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Always Means Forever

Page 7

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Mecan stepped in behind her, wrapping his own arms tightly around her torso as he leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Is she okay?” he whispered, his mouth blowing warm breath against her ear.

  She nodded, leaning her weight against his broad chest. “She’s just fine. I thought she might be catching a cold so I gave her a baby aspirin before I put her to bed. She fell asleep the minute her head hit the pillow. You wore her out today.”

  The man grinned, a wide smile filling his face. “She couldn’t be half as tired as I am. I had a hard time keeping up.”

  Jeneva shook her head, a low chuckle spilling past her lips. Reaching for the doorknob, she pulled it closed, leaving it open just a fraction in case the child came creeping for attention in the middle of the night. Clasping her husband’s hand, she followed as he led her down the short length of hallway to the master bedroom and her own bed. Dropping down against the mattress she kicked off her bedroom slippers and slipped beneath the covers, rolling to press the length of her body against his as he lay down on the other side.

  “Did you talk to Darwin?” Jeneva asked, settling into her husband’s arms as he pulled her close, adjusting the cotton sheet and blanket around her shoulders.

  “About what?”

  “His date, silly. How did it go with him and Bridget?”

  “Didn’t you talk to her?”

  Jeneva shook her head no. “She must have gotten in very late last night because she didn’t call me and she hasn’t returned any of my calls today. So what did Darwin say?”

  Mecan shrugged. “Nothing. I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I’m sure they had a very nice time.”

  “Maybe they spent the night together,” Jeneva mused.

  Thoughts of his brother’s medical problem trickled across his mind. “I doubt it.”

  “Why? You know how much they like each other. It’s about time they tried to work something out.”

  “Don’t you think they should take things slow?”

  “Bridget deserves some happiness in her life. I think they would make each other very happy and things with those two can’t get much slower.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.”

  Jeneva leaned up on her forearms to stare down at him. “What aren’t you telling me? Why are you being so doubtful?”

  The man shrugged, his gaze skirting away from his wife’s face. “I wasn’t being doubtful. I was being cautious. You know how my brother is. He might not be ready for a monogamous relationship and I wouldn’t want to see Bridget or Darwin get hurt.”

  There was a lengthy pause as Jeneva continued to stare at him. “Are you sure there isn’t something else that you’re not telling me about? Darwin isn’t playing Bridget, is he?”

  Mecan pulled her back down against his chest. “Darwin knows better than to play with Bridget’s emotions. You know him. He wouldn’t do anything to purposely hurt her. Now, forget about those two and let’s get some rest.”

  Jeneva tossed him a coy glance, easing the length of her body up and over his body. She straddled his waist, leaning to press her mouth to his. “Just how tired are you, Mr. Tolliver?” she said, seduction painting her tone. She rotated her pelvis slowly against his.

  Mecan laughed, his large hands slipping beneath her nightgown. One palm gripped her waist as the other snaked up to mold his fingers against her breast.

  “I think I can be persuaded to stay awake just a little longer,” he whispered.

  “Good,” Jeneva whispered back. “Consider yourself persuaded.”

  Darwin was grateful for the end of the evening. Taking a quick glance at his watch, he was ready for some quiet, to be away from the gathering of people prodding him for information and pulling for his attention. Ella stood in conversation with one of the station’s more generous benefactors. She gestured for him to go ahead without her, promising not to be too long.

  Above him, a full moon was watching. He paused to stare back at it, the brilliance of light flooding over the dark landscape. He found himself wishing that with the next full moon, Bridget might be standing with him, his arms wrapped protectively around her as they really gave the terrestrial globe something to see.

  The driver greeted him, gesturing with the cap perched atop his bald head. “Did you have a nice evening, sir?”

  “Yes, thank you, but I’m glad it’s over,” Darwin said with a light chuckle.

  “I can imagine, sir,” the man said, giving him a sly wink as he reached for the rear door handle and opened it for Darwin to enter.

  Darwin was taken aback as he stepped into the limousine. He stopped short, his gaze locked on the view in front of him. Ava lay across the leather seat in all her glory, her clothes strewn on the vehicle’s floor. Breasts the size of large grapefruit were sitting at full attention. Bare legs were splayed open, the view meant to be inviting. Her smile was a mile wide as she beckoned him to her. He moved as if to back out of the car just as someone pushed in behind him and before he could catch himself he tripped, falling with a loud thud against the naked woman.

  Ava laughed, pulling him by the lapels of his jacket as she wrapped her legs tightly around his back, thrusting her pelvis against his. She kissed him, her mouth lunging for his. Darwin could feel his entire body tensing as he pressed his lips tightly together. The commotion at the car’s door caused them both to turn at the same time and before he realized what was happening a photographer in the entrance was snapping photos, the camera’s flash blinding his view.

  “Do you have any comment, Mr. Tolliver?” someone else shouted as Darwin scrambled to free himself from Ava’s grasp. He sputtered foolishly.

  “How about you, Ava?”

  Ava chuckled. “I guess Mr. Tolliver got caught with his hands in Ava’s cookie jar!” she chimed as if she were commenting on the weather.

