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Page 8

by Jessie Cooke

  Jace pushed her shirt and bra up further and Beck pulled them over her head and tossed them over the bar and out of the way. He put both of his big hands on her still small waist and lifted her up onto the bar. He moved back up to her mouth and kissed her again, letting his hand slide down between her legs, up against the wet crotch of her jeans. Beck wiggled her legs open further and Jace began to pull at the button on her jeans. She pushed his hand out of the way and unbuttoned them herself, and then unzipped them. Jace kept kissing her face and down to her neck while he worked his big hand down into her pants. He could feel the thin strip of her thong, soaked with her pussy juices. Beck always wore sexy underwear and he loved that about her too. She gasped when he began moving one of his fingers up and down her wet slit.

  “What if that was my hand, rubbing another woman’s pussy? Does that turn you on, baby?” With his mouth still against the hot flesh of her neck he said:

  “Fuck yeah.”

  “Would you like to see me lick it, baby? Put my tongue in a hot, sweet, wet pussy? Would you fuck me while I licked her pussy, baby?”

  “Fuck,’re so sexy.” Jace was trying to work his finger up inside of her, but her jeans were in his way. Finally growing impatient he pulled her back down off the bar and pushed her jeans down to the tops of her thighs. He pulled off his shirt then and while he took off his own pants, Beck wiggled out of her jeans. It was hot just watching her undress. Her body was the most perfect thing he’d ever seen and even after being together over a year now, she still took his breath away. Beck reached up and put her hot palms against his chest. She was almost obsessed with tracing all the scars on his body with her fingers. She told him the fact that he was a survivor was sexy. Sexy was never even close to anything Jace felt like before he met her...but Beck made him believe it. With her, he felt like the sexiest man alive.

  “Okay, baby, enough playtime,” she said in a winded voice. “We’ll play longer next time. I need you inside me.”

  Jace was fine with that. He spun her around so she was facing the bar. Beck put her hands on it, arched her back, and stuck out her bottom. Jace ran his hands over her smooth skin and then slapped one of her cheeks and watched the white skin blanch. He took his aching cock into his hand and used one of his knees to gently urge her legs further apart. He looked down at her pink, wet lips and felt another surge of blood to his cock as he still held onto it. He pressed it up against her and slid it from top to bottom, getting his thick head wet with her juices. He could smell how aroused she was and that was making him even hotter too. She let out a loud gasp as he slid up into her, spreading her open and not stopping until he was buried, balls deep.

  Jace began to pump his cock in and out of her, reaching around with one of his hands and finding her clit. Beck threw her head back and the sight of her wild blonde curls made Jace reach up with his other hand and wrap his fingers up in them. He rubbed her clit and pulled her hair and fucked her. Beck, as promised, wasn’t quiet about telling him how much she liked it. She told him to fuck her harder, hold onto her hair tighter, and rub her clit faster. After several minutes she was panting and gasping so hard that her words were no longer coherent. Jace didn’t stop what he was doing; he didn’t feel like he could if he had to. She felt better than anything he’d ever felt in his life and while he’d talk to her and let her tease him, and tease her back about her being with another man, or woman, or him being with another woman...he knew he wanted to die never having touched another woman since the first time he touched Beck, and he wanted her to do the same.

  Beck was pushing her hips back into him hard, gripping onto the bar, and her sexy noises were getting louder and more urgent. He recognized that she was about to come and he slammed into her harder and just when he felt her body tighten up, he pinched her clit between his fingers and she let out a little scream of ecstasy as she reached her peak. She cussed, quivered, shuddered, and convulsed and then she pulled away from him, pulling his still throbbing cock out of her, and she turned to face him. She was still gasping for breath when she took his hand and led him around the bar and to one of the tables. She slid her naked butt up on top of it and lay back, spreading her beautiful legs wide open for him. Jace was back inside of her as quickly as he could bury his cock in her sweet pussy. Beck brought her legs up and put them on his shoulders and in that position, with each thrust he could feel himself bottom out and the pleasure would vibrate from the head of his cock all the way down his shaft and into his balls. It didn’t take long before he was ready to unleash his own massive orgasm. He grabbed Beck’s butt in his hands and held her up off the table. She opened her sexy blue eyes and locked them into his dark ones and he exploded. The orgasm was so hard that he felt it almost knock him off his feet and he was still rocking into her, waiting for his cock to completely calm and his legs to stop shaking when she said:

  “You know if you ever touched another woman I’d kill you, right?”

  Jace pressed his forehead into hers and laughed. Beck was the only woman he ever knew who could make pure violence sound so incredibly sexy.


  Gallup, New Mexico

  Jolene got off the phone with Ama and then stood in the big, beautiful hotel room and looked at the things on the bed. AJ had checked them into the luxury resort. He got two rooms, just like he told her he would. Then he’d insisted she go into the shops in the resort and buy whatever she’d need for the overnight stay. AJ disappeared for a while, simply sending her a text that said he’d pick her up at her room for dinner at seven p.m. Jolene picked out toiletries in one store and tried to buy them for herself, but the cashier had already been told by AJ to charge everything she bought to his room. The older woman wouldn’t take her money, no matter how hard she tried.

