Book Read Free

Night Unbound

Page 34

by Dianne Duvall

  Zach stiffened.

  “That’s right. I will broadcast your every movement to the Others until they come for you.”

  That was a threat he couldn’t ignore. “You wouldn’t know how to reach them.”

  “Oh, I know how to reach them. I’ve done it before; remember? When Seth lost it after his wife and children were slaughtered. And I can and will do it again, should you drive me to it.”

  A sobering thought. “You would endanger Lisette?”

  “No. I would endanger you.”

  “Once they know what she means to me—”

  “They won’t touch Lisette. She’s one of Seth’s. And their fanatical determination to remain apart from the rest of the world and to stay off the proverbial radar will keep them from creating the chaos of violence that harming her would spawn.” A chilling smile tilted his lips. “They’ll leave Lisette alone, turn all of their wrath upon you, and will ensure you never see her—or anyone else—again. There will be no escaping them a second time.”

  Zach could see why the other immortals were reluctant to raise this one’s ire. David could be a formidable opponent.

  “Sheath your claws,” Zach told him. “I won’t betray Seth or stab him in the back or whatever it is you fear I’ll do. I’m one of you now and intend to remain so for the rest of my days. Or for as long as Lisette can tolerate me.”

  David stared deeply into Zach’s eyes.

  What did he see there?

  The dark Egyptian’s smile went from chilling to friendly in a heartbeat as he took a step back. “Then we’re good.” Clapping Zach on the shoulder, he turned and raced through the trees toward his home.

  Zach stared after him.

  “That was scary.”

  Jumping at the sound of a voice behind him, Zach spun around and watched Lisette step from the trees.

  “Yes, it was,” a deeper voice agreed.

  Issuing a squeak of surprise, Lisette did a one-eighty. Her mouth fell open as Seth stepped from the trees behind her. “How long have you been there?”

  “About as long as you have.” His features darkened with feigned disapproval. “Really, Lisette? Eavesdropping? Tch. Tch. Tch.”

  Smiling, Zach shook his head. “Aren’t you guilty of the same?”

  “Yes,” Seth said as he and Lisette strode forward. “But now that everyone knows I’m not infallible, I can get away with it.”

  Lisette laughed.

  “Are you ready to do this?” Seth asked.

  Zach nodded and gave Lisette a quick kiss.

  “Be careful,” she ordered.

  “I will,” he promised.

  Her brow furrowing with worry, she stepped back.

  “Let’s shift now,” Seth said.

  “What form?”

  “A hawk. Average-sized. Nothing that will draw notice.”

  Zach grimaced. Shape-shifting was a lot easier when you shifted into something roughly your own weight. Significantly smaller animal shapes were more difficult to maintain.

  The worry on Lisette’s face vanished in an instant when he and Seth shifted. Her eyes widened. Her beautiful lips stretched in a grin. “I so wish I could do that!”

  Laughing inside, Zach leapt into the air and began their flight to the compound. We could have teleported, then shifted when we were closer, he commented mentally as he and Seth rode the breeze.

  There’s so much we can’t share with Lisette, Seth replied. I wanted to show her something we could.

  Thoughtful bastard.

  Seth’s laugh floated through Zach’s mind.

  It didn’t take long. Zach marveled over how accurately the satellite images had represented the impressive compound. Was Donald and Nelson’s compound like this?

  Hell no. It was a cheesy motel compared to this place.

  Movement on the training fields over which the two soared drew Zach’s attention. Is that what I think it is?

  Vampires training like military soldiers? Yes.

  The vamps were newly turned and exploring the extents and limits of their abilities. They were also high on the power they now wielded.

  The humans in their midst responded with both awe and irritation as the vamps’ taunts and showboating increased.

  Scuffles nearly broke out at least half a dozen times while Zach and Seth passed overhead.

  They’re already having difficulty controlling them, Seth said.

  Zach agreed. It must be why they’re so determined to get their hands on an Immortal Guardian. They hope to discover what keeps immortals from going insane so they can prevent it in their own army. Power mixed with volatility is a disaster waiting to happen.

