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The Better to Eat You With: Urban Fairytales, Book 2

Page 10

by Lena Matthews

  Yvonne narrowed her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Good, I don’t want you to be.”

  “Then don’t try to threaten me. I’ll leave if I want.” Despite her feistiness, Daniel noted Yvonne didn’t budge an inch.

  “It wasn’t a threat. It was a promise.” There was a feral look on Ezekiel’s face that warned of trouble to come. It was a look Yvonne ignored.

  “More like a dare.” Yvonne’s sassy attitude was going to get her bottom lit up and good.

  “I’d sit if I were you,” Daniel warned good-naturedly. Although he was sort of hoping she wouldn’t. The very idea of watching Ezekiel heating her ass had Daniel’s cock stirring. “I’m thinking you’re only getting a warning tonight, baby.”

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Daniel smiled. “Very much. But I’m rooting for you,” he teased, “to get your ass spanked.”

  “Ezekiel wouldn’t dare.”

  “Oh.” Ezekiel stood. “But I would. Try me.”

  “I think he just double-dog dared you.” Oh yeah. This was fun.

  “You’d never raise your hand against me.”

  “In anger, you’re absolutely correct, but to teach you to mind me, that’s an entirely different thing.”

  Yvonne took in a quick, sharp breath. “Did you say mind?” She glanced at Daniel, surprise written all over her face. “Did he just say mind?”

  “I do believe he did.”

  Yvonne moved. Fast and furious, she stepped toward Ezekiel and poked him in the chest with her index finger. “I. Don’t. Mind.”

  “Did you take a step?”

  “Several of them,” Daniel offered.

  Yvonne turned to look at Daniel, a frown marring her beautiful brown face. “Whose side are y—” Before she could finish her sentence Ezekiel leaned over, picked her up and tossed Yvonne onto his shoulder. The new position left her sexy rump in the air and her head hanging down behind Ezekiel. “No, you didn’t. Let me go. Right now.”

  Ezekiel delivered on his promise and smacked her upturned bottom. “I warned you.”

  “You…you are such a bully,” she yelled, holding tightly to Ezekiel’s pants leg. “Daniel! Daniel!”

  Ezekiel turned to the side so Daniel could see Yvonne’s face. Daniel tilted his head and grinned at the upside-down woman. “Yes, love?”

  “Aren’t you going to help?”

  “Of course I am.” Daniel rose and looked at his friend. “We’re heading to the bedroom?”

  “Yes,” Ezekiel replied.

  “Good. I’ll get the door.” This night just kept getting better and better.

  Chapter Six

  The walk into the bedroom barely took a few moments, but it was almost too long for Ezekiel. Yvonne had fired his blood from the second she’d walked in the door. His need to claim his mate was boiling to the surface and her defiance, whether feigned or real, was like gasoline to the embers. His domineering tendencies rose and Daniel’s encouragement only spurred him on.

  “Ezekiel, you better let me down this instant.” Yvonne’s voice drifted from behind him as did Daniel’s chuckle.

  “No problem, baby.” Ezekiel flipped Yvonne forward, and she landed with a bounce on the newly purchased king-sized bed.

  “Ouch.” Grumbling, she rose onto her knees and made her way over to the edge. Her eyes were alight with passion and fire. Yvonne wasn’t one to easily be tamed, which was probably one of the reasons he loved her so much. “Watch it.”

  “Don’t worry. I plan to.” Lord did he. With his eyes on the prize, Ezekiel began to unbutton his shirt.

  “Oh no.” Yvonne held her hand up. “You’re crazy if you think we’re going to have sex now.”

  “I don’t think that at all.” Ezekiel shrugged his shoulders, dropping his shirt to the floor.

  Her eyes widened in surprise and she seemed taken back by his proclamation, much to his amusement. “We’re not?”

  “I don’t think it,” he clarified. “I know it. Admit it. You came here tonight ready for us.”

  “Maybe.” Yvonne lowered her hand back to her side and licked her lips nervously. “But I might change my mind again.”