  She was going to pass on buying new clothes, thinking she could just wear what she had on tomorrow and sleep in her underwear...but when she passed the restaurant AJ was going to take her to dinner at in a few hours, she saw that the attire was much more upscale than a white t-shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes. So, reluctantly, she went into the chic little clothing shop next to the gift shop. She looked around for a while and found some beautiful things. She even tried on a sexy little green dress that fit her like a glove, and she loved it. She was the only customer the entire time she was in the store and the sales girl gave her undivided attention. Jolene had already decided that she wasn’t going to buy the beautiful dress, which cost more than she’d paid for most of her wardrobe to come out west put together, when the sales girl started showing her shoes. It was fun, though, being a pretty girl for just a minute, so she tried on shoes and even a lipstick and eye shadow that the girl told her would look great with her skin color. It was close to five p.m. when she finally told the girl she would have to “think about it” and left to return to her room. She’d shower and fix her hair and make do...AJ would just have to understand. She couldn’t afford all that and she didn’t know him well enough to let him spend that kind of money on her.

  She made it back to the beautiful room. They were set up like something Jolene imagined you might see on an island paradise. The fans were wooden and had wide, delicately carved blades that looked like butterfly wings. The lighting was subtle and the furniture was dark brown wicker. The bed was large with a wicker head and footboard and a green comforter with pictures of leaves that looked like palm fronds. The photographs on the walls were of white, sandy beaches and palm trees. All of that, coupled with the sound of the rain falling against the window outside, made it almost possible for her to believe she was on an island somewhere and far away from the desert.

  She gathered her new toiletries and was headed into the equally luxurious bathroom to take a shower and get ready for dinner when there was a knock on her door. When she opened it to find a bellboy standing there with his arms full of packages, she was surprised, and now as she looked at everything AJ had bought for her and calculated in her head how much it all had to cost she didn’t know whether to be fla
ttered, or angry. Was this guy really a romantic, or was he just willing to spend a couple grand to get into her pants? Jolene laughed at that thought. She sat on the bed and pictured AJ as she looked at herself in the mirror on the dresser. Her red hair was frizzy from her day on the bike, and now the wet and humid weather. The touch of makeup she’d put on that morning was gone and her lips were pale, her eyelashes almost nonexistent, and the freckles across her nose and cheeks were her most prominent feature. Her eyes ran down to her body. She was no supermodel. Her boobs were big—men liked that—and her hips were in proportion to them—they liked that too...but Jolene had seen a lot of women whose bodies looked as good or better than hers and had a face to match...and sexy, smooth hair.

  AJ was the hottest guy ever interested in her, maybe one of the hottest men she’d ever seen. He had money and owned his own business...there was no reason for him to try to buy a less-than-average little red-haired girl...unless he just had a weird fetish. Maybe he was slumming. Jolene sighed and looked at herself again. She knew she was overthinking things again. She was the one that invited AJ to Window Rock today. AJ didn’t pick the day or the weather, and if he really thought he was automatically entitled to get into her pants, he could have simply gotten them one room and seduced her. If he wanted to rape or hurt her, he could have easily done that on the road with many less witnesses and lots of places to hide a body. Finally, shaking her head at the craziness inside of it, she gathered the undergarments the girl in the store had obviously picked out to go perfectly with the green dress lying in a garment bag next to it, and she went in to take her shower.

  After her shower she used the rest of what the woman sent. A light foundation and powder, the pretty light burgundy lipstick, the green eyeshadow, and even a hair straightener and hair products. Jolene felt both pampered and beautiful when she finished, and slightly like she was dreaming. Surely this wasn’t all real. As she slid on the high-heeled sandals that matched her dress perfectly there was a knock on her door and when she pulled it open she was convinced that this was all a dream.

  “Wow.” The look in AJ’s eyes was one of pure wonder as he looked her over. It was one she’d never seen in a man’s eyes before. If he was full of shit, he was one hell of an actor. “You look gorgeous.”

  Jolene felt herself blush and then she ran her eyes over him. He was freshly shaved, his black hair was styled in a way that made her want to run her fingers through it and mess it up, and he had on a dark suit with a green tie that matched her dress perfectly. She felt like she was going to the prom, especially when she saw the bouquet of flowers in his hands. “Thank you,” she said. “Thanks for all of this...and for the compliment. It’s all a bit...”

  “Much, I know,” he said. He held the flowers out and she took them. “I’m sorry if I’ve overwhelmed you, but we were stuck here so I thought we should make the best of it...have fun.”

  Jolene smelled the pretty flowers and then looked up at him and nodded. “You’re right, I’m just...not used to all of this.”

  AJ smiled, and he looked and sounded genuine when he said, “You should be, you deserve it. I hope you’re hungry.”

  “I am,” she admitted. The truth was, she was starving. “Let me just grab my room key.” She smelled the flowers once more and then laid them on the dresser and picked up her room key. She glanced at herself in the mirror once more. Her red hair lay as smooth as glass around her face and down around her shoulders. Her makeup made her eyes pop and her lips look fuller than usual and the dress accentuated her curves. She really did feel beautiful and she decided AJ was right: they were stuck here so they may as well have fun.

