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Sonny's Surrender: Devil's Wind - Book Three

Page 11

by D. D. Galvani

  She went back to coloring like we were discussing the weather. I could feel the rage inside for this woman whom I’ve never met. Growing up in the system, I’ve met my fair share of ‘mommas,’ and I thank my lucky stars that I didn’t get placed for very long with any of them. From what I could gather from Sarah, these kids hadn’t been put with Momma either. She took them and used them as slave labor, and when they didn’t suit her ‘family’ she just dumped them.

  Maria moaned, and I looked over at the bed; her eyes were still closed, so the medication was still working. After a couple of restless movements, she settled back down. Sarah had looked up when Maria moaned, but when she didn’t wake up, she sighed and went back to her book. The door swung open and Jiji, Tish, Lani, and Hannah walked in, loaded down with bags.

  “Hey, Gia, we went shopping, and I guess we got a little carried away,” Lani said. She stopped in front of Sarah and dropped down to her knees so she was eye level.

  “I heard from Dukes that you saved your sister, Maria, as well as Petey. He asked me to go shopping because the few things you were able to grab before you left Momma’s were not going to be enough. Would you like to see what we got? If there is anything you don’t like, we will return it and get something else.” Sarah put both her hands behind her back; she didn’t reach for any of the bags, and she seemed uncertain.

  “It’s ok, Sarah. This is Lani; she is Dukes’s girlfriend. She’s real smart and funny, and she just wants you to have nice things. The pretty redhead next to her is Tish. She is Fighter’s wife.”

  Tish smiled and waved at Sarah then she took the hand of the girl next to her and said, “This is Jiji, she’s my sister-in-law and my best friend.”

  Sarah perked up when she heard that. “Maria is my best friend. She shares her stuff with me, even the snacks she likes the best. Do you do that too?” she asked Jiji.

  Jiji smiled then replied, “Yeah, I share my favorite things with Tish all the time.” She squatted down ‘til she was eye level with Sarah. “When I was about your age, Tish moved in a couple houses down from me. We became closer than sisters, and she risked her life to save mine. I couldn’t ask for a better sister. I hope you and Maria have that kind of friendship, and it lasts forever.”

  Sarah beamed at her. “I’d like that.” She moved over to the bed and picked up Maria’s hand, holding it gently between her own. She looked back at Jiji. “She’s hurt because she wouldn’t let Momma punish me. She did it for me, and if she doesn’t wake up again, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Silent tears leaked from her eyes and tracked down her cheeks.

  Petey slipped off my lap and went to Sarah. Sliding his little arms around her waist, he hugged her, laying his head on her side. She hugged him back, wiping the tears from her face with the top of his head.

  “Thank you for the hug, Petey. I love you too, little man.”

  I saw Tish wipe away a tear and Jiji toss her hair before reaching up and making a bun, using her arm to brush across her eyes. Lani was just flat-out crying. These kids had gotten under their skin just like they had gotten under mine.

  “So,” I said, rubbing my hands together, “why don’t we look inside those bags and see what these sweet ladies have brought for you guys?” Lani, Jiji, and Tish immediately started opening bags and pulling out clothes and toys. Sarah’s eyes lit up when Tish walked over to her with a PJ Mask nightgown.

  “Look, Gia, it’s PJ Mask! There’s Owlette and Cat Boy and Gecko.” She took the gown and started dancing around with it held up in front of her. Petey chortled and clapped his hands, watching Sarah clowning.

  A sound came from the bed, and every head turned to Maria. Sarah dropped the nightgown and ran over to the bed. “Maria, Maria, it’s me, Sarah, are you ok?” She grabbed hold of her hand again.

  Maria made a sound again, but it looked like she was having trouble forming words. I walked over and slid my arm behind her head. Lifting her, I took the water glass sitting on the table and slowly let her drink a few sips through the straw. Gently I lowered her back down to the pillow, and she smiled.