  Near the heavily guarded entrance to the compound, a vampire argued with a human soldier. The more the vampire tried to convince the human he was obsolete, the more heated their words grew.

  “I can see in the dark, dumb ass,” the vampire bit out. “You need night-vision goggles that cost thousands of dollars.”

  “Bullshit you can see in the dark. You just see better in the dark,” the human retorted.

  With preternatural speed, the vamp yanked the soldier’s weapon away from him, aimed it up at the sky, and fired.

  The bullet slammed into Zach’s shoulder, damaging his wing. Unable to shift without blowing their cover, he tumbled to the hard ground.

  Are you okay? Seth asked, flapping his wings in feigned panic before veering away.

  Zach groaned. Yes. He peered through the tall grasses at the vampire who had shot him.

  “You see that, asshole?” the vamp crowed. “Can you do that? I don’t think so. Like I said . . . you’re obsolete.”

  “Oh yeah?” the human retorted furiously. “Well, let’s see you do that during the day!”

  The furious vampire yanked the soldier forward and sank his fangs into the man’s neck.

  Vampire and human soldiers alike raced forward, some to break it up, some to incite more violence.

  I think we’ve seen all we need to see, Seth said. Can you teleport to David’s place?

  Not without changing forms first.

  Seth fluttered down and landed beside him. Brushing a wing across Zach’s back, he teleported them to David’s front lawn.

  Relief rushed through Zach as he retook his usual form, instantly teleporting on the leather pants he had left in the forest several miles away when he and Seth had initially shifted. The burning pain in his shoulder began to fade. The bleeding, at last, slowed as the wound began to close. As long as he had to focus the bulk of his energy on maintaining another form, there wasn’t enough left over to heal injuries, which was best not done until he was in his natural form anyway.

  He sighed. Much better.

  Also clothed, Seth motioned to the front door. “Shall we?”

  Nodding, Zach followed him inside.

  Tension thrummed through Lisette while she waited in David’s living room for Seth and Zach to return.

  Richart crossed to her and looped his arm around her shoulders.

  She looked up at him.

  “So,” he said.

  She arched a brow. “So?”

  The room darkened and fell away as a familiar weightlessness engulfed her and she found herself teleported to the quiet room Étienne and Krysta had claimed as their own. Étienne lounged in a chair, waiting for them.

  Lisette glared up at Richart. “You know I hate it when you do that.” If she wanted him to teleport her somewhere, she’d tell him.

  “We wanted to speak with you privately,” he responded with a shrug.

  “About what?”

  The twins shared a look.

  “How are you?” Richart asked at length.

  “I’m fine,” she said, puzzled. “Why?”

  Étienne rose. “You’re hiding something from us. You’ve been shielding your thoughts for weeks.”

  Lisette took a moment to ensure her mental barriers were well in place. “If you want to know what I’m hiding from you,” she said, “ask Richart.
He and Jenna both got an eyeful.”

  Étienne laughed. “I heard about that. Made me glad I can’t teleport.”

  Richart grumbled something.

  “So, what are you hiding?” Étienne repeated.

  “That’s it,” she said. “That’s what I’m hiding.” And technically it wasn’t a lie. Yes, she hid all of the things she’d learned about Seth recently. But she also hid her intimate relationship with Zach, because it was none of their business.

  And because she had been raised in a time when such things were not discussed. Ever. They were kept private, a sentiment that had remained with her.

  “If I opened my thoughts to you,” she told Étienne, “you would be flooded with details of my relationship with Zach that I wish to keep private. You don’t need to know all about our lovemaking.”

  Étienne grimaced and looked at his twin. “I can see why you asked Jenna to poke out your eyes. I don’t even want to think about it, let alone see it.”

  Lisette rolled her eyes. “Then stop trying to read my thoughts. Your relationship with Krysta is almost as new as mine is with Zach. How often do you think about making love with her?”


  “Then there is your answer.”

