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The Dark Streets

Page 11

by Matthew Smith

  “I will and thanks Stake, I am forever in your debt, I will try to be the best agent I can, for the Guardians of Truth! And I won’t let you down sir!” He looked at Mike,

  “Thanks Mike, well I think I’m going to head out once more guys, got a lot of work to do!” We all nodded and Stake disappeared, and Mike looked at us,

  “Okay let's discuss this perfect plan I have come up with.” We all nodded and looked at Mike, “okay, so what we’re going to do is we're going to have the assistance of my members and we’ll be broken up into four seprate teams, one team for every entry point.” I looked at him,

  “That’s a very smart move Mike, good planning skills!” Mike looked at me and nodded,

  “Thanks, that means a lot coming from you Jack.” I put my hand on his shoulder,

  “Don’t mention it Mike, you’re talented and smart, you should be praised for it, besides your my friend and friends praise and support each other right?” Mike looked at me and smiled,

  “You see me as your friend Jack?” I took my hand off his shoulder and nodded,

  “Yes of course Mike, how could I not? You may have your faults but you have accepted them and you’re not working on becoming a better person, which is very brave and honorable in my eyes Mike, that makes you a good friend.” He smiled,

  “Thanks Jack, you’re a good friend as well, you put everyone’s thoughts and feelings ahead of your own, that’s your best feature.” I smiled,

  “You know, ever since I met you’ I’ve been wondering, who would kick who’s ass and I think I could easily beat you up Mike.” Mike raised an eyebrow,

  “Is that so? You want to put your mouth where your money is?” I nodded and smirked at him,

  “Yeah let’s do this, you pussy.” Mike chuckled,

  “For your sake, you better be able to back up your words Jack.” I started laughing, and the others started laughing along with me,

  “Oh I can trust me! The real question is, can you handle getting the shit beat out of you?” The others oohed and ahhed, Mike chuckled,

  “Okay, let's go outside, in my backyard right here and now, let’s do this!” Lucas looked at me,

  “Is this something we really have to do, don’t have a limited time Jack?” I looked at Lucas,

  “We need to blow off some steam,let loose and have fun you know? Come let’s do this and then we can go back to the mission at hand?” Lucas nodded,

  “Okay fine Jack.” I smiled and patted his back,

  “There we go and don’t worry we’ll get him Lucas.” Mike got up and started walking up the stairs and I got up and followed him, and so did everyone else. We got outside in Mike's backyard. I took my jacket off and put it on a table on the patio. Mike put his jacket on the table as well and we walked to the middle of the yard, I started standing in a fighting stance and so did Mike, Tony looked at the both of us,

  “Okay guys I want a clean fight, the rules are no weapons, just your fists and the first one to say 'I give' loses, sound good?” Mike nodded and walked up to me and put his hand out, I shook it, and nodded my head at him,

  “Good luck Mike.” He smiled,

  “Yeah, you too Jack.” He ran up to me and swung his fist at me and I ducked and punched him in the stomach and he backed away from me. We started circling each other and then he leaned in and hit me on the right side of my face, he went to swing at me again and I grabbed his wrist and forearm and threw him on his back and I punched him in the face. He then pushed me off him and got up and ran towards me and tripped me with his right foot, I fell and he kicked me in the ribs twice and he went to punch me in the face but I grabbed his fist before he could hit me and he pushed himself away from me before I could counterattack and I got up and I ran towards him and punched him in the face. He went backwards and I then ran up to him and dropped kicked him in the chest and he went flying down towards the ground. I grabbed his wrist and started pulling on it “So do you give Mikey boy?” Mike groaned and with his other hand, he struggled to punch me in the nose but he miss and then with the hand of the wrist I was pulling he balled ot up into a fist and punched men in the nose and broke it, blood started gushing out of it, I let got of his wrist and I stood up “oh fuck, you're going to pay for that Mike!” Mike stood up and I then ran towards him and he then kicked me in the chest and I fell down, and walked up and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up so we were face to face, I screamed out in pain,

