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Blood Mates

Page 13

by K. Grey

  “You’re thinking too much….” He whispered against her hair.

  “I don’t want him putting his throne on the line for me…”

  Rhage cupped her chin and made her look at him. “You are my mate… mine. I’d do anything to protect you. Lucien wants to protect you in ways I can’t. I can’t fault him for that. I won’t argue with him either.” He ran his thumb across her lips. “You’re mine. I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you. So I don’t give a damn what has to be done to keep you with me. I will do it.” he watched her sea blue eyes mist with tears…and her sweet lips slowly and softly smiled.

  “I love you, Rhage…” she told him softly placing her palm on his cheek. She watched him close his eyes and heard a low deep groan come from him. He tilted his head and claimed her mouth in a rough deep kiss. Ava felt him then…he was completely open to her at that moment. And everything she felt from him was overwhelming and thrilling. Rhage wasn’t a man who used all the pretty words or flattery some men used. He didn’t know how to tell her what he was feeling, but she knew. He was possessive and overbearing, but he wanted her safe. He truly loved her, but just didn’t know how to say the words. And that was ok with her. She could feel it. She knew without the words.

  When she told him she loved him Rhage didn’t know what to say. It had floored him. Those three little words held so much power. He had heard those words from Talon’s mother. He believed her when she said them. She had been the first person to tell him she loved him when he was a young lonely boy and needed it. His own mother never said them. For Ava to tell him she loved him meant everything to him. He wrapped his arms around her holding her close and tight against him. Ava slid her arms around him, she knew he liked it. He liked feeling her wrapped around him. He was such a badass and yet he needed to feel secure and she would always do that. She ran her fingers over his bald head holding him as close to her as she could when he nuzzled her neck.

  “Ava…” he groaned against her neck. He wished he had the words. He wished he was like Talon right now. Talon always knew what to say. She deserved that. She deserved every sweet flowery word, but he didn’t know them and that pissed him off. Ava turned her head whispered in his ear. “Take me to bed, Rhage…. Show me.” She told him. “I’m yours. Always yours, Rhage…” he groaned. He could and would do that! He scooped her up and left the room. Ava nuzzled his neck as he walked. She nipped his earlobe. “You’re walking too slow…” he smiled.

  Ava….” Rhage whispered in her ear. He lowered his head and kissed her bare shoulder. He smiled when she sighed in her sleep and murmured his name. He propped himself up on one arm and leaned back so he could trail his fingertips down her back, slowly across her spine. Her body arched closer toward his touch. He followed the path of her spine to the curve of her sweet ass and over her hip.

  Talon and Sloane had been right. He was one lucky son of a bitch. He had been an idiot, but now…. The last few days had changed him. He had never known such peace before. She had changed everything and it was all good. He was still devoted to the legion and to Lucien, but now---- Ava was his first priority. He had been hunting the last few nights. There was still a threat to Ava that needed to be stopped and they still had to find whoever was behind all the half breeds. It was different now though. He was hunting to protect his mate now and THAT was his priority. He also knew Ava was waiting for him when he returned. He never had that before. Knowing she loved him and was waiting for him made him be more careful and more determined to secure their future. He had no idea how he had become so lucky or what he did to deserve Ava, but he wouldn’t be an idiot again. She was the reason he breathed now. Everything he did was for her. He had never been happy before and he wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  Rhage leaned forward and teased her arm with the tip of his tongue and then grazed her sweet skin with his fangs. He would never hurt her, but she liked it when he did it. He did it all the way up her arm and over her shoulder until he was kissing his marks on her neck.

  “Are you going to wake up?” he whispered… he knew she wasn’t asleep.

  “No…I’m dreaming….”

  “Of what?”

  “My handsome sexy mate….”

  “Really?” he chuckled. “And what was the dream about?” he trailed his fingers over her hip and teased her skin until he reached the dark curls that covered her sweet pussy. He didn’t stop until he found her clit. He rubbed the sweet pleasure point slowly. “Did he do this in your dream?”

