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Protector--The Final Adventure

Page 10

by Robert A Webster

  The man sat down and spoke with Caleb.

  “Are they all dead?” he asked.

  Caleb sounded nervous, and the man heard a quiver in his voice as he said. “No sir, the Thai Tinju stopped the assassin at the Sanctuary. He’s still alive and at the Imperial Palace in Bangkok.”

  The man frowned, put his phone on the desk, and sifted through the folders. Finding the one he wanted, he opened it and took out the documents inside.

  While Caleb waited anxiously for a reply, the man studied the details on the papers and then took his laptop computer from its case, set it up, and typed in instructions.

  Fifteen minutes later, he picked up the phone and said. “We need to sort out this problem Caleb.”

  “But the ones we sent to the Sanctuaries knew nothing sir,” said Caleb sounding nervous.

  “No,” said the man, “but if he is at the Imperial Palace in Bangkok and not in the middle of nowhere like the others, who knows what technology the Thai’s have. We need to find out what they know before dealing with this loose end.”

  The man’s eyes flitted around his office and he tapped his fingers on the desk as he thought and then said. “No matter, we can use them to our advantage Caleb. Keep me informed of what is happening in Thailand and I will be with you soon.”

  “Yes sir,” said Caleb with a tremble in his voice, and the man hung up.

  ‘This won’t be too much of a problem, but I need to change the plan,’ thought the man who smiled, dialled a number, and when a gruff voice answered, he said. “You know what to do; kill him now!”

  — Chapter Ten —

  The air-conditioners in the quarters provided a welcome relief from the hot afternoon sun. Not that it mattered, because Spock and Stu rarely ventured further than the kitchen.

  The girls sat in the lounge comforting and trying to get a response from Lek, while Dave and Manhut talked at the table. Apart from the more pressing matters, they were also trying to decide whether Spock was a poofter after seeing his tattoo.

  Sid again thrashed an unimpressed Spock at Super Mario in the kitchen while Stu watched TV.

  “I’ll make a cuppa,” said Spock nudging Sid to make him lose control of the game.

  ‘CNN news… boring,’ thought Stu, unable to find anything good to watch as the US Secretary of State came on the screen. Stu tutted. “Bloody Lurch rambling again,” he mumbled, turned down the volume, and looked at his laptop.

  Spock and Stu did not want to mention anything about what was happening in front of Sid, so with conversation limited, and nothing good on telly, Stu thought he would write more of his novel.

  He pointed the remote at the TV and was about to turn it off when a picture came on behind Lurch.

  Stu looked at the image and turned up the volume as the US Secretary of State said. “This is the man we believe to be the leader of a ruthless terror group. We don’t yet have a name, but the NSA received this photograph of him taken outside Kabul.”

  Stu looked closer and furrowed his brow. ‘Nah, that can’t be Fahed,’ he thought after remembering the smartly dressed Arab in his family photograph that Pon showed them. Stu leant forward to see the screen clearer and shrugged. ‘He wouldn’t be seen dead in those clothes, let alone anywhere near those dusty bullet riddled shacks in Afghanistan. That guy looked like he shopped at a bad second-hand army surplus store. Bloody Ab-dabs, all look the same.’ He chuckled and said aloud. “I bet Lurch and Chimp have a lot of apologising to do after blaming Russia.”

  He turned off the TV and switched on his Acer laptop.

  Sid smirked as the game Spock played sounded. “Wah, wah, waah.”

  Spock stared at the Gameboy and Sid asked. “D’ you want another game? Or are you fed up with me thrashing yer?”

  Spock, feeling humiliated, rubbed his eye, blinked, and said. “Only because I got something in my eye.”

  Spock wasn’t comfortable around kids because apart from having been one, he saw no use for them. However, he was growing fond of this cheeky little Thai Yorkie. He smirked and rubbed his head and then Sid’s.

  “What ya doing?” asked Sid furrowing his brow.

  Twenty minutes later, Spock turned off the Remington and blew the fluff off the blade.

  After Kim took Samnam to see Banti, Dao and Moo came into the kitchen. Moo gasped and looked horrified. “Leave the kid alone,” she yelled and slapped Spock around his clean-shaven head.