  “Are you ready to give now Jack?” I spit blood at his face and he let’s go of me and I fall down to the ground and as he’s wiping the bloody snotty spit off his face, I wiped the blood from my nose and I broke my nose back into place and I screamed in pain and I got up and tripped him and he fell down and I went over top of him and started punching him multiple times in the face, I stopped punching him and blood was coming out of his nose and mouth and my fist was covered in blood and it was bruised. I got up off of him and he coughed out blood from his mouth, “I give up, you win Jack.” I helped him up, and rubs the dirt of his shirt and pants,

  “You’re not that bad Mike, better than I was expecting.” He nodded and grabbed his jacket and put it on,

  “Well that DBI training I’m getting in the Academy is really paying off I think.” I nodded,

  “Yeah I think so too Mike.” He offered out his hand,

  “Well congrats Jack you beat me, you’re truly the better fighter.” I shook his hand, and I grabbed my jacket and put it on,

  “Thanks Mike, was just glad to get my mind off of the bad things you know?” He nodded,

  “Yeah I understand and no problem anytime Jack! Let's get going back inside and put that plan of mine in action!” We nodded and we all started walking back in and went back down the stairs, and we sat back down at the table, Maria looked at Mark,

  “Let’s do this together!” Mark looked at her and nodded and they kissed and it made me think of Willow. We all got up and we went up the stairs and got out of Mike's hideout and we got into the van, I sat in the driver’s seat and Mike sat in the passenger’s seat,and everyone else sat in the back. I turned the van on and started driving away, I looked at Mike,

  “You really think this plan of yours will work Mike?” Mike nodded,

  “Yes, I think this plan will work, it was approved by Stake.” I nodded,

  “Okay I can see why you have trust in this plan now but have you considered the possibility that the Blue Brotherhood have their own double agent because they know that Willow is and instead of doing something about it they just mimic what we did.” Mike gave me a look, “I’m guessing you haven’t thought of that?” He shook his head,

  “Nope not until now, now that you say that, that makes sense because that is very Cold Wareque of them, I’d say and that’s just right up their alley.” I smiled and nodded,

  “I’m sorry Mike, didn’t mean too.” I look into the rearview mirror to look at the others,

  “How are you guys doing back there?” Tony looked at my reflection in the mirror,

  “I'm good, I honestly can't believe half of the shit that has been said or done but fuck man, if you’re rolling with it, than I will roll with it as well and man I thought I knew something fishy was happening in this city, I was always telling people how I thought about that and everyone told me I was crazy, if only they could see me now.” I smiled and nodded,

  “Yeah I agree, they’d probably kill themselves to be honest, too much truth for one person to handle.” I looked at Lucas and Maria, “how about you guys, how are you doing?” Maria looked at me,

  “I'm good, just thinking about what will happen after this is all said and done, just what will everyone do knowing about the creation of life, it could be chaos Jack and I’m scared.” Mark looked at her and hugged her,

  “It will be alright Maria, I’m here and so are we and we will always be there forever.” She gave him a kiss, Lucas looked at me,

  “These two really need to get a room, they're starting to make me sick.” I looked at Lucas,<
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  “Come on now, they’re in love, you’re telling me you never loved before Lucas?” He looked at me,

  “No I have.”

  “Oh yeah? What was her name?”

  “Her name was Jessica. She was my fiance.”

  “Oh yeah? What happened, why didn’t you guys get married?” He looked down and tears started to form in his eyes,

  “Well before I met her she was diagnosed with brain cancer but it was caught early and it was removed or so she thought because it came back and threw her immediately into a coma that eventually made her brain dead and she was pulled off of life support as it was too expensive and me and her family couldn’t afford it.”

  “Jesus I’m sorry to hear that, Lucas.” He looked at me,

  “It’s fine, it was a long time ago and I have long since forgotten it, by the way just drop me off at my hideout and I can regroup later with you guys at the location with the reminder of my 47’s, I’ll just call you Jack.” I nodded,

  “Okay I'll drop you off there.”

