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The Better to Eat You With: Urban Fairytales, Book 2

Page 6

by Lena Matthews

  “Flatterer.” Yvonne let out a soft, husky laugh that had his cock shooting past semi-straight to sledgehammer hard. God, he loved her laugh. There was something about the sexy, throaty sound that made him want to drop to his knees before her and delve his tongue deep within her pussy. Daniel knew if the mere resonance of her laughter had this sort of effect on him, then the sound of her coming undone was going to be the death of him. “Are you two still here with me?”

  “Oh yeah.” Daniel glanced over his shoulder at his silent friend, who was staring hypnotically at Yvonne. “Ezekiel? Still here?”

  “Yes,” he answered without taking his gaze off Yvonne. “I can smell your sweet heat from here.”

  “You can?” she asked.

  “I can always smell when you’re aroused.”

  Interesting. Daniel turned his attention back to Yvonne, who now had her hands covering her cheeks.

  “How embarrassing.”

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Daniel said, trying to reassure her. In fact he found himself jealous for the first time of his friend’s supernatural abilities. The idea of being able to tell whenever his woman was aroused appealed to him on so many levels. “Nothing at all.”

  “That’s what you think. If you only knew how often—”

  “I know,” Ezekiel interrupted her huskily. “I’ve always known.”

  “You mean…” Her eyes widened to comic proportions. “Oh my God.”

  “Known what?” Daniel was beginning to feel out of the loop here.

  “That Yvonne gets turned on when the two of us sit close to her on the couch, especially when we’re watching horror movies, and she gets to jump and grab hold of us.”

  “Kill me now.”

  “Is this true, baby? Do you enjoy being sandwiched between us?”

  Yvonne sighed and dropped her hands back to her side. “What do you think?”

  “I think I can’t wait until I give you what you really want. A true sandwich with me and Ezekiel.” Daniel grabbed her and pulled her close to him. Moving swiftly, he tangled his hand in her hair and tightened his grip on her twisted braids. “With one of us in your pussy and the other in your ass.”

  “God yes.”

  It was all he needed to hear. Bending forward, Daniel covered his mouth with hers, pressing his tongue between the soft swell of her parted lips. If there was a single moment he longed for more than any other, it was this. His first taste of Yvonne.

  Sweet. It was the only word he could use to describe her perfect taste. Their tongues slipped and slid against one another, intertwining as he drank in every drop. Then before he forgot himself and took her against the wall like the horny, rutting fool he was fast turning into, Daniel broke away from her too-tempting mouth and released her. After taking in a much-needed deep breath, he looked to his friend. “Ezekiel. Want to do the honors?”

  “Hell yeah,” his friend said. The other man stared hungrily at her mouth for a split second before dropping to his knees before her. Looking up at her, he grabbed hold of the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them down her supple thighs to the floor.


  Like before, words escaped Daniel at the sight of her newly exposed flesh. With the exception of a neatly trimmed rectangular strip of hair, her pussy was bare.

  Ezekiel, on the other hand, had no problem expressing himself. “Fuck, baby, your pussy is so pretty.”

  “Thank you.” She laughed hesitantly. “I think.”

  “No thanks needed.” Ezekiel moved in closer to her cunt and breathed in her sweet aroma. “Do you know how hard it’s been sitting next to you all these months, knowing you wanted us but being unable to do anything about it?”

  “Probably about as hard as it was for me to sit between the two of you and not take what I wanted.”

  “Take it now, Yvonne,” Daniel encouraged. “Whatever you want is yours for the asking.”

  Yvonne raised her gaze to meet his and smiled in her slow, seductive way. “What I need most is for you two to touch me. Please don’t make me beg.”

  “I make no promises,” Daniel said, stepping closer to her. “I do like the idea of you begging.”


  “Wait,” Ezekiel growled.

  Startled, Daniel looked at his friend. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes.” Ezekiel rose to his feet and stared at the front door. “Someone’s here.”