  “Ow… What?... He asked me to do it,” said Spock protesting while he rubbed his head with one hand and pointed at Sid with the other.

  Moo glared at Spock, and then saw Sid smirking. She looked at the small piles of stubble on the floor and said. “Well, sweep that mess up and bugger off into the lounge while we prepare food.”

  Spock looked at the floor. ”There’s hardly any mess, there wasn’t much to shave.”

  Sid and Stu chuckled as Spock got another slap.

  Spock rubbed his head, furrowed his brow, and said. “The golden child was getting stubbly.”

  Spock rubbed his hand across Sid’s scalp, and not wanting another slap, said. “Feel his head now... and mine... Go on.” He grinned at Moo. “Now they are as smooth as babies botties.”

  “I don’t care,” said Moo sounding angry and glaring at him. “Clean it up.”

  Dao kissed Stu, who packed away his laptop and along with Sid carrying his Gameboy, went into the lounge, leaving Spock grumbling while sweeping the tiled floor with a broom.

  Lek stared out of the window while Dave and Manhut sat on a sofa. Stu and Sid went over to join them.

  Sid saw the little girl of similar age to him looking at the lawns outside the quarters with a vacant expression.

  He went over, stood next to her, and held her hand as the three on the sofa watched.

  “I’m not bloody appreciated,” grumbled Spock walking into the lounge. “What are you doing,” he asked, seeing the four looking at Sid and Lek?”

  Spock saw Sid standing quietly next to Lek holding her hand and gazing out of the window. He then sat with Stu, Dave, and Manhut.

  With Dave translating, Manhut told them his story about the attack.

  Engrossed in conversation they didn’t notice what was happening by the window.

  Sid squeezed Lek’s hand and looking into the sad little girl’s empty eyes, said. “Did the ghosts come and get your family too?”

  The little girl looked at Sid and nodded.

  Sid smiled and said, “They got mine, but I think they are okay. I am waiting for Dave to get better so we can go home.”

  Lek stared at Sid and he said. “My name’s Siddhartha, but everyone calls me Sid... What’s yours?”

  Lek said nothing and stared at him.

  Sid looked at the Frightened girl and said. “Are you scared? I am, but I know we are safe here. Everyone is kind and there are Ninjas everywhere protecting us. I’ve seen them... look, there’s one outside with a policeman, and a big dog,” said Sid pointing to the patrolling Tinju and the armed Thai police with dogs. “We’ve got nothing to worry about. They caught a ghost yesterday and they aren’t scared of them, so we need to be brave.”

  Lek stared out of the window.

  “Look,” said Sid, showing Lek his Gameboy.

  Lek glanced at the toy. “It’s a Gameboy,” said Sid, letting go of her hand and whispering. “I know they’re old-fashioned, but look.” He turned on the Gameboy, smirked, and said, “The big bald dopey looking foreigner over there reckons he’s the champ, but I always thrash him... Do you want to play?

  Lek looked at the Gameboy, then at Sid, and with her voice sounding hoarse asked. “Have you got Tetris?”

  “Yes, I think so,” said Sid, bringing up the menu.

  “My name is Lek,” said the little girl and smiled.

  “Huh, he’s a little hustler,” said Spock, furrowing his brow.

  “What? Who?” Stu asked his old friend, who smirked.

  “Him,” said Spock pointing over to the window.
r />   The four looked and Spock grumbled. “He’s found someone else to play with. I bet he’s conning her into believing he was no good at Super Mario. That’s what he did with me before thrashing me every bloody time.”

  Dave did not have time to translate what Spock said to Manhut, as the Gopetu smiled and gasped. “Lek.”

  He got up and rushed toward the little girl now sat on the floor with Sid playing the Gameboy. He picked up the now smiling young girl and noticed the life now back in her eyes, before he hugged her.


  Late evening, Pon came into the lounge.

  Stu turned down the volume on the Manchester United vs. Chelsea match on TV, and Spock asked. “How did it go matey? Did Ab-dab spill the beans?”

  Pon shook his head and said. “He isn’t an Arab he’s Pakistani.”

  Spock frowned. “Huh,” he said, “still a bloody Ab-dab.”

  “Do you want a beer mate? You look knackered.”

  “No thanks Stu,” said Pon and flopped into an armchair, “where are the others?”