  “I’m going with him Jack.” I looked at Tony and nodded my head,

  “Okay Tony, sounds good.” We made it to the 47's hideout, I parked in front of the entrance, and Lucas and Tony got out of the van,

  “Like I said before I'll call you when I'm ready Jack.” I nodded,

  “Okay I’ll be waiting for your call Lucas.” He closed the van door and turned around and walked into the hideout with Tony and I drove away,

  “I think our odds of success just went up a little higher.” I looked at Mike,

  “I would have to agree with you Mike.” I looked back at Maria and Mark,

  “So are you two playing nice back there?” Maria chuckled,

  “Yes actually, we have rekindled our relationship.” I chuckled,

  “Well I’m happy to hear that you two kissed and made up, just no hanky panky please, that’d be weird.” Mark stuck his middle finger at me and chuckled,

  “Fuck you Jack, you cock block.” Me and Mike chuckled, I looked at Mike,

  “So where to now?” He looked at me,

  “To my old Blue Knights buddies, I have one location the FBI didn’t seize, because technically it doesn’t exist. I’ll tell you where it is.” After a while of driving and having Mike direct me we reached the hideout Mike and his old members of the Blue Knights used. I parked the van and turned it off. We got out of the van and started following Mike towards the hideout. We reached the front door and Mike opened the walked inside and so did we and Mike closed and locked the door behind us. We started following him in the hideout, we reached a big room and I saw people smoking, drinking and talking to each other,

  “Hello my fellow brothers, I'm back! and I’ve brought us some friends to help us with our fight against the Blue Brotherhood!” They all looked at us and cheered, Mike put his hand on my shoulder, “this first man some of you may recognize from the tragic story you heard on the news about his father, Jack Darring everybody!” I waved at the crowd,

  “Hello there.” I pointed at Mark and Maria, “and these are my new friends, Mark Thompson and Maria Brooks and we’re here to help you guys defeat the Blue Brotherhood!” They cheered, Mike motioned for us to follow him, we followed him upstairs and we went into a room, in it was a table and chairs, we sat down at the table, Mike looked at me,

  “None of these guys know of me working for the DBI okay and they don’t need to, as long they help us, that’s all that matters, speaking of which, can Lucas and his 47's be trusted?” Me and Mark both shrugged,

  “I don’t know but Tony seems to trust him and well I trusted him enough to join his gang, so I’d say you I do trust him.” Mike looked at me and smiled,

  “Good to hear, I just want to make sure everyone involved in this mission can be trusted our Dimension is at stake! But anyways, you guys go and mingle downstairs, I have some planning to do up here.” We nodded and me, Maria and Mark got up and walked out of the room and I closed the door behind us, and we walked downstairs and we sat down on a couch and I looked at Mark and Maria,

  “Guys I just want to say, thank you for being with me in this fight!” They nodded,

  “Don't mention it, Jack.” My phone started to ring, I answered it, “hello?”

  “Hey it's Lucas, me and my boys are ready, where are you located?”

  “I’m at Mike’s old Blue Knights' hideout with his old Blue Knights buddies at the docks, warehouse 9.”

  “Okay, we'll be right over.” I hung up the phone and put it away,I looked over at Mark and Maria,

  “Guys, I just heard from Lucas and he’s on his way and he’s got his 47’s coming with him, we need to tell Mike.” They looked at me and nodded,

  “Yes, that’s a very good idea!” We walked back up the stairs to the door to his office, I knocked on the door,

  “Come on in.” I opened the door and we walked in the office,

  “Hey Mike just wanted to let you know that Lucas just called me and he's ready on his way over with his 47’s.” He smiled,

  “Good, it’s only a matter of time till we take down Drogoth!”

  “Mike I have a question for you.” He looked at me,

  “Go ahead with your question Jack.”

  “Do you know who this Axe Man is?” Mike shrugged,

  “That’s a mystery I have no clue about either and Willow has given no update on that topic either.” I nodded,

  “That’s strange, not one person knows his identity, whoever it is, he’s definitely a master of disguise.” He nodded,

  “Yeshe must be.” My phone started to ring, I answered it,


  “Hey it's Lucas, we're here.”