  “Here?” Yvonne whirled around and stared at the door. “Who?”

  Ezekiel’s nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. “Deputy Dawg.”

  “What the hell?” Yvonne bent over to scoop up her shirt and pulled it over her head. “What is he doing here?”

  “Good question.” Daniel strolled over to the window, parted the blinds and looked outside. Sure enough, the sheriff’s car was double-parked alongside Ezekiel’s with his lights flashing. “What the fuck?” he muttered, turning back around to face Ezekiel and Yvonne. “What is he doing here?”

  “How the hell would I know?” she replied.

  “Tell me again there’s nothing going on between the two of you and I might let him live,” Ezekiel warned.

  It was weird how Daniel had been seconds away from sharing her with Ezekiel, but the thought of her having any sort of relationship with the sheriff had him seeing red.

  “Do you think I’d be here with the two of you if there was?”

  “I think you better not be,” Daniel said.

  “My vote is to kill him just to be on the safe side,” Ezekiel growled as the doorbell rang. “That fucker has to go.”

  Daniel could not agree more. “Most definitely.” In fact, the sooner the better.

  “Both of you need to chill out before I forget why I let the two of you in here in the first place.”

  Daniel bent over and scooped up her discarded panties from the floor, then stood, dangling the yellow fabric from his fingertips. “Somehow I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

  “Gimme those back.”

  “Not going to happen.” Daniel shoved them in his pants pocket. “Unless you think you’re badass enough to come get them back.”

  “You bas—” The ringing turned into frantic knocking, accompanied by Jasper bellowing her name. “Good Lord,” she muttered as she rushed across the room and opened the door. “What the hell are you doing? I have neighbors.”

  “Which is why I’m here.” To Daniel’s irritation, Jasper pushed past Yvonne and entered her house. He walked in with his hand on the butt of his gun as usual, looking around as if he was casing the place. “We received a complaint there was shouting going on over here.”

  “Bullshit,” Ezekiel spat, walking over to stand next to Daniel. “No one over here was shouting. At least not yet.”

  Jasper ignored Ezekiel’s comment; instead he turned back around to face Yvonne. “What’s going on here?”

  “None of your business,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. The move raised her shirt up a tad.

  “I’m thinking of your safety.”

  “I bet you are.” Daniel snorted.

  “I’m fine,” she insisted, a whole lot nicer than Daniel would have preferred. “In fact I was about to call it a night. It’s getting late.”

  “That it is,” Jasper said, turning back to face them. “You heard the lady. Leave.”

  “I don’t think that’s exactly what she said, but who am I to argue with the law.” Daniel slapped Ezekiel on the back to motivate the obstinate man to move. “Besides, we found out what we needed to. It’ll do for tonight.” His comment made Jasper frown, which in turn made Daniel smile. The sheriff might be putting a halt on tonight’s festivities, but it was in no way bringing an end to the things to come.

  As he and Ezekiel made their way out the front door, Daniel paused in front of Yvonne and patted his pocket that contained her panties. “See you tomorrow, baby.” And every night after, he thought with a grin. This was only the beginning.

; Chapter Four

  Waiting was for the fucking birds, Ezekiel thought as he stared at his bedside table clock willing the fifty-nine to switch into double zeros. Never before had seven o’clock taken so long to rear its head. It probably didn’t help that despite getting home last night after two, he awoke promptly at six as was his habit every morning. And it definitely didn’t help that he woke alone. That was not the way things were supposed to go down last night. Not in the slightest and it still irked him six ways to Sunday that it did.

  Now, thanks to his father, Ezekiel had to wait two more days to claim his mate officially. He knew in his father’s eyes officially meant a whole hell of lot more than giving her his ring. It also meant he couldn’t have sex with her either. But there was a lot of gray area between first base and home plate, and Ezekiel planned to round as many bases as he could without defying his Alpha.