  “Mmmmm…” she sighed. “He did more…”

  “What did he do?” he slipped his fingers through her wet lips until he could ease inside of her. He used two fingers slow and yet deep finding that one spot that made her tighten around him. She was wet… and ready for him. “Did he make you cum, baby?” he nipped at her ear when she moaned.


  “Tell me how he did it?”

  “Rhage…” she whimpered.

  “Tell me how you came, baby… “

  “He used his mouth first….”

  “Here?” he asked moving his fingers a little faster.


  “Do you want my mouth on your sweet pussy? My tongue where my fingers are?”


  Rhage moved down the bed and between her legs. He parted her sweet lips to expose her already swollen clit for his mouth. He sucked hard teasing it with his tongue. Ava whimpered and dug her heels into the mattress. He moved down licking and nipping until he tasted her core. He used his tongue. Ava pressed her head into the pillow as her body arched.

  “Rhage!” she cried out. Her hand ran over his head…. this was the only time she wished he had hair to grab or pull. Rhage didn’t stop until she was shaking, only then did he nip and kiss his way up her body pausing at her hard puckered nipples that begged for his attention. He grazed each one with his teeth as he devoured them. Ava framed his face with her hands when he finally reached her mouth.

  He kissed her and she ran her tongue over his lengthened fangs causing him to growl. She knew it drove him crazy.

  “Ava…..” he sighed nipping at the corner of her mouth. He eased into her as she wrapped her legs around him. He began to flex and thrust his hips forward driving deep into her “Rhage…” she gasped digging her fingers into his shoulders. She was so close and Rhage could feel it. He could see it in her eyes. He knew what would send her over too. He was right there with her also. With one last thrust she came hard around him and he followed. She tilted her head and he sank his fangs into her neck making it even more intense. He didn’t want to crush her with his weight so he rolled onto his back carrying her with him. Ava was sprawled across his chest with him still inside of her. Rhage kissed her forehead as he rubbed her back. He loved touching her. He couldn’t help himself. He always had to touch her somehow.

  “How was that compared to your dream, baby?”

  Ava lifted her head from his chest and looked at him smiling. “Much better. Wake me up any time you want…” his chest rumbled beneath her with a chuckle. She leaned forward and kissed him. When she settled back down on his chest Rhage pulled the sheet over them. He’d prefer to just stare at her naked, but she got cold and he wanted to make sure she stayed warm. She sighed and snuggled closer.

  Rhage knew they had a couple more hours before dinner was gonna be ready and he was good with just lying there watching and listening to Ava sleep. His phone vibrated on the night stand. He didn’t need it on a ring tone because the vibrating was just as loud with his hearing. He looked at the screen and saw it was Talon. Rhage wondered why Talon wasn’t still asleep. He answered it in a low voice so not to wake Ava. “What’s going on? You should still be asleep…”

  “I was. Sloane didn’t want to bother you so he woke me up first.”

  “What’s up?”

  “You have a visitor upstairs.”

  “Huh? Who?” he listened to Talon suck in a breath as if he didn’t
want to answer the question. He knew Talon well enough to know what he was thinking. “I’m not gonna like this am I?”

  “No, man, you ain’t gonna like it one fucking bit. I don’t even want to say it.”

  “Just say it…”

  “It’s Claudia, man. Your mother is upstairs.” Rhage gripped the phone so tightly in his hand he was surprised he wasn’t cracking it. Before he could hide his anger Ava’s head popped up to look at him. Her eyes were full of concern.

  Ava sat on the bed wearing one of Rhage’s t-shirts watching him get dressed. He had told her Claudia davenport was upstairs. She noticed he never once called her mom or mother when he said who she was. She knew Talon’s parents had been more of parents to him than his own had been. It royally pissed her off that someone especially his own mother could treat him so horribly. Ava wanted to march upstairs and give this woman a piece of her mind, but Rhage told her he didn’t want her going upstairs. He would deal with Claudia himself.

