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The Scars of Us

Page 24

by Nikki Narvaez

  My eyes traveled up to hers, and I wiped the tears off her cheeks. “I’m not going to buy you presents if you’re going to cry. I hate to see you cry.”

  Kaiya laughed softly as she leaned into me. “They’re happy tears. I really do love it. Thank you.”

  Pressing her lips to mine, she softly kissed me. My hand glided around to cup the back of her head as my tongue parted her lips. Chocolate and wine still lingered in her mouth as I massaged her tongue with mine.

  “The check whenever you’re ready, sir,” our server interrupted.

  Neither one of us pulled away, too wrapped up in one another to care. I almost waved him off, but I was too focused on Kaiya, enjoying the feel and taste of her. When we finally parted, her lips were swollen and her cheeks were even more flushed.

  “Ready to go?” I asked, pulling out my wallet.

  Kaiya nodded as she scooted out of our booth. I left cash on the table, not wanting to wait to get my card back. I was already ready to take Kaiya home, and we hadn’t even gone to the club yet.

  After we left, we drove to a parking garage near the club. As we got out of the truck, Kaiya commented, “Dinner was amazing. Everything was perfect—the music, the wine, the food, your gift.” She looked down at her bracelet before looking back up at me. “Thank you so much.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, baby. I enjoy spoiling you.” I threaded our fingers together and guided Kaiya to the elevator. The club was about four blocks up from the garage, and by the time we got there, the line was around the side of the building.

  Kaiya sighed in disappointment. “We’re never going to get in if we have to wait in that line.”

  Smiling reassuringly, I stroked the back of her hand with my thumb. Passing the line, I gave the bulky bouncer my name, and after looking at his list, he ushered us in. I heard several people cursing and shouting angrily as we walked through the doors.

  Hip hop music greeted us as we entered the main room of the club. Leading Kaiya to the bar, pushing through masses of people, I ordered our usual drinks.

  As we waited, Kaiya began moving her hips to the beat of the music. The only good part about taking her to a club was that I got to have that fine body rubbing against me.

  “Hey, sexy. Wanna finish what we started the last time we were together?” The annoying voice was sort of familiar, but I didn’t place who it was until I turned to look at her. Shit.

  The chick that I’d hooked up with when Kaiya had stopped talking to me sidled up next to me, ignoring the fact that my arm was draped around Kaiya on my other side.

  Trailing her fingers down my chest, she spoke again, “I know I do. I still remember how good your dick tasted in my mouth.”

  “Ryker, who the fuck is this,” Kaiya asked accusingly, her eyes narrowed and lips curved in a snarl. I could feel the anger wafting off her in waves.

  Before I could diffuse the situation, the stupid blonde retorted, “Who the fuck are you?”

  Fuck, this is about to get bad. “Baby, let’s—”

  Kaiya moved in between us, getting in Blondie’s face as she interrupted me, seething. “I’m his girlfriend, bitch. Fuck off.”

  My warrior was so fucking hot when she was pissed and jealous, but I couldn’t focus on that, not when shit was about to hit the fan.

  The other woman smugly replied, “Oh, you must be new. I don’t remember him having a girlfriend when we hooked up.”

  Kaiya was fuming as she pushed the blonde bimbo, snapping, “Well, he does now, so go find someone else to open your legs for.”

  Blondie’s eyes narrowed as she lunged at Kaiya. Big mistake. With her training, Kaiya could seriously hurt the unsuspecting girl. And by the look in her eyes, she planned to beat the crap out of her.

  Stepping in between them, I moved Kaiya backward before leading her outside. She snatched her arm out of my grasp and stormed away from me, drawing the attention of people still waiting to get inside the club.

  “Babe, stop. Let me explain,” I said as I followed after her. In the past, I would’ve never chased after a woman who walked away from me; I would’ve just moved on to the next one.

  “Who the fuck was that?” she spat as she whirled around to face me.

  “Nobody. Some chick that I almost hooked up with.”

  “What do you mean almost? She seems to think that you two hooked up. And when did this happen? Before or after we started having sex?”

  I really didn’t want to discuss all that, but I wasn’t going to lie to her. She meant more to me than that. She deserved honesty.