  “Thank you,” she said to me. “That makes it easier for me to talk.” She squeezed Sarah’s hand and said, “I’m ok, Squirt, just tired. I’m going to be sleeping a lot while I get better, so you and Petey gotta listen to these ladies. Ok?”

  “I will, Maria, I promise. I will take care of Petey ‘til you get better. I’m a big girl, I can do it.”

  Maria smiled at Sarah. “I know you can, Sarah. I’m really wiped out, so I’m gonna just go to sleep.” Maria closed her eyes; within seconds her breathing evened out, and she was asleep again.

  Sarah turned to me. “She’s gonna get better, right, Gia? You said she would.”

  “That’s what the doctors told me, Sarah. Right now sleep is the best medicine for her.”

  Tish came up to Sarah. “Why don’t you and I go into the bathroom, change into that pretty PJ Mask nightgown, and you can lay down on the bottom of the bed with Maria.”

  Sarah turned to me. “Is that ok, Gia? Can I lay down with Maria?”

  “Of course you can, sweets, you just have to be careful. Ok?”

  Jiji came up to Sarah and handed her a small bag. “Sweetheart, here is a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste, plus some other little things you might need.”

  Sarah shyly took it from Jiji. “Thank you, I didn’t bring one when we left.” She turned to Tish. “Ok, I’m ready now.” She took Tish’s hand, and they disappeared into the bathroom.

  Lani came over to me and gave me a hug. “I’m so proud of you and Sonny for helping these kids, Gia. I know there’s a story here, but it makes no difference. The children are what matters. Dukes and I and the club have your backs. Do what you have to do, and we will be right here helping in any way we can.”

  I hugged her back. “Thanks, Lani, I appreciate the support, and while I wish I could tell you the story, it’s not mine to tell.”

  Lani smiled. “That boy doesn’t deserve you, but I’m glad he has you.”


  As always, riding my bike soothed my soul. Wrapping my mind around the fact that I had just held my son for the first time in five years just wouldn’t settle. I knew I was going to have to tell my brothers the sordid story of his birth and subsequent disappearance. I should have done it long before this, but I held out hope that I could keep my stupidity to myself.

  Before long, we pulled up to the house and shut down the bikes. It looked empty, but we weren’t taking any chances. I followed Breech around to the back of the house, and Dukes brought up the rear. At the back door, Breech knocked and waited a beat. He knocked again, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a slim black case. Working quickly, he used the lockpick set, and in seconds the lock gave and the door opened. Moving as a unit, we entered the kitchen, sweeping the room for danger.

  Finding nothing but a trashed room, we continued silently, room by room ‘til we knew the house was clear.

  Dukes and Breech turned to me, and I said, “We need to track these bastards, so look for anything that could tell us where they are going or where they have been. We don’t have a lot of time, so take anything that could give us a clue.”

  Both men nodded, and we separated, each going to a bedroom. Pulling a pair of gloves from my pocket, I started methodically searching the room. It must have been one of the kids’ rooms because there wasn’t much in it.

  Moving on, I searched the bathroom next then moved into the living room. The furniture was upended, and there was trash strewn around the floor, but I noticed a cord which would have been behind the couch. Walking over, I picked up the cable and followed it ‘til I found the outlet it was plugged into. It was a surge protector that could accommodate six plugs. My foot caught on the dust ruffle attached to the edge of the couch and, annoyed, I reached down to free it. I spotted something metall
ic on the floor. Reaching down, I tried to pull it out, but it was stuck under the leg of the couch. Giving it some muscle, I picked up the leg and kicked the object free.

  It was a flash drive. Picking it up, I shoved it deep into my pocket and continued the search. From the back of the house, I heard a quiet beep, and I knew our time was up.

  Making my way to the kitchen, I found Dukes and Breech, each holding a small plastic bag. We made our way out the back door, making sure to pull it closed. We removed the disposable gloves, and I collected them, putting them in my saddlebag along with both plastic bags from Breech and Dukes.