  “Might?” Daniel picked up the gauntlet she’d tossed down and stepped closer to the bed. Like Ezekiel he was also now shirtless, a fact that wasn’t missed by Yvonne whose attention kept darting down to their chests. She could barely keep her gaze above either man’s chin, which only made her argument all the more laughable.

  But that didn’t stop her from trying to make it. “Well, it all depends.”

  Humoring her, Ezekiel asked, “On what?”

  “On whether or not you were serious about spanking me. I’m into kink…”

  “You are, are you?” Daniel interrupted.

  “Obviously.” Yvonne placed her hands on her hips. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  Daniel chuckled. “Taking on the two of us isn’t kinky.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “Meant to be,” Ezekiel answered. “You belong to us.”

  “Just as we belong to you,” Daniel pointed out.

  Yvonne frowned and crossed her arms over her ample breasts. “All that might be true, but I’m still not going to let you spank me.”

  “You said let.” Ezekiel flashed her a wolfish grin. “How cute.”

  She narrowed her eyes in what he could only assume was supposed to be a threatening manner. “I’m not going to be pushed around either.”

  “Neither of us has any desire to push you around.” Daniel joined her on the bed, sitting slightly behind her kneeling form. “Tell us what you’re worried about.”

  Yvonne glanced over her shoulder at Daniel. “Do you want the list?”

  “Why don’t you condense it to the top ten?” Ezekiel suggested.

  Turning back toward Ezekiel, she poked her finger into his bare chest. “How about the fact you’re too bossy?”

  Ezekiel grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. “Yeah, so?”

  “Maybe I don’t like bossy.”

  “I think you like bossy just fine. In fact…” Ezekiel pressed one knee into the bed and leaned into her, “…I’m willing to bet you love it.”

  “And you’d be wrong.”

  “Maybe you haven’t been bossed around in the right way,” Daniel offered, placing his hands on her waist.

  “Or by the right people.”

  Daniel began to move his hand under her shirt. “At the same time.”

  “I think you two are working in tangent…” Yvonne closed her eyes as Daniel centered his palm against her breast, “…against me.”

  “I think you’re right.” Ezekiel pressed his advantage. He cupped the back of her head in his hand, pulled her close and lowered his mouth to hers. Despite her sullen behavior earlier, Yvonne was more than receptive to him. She kissed him with a passion and hunger that matched his own.

  Her full, supple lips parted under his, allowing his tongue to slip into the welcoming haven of her mouth. Ezekiel easily became lost in her heady flavor, but the sweet taste of her wasn’t enough. He needed more. There was no way he could stop as easily tonight as he had the night before. This moment was too long in the making. Their time was now.

  Reluctantly, Ezekiel ended the kiss and took a deep breath. One touch from her had him ready to explode. It felt as if he’d waited forever for this moment, forever for her. Trying to regain some control, he backed off the bed and stood.

  “My turn,” Daniel murmured, the second Ezekiel moved away. Daniel took his hand from under Yvonne’s shirt and pulled her down so she was sitting on the bed, legs curled beneath her. He wound his free hand in her braids and used it as leverage to turn her head so she was looking at him. Without uttering another word, he covered Yvonne’s mouth with his, picking up exactly where Ezekiel left off.

  Standing back, Ezekiel unfastened his pants and slipped them past his bulging erection and down to the floor befo
re stepping free. All the while he watched the erotic vision of Yvonne becoming lost in the pleasure of Daniel’s embrace. He waited for his wolf to howl its displeasure. To his surprise the jealousy that damn near drowned him earlier in the day was nowhere to be found. Even his possessive half knew this was the way it should be. The three of them bound together.

  He waited until Daniel broke their kiss and the two of them seemed able to focus their lust-filled minds on other things before Ezekiel spoke again. But when he did, his words were directed to the one person who was wearing far too many clothes and who looked entirely too pleased with herself. “What was this you were saying earlier about changing your mind?”

  “I said might. It was never a definite,” she backpedaled, much to his amusement.

  “And now?” he asked, needing her to voice her consent before he stole her breath away.

  “Now I’m definitely sure if the two of you stop tonight, I’ll go mad.”

  Daniel shot him a satisfied look. “We can’t have that, can we, Ezekiel?”

  “No, we can’t.”

