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Blood Mates

Page 4

by K. Grey

  “Will they burn to a crisp in the sun? Like in the movies?”

  “No…, but they will get a severe burn if out in it long enough. Because the sun damages your skin even as a human they will need blood to reverse the damage it is just better if they remain nocturnal. Half breeds are totally different. They will burn really fast in seconds. That’s where the myth came from.”

  “It’s quite confusing…”

  “I’m sure it is and I will try to answer your questions and what I can’t Lucien has tons of books in his library you can read.”

  “How old is Lucien?”

  “He was born in the fifth or sixth century I do believe.”

  Ava looked at Alfred with her mouth wide open. “What? B.C. or A.D.?”


  “What?” she gasped. “Vamp------“she paused when Alfred gave her a stern look for the word. “I meant immortals have been around that long?”

  “Yes… they have been around for a long time. From what I have read I am under the impression they were the creators of Atlantis even though I have never seen that word used in the books I have read in the library.”

  “I don’t know what to say….” She actually had to sit down and did in a nearby round back chair. Alfred nodded.

  “I know… this is a lot for you to absorb in a short period of time…, Ava. It is a different world all together.”

  “I see that… and the others of the legion? Are they that old? Sloane doesn’t look, but maybe thirty.”

  “Sloane was born in 1349. Their ages vary. An immortal goes through a transition somewhere around puberty. They aren’t born with fangs. They are born almost human.”

  “So they are born and not turned?”

  “Some are turned…Lucien would be better explaining the hows to you. It’s not done lightly. There are laws about turning at will.”


  “Oh yes…. Immortals have laws set by the council….it ensures that humans don’t find out about immortals and humans are to be protects as well that is where the legion comes in.”


  “Yeah…” he smiled. “I think that’s enough for now….”

  “Yeah…. I think my brain has turned to mush…”

  Alfred chuckled. He held his hand out. “You are a strong woman and you haven’t fallen apart yet soooooo I don’t see that happening any time soon.” He pulled her to her feet. “If you don’t tell Lucien where I have hidden a half gallon of rocky road I will share it. It’s his favorite.”

  “Deal…” she nodded. “I think I’m gonna need it...”

  “And while you enjoy it I will see to getting your cat and personal stuff brought here so you will feel more at home.” He led her from the room and downstairs chatting as they went. Ava adored Alfred already. “And after I have taken care of your stuff I am going to force you to shop online for at least two hours. We have plenty of time before the brothers get up for dinner to do it.” he saw the look on her face. “Lucien won’t argue. I guarantee it.”

  Lucien couldn’t really sleep. He kept remembering the day his family was murdered and mostly he dreamed of his sister Lissette. They had been very close even after she found her mate. Lucien had always felt it was his responsibility to watch over and protect her even though that was supposed to be her mate’s job.

  Dreaming of Lissette and remembering her so vividly always made him terribly depressed because he would give anything to have her back. Their time together had been so little compared to how long they actually lived.

  He rose earlier than he normally did focusing on the female he had left with Alfred. He wondered if she was actually still in the house. Alfred hadn’t woke him to say she had stormed out. The female had taken on half breeds so he didn’t see Alfred being a problem for her. Alfred had a soft spot so Lucien just couldn’t see Alfred locking the spirited female in a closet to keep her from leaving.

  He still hadn’t figured out what he was going to do about her. She was indeed a blood mate, but yet she was completely human. That puzzle was driving him crazy. She existed when she shouldn’t. It made no sense and should be impossible. Blood mates weren’t born outside of their world. And yet she did and he had seen her with his own eyes. He had to know how it was possible.

  He knew he should inform the council of her existence, but something told him to wait. He knew how the council reacted. First they would tell him he was mistaken and once he proved she was a blood mate then they would demand she be turned over to them. THAT was something he didn’t like the idea of. He knew they would lock her away and try to figure out everything about her. Or worse they would consider her a threat to their existence and have her killed. Lucien would never allow that to happen. Lucien dressed and headed upstairs. He found Alfred in the kitchen getting the evening meal ready. Lucien walked in and inhaled deeply.

  “What is that awful smell?”

  Alfred turned and looked at him confused. “You have never said that about my lasagna before…”

  “Not your cooking, Alfred…. I smell something like bad …rotting fish.”

  Alfred looked confused and then nodded quickly realizing what it could be. “I bet it’s the cat food… if it really smells that bad to you I will see if I can find something else for him to eat. It would probably be better for him anyway.”

  “Cat food? Cat? Since when do we have a cat?”

  “OH! He belongs to Ava… with her staying here she couldn’t just leave her cat behind. I had him and some of her personal things brought here to make her feel more comfortable.” He nodded. “You did say for me to take care of her.”

  Lucien smiled. “Yes I did… did you give her the run of the house?”

  “Of course….” Alfred chuckled. “She was in the library earlier when I took her some coffee. She was reading.”

  “She hasn’t given you any problems?”

  “Not a one. She is very intelligent and I think she is absorbing everything pretty well.”

  “She hasn’t freaked out?” Lucien asked curiously.