  “When you stopped talking to me, I went out with Drew and got drunk. That chick was there, and I was trying to forget about you, so we went back to her place. But we didn’t have sex. I couldn’t go through with it.”

  Tears blurred her eyes, making them shine in the light of the streetlamp overhead. “What did you do?” she gritted through clenched teeth.

  Sighing, I ran my hand roughly through my hair. Here goes nothing. “She started sucking my dick, but I made her stop. Then, I left.”

  The look of betrayal on her face tore up my insides. “But, she still sucked it. You still hooked up with her.”

  “We weren’t even together, Ky. It doesn’t matter,” I defended. I knew that I’d said the wrong thing as soon as the words left my mouth. Fuck.

  Her eyebrows rose incredulously. “It doesn’t matter?”

  “You wouldn’t even talk to me. I thought we were through,” I replied, trying to justify my actions.

  “So, I don’t talk to you for a week or two after we get involved, and you try to find the next pair of legs to get between?” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

  “Ky, you’re overreacting. I—”

  “Overreacting? I’m overreacting? Do you know how hard it is to trust someone after everything I’ve been through?” She thrust her arms toward me. “How can I trust you not to do something like that again?” she screamed as tears ran down her face.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. Don’t cry,” I pleaded, opening my arms to embrace her.

  Moving away from me, she threw out her hand to stop me. The gesture felt like a punch to my gut.

  “Don’t. I can’t do this right now. I need time to think.” Her words were pained, her expression torn between anger and sadness.

  “What are you saying, Ky?” Shit. No, no, no.

  Ignoring me, she walked to the edge of the street, sticking her hand out as she waved at an oncoming taxi.

  “Warrior, talk to me. Don’t do this.” My heart beat frantically as my pulse pounded. I can’t lose her.

  The taxi slowed as it pulled over to the curb and came to a stop. Kaiya looked at me as she opened the door, that sadness that I was so close to erasing back in full force all over her beautiful face. “I just need some space right now. I need to figure out what this means for us.”

  “It means nothing. She meant nothing. Don’t do this, baby. I lo—”

  She shut the door before I could finish. Tears burned my eyes as I thought about losing her, of not being with her ever again. Inhaling deeply, I pushed them back as I watched her drive away. What the fuck just happened? The night was perfect until a few minutes ago.

  Stalking angrily back to my truck, my mind was all over the place. Do I go after her? Give her space? I didn’t even do anything wrong. What the fuck do I do?

  Once I sat inside my Chevy, I furiously pounded the steering wheel with my fists and roared my frustration. She’s so fucking stubborn. Well, two can play that game.

  Making my decision, I started the engine and peeled out of the parking garage.

  “Kam, I’m home,” I announced as I kicked my shoes off by the front door, trying to sound like everything was okay, even though it really wasn’t. I was upset with Ryker, and I didn’t know where things were going to end up between us after our fight. I knew things were too good to be true.

  Kamden didn’t answer—usually he replied back to me, even if it was just a
grunt or single word. His door was closed, so he might have already been asleep, but I decided to check after changing out of my constricting dress.

  After slipping into my sleep shorts and a comfy muscle shirt, I walked to Kamden’s bedroom. As I knocked, the door crept open, and I caught a glimpse of him unmoving on the floor. “Oh my God, Kamden!”

  He was so still—no, no, no. What happened? Pushing open the door, I rushed to his side, laying my head on his chest, searching for a sign of life. Please don’t be dead. I heard nothing; just overwhelming silence so ironically loud that it deafened my ears.

  My cheeks were soaked with moisture as I wrapped my arms around Kamden. Pressing my head against his chest, I sobbed into him. Then, I heard it—one of the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard. It was faint, but it was there—his heartbeat. Thank God.

  I noticed the small amount of blood pooling under his head as I was yanked away and trapped against a larger body.

  “Miss me, love?” The words brushed against my ear, causing me to instinctively cringe. I hadn’t heard that voice in so long, but I’d never be able to forget it. It haunted my dreams and tainted my memories. Kaleb. Pure and utter fear seized my body, choking the air from my lungs and clenching my muscles. No.