  “Okay, we'll let you guys in.” I hung up and put my phone away, and looked at Mike, “they're here.”

  “Okay good, let's get going.” We got up and walked out of the room and walked down the stairs and walked out of the building and we saw Lucas and Tony, with the 47's,

  “Okay come on in, everyone’s waiting.” I held the door open as the 47's walked in, all of them walked in and then Lucas and Tony walked in and I closed the door behind them,

  “Fellow brothers, please welcome our other allies Lucas and Tony Brooks and his 47's gang, make them feel welcomed for they will help us take out the Blue Brotherhood!” They cheered and began talking with the 47's, soon they started doing drugs, smoking and drinking right away, they filled the air with the smell of marijuana and tobacco. Mike walked up to me,

  “I guess that’s what happens when you have gang members and former cult members in the same room, they immediately become friends and get high and drunk together.” I started to laugh and Mike smiled, he took out a big marijuana cigarette and lit it and took a puff and handed it to me, “you want some?” I nodded,

  “Yeah I need to destress.” He laughed and I inhaled a big puff and exhaled it out,

  “There ya go!” I started to cough and I handed him the smoke back, He took a big puff and handed it to me, I took it and took another big puff and handed it back to him,

  “So do you think we have a chance Mike?” He took the cigarette and took a big puff and he nodded,

  “Yeah I do think so, we just gotta follow what Stake says.” He handed me the cigarette, “you can finish it.” I took it from him and took the last puffs and put it in an ashtray on a table close to us,

  “Yeah I agree, but I think it's time for us to put the plan into play.” I looked around and the members of the old Blue Knights and the 47's were doing drugs and drinking alcohol together, “umm, you sure they're ready?” He chuckled,

  “Yeah, you’re right, it seems like they are a little under the influence.” He rubbed his eyes, “and I'm actually getting tired myself anyways, let’s hit the hay for the night, your room will be the first door on the right in that hallway Jack.” He pointed to the hallway and the rest of your guys’ rooms are after his, you pick, we all nodded,

  “Okay thanks Mike, have a good night.”
r />   “You too guys” He walked back into the room, we left and I closed the door and Mike locked it, Tony, Lucas, Mark and Maria walked over to me,

  “Hey guys, how are you doing?” They looked at me,

  “I’m good.”

  “I’m feeling like I’m on cloud nine.” Tony started laughing,

  “I’m feeling pretty good.” Lucas raised his beer bottle in the air and I nodded,

  “That’s good to hear guys, I’m getting tired though, going to go to my room for the night, goodnight guys.” I started walking towards my room, I reached my room and opened the door and walked into the room and closed the door behind me, I take off my jacket and put it on a coat rack and I take my shoes off and I walk over to the the bed I slowly laid down on it and tried not to fall asleep, not yet, but eventually I fall asleep.

  “Jack, it's good to finally meet you.” I opened my eyes and saw a seven foot tall dark figure with red eyes,

  “Who the fuck are you and what happened to Stake!?” The dark figure began to laugh,

  “Oh Jack, you must know who I am at this point and well Stake is a little indisposed at the moment.” The dark figure pointed over at Stake and he was tied up and had blood coming out of his stomach,

  “Stake! Drogoth what the fuck did you do!?” He started to laugh,

  “Oh Jack, I just touched him with my knife, no big deal.” I pulled out my hun and aimed at him and he smiled,

  “Your human guns will do nothing to an Elder like me!” He then disappeared and I saw Marcus holding a gun and beside him was a person tied to a chair and I immediately recognized the person as Willow,

  “Willow! What the fuck are you going to do Drogoth!?” Drogoth came back and smiled at me,

  “This is what you get for thinking you can get rid of me Jack!” He disappeared again, I then see Marcus putting the gun to Willow’s head and smiled as he pulled the trigger and shot Willow, her head then fell limp, he then untied her from the chair and she fell onto the ground,

  “Willow!” I woke up sweating and I sat up right, “it was all just a nightmare, it was all just a nightmare.” I felt tears rolling down my cheeks,


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