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The Better to Eat You With: Urban Fairytales, Book 2

Page 16

by Lena Matthews

  Almost simultaneously, the two beasts began to change to human form. She felt the vibration, the twisting beneath her hands, and pulled away to watch while skin replaced fur and animal features became human once more.

  Given their situation, she shouldn’t have had a lustful thought to spare at the sight of their nude bodies, yet her body seemed to have a will of its own. One glimpse of John’s dark-haired chest and groin and his semi-rigid cock made her stomach flutter. He bent his head to examine the clawed flesh on his side, and she longed to kiss his wound better. Grant looked just as sexy with his rumpled blond hair, one hand rubbing a band of tooth marks around his throat. An image of the pair of them locked together, not in combat, but in a sweaty sexual clinch, flashed in her mind. Liquid heat bloomed between her legs.

  “Are you two quite finished?” she demanded, using anger to distract her from the mounting urgency of her desire. She threw a pair of jeans at Grant, and he caught them, but didn’t put them on. They dangled from his hand as he stood like a glorious statue and examined their rocky prison.

  “Maybe we could boost you up,” John said. “You could find your way back to the Blazer and drive to town for help.”

  Sherrie stared at the imposing height. “I think we’re pretty well trapped.”

  She had a growing sense this was playing out exactly as it must and they’d find it impossible to escape their cage even if she was able to reach the top of the rock. They were trapped here together for a reason. Deep inside, she felt something was about to happen between her and these two men—a union that couldn’t be stopped. It both frightened and excited her, but it was undeniable. Only together could they free themselves and overcome their enemy.

  Grant was near panic, although he’d never let the others know it. He hated being caged with a fiery passion. His palms were slick with sweat, and his breathing was shallow, but damned if he’d have a panic attack in front of Walker. He’d turned his fear into rage and directed it at the wolf. Rolling around on the ground biting and scratching had been better than falling apart. Now he scanned the top of the cliff wall and the morning sky overhead. Somewhere up there was the asshole who was playing with them like marionettes.

  “Hey.” Sherrie was suddenly beside him, offering a bottle of water from the knapsack. “You look really pale. Sit down and rest.” She pressed her hand on his shoulder, and the warm contact distracted him from his apprehension. In two seconds flat, he went from near panic at the idea of being trapped to wanting her with a bone-shaking desire. His libido always ran hot, but his instant reaction to this woman was abnormal. More magic like the dream travel.

  Grant stared down into her light green eyes then at her plump lower lip that beckoned him to kiss it. Obeying his instinct, he dipped his head to cover her soft mouth with his. Potent energy passed between them. He closed his eyes and drank it in—until a hard hand thumped his shoulder, pushing him away.

  “Hey!” Walker stood between them, fists clenched.

  Sherrie grabbed his arm. “It’s all right.” She put her hand on his cheek, drawing his attention to her face, and repeated softly, “It’s all right.”

  Rising on her toes, she kissed the wolf, a light peck at first that soon became a deep, searching kiss. Grant’s already hard cock stiffened even more. He palmed his erection, squeezing lightly as he watched the hungry mashing of lips and tongue. Then he put a hand on Sherrie’s hip, completing the joining, and once again a powerful jolt crackled through all three of them, their energies entwining as well as their bodies.

  Grant accepted the sensation with a satisfied grunt, but the wolf broke away, his eyes wide and worried. “Damn!”

  “This is supposed to happen, the three of us together.” Sherrie sounded confident, almost serene. “Can’t you feel it, John? Don’t fear it or fight it.”

  Sometimes you have to make your own happily ever after.

  Head Over Heels

  © 2008 Lena Matthews

  Working at the Glass Slipper is anything but a fairytale for Cyn Elder. After one especially long day, all she wants is to kick off her shoes and put her feet up, but she reluctantly lets her friends drag her out to a new club.

  Movie mogul and fledgling club owner Parker Maguire is bored with the Hollywood scene and its plastic women, and the club scene isn’t proving to be much better. Until he finds a sassy woman refusing to back down from his overzealous bouncer.

  Cyn is a breath of fresh air, neither impressed by celebrity status nor bowled over by his charisma and wealth. She’s honest, genuine—and arousing in more ways than he could have ever imagined. For once, Cyn puts herself before her shop and lets herself be swept off her feet by a man who pursues her with a delightful vengeance.

  Her father’s evil girlfriend and her two lazy daughters, however, see Cyn’s new happiness as nothing more than a threat to their own comfortable lives. Their plot to break the two lovers up could turn Parker and Cyn’s “once upon a time” into a “happily never after.”

  Unless Cyn’s Fairy Drag Queen can pull something out of her pink-chiffon sleeve…

  Warning: This title contains hot, dirty, workplace sex; hot, dirty, sauna sex; heck…just hot, dirty sex in general. As well as fairies of the non-magical variety, and dreams coming to life.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Head Over Heels:

  He racked up the balls, centering them as perfectly in the triangle as he could, trying to make sure everything evened out. This was the official tie breaking game and he had absolutely no intention of letting her win because she was a girl. Female or not, the woman was ruthless.

  He should have known he was in for it when she offered to break. No one offered to break if they “played just a little” as she’d claimed. Not only had she made sure the balls scattered around the table, she’d also knocked three solid ones in with the first stroke of her stick. The damnedest part was the vixen had the nerve to give him a little smile and say “beginner’s luck”, as if he would buy that.

  But it wasn’t just luck kicking his ass all over the green felt table; it was also her body, which always seemed to be in his peripheral vision whenever it was his turn to make a shot. Cyn did everything from passing behind him and accidentally stroking his ass, to leaning down to check out his shot and pressing her full breasts against his arms. She was a cheat. A dirty rotten, sexy-as-all-hell cheat and Parker was loving every second of it.