  Daniel took hold of the bottom edge of her shirt and raised it over her head. Yvonne didn’t protest as the bountiful curves of her breasts, encased in a lace red bra, were bared. Ezekiel’s mouth watered to taste her. But first he needed her to undress.

  “Jeans next.” Daniel was on the same wavelength as he was.

  “You first,” Yvonne countered. Daniel shrugged and stood, but Ezekiel wasn’t willing to wait any longer.

  “No negotiating.” Ezekiel knelt on the bed, his hand moving to her waistband. “Do you need some assistance?”

  “Maybe I do.” A small smile played over her lips as she stretched her legs out in front of her. She folded her arms behind her head then lay back on the pillows to allow him better access. He made quick work of her button and zipper and stripped her of the denim in record time, leaving her clothed only in her bra and panties. The matching scarlet ensemble looked decadent against her skin, making Yvonne appear even more scrumptious and erotic. “Nice. Red is definitely your color, little one.”

  Yvonne chuckled nervously and moved her hand over the gentle swell of her stomach. “I’m not exactly little.”

  “I think you’re wonderful.” Ezekiel said. “I wish I could make you understand how beautiful you are to me.” Daniel let out a fake cough. “To us. Your face, your luscious breasts…” his fingers trailed across the pebbled peaks pressing against the lacey bra, “…the sweet scent of your pussy. Everything about you is perfection,” Ezekiel stated firmly, daring her to argue. “You’re built as you’re supposed to be, soft, supple and extremely feminine. Perfect.”

  “I could not agree more,” Daniel said, joining them back on the bed once more. Like Ezekiel he’d slipped out of his pants, but kept his boxers in place. Reaching out, he ran his finger over the dark lace covering her tips. “Is it new?”

  “Yes.” Yvonne blushed. “My mother called it her welcome-to-the-family gift for the two of you.”

  Ezekiel let out a deep chuckle as he tossed her pants carelessly to the floor. “Remind me to thank her later.”

  “Much later.” Yvonne propped herself up on her elbows. “Right now we have a few household-snack positions to try out.”

  Daniel furrowed his brow. “Household-snack positions?”

  “I’ll explain later,” Ezekiel promised Daniel as he held out his hand to her. “Come here.”

  With a bold smile, Yvonne did as he demanded, rising to her knees and moving into his embrace. Ezekiel gathered her into his arms and pulled her tight against him. Her softness molded against the hard contours of his muscular body. Bending his head, he took her mouth under his, parting her lips with his tongue as he roamed the voluptuous curves of her backside with his hands. He marveled at how perfectly she fit him.

  While he was busy feasting on her mouth, Daniel was familiarizing his lips with her nape, shoulder and upper back. The other man kept busy touching and teasing Yvonne, going as far as to move Ezekiel’s hands out of the way so he could unhook her bra.

  When the clasp was undone, Yvonne turned her head from Ezekiel, breaking their kiss and softly whispered Daniel’s name. The other man wasted no time answering her call, covering her mouth with his.

  Since Yvonne was otherwise occupied, Ezekiel graciously freed her from her bra, baring her large dark-chocolate-colored breasts to his hungry gaze. After dropping the bra to the bed, he cupped her generous mounds in his hands. He rolled her hard buds between his thumbs and forefingers, tugging and teasing her nipples before leaning down and taking one dark tip into his mouth. He laved her nipple greedily all the while Daniel devoured her mouth. Her peaks were hard as stone, much like his straining cock. Ezekiel couldn’t wait to fuck her, but first he wanted to make her as crazy for him as he was for her.

  With a groan, he released her nipple from his mouth and quickly replaced it with his fingers, squeezing the wet flesh with as much pressure as he’d used to suckle it. “Feel good?” Ezekiel murmured, watching her face as she reacted to his touch. “Or do you need more?” he asked, squeezing harder.

  Moaning, she tightened her fingers in Ezekiel’s hair and held him securely to her breast. There was no other place he’d rather be. Her reaction was answer enough. Their girl liked it a little rough. She was a woman after his own heart. Pulling back, Ezekiel blew a soft gust of air over her erect tips, causing Yvonne to break away from Daniel and gasp.