  Last night he could have gladly killed Deputy Dawg for interrupting, but spending the next twenty to thirty years in prison went against his five-year plan. So he abstained, knowing Jasper would give him ample reason in the future to kick his ass. He didn’t want to have Jasper on his mind this morning, however. Instead, he only wanted to be thinking of Yvonne. Last night was the start of something wonderful. This morning, he planned to take things up a level, starting with a phone call.

  When the clock finally showed him some mercy and changed, Ezekiel picked up the phone and dialed Yvonne’s number from memory. It was seven o’clock. His sleeping beauty should be rousing. It was still early enough for her to be in bed, but late enough she wouldn’t curse him out. He hoped. Yelling in the not hot and sexy way made phone sex much less fun.

  By the third ring, Ezekiel was beginning to wonder if perhaps he’d called too soon, and as he was about to hang up, he heard the unmistakable sound of the phone being picked up. It took a few seconds longer though before Yvonne spoke. Her voice was raspy and filled with sleep, causing him to wince at his now more-than-obvious social faux pas. “’Lo.”

  But then again, in for a penny… “Good morning, sunshine.”

  “What’s so good about it?”

  A million things popped in his mind, but somehow he figured that would make things worse, not better. “Someone sounds tired.”

  “Imagine that. People tired at seven in the freaking morning. I should hang up on you. No,” she said, her voice more grouchy than ever, “I should yell at you then hang up on you.”

  “I’d only call you back.”

  “Don’t think I don’t know that,” she grumbled, much to his amusement. “Tell me something, Zeke.”

  Things were looking up. She couldn’t have been too homicidal. She called him Zeke. “Yes?”

  “Why are you so cheerful?”

  “Because I’m talking to you.” The sharp biting sound of her snort caused him to laugh. “It’s true.”

  “I think the lack of sleep is rotting your brain. How long have you been awake?”

  “An hour.”

  “You’ve been up since six and you’re still cheerful?” Disbelief colored her question.


  “I hate you.”

  Ezekiel chuckled at her surly tone. “No, you don’t.”

  “No,” she said with a long-suffering sigh, “I don’t, but it’s still freaking early.”

  “Don’t you have to open the shop this morning?”

  “No, which makes your actions ten times crueler.”

  Ezekiel winced. Maybe he was a tad overeager. “Let me make it up to you.”

  “How?” He could hear her moving around and imagined her sitting up in her bed, her hair slightly mussed, the sheet barely covering her generous breasts.

  “Oh trust me, I can think of a million ways.”

  “It’s too early for innuendos. Call me back in a couple of hours and try again then.”

  “Spoilsport.” Grabbing his spare pillow, Ezekiel sat up and set the cushion behind him, plumping it before leaning back.

  “Don’t you have to be at work soon yourself, or did your dad give you time off from the mill in order to woo me?”

  “No, courting I have to do on my own time.”

  “You need to pick a new time.”

  “Aww, sleeping beauty, do I need to kiss you awake? Narcolepsy can be sexy.”

  “Don’t make me hang up on you.”

  “I could always pick up Daniel and we can come over and let you be our breakfast in bed.” It was a baseless threat, since Daniel was already doing rounds at the Animal Medical Center that he co-owned, but Ezekiel was interested in seeing what she had to say.

  “Thanks, but no thanks.”

  Ezekiel chuckled. “Chicken.”

  “Sticks and stones.”

  “Last night you were more than fine with us making a meal of you.” He wondered how things might have gone differently if they hadn’t been interrupted.

  “That was last night.”

  “Backpedaling already?”

  “No, just…nervous.”

  Neither he nor Daniel wanted her anxious. Instead he preferred she be anticipatory. “There’s no need for you to be nervous.”

  “Easy for you to say. You’re not the one who’s going to be the stuffing in a reverse Oreo.”

  “True, but you know Daniel and I would never hurt you. We can build up to reverse Oreo.”