  Ella jumped into the limousine and slammed the door closed. Within seconds the vehicle was pulling away from the front of the hotel and down the street.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Darwin fumed as Ava gathered her belongings, slipping her dress back over her head.

  “Oh, don’t be such a baby,” the woman said, rolling her eyes in his direction. “A girl just likes to have a little fun now and then.”

  “At someone else’s expense?”

  “Darwin, calm down,” Ella said. She looked from one to the other. “If I’d known you two had plans I would have found my own way home.”

  Darwin hissed. “We didn’t have plans,” he said between clenched teeth.

  “We could have had a good time,” Ava interjected, “but you wouldn’t play.”

  “Did you know that photographer?” Darwin asked, directing his question at Ella.

  The woman shrugged her narrow shoulders. “Paparazzi. One of Ava’s fans, I imagine.”

  Ava giggled. “I wouldn’t worry if I were you, stud. Ava will be the center of attention. I doubt anyone will even remember your name after tomorrow.”

  Darwin scowled, pulling at his necktie as he loosened his collar. He ignored her. “Ella, is there anything the station can do to get those photos?”

  She fanned her hand at him. “Darwin, stop worrying. I’m sure nothing at all will come of this and if it does, we’ll take care of it. Don’t you worry.”

  “Well, I am worried and I’m a little surprised that you aren’t.”

  He could feel Ella bristle, her eyes narrowing as she turned to stare at him. Although her tone was even and controlled as she spoke, there was a hint of animosity punctuating each word. “Although I can appreciate your discomfort, Darwin, I’m sure our making an issue about this will only serve to cast negative attention on you, the show and the station. It has been my experience that if we leave well enough alone it rarely comes back to bite us in the behind later on.

  “Now, the driver is going to drop you back at your home. I’ll make sure we get Ms. St. John to wherever she needs to be taken, and tomorrow we’ll all forget this unfortunate situation ever happened.
So, like I said before, don’t you worry.”

  Ava burst out laughing, pulling her index finger into her mouth as she uncrossed and crossed her legs, all her glory seeming to laugh with her. Darwin looked from one woman to the other and shook his head as he settled back against the seat. Sure, he thought to himself, that’s easy for you to say.

  Chapter 8

  Bridget had hoped Darwin would call her and when he didn’t she’d gone to bed only slightly depressed. He’d sounded genuinely disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see her, a business event for the television station usurping their plans. He’d been contrite, apologizing profusely, and it had been his idea for them to meet for breakfast instead, before their respective days got started.

  She’d been up before dawn. Her excitement had been consuming and not even the forty-five minutes on her stationary bicycle had been of any help. She was also anxious, uncertain of where the relationship was actually going or if there was even a relationship to speak of.

  Although it felt like the two of them had known each other since forever, she had to wonder why now? Why was Darwin suddenly interested in her now? And not before? She wondered whether or not his interest was genuine or if she were just another notch in what she knew to be a very lengthy belt. As she contemplated the possible answers, her mind rapidly assessing every possible scenario, she couldn’t help but question her own motives.

  Darwin had been on her wish list since the first time she’d laid eyes on him. Although they’d joked and teased and flirted whenever they were in each other’s company, she’d always hesitated at the prospect of pushing for more from him. Now, here she was not only ready to push, but to pull, pinch, pick, paw and, most importantly, pray for this man to want her in his life as much as she wanted him.

  Gathering her purse, her briefcase and her keys, she checked her makeup and the fit of her navy-blue suit before exiting out the door. As she slid into the driver’s seat of her car, still thinking about Darwin, she couldn’t help but reflect on their last dinner and that telephone call from his doctor’s office.

  Viagra. She had made light of it because his discomfort and embarrassment had been too obvious. It was clear that he wasn’t ready to discuss the reason for its necessity and quite frankly it hadn’t been any of her business. But she did want him to know that she didn’t care one way or the other. Whatever his medical condition she would be more than supportive because somewhere, somehow, he’d gotten right up under her skin.

  She was thoroughly enjoying their time together. They’d found a level of comfort with one another that couldn’t be denied and she liked what that felt like. She liked that he made her smile, that he laughed and didn’t take himself, or her, too seriously. When he looked at her, his dark eyes piercing her own, she loved seeing her reflection in his eyes.

  Bridget sighed impatiently. A morning accident had traffic at a complete standstill. Bridget had barely driven a quarter of a mile and she’d been driving for almost thirty minutes. The driver of a Mercedes ML350 SUV in front of her had actually exited his vehicle and was pacing like a caged animal back and forth. She watched as he took quick drags off one cigarette and then a second. A news bulletin on the 710 KIRO radio station announced a six-car pileup with casualties and delays.

  She shook her head from side to side, tossing a quick glance to the digital clock on the dashboard. Realizing she was going to be stuck for a while, she turned off the car’s engine. Fuel prices were too high to waste running the engine unnecessarily. Others around her had done the same thing, everyone sitting back in their seats to enjoy the early morning weather while they waited it out.

  Reaching for her cell phone, Bridget pushed a speed dial number and listened as it rang on the other end. Darwin’s voice mail picked up the call and she left him a message that she was stuck in traffic and would definitely be late. Disconnecting the line, she dialed a second number and waited.


