinching on both sides from underneath, keeping my mouth wide and open.

  “Tap my leg if it becomes too painful,” he said through gritted teeth, trying desperately to hold back.

  I didn’t want him to. I wanted the full force of my Master, and I wanted his cum to coat the inside of my belly. I licked and sucked vigorously until I watched him lose the last thread of his control.

  Putting his palm back on the wall, he thrusted into my mouth hard and didn’t stop.

  “You have the best fucking mouth-cunt I’ve ever seen, slave and I’m going to fill it with cum every fucking day.”

  I couldn’t see his eyes, but I imagined they were as black as the night sky.

  “Keep fingering that cunt, slave,” he yelled thrusting harder and faster, his cock bulging and throbbing in my mouth.

  It didn’t take much longer after he started for both of us to get close to the edge and with one last thrust, Zander stopped, the tip of him just barely in my mouth as he shot his cum down my throat.

  “Stop rubbing.”

  I pulled my hands away immediately, but the whimper I let out conveyed my disappointment.

  “Swallow every drop, slut. We don’t waste cum in this house.”

  I did as I was told, his salty, thick load dripping down my esophagus, his cock still throbbing.

  When he was done, he collapsed back onto the bed, careful not to land on top of me, his breathing labored. It was a few moments before either one of us could speak but when he did, his words melted my heart.

  “Are you ok, little bird? I didn’t hurt you did I?”

  I shook my head, “No, Master. Thank you. I hoped I pleased you.”

  “More than you know,” he told me smiling.

  “Do you know why I made you stop?” He asked me.

  “Because denying my pleasure pleases you?” I guessed.

  “No, little bird. I stopped you because I want to bring you to orgasm. I stopped you because your orgasms belong on my cock or in my mouth, and mostly, I stopped you because it would have hurt you if you tensed up to cum.”

  He was right of course, and the thought of him looking out for my well-being like that was enough to confirm my feelings for him.

  I was falling for Zander Cunningham.

  It had been two weeks since I had come to the realization that I was falling in love with Zander, and three weeks since my surgery. I felt, more or less back to normal, and was even allowed to get back to my daily routine. Every morning I got up and did some stretching as I had been instructe
d by the physical therapist that had come to see me. I then helped Mildred, Gwen and Jenny prepare breakfast, and after we all ate, helped with the chores.

  I didn’t do as much as I previously had done because I would wear out much quicker, but with the additional help from Jenny, we were able to get everything completed. After lunch, I helped Gwen learn basic lessons I learned in school about math, reading and writing, and she helped me become a better slave. Occasionally even Jenny would chime in and give her opinion.

  While the other ladies cooked dinner, I was always made to take a nap and after dinner was eaten and cleaned up I usually joined Zander in his study for kneeling or in the dungeon for play time. He was still taking it easy on me, holding back much more than he had done the first time, but I never left the room without both of us being completely satisfied.

  It wasn’t what I imagined my life was going to be like, but compared to the stories Jenny had told us about her dead Master, Tyler, I thanked my lucky stars Zander chose me.

  As I laid in bed after Zander wore me out in the dungeon, introducing me to rope harnesses before fucking me into oblivion, I pondered everything that had changed in the last few months. I had gained two sisters; Gwen and Jenny, a mother figure; Mildred, and a husband; Zander.

  I had lost a rib, my virginity, my ability to reproduce, and my innocence in that time as well. Did the positives outweigh the negatives? I wasn’t sure, and what more, I still had one more task to go until I was fully incorporated into The Faith.

  We hadn’t found out the third task yet, and didn’t know when it was going to happen, but everyone knew it was looming over our heads, just waiting until we were complacent with life before a wrench was thrown into the machine.

  “Miss Phoenix? Are you awake?” Gwen’s voice sounded at my door.

  I pulled the covers up and patted the bed next to me, offering her a spot. So often, Gwen came to my room at night and we cuddled into the wee hours of the morning. I didn’t know if I was more of a comfort to her or if she was to me, but it didn’t matter. I loved her more than anyone I had ever known.

  “Are you ok, Miss Phoenix? I heard you crying in the dungeon,” she asked laying down next to me, our faces inches from each other.

  I nodded. “It was a good cry,” I told her. I tried not to talk about sex too much with her. She was still so young.

  “A good cry. I didn’t know you could cry because something was good.”

  “Yes. You can,” I told her, taking her hand. “Master Zander gave me pleasure and I returned it.”

  She nodded, but her eyebrows scrunched together with unanswered questions.

  “I know it’s confusing, Gwen, and when you’re older I’ll make sure you learn the right way, but for now, enjoy being young while you still can.”

  “Yes Miss Phoenix,” she smiled and closed her eyes.

  “Good girl. Let’s get some sleep.”

  I handed her my stuffed Phoenix, as I did every night she came to me, and she gripped it tight before falling into a deep sleep, with me not far behind her.

  Chapter 21


  Another day, another fucking disappointment, I thought slamming my hands on the desk in front of me. For the last few weeks, since Tyler’s death, I had spoken with lawyers, the high council, minus Wayne, and esteemed members of the community about what I needed to do to become High Master. Every day I just continued to get the runaround.

  I knew what they were doing; the longer it took, the closer it got to my deadline, and if we reached twelve months after my father’s death, the council could induct a new High Master. I was not going to let that happen, but cutting my way past the red tape was getting to be a larger problem than I anticipated.