  “Why would she come here?” Ava asked curiously.

  “Who knows…” he grunted, buttoning his leathers. Ava felt his frustration and his anger. He was furious that she was here. He didn’t even want to see her. He wanted her gone and it would be physically painful if he had his way, but he didn’t want anyone else dealing with her. He felt it was his responsibility to toss her out. Rhage pulled a shirt over his head before walking over to her. His hand held the back of her neck as he brought her mouth to his. He kissed her hard. Ava didn’t mind. She always liked it. She loved the way he kissed her.

  “I love you…” she whispered against his mouth. He groaned and kissed her again before turning to leave the room.

  Rhage headed upstairs. He heard Claudia’s voice long before he reached the study and he knew Lucien was there also. When he reached the door way he found Claudia walking around the room talking nonstop. She was telling Lucien about her new huge house in the south of France while she ran her fingers over any and everything. She was exploring and scoping. Rhage knew her. She was all about money and looking like she was superior to everyone else. It was all about image. He couldn’t remember ever seeing her without make-up or a hair out of place. She was always dressed as if she were going to a movie premiere or a party of some sort just like now. She wore a short silk bright red dress her blonde hair was swept up in some kind of twist. She looked like she was woman in her thirties even though she was many many centuries older.

  Rhage saw Lucien sitting in his favorite chair just listening. Lucien was drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair in a slow pattern. He was watching Claudia, but Rhage had a feeling Lucien had tuned Claudia out. Hell! He did that his entire life. Rhage felt bad for Lucien and nodded when Lucien turned to look at him.

  “Rhage!” Claudia exclaimed with a huge smile. She crossed the room toward him. “Lucien has been a wonderful host while I have been waiting for you…” she walked up to him and began smoothing out some nonexistent wrinkle on his shirt with her perfectly manicured fingers.

  “You look very well, Rhage… being with the legion is agreeing with you...” she turned and smiled at Lucien. “With such a great man as Lucien in charge I’m sure you have learned a lot.” Rhage lifted Claudia’s hand from his chest and cleared his throat. He didn’t want Claudia touching him.

  “Why are you here, Claudia?”

  “To see my son of course! I haven’t seen you in quite some time…”

  “Try again…” Rhage grunted. “You have known where I was for the past century or so and haven’t even lifted a telephone to say hello and just NOW you decided to show up… spit out the real reason, Claudia.”

  “You don’t have to be hateful, Rhage…” she turned away from him with a slight pout on her lips. “I’m sure Lucien doesn’t want to hear about our family squabbles…”

  Rhage squeezed the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. “Claudia… I’m in no mood for your games….”

  “I came to meet my daughter in law… I was quite hurt to find out you had taken a mate and you didn’t even bother to call me!” she turned and scorched him with a stare. “I had to hear it from some of my friends. Everyone is talking about it! The first blood mate in centuries and my son mated her without even telling his own mother! I was stunned and had no idea what to say when they all wanted to know why I didn’t tell them first!”

  Rhage didn’t know what to tell her except to get out and stay the hell away from Ava. He didn’t want Claudia anywhere near Ava! Lucien spoke before Rhage could and he was thankful for it.

  “It was all quite sudden, Claudia… both of them are still adjusting to it and getting to know each other.” Lucien smiled. “And I’m sure you have heard Ava is also human so she has needed time to adjust to our world.”

  “Yes, I heard she was human which has everyone stunned by it. Has she been turned already? I would be glad to help her any way I can to adjust.”

  “No, she hasn’t…” Rhage answered.

  “Why not?” Claudia turned and looked at him. “What are you waiting for? If you can’t do it then I’m sure someone else can do it for you.”

  Rhage narrowed his eyes on her. “It’s Ava’s choice not mine.” He grunted. He would never force that on her.

  “That will come in time, Claudia. It isn’t something that has to done now.” Lucien stood up. Rhage watched his mother smile so sweetly that she almost choked on it.