  “Really?” The hope he heard made him wince. Didn’t she know they’d do anything to make this good for her, even wait until she was ready?

  “Yes, there are several other household-snack positions we can try before we attempt that one.”

  As he was hoping, his teasing words caused her to burst out laughing. “It’s far too early to even touch that.”

  “Is it too early to touch that, or does the comment apply to everything that’s touch worthy?”

  The humor in her voice evaporated as quickly as it had come, leaving her tone hesitant and inquisitive. “Like what?”

  “Oh, I can think of many things worthy of touching.”

  “Are you touching yourself?” The slight hint of disbelief made him smile.

  “Do you want me to?”

  “Oh…Ezekiel…” Through the phone line he could hear her escalated breathing. “I’ve never done anything of this sort before.”

  “Such as?” he asked softly, even though he very well knew what she was referring to. Ezekiel hadn’t called to say good morning, he’d called to take back a fraction of what was stolen from him last night.

  “What you’re doing. What you want me to do.”

  She sounded panicked and that would never do. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “That’s the problem,” she murmured, much to his delight. “I’m not sure what I want to do.”

  “Don’t you?” Ezekiel pushed the sheet down his lap and away from his throbbing erection. “Because I know what I want you to do.”

  “What?” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “I want you to let me listen to you come.”

  “Oh God.” The catch in her voice caused his cock to harden further.

  “That’s a step in the right direction.”

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  He knew enough for the both of them, but he was more than willing to walk her through this. “Do you know what I’d do if I were there?”

  “No, what?”

  Ezekiel closed his eyes and allowed his imagination to take over. He’d fantasized about being with her for so long it didn’t take much to jumpstart his masturbatory mojo. “I’d have you straddle my lap, sitting that sexy ass of yours directly over my cock. Once you were settled I’d make you cradle your breasts in your hands, then lean forward offering first one nipple then the other to me to suckle as long and as hard as I wanted.”

  “Wait,” she said with a shaky laugh.


  “Shouldn’t we start off with something simple, such as, what are you wearing?”

  Ezekiel opene
d his eyes then glanced down at his nude body. “That’s easy. Nothing.”

  There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “Nothing? Real sure of yourself, huh?”

  Before she could rush to conclusions, he hurried to answer. “No, I never sleep in anything.”

  “Oh.” His reply seemed to take all the wind out of her sails, because when she spoke again, her voice was unsteady and came off a bit unsure. “Don’t you get cold?”

  “Dual nature, remember? My body temperature is naturally high. In fact, I only sleep with a sheet and half the time I end up pushing it off. What about you?”

  “I have a goose-down comforter.”

  Ezekiel chuckled at her naiveté. “I meant what are you wearing?”

  “A pink nightshirt. I’m cold-natured,” she said as an afterthought, as if she felt it was necessary to justify her choice of clothing. Not that he needed her to tell him that fact about her. Yvonne’s red shawl was never far from her at any given time. So much so, Ezekiel had become infatuated with the idea of making love to her on the bright red wrap.

  “Don’t be concerned, you won’t have to worry about being cold anymore. I’m sure between Daniel and myself we’ll keep you very warm.”

  There was a long pause again, this time accompanied by the sound of her bedcovers rustling. The noise painted a very vivid picture in his mind. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Moving my comforter. Suddenly I’m feeling warm.”

  “I can relate.”

  “Dual-nature thing?”

  “No,” he said honestly. “You. You always make me hot.”

  “Liar,” she whispered.

  “If only you were here or I was there, I could show you how wrong you are.” Ezekiel took his cock in hand and began to run it up and down the length of his turgid erection. “Even now, I’m hard enough to split stone.”

  “Did I mention it was getting hot in here?”

  “Why don’t you take something off? It might help to cool you down.”

  “Any suggestions?”

  “Your underwear.”

  “You think I need to cool that part of me?”

  “No, I think you need to put out the heat, and I have water to douse your flame.”


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