  Getting back on our bikes, we rode the short trip to the hospital. Dismounting, I saw all the guys in the parking lot, waiting on us. Dukes slapped me on the back, and we walked over to them.

  “I’m sure you guys all have a shitload of questions. But let me start by saying Petey is my son.”

  “Ya think, you asshole,” Fighter said.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell us you had a kid?” Breech asked. “You really are a dick,” he said, punching me in the arm.

  “Listen, you fuckers, I didn’t tell you because I had no idea where he was. His mom took off with him, and I’ve been searching for him ever since. Plus, when he was conceived, I was fucked up in the head. How many of you assholes would admit to being that stupid?”

  Dukes took control. “Listen up: however this happened doesn’t matter. We need to find out whatever we can about these grifters and shut them down. There’s nothing I hate more than people who exploit kids. These motherfuckers are the worst of the worst, and I want them finished.”

  “Dukes is right. I owe you all an apology for being a dick and trying to keep something this important to myself. Had I pulled my head out of my ass and asked for help maybe it wouldn’t have taken a stroke of luck for me to find my son.”

  Fighter spoke up. “God damn it, I hate this soul-searching shit.” He sighed. “But since we are sharing crap about our lives, I might as well tell you that Tish is pregnant!”

  Dukes’s face lit up. “Well, isn’t that fan-fucking-tastic!”

  Breech slapped Fighter on the back, then pulled him in for a man-hug. “You’re a fucking asshole, but I think you’re going to make the best father to this kid.”

  I shook my head. “Jesus, what the hell is happening to us? A few years ago, we were bed-hopping and fucking anything in a skirt. Now we’re married or engaged or coupled up, and we’re adding kids to the mix. What the fuck is up with that?”

  Dukes chuckled, “Change is inevitable, Sonny. It’s what keeps us moving forward. I’m proud of you guys and how you all have adapted your lives to being there for each other and this club. It’s why I wanted to start the Devil’s Wind to begin with. My world wouldn’t be the same without each and every one of you. Each of you has changed the club and me in one way or another. Without the special skillset each of you brings, we wouldn’t be able to do the things we love to do and have such success doing it. Now, enough with the introspective shit—let’s go find our women and see what we have to do to spring these kids from this place.”

  We turned to the hospital entrance and walked through the doors, joking and laughing as we rode the elevator to the pediatric floor, where we exited the car. The guys went to the waiting room, and I continued on down to Maria’s room. Gears leaned against the wall outside, and I stopped to talk to him.

  “Have you had something to eat, man?” I asked him.

  “Yeah, thanks, Sonny, the ladies brought me a sandwich and some chips from the café downstairs.”

  “The rest of the guys are down in the waiting room. Why don’t you go down there and take a load off?”

  “I’m good, Sonny, I don’t mind staying.”

  “Nah, no worries man, go rest for a while, I got this.” We fist-bumped and he strode off down the hall.

  Opening the door, I peeked in and saw two lumps in the bed. Gia was sitting in the recliner with Petey lying on her chest. She looked up when the door opened and smiled when she saw me.

  She whispered, “He’s been sleeping on and off since you left. He’s pretty much knocked out. Maria’s doctor says she can go home in a couple of days, and Sarah wanted to be close to her, so we let her sleep at the bottom of the bed.”

  I walked in and took a seat opposite Gia. Reaching forward, I took her hand and laced our fingers together. “You and I are casually dating, and I am about to take on the responsibility of a child.”

  She laughed, “There is nothing casual about our relationship, and it seems to me that you’re about to take on the responsibility of three children, Sonny. I don’t think it would be right for you to break up this family after all they have been through.”

  “Three kids?” I dropped her hand, stood up, and began pacing. I absently started rubbing the back of my neck. “Three kids,” I said again. “I can’t do it, Gia, I was freaking out with the thought of just one.”

  “You won’t be alone, Sonny. The club will be there, the ladies all love them already—and yes, we just started dating, but I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon.”