  “Sid and the girls are in bed and Kim and Samnan went to your quarters earlier, they didn’t know how long you’d be questioning the Ab-dab,” said Spock and yawned.

  “We finished with him earlier, I have been with Taksin and Vitchae planning our next move,” said Pon who then leant forward and asked. “How are Manhut and Lek?”

  “They are settling in okay,” said Dave smiling. “Lek came out of her shell a little after she spoke to Sid who made her smile. After they ate, Manhut and Lek looked tired, so we put them in the room next door t’ girls and Sid. Last time I checked, they were fast asleep.”

  Stu looked at his watch. “You have been a long time, where’s Taksin and Vitchae?”

  Pon yawned and said. “Master Vitchae is settling the Tinju Warriors that arrived from Salaburi earlier into their quarters, and Khun Taksin went to his residence.”

  “Did the bastard tell you owt?” asked Dave frowning and looking angry.

  Pon nodded. “You were correct Stu; Fahed Del Alaz is behind all this. The Pakistani said he had a large army, but recruited and paid other Islamic militants to wipe us out,” he said and looked concerned. “Not just us, but every descendant worldwide.”

  “Why?” asked Stu, although not surprised.

  Pon, putting his elbows on his knees and intertwining his fingers, said. “According to the prisoner, it was Fahed’s revenge for Buddhists killing his father.”

  Spock frowned. “What a load of old Bollox. We saw his old man croak it and it had bugger all to do with Buddhists.”

  Pon shrugged, “I know and I don’t understand either. Why attack other Buddhist temples and not just me and the Tinju.”

  “Because he’s a crackpot like his old man,” said Spock sounding angry.

  Stu rubbed his chin and mumbled. “Hmm, well that made sense. According to the news, they are looking for the leader of a new terrorist army. The photo they showed on telly looked like Fahed, only scruffier,” said Stu furrowing his brow.

  Pon frowned and sounded angry. “Fahed must have a copy of the Puravuttanta. He’s using that information against us with jihadist militants as Amanussas.” Pon threw his hands up and said, “although I don’t know where he’d found Tusen.”

  “He probably got the book from his dad. We know the nutty Sheik was a collector of other religion’s items. Perhaps he got hold of a copy of your book and instead of keeping it with his treasures that got taken, he gave it to his son, who is obviously just as bonkers,” said Spock sounding wistful.

  “Perhaps,” said Pon, “but until we find Fahed we won’t know.”

  “Did the Pakistani know where Fahed was?” asked Dave looking angry.

  Pon shook his head. “No, he didn’t know.”

  “Huh, he’s lying,” said Spock.

  Pon smirked and sounding confident said. “He couldn’t lie Spock.”

  “So, how are we going to find him?” asked Stu leaning forward.

  Pon rubbed his chin and said. “The Pakistani gave us the location of his hide out in the Hindu Raj Mountains, in Pakistan. It was our only lead so we must find that. He told us that Fahed paid their chiefs when he recruited them, so they must know where he is.”

  Stu, Spock, and Dave looked surprised.

  Stu then fidgeted and said. “What? We are walking into the lair of Taliban and Al-Qaeda armed guerrillas?” He looked at Pon and furrowed his brow. “You know them; they are the ones who hate all Westerners. Do you think they will invite us in, make us a nice cup of tea, and tell us where the Arab guy who gave them loads of dosh to buy weapons was hiding?”

  Pon looked confused, pondered, and said. “I don’t know Stu. I hadn’t considered that possibility. Do you think they...”

  “I was being facetious,” said Stu interrupting, “of course they won’t. They will cut us to ribbons... it’s a stupid plan.”

  Pon nodded. “I know, but Taksin, Vitchae, and I have spent all afternoon trying to come up with alternative plans, but with the Pakistani’s location the only lead we had, we have no choice but to start there.”

  Stu looked at Spock who raised his eyebrows, shrugged, and nodded.

  “Oh well, count us in then,” said Stu smiling. “You can pop off and ask the Ab-dabs while me and Spock do a little sunbathing in Paki land and play with the local talent.”

  Pon looked at his geographically ignorant friend and said. “Stu, the Hindu Raj Mountains are snow-covered ranges with sub-zero temperatures.”

  Spock and Stu looked at one another and frowned.