  “Too much, baby?” Daniel asked, his deep voice hoarse and filled with need. It was a feeling Ezekiel was more than familiar with.

  “Yes. You guys are driving me wild.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Ezekiel moved backwards a bit on the bed. “Lay back,” he ordered huskily. Daniel helped her get situated on the bed and then scooted over a little to give her some room.

  “Just like that,” Daniel encouraged, as she lay flat on her back as Ezekiel had commanded.

  When she was positioned in the right place, Ezekiel took her long brown silky-smooth legs in his hands and pushed them apart then moved up between them. He leaned forward until he was within kissing distance of her pussy and inhaled deeply. The aroma of her sweet sex filled his mind and his senses as nothing else ever had before.

  She smelled divine.

  Ezekiel licked his lips, tasting the air. Without bothering to take off her panties, Ezekiel lowered his mouth to her pussy and swiped his tongue across the lace-covered treasure. She writhed beneath him and pressed her pussy toward him.

  “Hungry?” Daniel questioned.

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Stop torturing me.”

  As much as Ezekiel wanted to continue to tease, he knew it was long past the time for games. Ezekiel looked up at her. “Tell me something?”


  “I know they’re new, but are you overly fond of these?” Ezekiel hooked a finger under the material on her hip and gave it a little tug.

  Yvonne propped herself on her elbows and gave him a look that was more provocative than any words he’d ever heard. “Not at all.”

  “Good.” Ezekiel pulled harder, ripping the side of the flimsy lace. “I’m glad we’re on the same page,” he said as he did the same to the other side, then tugged the material from underneath her and tossed it over his shoulder.

  The second he freed her of the sexy red bottoms, Yvonne spread her legs farther apart and exposed her pussy to his gaze. Ezekiel’s mouth watered at the sight and his cock jerked in anticipation as the word finally reverberated in his mind.

  Mmm…he was home.

  Smiling seductively, Yvonne gestured with her index finger, come here.

  It was a command he was more than willing to follow. Spreading open her nether lips, he lowered his head and swiped his tongue over her moist opening. Yvonne bucked at the slick touch against her bare flesh, but Ezekiel tightened his grip on her legs and kept her in place. Her sweet nectar poured over his tongue like cream. His wolf howle
d in appreciation. This was what he’d waited so long for.

  Growling, he lowered his mouth a few inches and speared her soaked sex with his tongue. He drank her dew like the thirsty animal he was, but the pleasing taste of her wasn’t nearly satisfying enough. Anxious to have her, Ezekiel suckled her swollen clit into his mouth and slid two fingers into her heated core.

  The way her tight pussy closed around his surging fingers made Ezekiel all the more hungry to have her. If she was this snug with only his two thick digits filling her, he couldn’t imagine how she’d feel surrounding his cock.

  Yvonne’s moan drew his attention away from his feast. He eased up so he could peer at her. She was still propped on her elbows but this time her eyes were closed and her mouth was filled with the long length of Daniel’s cock. From the way Daniel’s boxers were pushed only past his buttocks, Ezekiel could tell his friend was as hungry to have Yvonne as he was. Not that Ezekiel could blame him. This thing between them was a long time coming, but worth every minute they had to wait.

  For a moment Ezekiel was torn between watching the erotic, arousing action and eating her pussy, then sanity returned and reminded him where he was supposed to be. Lowering his mouth, Ezekiel thrust his tongue deeper into her channel while rolling her clit between his fingers, applying just enough pressure to keep her perched on the edge yet not quite enough to send her over.

  “Whatever you’re doing…don’t stop.” Daniel’s voice was filled with awe. “The feel of her moaning around my cock is sin-fucking-sational.”

  Her hips rocked back and forth as he tongued her slit. After a few seconds of the sexual tango, Yvonne gasped and Daniel let out a moan of disappointment. Ezekiel lifted his mouth from her sweet sex to see Yvonne with her head thrown back and her teeth sunk into her lip as if she was trying to keep her screams of pleasure at bay.

  That would never do. “No, don’t hold back. Let me hear how much you enjoy me tonguing your cunt.” He could see her body quake at the intensity of their connection.


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