  “She didn’t try to run from the house screaming, but I think she is trying to make sense of it all. With the fact that her entire world has changed and she has been dropped into a world she didn’t know existed I think she is doing pretty well.”

  “I think I will go check on her while you finish supper…” Alfred nodded and Lucien headed through the house. He could hear the cat purring from across the house, but he couldn’t hear her. Not like he could any other human. The cat’s heart beating was clear as a bell, but there was nothing on her. He knew from usual blood mates only her mate could hear her heart beating so he wondered if it was true with her.

  When he reached the library he found her siting in his favorite chair with her legs curled under her, a pillow from the sofa on her lap with a book open on it. He also saw the big fat calico cat curled up on the back of the chair next to her head.

  He looked around the chair and saw all the books stacked here and there on the floor around her… he wanted to groan in annoyance. He was organized and it would take him an hour to put it all back where they went on the shelves.

  The cat lifted its head and hissed jumping to his feet making his fur flare out even more. Ava lifted her head then reached up to soothe the cat.

  “It’s alright, Georgie….”she scratched him around the ears. “He lives here… you will have to be nice.”

  “Been reading I see…” Lucien spoke softly as he entered the room. He couldn’t take his eyes from her. Her long wavy black hair was pulled up and pinned with a hair clip. Her aqua eyes sparkled. Her color looked so much better. She looked so much better.

  “Alfred said I could. He thought I might understand immortals better if I read some of the books in here.”

  “And have you?”

  “Understand immortals better you mean?” she watched him nod as moved across

  The room with his hands behind his back
. “Some….. It’s a lot to take in.”

  “What are you reading now?”

  “The history of the legion.” She told him.

  “And how are you handling it all?” he leaned against his desk. “Alfred said you haven’t freaked out yet.”

  “I don’t freak out easy. Trust me if I didn’t freak out in the four days those cock sucking half breeds tortured me with their sick games I think I’m good.” She looked at him and slowly arched an eyebrow. “Are you waiting for me to freak out? Or want me to?”

  “A human can go their whole entire life not knowing anything and yet most of them would crack in five minutes if they realized we existed. That is why our compelling is used quite often.”

  “Apparently I’m special…”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Jock boy said it. And I heard Sloane use the same words jock boy did.”

  “Which were?”

  “Blood mate….. It has something to do with my birth mark.” She told him. “Jock boy kept saying my blood was special and his sire had been looking for a blood

  Mate. And his sire was coming for me! That was why jock boy wouldn’t let the others touch me… don’t sugar coat things, Lucien. I don’t like it and it pisses me off. I can handle anything as long as I face it. It’s how I am and how I have survived my whole life. So the one thing I haven’t found yet in your books is a blood mate. What is it and what does it have to do with me?”

  Lucien chuckled. “I think I might like you, Ava lane…”

  “Yay me! Now don’t avoid the question….”

  “I don’t think you are quite ready to hear that part just yet….”

  “Why not?”

  “You just learned a lot….”

  “No! Tell me!”

  “Alright…” he walked across the room to the far shelves and looked across the bindings until he found the one he was looking for then pulled it down. “I think it is in here….” He crossed the room back to her and held the book out. “The half breed used the term blood mate, but I’m still not sure if you are one…Blood mates who are always female aren’t completely human. They are born human, but their fathers are always an immortal.” He watched her open the book.” I think the first few pages will supply the answer. The rest of the book is about certain blood

  Mates here and there throughout history.” Lucien watched her lay the other book aside and place the one he gave her on the pillow. She ran her fingers over the aged worn leather before opening it.

  “When was the last time it was read?”

  “Maybe a century…. I’m not sure…” he began to pick up the books she had apparently read and returning them to where they belonged on the shelves.

  Ava opened the leather bound book which was obviously bound by hand. The pages weren’t even along the edges and it was written by hand by a quill. She wondered when it was actually written and what was the ink was made of. It was a beautiful book. She had always loved books even as a child.

  “So no one has read this in a hundred years?”

  “Probably. Maybe longer.”

  “Doesn’t anyone around here like to read?”

  He chuckled. “I do like a good Steven King novel or James Patterson, but normally all these are just for reference. I can’t remember everything so I have tried to write the important things down.”

  “You wrote most of these?” her eyebrows shot up in shock.

  “Some…. And some of them belonged to my father and his father.” He shrugged.

  According to legend the first immortal male walked the earth in its darkness alone for many centuries. He was the child of the moon as humans were the children of the sun. Each day he watched from the shadows as humans began to form their families and develop. He too longed for his own mate. One night as he stood by a roaring river he cursed the moon for his lonely existence and swore he too deserved a mate like the humans. The moon conversed upon itself bringing completely darkness to him. Darker than the night had ever been before even with his sharp sight he couldn’t see anything around him. He had been left in complete and utter darkness.

  When the eclipse slowly dissipated and the moon hung once again bright and full in the night sky, the immortal watched as a female walk from the rapids of the river shining in the rays of the moon. She walked through the raging water, as it foamed and swirled around her, but yet not touching her, until she reached the shore standing before him. She wasn’t like him, not a child of the night, but yet she was made for him. She was his companion and his life mate. The one female who was perfect for him and would be by his side for their lifetime. She was his to cherish and take care of. She was his other half. To complete the whole by blood.