  “Bloody hell, that place sounds nippy. Never mind, we will dig out the thermals we brought with us from England,” said Spock rubbing his head and trying to remember where he had put his long-johns.

  Pon, seeing Spock and Stu looking excited, shook his head and sounding sullen, said. “I am sorry my friends, but you won’t be coming. I need you to stay here to protect the families. Vitchae and Taksin will stay here to help and I will leave several Tinju Warriors to guard you.”

  He looked at Spock and Stu now looking disappointed and said. “We are all in danger, so until we find Fahed and his killers, none of us are safe.”

  He then looked at Dave, “Dave you and Manhut will come with us; you know our ways, and we need your fighting skills”

  Dave smiled and nodded. “Thanks Prime Master. I would be honoured to fight at your side,” he said and wai-ed Pon.

  Spock frowned and mumbled. “Yorkie creep.”

  “I called Prime Master Samouern who is sending his finest Chokdet Warriors here. I will call Brigadier Lee and they should arrive in a few days,” said Pon sounding relieved.

  Spock and Stu, although feeling disappointed, realised that Pon not taking them made sense; with them not as nimble or fit as the Warriors their lard arses would slow them all down. Besides, neither of them liked the cold and they could raid Pon's fridge for extra beer while he was away.

  They both felt concerned however and thought about what would happen if Pon failed.

  Pon rubbed his weary eyes. “Okay Stu. I will have that beer now please.”

  “Anybody else want one?” asked Stu standing.

  “Yep, I’m almost empty,” said Spock.

  Dave took a swig from his can and said. “Yeah, me too.”

  Stu went into the kitchen and Spock asked. “What about these suicidal idiots?”

  Pon waited for Stu to bring the beer before telling them about Abdullah and the other assassin’s orders.

  “That doesn’t make sense,” said Stu furrowing his brow. “Why come all the way here just to commit suicide?”

  Dave nodded and looked puzzled. “Stu’s right, suicide bombers, without a bomb.”

  “Yorkie creep,” said Spock looking at Dave.

  Pon looked at the three. “I don’t think any of them knew,” he said. “The Pakistani thought it was a signalling device to bring in Fahed’s army.”

  Spock frowned and said. “Yeah, our dead Ab-dab
looked surprised before he swelled up.”

  “They must be some kind of tracker, otherwise what was the point? Fahed must want to know where the Sanctuaries are.”

  “I don’t know Dave; we also considered that,” said Pon, “Taksin is still having them checked out.” He shrugged and said. “The only one with the answers is Fahed. We won’t know anything until we find him.”

  “Aye, and kick his arse,” said Dave smirking.

  Spock looked at the Yorkie creep and grinned.

  Unable to come up with any suggestions, they drank beer and watched the rest of the football match on TV. Pon dozed in the chair, but his phone ringing woke him. He looked at the number with the prefix +1-406 and, looking puzzled furrowed his brow as Stu turned down the volume on the TV.

  “Hello,” said Pon with the three lads gawking at him.

  “Hi, is that Prime Master Meesilli?” asked the caller.

  “Yes,” said Pon and not recognising the voice, frowned and asked, “who is this?”

  The lads looked at Pon while he spoke to the caller. They looked at one another and shrugged as Pon told the caller about the Amanussa they’d captured and what he wanted to do.

  Thirty minutes later, Pon looked confused but pleased after the caller hung up.

  “Who was that?” asked Stu leaning forward and looking intrigued.

  “That was Chuck Johnson, the American Warlords’ Prime Master,” said Pon looking bemused.

  Spock and Stu groaned.

  “Huh, typical yank, he had to be called Chuck, not Charlie,” said Stu raising an eyebrow.

  “So how did he get your number?” asked Spock sounding cynical.

  “That isn’t difficult. I am listed in the Thailand yellow pages,” said Pon and smirked at Spock.

  “Huh, told you,” said Spock looking indignant.

  “What did he want?” asked Dave.

  Pon put his phone on the coffee table. “He said they had also found an Amanussa and wanted us to work togeth...”

  Stu interrupted his sentence. “Hang on. How could he have heard anything? You told us before that most of the Sanctuaries are miles from anywhere with no communication with the outside world, so where has he got a phone from?”


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