  “Of course you would know best…” she nodded. “So…where is she? I can’t wait to meet her.” before either could answer she turned to go to her large designer purse. “I even brought her a gift…” she pulled a long hinged velvet box from her bag. “These are your grandmother’s pearls… they were supposed to given to my daughter when I had one, but I never did so they should go to her being that she is a blood mate. From mother to daughter.” She smiled again.

  Rhage noticed early in his childhood that Claudia’s smile never reached her eyes. It didn’t now either. He always wondered if she had ever smiled genuinely or if fake ones was all she knew. She was always about appearance. She wanted everyone to think she was the perfect mother, but in reality she didn’t have a maternal bone in her body. Rhage always wondered if his conception had been an accident or just as ‘show’ for everyone else. He spent more time with their servants than with either one of his parents or he was at Talon’s house. He knew neither one of his parents knew whether he was around or not. Hell! They didn’t realize he had moved out before his transition either.

  “And I don’t mean to be pushy, but I was hoping to stay a few days and get to know her as well…”

  “No!” Rhage snapped before Lucien could say a word. Lucien gave him a startled look, but didn’t say anything. Claudia sighed heavily before she spoke.

  “Rhage… I know you and I haven’t been close over the years, but I am trying to make amends here…even if you can’t see that or believe it.”

  Rhage crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her. He knew she was up to something he just didn’t know what. Claudia only did things to make herself look good and he wasn’t going to allow her to use Ava in anyway. He wanted Talon’s parents to know Ava and dammit! He needed to call them if Talon hadn’t already. He’d check with Talon after he dealt with Claudia.

  “Why?” he grunted after a few seconds. He watched her eyes widened.

  “What do you mean why?”

  “I mean why are you trying to make amends now? Why not a century ago or two for that matter?”

  “Rhage!” she snapped and she actually stomped her designer stiletto on the hard wood floor. “Do you always have to be so difficult? You are as difficult as your father is.” Her hands went to her hips. “I might not have been good at it, but I am your mother!”

  He huffed and didn’t budge. He had seen enough of her manipulating tantrums to know how they worked. When her snappy angry tantrums didn’t work she wasn’t past using tears to get her way. He had been around long enough to have seen or
experienced it all with her. He had also become immune to it. He knew his father just didn’t deal with her anymore. Rhage wondered how long it had been since they had been in the same room together.

  You need to leave… you are pissing him off.” Ava’s voice sounded from behind him. Rhage should’ve known she wouldn’t stay downstairs. He had been so focused on Claudia he hadn’t even known she had entered the room. He quickly turned to face her. He shook his head and glared at her. She walked up to him.

  ‘You can be mad at me later.’ She told him silently. ‘I couldn’t stand feeling you so pissed off any more.’

  ‘I’m fine.’ he grunted in his head. ‘I’m use to her shit.’

  ‘Well I’m not and I don’t like it…’ she moved around him to face Claudia. The woman barely looked thirty and looked as if she could walk a run way as a model. “You are pissing him off and you need to stop.” Ava told her flatly. “You might mean well---“when Rhage huffed Ava cut her eyes at him quickly. “, but it isn’t a good time for a visit…”

  Claudia looked at Ava as if she had lost her mind for speaking to her in such a manner. And the fact Ava was telling her to leave just rubbed Claudia the wrong way. It was obvious she wasn’t used to hearing no or NOT getting her own way. “Excuse me?”

  “Rhage doesn’t want to hurt your feelings----“

  “I don’t have a problem doing that….”

  “Hush!” Ava told him. “Being a good son he doesn’t want to be rude---“

  “I can be rude too….” He grunted. Ava looked up at him and arched an eyebrow.

  “Can I finish?”

  “Go ahead, baby…” he shrugged.

  Ava turned to Claudia. “Since he won’t let me soften it you need to just leave. You being here is pissing him off and giving me a headache. So I don’t think this is a good idea right now.”

  “You can feel him? His emotions?” Claudia gasped wide eyed.


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