  Again the twins shared a look.

  Lisette sighed. “Just say it.”

  “Does he treat you well, Lisette?” Richart asked, his face grave.

  She smiled, affection replacing exasperation. “Very well,” she assured him. They just wanted to make sure history wouldn’t repeat itself. “I love him. He makes me happy. And he would do anything to keep me safe. Zach would never hurt me the way Philippe did.”

  The two smiled, mirror images of each other, though she had never had difficulty telling them apart.

  “That’s all we wanted to hear,” Étienne said.

  “Then can we go back upstairs now?”

  “Of course.”

  Zach followed Seth inside and closed the door behind them with a thought. David’s house was still crammed full of Immortal Guardians and their Seconds.

  Lisette and her brothers emerged from the darkened hallway on the opposite side of the living room. As soon as she saw him, Lisette raced forward. “What happened? Are you okay?”

  Grimacing, Zach clutched his bloody shoulder.

  Concern flooded her pretty face. Taking his uninjured arm, Lisette draped it across her shoulders and wrapped an arm around his waist. Had he been younger, he likely would have needed to lean on her. He had, after all, lost quite a bit of blood. As it was, however, he just reveled in her form pressed against his own.

  He issued a faint moan.

  “Come on,” Lisette said. “Let’s get you to bed.”

  Hell yes!

  Seth cast him a reproving look.

  Zach grinned at him over her head.

  Rolling his eyes, Seth turned toward the dining room. But not before Zach saw him smile.

  Zach let Lisette guide him a few steps toward the hallway, then noticed her brothers standing there, arms crossed over their chests, brows drawn down into V’s. Sighing, he stopped. “It’s all right, sweetheart. The wound is healing now that I’ve resumed my natural form. All I need is a wet cloth to wash away the blood.”

  She studied him for a moment, then nodded and stepped away. “Okay.” Taking his hand, she followed the other immortals and Seconds who trailed after Seth into the dining room.

  Admiring her profile, Zach saw her lips twitch. “What?”

  She sent him a sly smile. “I knew you were faking. I just wanted to get you into bed.”

  Zach laughed.

  As did those who had overheard her.

  Releasing his hand, she detoured into the kitchen to fetch a warm, wet towel, then returned to him as everyone took his or her seat at the table.

  Zach was pleased to see Ami sitting beside Marcus, their baby in her arms.

  “So,” Marcus said, “what did you see?”

  Seth leaned back in his chair and swiftly filled them in.

  Roland scowled. “Is this place going to implode? If the vampire mercenaries are attacking the human mercenaries . . .”

  “No,” Seth said, and Zach agreed. “Despite what I’m sure are other outbursts like the ones we saw, the higher-ups are managing to maintain enough control and order to continue to pursue their goal.”

  “Then we’ll still strike?” Aidan asked, and damned if he didn’t sound excited at the prospect.

  “Yes, as soon as Chris has finished gathering his information and coordinating his Special Ops teams.”

  Chris rose. “I’ll get started now.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lisette tugged on the modified suit network employees had delivered to David’s home the previous night. Her face twisted in a grimace. She had disliked it before. Now she hated it.

  It fit like a diving suit. Tight, but stretchy enough to allow freedom of movement. The rubber had a rough, automobile tire–like texture. A bit smoother on the inside. But it still chafed.

  Tug. Tug. Pull.

  Was it thicker than before? It felt thicker than before.

  Tug. Pull. She glanced at Zach and saw amusement twinkling in his dark brown eyes. “Laugh, and I’ll kick your ass,” she warned.

  His straight white teeth flashed in a smile as he tucked throwing knives in the bandolier wrapped around his hips.

  “Lucky bastard,” she grumbled.

  He did laugh then. He, Seth, and David (who, though not as old, could withstand several hours of sun exposure) were the only immortals who didn’t have to don the special suits to fight today. The rest of them were stuck in this uncomfortable crap for however long the battle lasted.

  The sound of Zach’s laughter nevertheless lightened her mood. “Just get over here and zip me up,” she ordered with a smile and drew her long braid forward.