  “Hey, Roshawn. It’s me.”

  “Hi, Bridget. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Why would you ask that?”

  “Because it’s only seven-thirty in the morning and you never call this early.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t even thinking.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Stuck in traffic on Interstate 5. I’m headed to breakfast with Darwin and I’m about to be late.”

  “Hmm. That sounds interesting.”

  “It could be if I can ever get there. So, how are you? I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “Girlfriend, please! Belinda woke up crying at five-thirty. By the time I could get her back to sleep Dario was wide-awake and watching cartoons in my bed. He and I were just sitting here eating Cheerios out of the box.”

  Bridget chuckled. “Motherhood is obviously suiting you nicely.”

  “It does, but I hate when Angel’s on the road. He does this much better than I do.”

  Her friend smiled into the receiver. “So, how’s my godchild? Is she enjoying her new job?”

  “I think so. My daughter is so grown now. I told you she got her own apartment, didn’t I? Her daddy about had a fit when she moved out.”

  “Chen still wishes he could put a chastity belt on her,” Bridget said with a quick laugh.

  Roshawn nodded on the other end. “I don’t know what he worries for. Ming has grown up to be an incredible young woman. I am so proud of her.”

  “You should be. She took right after you.”

  “My china doll did, didn’t she!”

  “Well, I’m not going to keep you. I just felt like hearing your voice.”

  “No, you didn’t. You called about that man. What’s Darwin doing that’s got you on edge?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “I just know you that well.”

  Bridget tossed a quick glance around her. Traffic still hadn’t budged an inch. “I guess I’m just trying to figure out if this could be the real thing or if I’ve just wanted it for so long that I’m trying to talk myself into something that’s not really there.”

  “How does Darwin feel about it?”

  “I’m not sure. I think he’s feeling me but you never know. He could just be tired of me making a fool of myself over him so he’s tossing me a few sympathy dates.”

  “Girl, don’t make me reach through this phone and slap some sense into you! I know you know better than that.”

  Bridget went silent. Roshawn continued speaking.

  “I know you do. And I know that if this is feeling like the real thing to you, then it is. Darwin wouldn’t waste your time and you wouldn’t waste your time. Stop tripping. Besides, it’s about time you got yourself a real man so you can cut that vibrator of yours loose.”

  “I like my vibrator.”

  “I’m surprised you ain’t worn out the batteries on that thing.”

  “I retired that one. I have a new one now with dual action.”

  Roshawn roared with laughter. “I swear, Bridget. One day you’re going to electrocute your fool self!”

  “It’s battery powered.”

  “I don’t care what it is. Go play with a real one. I will call Darwin myself if I have to.”

  “Don’t you even think about it!” Bridget exclaimed, putting nothing past her best friend. “You’re such a cow!”

  “Who are you calling a cow, heifer!”

  Around her, engines were restarting, the man in front of her jumping back into his car. Bridget wiped a fleck of moisture from her eye.

  “Look, I’ve got to go. We’re finally moving again.”

  “I really am happy for you, Bridget. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I do. And I love you, too, Roshawn. Kiss the kids and tell Angel hello.”

  “I will, and plan on coming to see me soon. I really miss you and Jeneva.”

  “We miss you, too. I have to run. I’ll call you later.”


  Darwin flipped his cell phone closed, pocketing the appliance in the
leather holder attached to the belt on his waist. After hearing the message that Bridget was stuck in traffic and would be delayed, he’d called Rhonda and had her clear his morning schedule. After last night’s fiasco he was in no mood to sit in any meeting with Ella.

  He’d gone over and over every detail of the previous evening’s activities and after some thoughtful consideration, he was convinced he’d been set up. Instinct told him he’d only been an unwitting pawn in some twisted scheme the two women had concocted. Why they’d chosen him and his life to play games with, though, was beyond his immediate comprehension.

  He took a quick glance around him, suddenly aware that he’d been standing in the entrance of Espresso Vivace Roasteria, staring out into space as if he were lost. He nodded politely as a hostess directed him to a corner table set for two.

  The café’s decor and ambience hinted at a subtle sophistication. Darwin was a big fan of their elaborate lattes and cappuccinos with the intricate marbled foam swirls the Vivace servers were famous for creating. Their pastry bar was decadent and the croissants melted like sweet butter in your mouth. He hoped Bridget would be impressed, as well as pleased that the café’s location, sitting just off Broadway, the main drag through Capitol Hill, would get her to her eleven o’clock appointment without either of them feeling rushed.

  So distracted, his mind racing a mile a minute, Darwin didn’t notice the couple sitting directly across from him, the woman whispering to her companion as she gestured toward a newspaper in her hand. The man looked at him, the paper, and back to him, his head bobbing up and down against a thick neck. The robust woman watched excitedly as the man rose from his seat, the periodical in hand, to make his way over to Darwin’s side.

  “Excuse me, sorry to bother you, guy, but are you Darwin Tolliver? That cooking show host?” he asked, taking a quick glance to the woman staring intently.


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