  The first few weeks after I took Jenny into my home, I spent cleaning up my murderous mess. The council seemed understanding and didn’t pay it much mind, with the exception of Wayne who demanded my head. Luckily for me, and completely contradictory to the teachings of the bible, murder wasn’t uncommon in The Faith, although normally it was the slaves who were killed, not the Masters.

  After that fiasco seemed to be resolved, then it was on to figuring out the details to becoming High Master. It was much more than I had anticipated and nothing my father had bothered to warn me about.

  There were tests of my knowledge of The Faith, tests of my commitment to the teachings and proof that I could be what was needed as a leader. After every test, the council voted. I had to have two thirds of the vote to be inducted. I had passed every test with flying colors of course, but I hadn’t managed to acquire the vote and I was getting impatient.

  On top of that, we still had one more task to get through in order for me to claim my inheritance, and the nerves in the household were reaching a boiling point, waiting for any sign it was coming. I was starting to run low on funds and we wouldn’t last much longer if I didn’t get that money soon.

  The only good and clear thing in my life had been Phoenix. From the day I brought her home until now, she had grown into an incredible woman, a beautiful and obedient slave and a staple in my home. Mildred, Jenny and Gwen adored her, and even Claire seemed to flock to her.

  She had come into her own as the lady of the house and I really couldn’t have been any prouder of her. She had even introduced a family dinner every week where Bella and Corbin came over and we made a big affair of it. It was exactly how I envisioned a life outside The Faith could be, and what I ultimately wanted for the community once I became High Master.

  If I was being honest, I was falling for Phoenix much faster than I thought was possible. I found myself thinking about her more and more throughout my day when I wasn’t with her, and when I was with her I could think of nothing else. Even my beast seemed to be in awe of her. I still gave him a short leash when she was around, but the darkness inside of me seemed to be dueling each time I came in contact with her. It was either that or we were both learning how to keep it under control for both of sake.

  I gulped down the last of my brandy and headed up the stairs. I had wanted to move Phoenix into my room a few days ago, but it seemed that Gwen needed her. I peeked into the room to find the both of them snuggled up together, a withered phoenix stuffed animal wedged between them.

  I chuckled and slowly shut the door. Soon, Phoenix would join me in my bed, but for now I would leave them be. I did a quick check of my sister and found her sleeping soundly and then headed to my own room. Stripping down to my birthday suit, I crawled into my bed and drew the covers up my body, envisioning Phoenix in my arms large with my child.

  The thought was like a punch to my gut. I hadn’t wanted kids up until this very moment, but now that the image was in my mind, I couldn’t shake it out. When everything was said and done and I made the needed changes to The Faith, my next order of business was putting a baby into Phoenix, maybe a few, and with that thought, I fell asleep.

  I woke up with the sun shining, and my dick hard as stone, I looked down to see a black haired head bobbing up and down on my cock. Phoenix knew she wasn’t supposed to come into my room unless given permission, but how could I fault her for it?

  She stopped and looked up at me. “I thought you were never going to wake up, Master,” she smiled and slowly went back to handling my morning wood.

  “Come here,” I growled sitting up slightly as she climbed up my body, her pale blue, skimpy and short nightgown tickling my cock as she did. When she reached my head, I took her face into my hands and pulled her in for a deep soul scorching kiss that knocked us both figuratively on our ass.

  “I want you in my bed every night, little bird. You’re moving into my room, today,” I whispered in between nibbles on her lips.

  “Yes Master,” she sighed, grinding her hips, her ass rubbing on my cock.

  “Lift up,” I commanded her and when she did, I grabbed my cock and guided it into her already dripping cunt.

  “Have you been touching that greedy pussy of mine without asking?” I asked her, holding he
r up with the tip of me inside of her.

  “No, Master. I just get so---wet when I suck your cock.”

  “Good girl,” I praised as I placed my hands on her shoulders and forced her down on my throbbing erection.

  We both moved in unison.

  “So, tight,” I said through gritted teeth. I pulled her even closer to me and caught her nipple between my teeth before pushing her back down again.

  “Ride me, my slut. Ride me until I cum.”

  She needed no other words from me as she placed her hands on my chest and used her knees to propel herself up and down on my dick.

  “Whose cunt is this?” I asked her, looking her deep in the eyes.

  She didn’t look away.

  “It’s your cunt, Master,” she breathed heavily.

  “And where do you cum?”

  “In your mouth or on your cock, Master,” she replied.

  “Good girl,” I praised, taking her in my arms and thrusting up as she came crashing down. We got into an easy rhythm and before we knew it, we were both close to mutual explosions.

  “Hold it slave. You cum with me,”

  “Yes Master, please,” she cried out.

  I could feel the walls of her pussy clenching me, milking me, waiting impatiently to accept my spunk, and I couldn’t wait any longer. I reached down between us and took her clit between my fingers.

  “Now,” I shouted as we both came simultaneously, giving in to our more primal urges, our lips mashing together as we tried to climb into the others body.

  We stayed like that for a long time, just enjoying the pleasures of each other’s mouth, my cock still buried deep inside of her.

  “Fuck you’re beautiful,” I said when we finally disengaged.

  “Thank you, Master,” she blushed, looking away from my face.

  “Don’t look away from me, little bird,” I lightly scolded her, grabbing her chin and forcing her to face me. “I only speak the truth to you, and I hope you’ll do the same for me.”

  It should have been a command. She should always be telling me the truth, but I trusted her enough to know she would.


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