  All she wore beneath was a bra and panties.

  Circling around behind her, Zach drew a finger down her back, from her neck to the base of her spine.

  A shiver rippled through her.

  “How do you like the changes?” he asked as he drew the zipper up, careful not to scrape her skin.

  “It feels bulkier,” she complained.

  When he walked around to stand in front of her, concern darkened his features. “Will it inhibit your movement?”

  She rolled her shoulders, swiveled from side to side, raised and lowered her arms, did knee lifts, turned her head above the high collar. The Kevlar, or whatever the armor guys had added to protect them from tranquilizer darts, felt peculiar. “I don’t know. Try me.”

  His wings tucked away, Zach swung at her with preternatural speed.

  Lisette blocked the hit with her forearm and threw a punch of her own.

  A flurry of hits and kicks ensued, all blocked.

  “Halt,” she called out.

  Zach stilled, eyes glowing.

  She grinned and shook her head. “You are so strange.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “You’re turned on, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” he said, exhibiting no embarrassment, then shrugged. “Much like your brother, I admire strong women. Or rather I admire the strong woman standing before me. I don’t really notice others.”

  “And now I’m turned on,” she said dryly. A dozen supermodels could stand naked in front of Zach, and Lisette honestly didn’t think he would pay them any attention.

  Smiling, he leaned down to kiss her.

  Her heart beat faster at the touch of his lips.

  “You seem good in the suit,” he murmured. “And I’ll feel better knowing you’ll have some protection from the darts.”

  “Me too,” she admitted.

  “I won’t let you out of my sight, Lisette,” he vowed.

  “You aren’t invincible, Zach,” she said, leaning into him. “Don’t lose your head, and I mean literally lose it, because you’re distracted by whatever is going on with me. I need you.”

’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” he promised.

  The assurance didn’t dispel her fear.

  Ten minutes, Seth spoke in her head.

  Zach pressed his forehead to hers, his glowing golden eyes capturing her own. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she responded.

  For some reason, the words sounded like a good-bye.

  “Hoooooooly shit!” Ethan exclaimed.

  My sentiments exactly, Lisette thought as she eyed the army of network Special Ops soldiers.

  Chris had chosen the rendezvous point for Immortal Guardians, their Seconds, and the humans he commanded. They met several miles away from the mercenary compound, hidden by dense forest.

  “What?” Chris asked as he spread a large map on the hood of one of many Humvees outfitted with a variety of mean-looking weapons.

  “You think you have enough men?” Ethan asked, taking in the multitude of rough-hewn soldiers garbed in camouflage.

  “This is just half of them,” Chris responded absently. “The other half are already in place, observing the compound’s perimeter.”

  Lisette looked to Seth. If even one man’s presence had been detected, the mercenaries would know they were coming.

  Seth must have read her thoughts. “None have been discovered,” he said. “I monitored their approach myself.”

  “What the hell is that?” Sheldon asked, pointing at something atop the Humvee.

  Chris followed his gaze. “A TOW missile.”

  Lisette’s eyebrows rose. “And that?” she asked, pointing to a weapon atop another Humvee.

  “Flame thrower.”

  Bastien stared up at it. “What’s its range?”

  “It can light up vampires two-hundred-fifty feet away,” Chris said. “But, since it’ll also light up immortals, we plan to use them primarily on the gate and on the grounds away from the main structures.”

  The automatic weapons mounted to the tops of the other vehicles, Lisette recognized from past clashes with mercenaries.

  “Now,” Chris said, pointing to an area on the map, “these are the training fields that will be active. Live ammo is used on the target ranges, so you’ll face a lot of firepower there. The gates will be heavily guarded. Patrols walk the fence. There will be a changing of the guard in half an hour, so the soldiers on duty now will be tired and likely not as vigilant. Surveillance cameras are mounted on the fences here, here, and here, near the main structures and training fields. But they’re sparse on the rest of the grounds. These red circles indicate where you’ll find them.


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