  I couldn’t move, couldn’t do anything as Kaleb dragged his nose across my neck, inhaling my skin before repeating the path with his tongue. “God, I’ve missed you. You know how much I’ve thought about you over the years? About touching your skin? Tasting your sweetness? I haven’t been able to think about anything else.”

  “How’d you get out?” My voice shook weakly as I spoke, my body petrified with fear.

  A sinister chuckle vibrated against my neck. “Do you really think I could stay away from you?” He nipped my neck as he ran his hands along my arms. The familiar touch made bile build in the back of my throat. One hand traveled up my arm and wrapped around my neck, squeezing firmly before his fingers laced in my hair and tugged my head back. “You’re mine,” he growled.

  He kept one hand in my hair as the other released my throat, venturing down my breasts and stomach to the juncture of my thighs. The violating action snapped me out of my fear-induced paralysis. Using what Ryker had taught me, I stomped on Kaleb’s instep before slamming my elbow directly into his stomach, freeing myself from his grasp.

  As he stumbled back, I threw a side-kick to his groin before taking up a defensive stance. I didn’t fully connect, but I could tell the impact still hurt him because he hunched over and grunted in pain. “You’ve learned to fight back, huh? This is going to be fun.”

  I should’ve run the second I was free, like Ryker always told us, but I couldn’t leave Kamden. I didn’t know what Kaleb would do to him without me there to focus on. Kaleb charged at me, but I ducked and threw a back-fist into his shoulder. Each time I connected with his body empowered me, making me feel less weak and helpless. I was not a frail, little girl anymore. I was a strong, powerful woman.

  Kaleb angrily whirled around with a snarl before coming at me again. I landed a roundhouse to his ribs, but he caught my leg, caging it against him as he backed me toward Kamden’s bed. I can’t let him get me on the bed. My training flew out the window, suddenly forgotten as panic took hold. I swung my arms wildly, trying to hit Kaleb anywhere to get him to let me go.

  I made the biggest mistake—I left my face open. Kaleb took advantage, backhanding me in the jaw. The hit stunned me, sending me falling onto the bed. Kaleb had me pinned instantly, crushing me with his weight as his legs opened my thighs. My sense of power began to fade as Kaleb turned the tables. Keep fighting. Don’t give up.

  Struggling against him, I pounded against his arms as he tugged at my clothing. My shirt tore from the shoulder down across my chest, exposing my bra. I started to scream, hoping someone would hear me and call the cops, but Kaleb slapped me across the face, silencing me as the sound of the smack echoed in Kamden’s bedroom.

  Bringing my arms up to cover my face, I blocked his next hit, but I didn’t expect the punch to my ribs. The air was sucked from my lungs as pain assaulted my body, the intensity of it making my eyes blur.

  Kaleb pushed my arms out of the way, the movement causing more pain to slice up my side. He pulled down my bra, revealing my breasts before grabbing one in each hand and slowly kneading them with his fingers.

  Don’t let him do this to you. You have to fight! Don’t be weak! Kaleb was focused on my breasts, the vacant look in his eyes telling me he was lost to his darker side. Shoving my arms forward, breaking his loose hold on me, I braced my hands against his shoulders as I readied to execute the rest of the first technique Ryker had ever taught me.

  One foot pressed against his hip, then two, as I fluidly performed the move. My hands slid down to his wrists as he pulled back, just as Ryker said an attacker would. Immediately, I began kicking upwards, landing a few kicks to Kaleb’s face before he fell off of me, landing on the floor with a thud.

  Springing off the bed, I headed for the door as a hand wrapped around my ankle. Losing my balance, I fell to the floor, breaking my fall with my forearms. I struggled to free myself, but Kaleb was much stronger than me, always had been.

  Kaleb climbed up my body, grasping at my shorts and pulling at them. No! I repeatedly began kicking him in the face, causing more blood to surface from the wounds I was inflicting. Take that, asshole. I hope it hurts as much as you hurt me.

  Instead of slowing him down, everything seemed to amp up his rage and power as he yanked my bottoms off with ease. I tried to crawl away, but Kaleb latched his hand around my ankle and dragged me back to him.

  My body went into survival mode, ignoring the pain spiraling outward from my ribs through me as my arms and legs struck out, hoping to hit anything and stop him.