  She came up behind him and breathed on his neck. “Here let me help you line that.”

  Parker stifled a grin. She just wasn’t going to play fair. “Get your little sweet ass on the other side of the table.”

  “I’m just trying to be helpful.” She pouted, making her lips look even more kissable than he could have imagined. Not that he needed any help in the imagination part. All night long he’d been thinking of things to do with and to her, and half of them involved tying her naughty body to the very table he was using to hide his erection.

  Parker steadied the shot and forced himself to concentrate on the white ball in front of him instead of the blue balls in his pants. He brought the stick back and sent it barreling towards the ball, giving himself a little mental high five as the balls scattered in every direction, sinking three stripped ones at the same time. Standing, he eyed the table, calculating his next shot, before looking over at Cyn, who was frowning at the table. “For some reason, I’m not believing the whole you trying to be helpful thing.”

  “Now why is that?”

  “Corner pocket,” Parker called, as he lined up his next shot. “Hmm, could it be you’re a hustler.”

  “Now, now, Parker, if I was trying to hustle you, I would have made a wager.”

  “It’s not too late.” He could think of several things he’d be willing to bet on. “I’m willing.”

  “So I see.”

  He froze on the down stroke and looked up into her twinkling eyes. If he had any doubts before that she wasn’t aware of his attraction to her, those were now laid to rest. He was certai
n she missed very little. “What do you mean?” he questioned as he took his shot, cursing to himself as he missed. She was getting to him.

  “I just meant you look like a betting man.” Taking the stick out of his hand, she nudged him with her hip and leaned over to take her shot. She looked up before she thrust her stick between her long brown fingers and cocked a brow, “What did you think I meant?”

  She executed her shot perfectly, winking at him as she stood. Fuck this, Parker thought, as he watched her bend over again. Her dress rose a bit in the back, flashing smooth, groin-tightening chocolate thighs at him, forcing a savage growl from his throat as he noticed he wasn’t the only one looking.

  A couple of guys at the next table were watching her intently, too intently for his peace of mind. He didn’t mind she was teasing him, but the thought of anyone else enjoying the view was enough to piss him off. Glaring at the men in question, he walked behind her, blocking her ass from their sight.

  “Aww,” one complained, earning a scowl from him as he twisted around to see who said it.

  “What did you say?” she asked when she stood once again. “Nothing,” he replied as he turned back to face her. “Did you make it?”

  “Weren’t you watching?”


  “Then yes.” The laughter in her voice told him another story.

  “Cheat.” He reached for the stick, brushing his hands against her. All the laughter froze as the touch forced them to make eye contact, real contact for the first time, and he really liked what he saw. He wasn’t the only one feeling the pull between them. He was just the only one not fighting it. “You know you worried me there for a moment.”

  “Moi?” she asked, pressing her hand flush to her chest. Once again his mind went back to the pool table, and her on top, arms spread wide gripping the pool stick as he feasted on her body. “How did I do that?”

  “I wasn’t sure if you were going to show tonight.”

  “And stand up the Prince? Never.” Her pretty brown face was relaxed in a smile. Never had he been turned on before by just simple foreplay. And that was what it was. They hadn’t touched, not really, but he was just as aroused as if they had.

  It was something about her—no—it was everything about her that was a turn on from her smooth, chocolate skin, to the sexy sway of her ass. He was intoxicated on her beauty and enraptured by her charm. “So does this mean I get your phone number this time?”

  “If you’re a good boy.”

  “Oh, baby, I promise you. I’m good.”

  “I bet.” Glancing down at his outfit, she looked him over in a way that made him feel it as if it were her fingers instead of just her gaze. “I like you in black.”

  He was willing to bet he’d like himself in black as well. “Thank you.”

  She looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes as she picked up her drink. “I have this theory.”

  “Do tell.”

  “All men look good in black. Black clothes, black cars…” she toyed with the straw in her glass, with a soft demure smile across her lips as she continued, “…black women.” Damn! He went from intrigued to aroused in two seconds flat. Leaning in closer so there was no chance she would miss his words, he teased back, “I’m a man of science you know, and I’m a big believer in theories. The ‘big bang’ is one of my personal favorites.”

  She coughed on her drink, bringing her hand quickly to her mouth to stifle the soda that was surely about to fly out. Sputtering, she reached behind her on the table and grabbed a napkin to wipe up her mess. “Boy…” she chuckled, in between coughs, “…you are too much.”

  “Just enough I’d say.” He could tell she was used to having the upper hand in relationships. She was in for a mighty fall if she thought he was going to roll over and play lap dog for her. “Are you a betting woman?”

  “Could be. Depends on the bet I guess.”

  “I win this game, you come home with me.”

  “Hollywood?” She quirked her eyebrow questioningly.

  “No, I have a townhouse here, as well.”

  “Okay, and if I win…” Her voice trailed away as she waited for his response.

  “We’ll go out for coffee instead,” he offered nonchalantly.

  She pondered the comment for a moment, before setting her drink back on the table. “Sounds like a great bet.”

  Bending, he took aim. It was a win-win situation as far as he saw it. Yes, he wanted to go to bed with her, but half an hour spent in her presence was a great consolation prize. As he pulled the stick back, she chimed in, “I want to change the bet a bit.”

  Damn, he knew things were too good to be true. “You want me to change my wager?”

  “No.” Walking around to where he was, Cyn ran her hands down his stick suggestively. “If you win, I go home with you. If I win, you go home with me.”

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd. It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult




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