  “How can you be so calm about this? I’m supposed to be a fuckin’ man, and I’m scared shitless of a five-year-old. It never even crossed my mind that these kids might want to stay together. I’ve been so fixated on Petey that I almost fucking blew it before we even got started.”

  She unwound her fingers from mine, got up, and carefully transferred Petey to my arms. He snuggled around for a minute then settled back down to sleep.

  “They belong together, Sonny. I know you’re scared and I know that this is a huge responsibility, but you have the best people around you and they have all said they will step up and help you any way they can. I believe them and you should, too. As for you and me, we’re so new, we’re still learning about each other. I’m thrilled with the status of our relationship as it is. I also have fallen for these babies, and I want to be around to see them blossom. So stop stressing and focus on the positives. Now… I gotta pee so bad I’m gonna float to the bathroom. Petey’s been laying on my bladder for the last hour.” She turned and fled to the bathroom, the door closing behind her with a soft snick.

  I chuckled, Petey snorted in his sleep, and one of his little hands settled on my chest near his face. I always considered myself a hard man and I honestly never thought I could be capable of soft feelings, but this little man in my arms and the woman who just put him there have changed me. If anyone tried to fuck with them, I would kill to keep them safe.

  Maria groaned in her sleep and turned over, trying to find a more comfortable spot. I knew in that instant that Gia was right. They might not be biologically related, but they bonded, formed a family, and they needed to be kept together. I didn’t know how I was going to do it, but no fuckin’ way was I letting these kids down.


  After three miserable days of sleeping in chairs, the doctor finally released Maria. DCF had come the day after she was admitted and took Petey and Sarah. Dukes had called in a marker, and they were being cared for by a good foster family near the Devil’s Wind compound until Sonny could petition the court for custody.

  The kids had cried and clung to both of us when they had to go. I’m not going to lie, I cried too. Lani, Tish, and Jiji had been visiting them and keeping them up-to-date with Maria’s condition, though.

  We were going to take Maria to the foster home today as soon as she was released so they would all be together again.

  Before Petey and Sarah left, an attorney for the club showed up with Petey’s birth certificate and demanded a DNA test. The child’s mother had listed Sonny as the father, and as such he did not need her permission to have the child tested.

  The attorney had also gotten Petey fast-tracked for foster care, thanks to Dukes’s friend the Lt. Governor.

had done some research and found out that the state had 25,000 children waiting in the foster system for either a home or adoption. Many of these children will age out of the system at eighteen and leave without access to medical care and the ability to continue their education.

  Sonny snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Earth to Gia, anybody home?”

  I laughed. “Sorry, babe, I zoned out there for a minute, thinking about all those kids looking for a home. It boggles my mind that so many children start out in life without a family. I was lucky that at least I had my parents for a short time before going into the system and I was one of the lucky ones. I had already aged out, but I looked far younger, and that’s how I came to be with my dad’s old friend on Brom’s farm. He had promised my dad to take care of me, and in his mind, he did the best he could.”

  These kids might not know it, but they landed in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The people they are now surrounded by would move heaven and earth to make sure they are loved and cared for.

  We left the hospital with Maria holding my hand. She didn’t understand about sitting in a booster seat, and Sonny patiently explained that it was for her safety. The forty-five-minute drive went by quickly, and we pulled up in front of a large, rambling farmhouse. There were kids in the front yard playing with a dog, and I recognized Sarah as she came running up to the car. She was so excited, hopping around from foot to foot waiting for Sonny to get out and open the back door for Maria.

  Once he freed her from the seatbelt and gently set her down on the ground, Petey and Sarah pounced on her. The sound of her laughter as they hugged each other was magical. I turned around to take my sunglasses off and wiped my eyes at the same time. I caught Sonny doing the same thing and smiled to myself.

  The next thing I knew, someone was hugging my legs, and I looked down to see Sarah. “Gia, you brought Maria. I told Petey you would. But I worried and worried when you didn’t come, even though Lani told me she needed to stay in the hospital to get better before she could come here.”


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