  Then, he was on me again, in between my legs despite my efforts. My chest heaved raggedly for breath as exhaustion began to weigh me down. I forced my thighs shut, but he pried them apart, digging his nails into my flesh and drawing blood as he opened them again.

  As he reached for my underwear, wanting to remove the last barrier I had protecting me from him, I thrust a palm strike right to his nose, causing him to grab it instinctively as blood began to stream from it.

  Squirming out from under him, I flipped over and pushed up on my knees in preparation to run for the front door. Kaleb swept my legs out from under me just as I stood, sending me back to the hardwood floor. Reacting too late, my face slammed into the unyielding ground before I could brace myself. Stars shot into my vision as the iron tang of my blood filled my mouth.

  Kaleb rolled me over and mounted me. I weakly tried to push him off me, but he reared back and slapped me with so much force that my ears rang. My eyes began to shut on their own accord as he pulled his shirt off. I just lay there, practically defeated, unable to find the strength to fight back anymore as pain smothered everything else. I’m not strong enough.

  “I finally get to finish what I started all those years ago,” he mumbled in a lust-laden voice.

  Never give up, Warrior. Always fight back. Ryker’s voice played in my mind.

  I weakly brought my knee up, connecting with his crotch, but it barely affected him. I have no fight left. He always wins. Tears began to trickle down my face before I began to numb myself, hoping to withdraw internally enough so I wouldn’t feel anything that Kaleb was going to do to me.

  Then, pounding on the door startled both Kaleb and me. He stilled with his hands on the button of his jeans, then snapped his gaze up to mine. His eyes gave a silent threat, but I opened my mouth to scream anyway before his hand slammed down and muffled my cries.

  A dull voice yelled through the door. “Kaiya, it’s me. Please come talk to me, baby.”

  Ryker! Oh, thank God! My brief happiness was extinguished as Kaleb leaned over me, whispering in my ear. “Don’t make a sound.”

  As I was about to ignore him and scream for Ryker, I felt cold, hard metal digging into my side. Where did he get a gun? Oh
my God, did he shoot Kamden?

  Fear penetrated my being, instantly silencing any form of protest as I froze in place.

  Ryker continued to bang on the door. “I know you’re in there. I’m not leaving until you come talk to me—I’ll stand out here all night if I have to.”

  Tears watered in my eyes at the thought of Kaleb hurting Ryker. Please leave.

  “I mean it, Ky. I’m not going anywhere,” Ryker yelled as he knocked harder.

  Kaleb cursed under his breath as he stood, pulling me up with him as he kept the gun pressed to my side. He walked us to the door as he quietly threatened, “Make him leave or I’ll kill him.”

  My heart clenched at the thought of Ryker dying, especially because of me. I never should’ve gotten involved with him, never should’ve entangled him in my web of issues.

  When we reached the door, Kaleb dug the gun deeper into my injured side. A small yelp of pain burst from me, but I smashed my lips together to stop it so Ryker wouldn’t hear. I wasn’t sure if Kaleb would kill me, at least not until he had raped me, but I knew without a doubt he would kill Ryker. I needed to protect him, even if it meant breaking my heart by pushing him away.

  “What do you want, Ryker?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

  “Baby, let me in. I want to talk to you,” he pleaded. The pain in his voice tightened my chest.

  “That’s not a good idea. You should just leave,” I snapped as I fought back tears.

  “I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” His tone was firm, the one he used when his mind was made up.

  Damn it, he’s so stubborn.

  “I’m talking to you, now go!” I yelled as my tears broke through. Please just leave.

  “Why are you acting like this, Warrior?”

  I set my forehead against the door, wondering if Ryker was doing the same on the other side. Kaleb twisted the gun, reminding me of my task. I hissed loudly in pain as I gritted the lie. “I don’t want to see you anymore.”

  “Don’t do this, Warrior. I can’t lose you. Tell me what to do to fix this.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. My vision blurred from a combination of the moisture in my eyes and pain from the barrel digging into my ribs. “I can’t be fixed. Some demons just don’t leave you alone. They haunt you forever,” I eluded, hoping Ryker would understand what I meant and get help once he left. But even if he did, they probably wouldn’t make it in time.


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