  AJ hoped he hadn’t blown it by going all out with Jolene. He had to keep reminding himself that all women didn’t expect a man to buy them things the way Pamela had, and some were even insulted by at. He was afraid that Jolene was going to be the latter, but her penchant for spontaneity and having fun saved him, at least for now. There was still dinner to get through.

  AJ had set everything up already with the restaurant staff. There weren’t a lot of guests at the resort since it was their off season, but still, he wanted to make sure they had a nice quiet evening and didn’t get sat next to someone on their cell phone or being otherwise loud and disruptive. So, he’d requested a private table in the back, near the floor-to-ceiling windows where they could look out at the storm while they ate.

  When they got to the restaurant the hostess greeted them warmly and led them straight back to their reserved table. Jolene’s eyes lit up as she noticed the windows. The big clouds were dark, but every few minutes the entire sky lit up with a flash of lightning that cast a glow across the soaked desert floor. “Wow, this is so cool.”

  He smiled. He liked that the outdoors and simple things like weather seemed to make her happy. Pamela would have complained about the noise of the rain and thunder, but Jolene looked like a child at Disneyland. AJ was almost jealous of the storm; he wanted her to look at him the way she was staring out at the pouring rain and chaotic sky. “You like wine?”

  “Sure,” she said, tearing her gaze from the window to look at him. “But I’m not good at ordering it, so whatever you think.” AJ smiled and waved at the waiter. He ordered a bottle of red wine and after leaving them a pair of menus, the waiter left. Jolene picked up her menu and said, “What are you going to have?”

  AJ glanced down at the menu in front of him. He’d rather look at her. “I was thinking about the porterhouse; you’re not vegan, or anything like that, are you?” Pamela loved to claim she was vegan, but he’d caught her sneaking cheese and eggs on many occasions. Her motto was always as long as no one else knew the truth, she could present herself to the world as whatever she wanted to be, and being vegan was “in vogue” these days.

  Jolene giggled and said, “Not even close. We ate so much fish and pasta while I was growing up that it kind of pushed me in the other direction.”

  He smiled. “Okay then, I’m having the porterhouse and a baked potato.” She smiled and folded her menu.

  “I’ll have the same.” AJ liked that, a woman who wasn’t afraid to eat. The waiter came back and poured their wine and left the rest of the bottle resting in a silver chiller next to the table before taking their orders. AJ ordered a light appetizer for them as well and once the waiter was gone he watched Jolene pick up her glass and sip her wine. She was staring out the window again and when she noticed him staring at her she blushed and said, “What? Do I have a booger?”

  AJ laughed. God, she was refreshingly...real. “Nope, no booger. You’re just so pretty, it’s hard not to stare.” She blushed again and said:

  “You’re silly. I’m so far from classically beautiful that I may have even jumped the fence and gone over to the other side.”

  Chuckling, he said, “I wasn’t talking about ‘classically’ beautiful. I’m talking about just pure, simple beauty. I like your looks, but I also like how real you are. You being just who you are is sexy.” Another blush lit up her face. AJ couldn’t imagine that he was the only man who had ever appreciated her beauty or told her he appreciated it. If so, she must have been living in a village of blind idiots.

  “Your appetizer, sir.” The waiter placed a tray of fruit and cheese between them and gave the each a plate. Jolene wasn’t shy about putting grapes and cheese on her plate, and AJ once again found that he could hardly take his eyes off her as she ate them. He tried to think of something to talk about while she ate, if only to distract himself so he didn’t look like an idiot, slobbering across the table.

  “So how much longer do you have in Phoenix?”

  She was sucking on a grape and it was doing things to his body that were practically obscene even though no one could see them, thank God. She popped the grape in her mouth and he waited for her to chew and swallow it and take another sip of wine before she answered him. “Just about two weeks. How about you?”

  AJ had realized, as they talked at the zoo, just how ashamed of himself he was
for not following through with all the things he’d planned on doing. He had resolved sometime between then and now to talk to his sister as soon as they got back, finish up with what he’d already promised Jace he would do, and then go back to Tempe and deal with wrapping up his business there, once and for all. He needed to man up, finally, and something about how brave Jolene was, traveling around on her own and fulfilling her passion, made him want to do just that.

  “Maybe about the same,” he said. “I really need to wrap things up back home.”

  “With your fiancée?” She had a look in her pretty brown eyes that might be jealousy. Strangely that made him happy.

  “No, things are all wrapped up there,” he said. She looked relieved, or maybe it was his imagination. “With work, my business.”

  “What do you mean by ‘wrap it up?’”

  “Well, I’m going to finally talk to my sister when we get back, and I’m going to ask her if she wants the business, or if she’d like me to sell it and split the profits.”

  She raised an eyebrow and took another sip of her wine. “So what are your plans afterwards? Is that too personal?”

  He smiled. “No, not at all. I brought it up. I guess the whole point of it all is to finally, at last, have no real plans. I’ve worked hard since I got out of college and I finally just woke up and wondered what it was all for. Life is passing me by while I’m building things for other people and putting more money in the bank. I’m ready to go out and live it, explore, be free.”


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