  She was a female marked by the moon. Each female blood mate came from

  The original female. Only a blood mate can bear the next female blood mate. And so forth and so on. She bears the crescent moon mark hidden by her hairline and she is unreadable and free of being compelled by others. This is her defense.

  Her mind and heart are silent to those among the kind, but she will know her mate because he alone can hear her in mind and spirit. Once their bond is set they will always be connected by both. She was created and born from the moon and water to be one of the kind for the immortal male. Each female is born for one male and she will call to him as he calls to her. The bond is created and set from the moon to the night for eternity.

  Ava looked up and found Lucien still arranging the books. “I am human. I can’t be a blood mate.”

  “This is the puzzle… you bear the mark and I can’t read you. If I can’t read you then no one can, except your mate.”

  “Maybe someone else can prove you wrong…” she shrugged. She watched him grin.

  “I am the king… the oldest. I can read everyone, Ava. We train ourselves to shut off our thoughts to other immortals to protect ourselves. Each one of us has a defense we were born with. The older you get the more control and strength you get. I am the oldest I can break through just about any wall an immortal has to hear their thoughts.”

  “Defenses? Like what kind of defense?”

  “Each is different and we don’t always share that. It is our secret weapon if you want to call it that. Mine is I’m the oldest and I’m the best.”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Really? That sounds cocky and conceited.”

  “It is the facts… now back to you. You possess the mark and are unreadable, yet you are completely human which isn’t possible for a blood mate.”

  Ava reached up and rubbed her forehead. “Ok….. If I am this blood mate female then I’m fated to be mated to a vamp---- oops sorry. I meant an immortal.” She still had a problem with the difference. She was working on it.

  “That is how it has always been.”

  “And what if I don’t want to be? I mean ---- don’t I have a choice or say in it?”

  “Not really… it is fated.” When she huffed and rolled her eyes again he continued. “Think of it this way… fate has found you the perfect man. There is no guessing or wondering if you will be a good couple. Fate has taken all the work out of dating for you.”

  “I have never really put much faith in the whole fate or destiny thing, Lucien.”

  “Two mates are pull to each other. It isn’t something you can fight, Ava.” He chuckled and shook his head.

  “It’s stupid to talk about it any way. How do you plan to find out if I am a blood mate? Like you said I am completely human.”

  “I’m working on it.” he turned to look at the doorway and then a tall man dressed in black slacks and a white, buttoned up silk shirt appeared. He looked like he belonged on the cover of GQ. He looked normal. Ava sighed and shook her head. She hadn’t heard a sound.

  “My hearing sooo sucks….” She muttered. Lucien chuckled as Darius entered the room.

  “Ava, this is Darius. Darius, this is our new guest Ava lane.”

  “Guest? I thought I w
as forced to move in… that doesn’t define the word guest, Lucien.”

  “It is a matter of opinion… and mine is the only one that matters.”

  “So you say…” she quipped back. Darius chuckled.

  “I think I like you already, Ava lane.” Darius said grinning. “I’m glad to see you are back to yourself. We were worried that you weren’t going to make it.”

  “Yeah me too…” she nodded.

  “Darius, try to read Ava and tell me what you see and feel.”

  Darius looked at Lucien then Ava. “Do you mind?” he asked.

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  “No.” he shook his head. “You shouldn’t feel anything at all.”

  “Then go ahead…..” she leaned back in the chair and stretched her legs out resting her hands on the arms of the chair. Darius slipped his hands into his pocket and just looked at her. He just stared at her for several minutes.

  “I got nothing, Lucien. It’s like a wall. I don’t mean a mental one either. I mean all I feel and see is a full brick wall. She is surrounded with it.”

  “That’s what I get. I can’t read her emotions either.” Darius was surprised and it was obvious on his face. Lucien nodded. “Yes, she knows. I explained it--- well what I know anyway. I told her I was working on it.”

  Ava looked between them. “That would annoy me.”

  “He can’t help it…” Darius chuckle. “It comes as second nature to him.”

  “It’s rude.”

  “He was thinking too loud…” Lucien said in his defense. Darius chuckled.

  “I like her, Lucien.”

  “She is going to be a pain in my ass is what I think.” Lucien said with a slight grin. Ava rolled her eyes and stood up.

  “Yeah well you will deserve every second of it, I’m sure.” She stretched. “I don’t get any of this. I have a crappy life I want to go back to…I’m serious, Lucien.”

  “I know you are, but right now you are here for the duration however long that might be….” Lucien said very serious.

  “I get that… and I get you are all----“she punched rabbit ears in the air with her fingers and she stressed her next word. “King and everything here with all the fang people, but I don’t like nor have I ever been good with taking orders.” Lucien scowled at Darius who quickly covered his laugh with a strenuous clearing of his throat. “Sorry, Lucien…. I must have swallowed the wrong way or something.”


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