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Mastering Melody (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Rachel Clark

  “Yes, Ryan,” I say, snuggling deeper into his embrace.

  * * * *

  Bradley was in a foul mood. For a man who’d had more sex in the past two days than he had in the previous three weeks, he should have been feeling rather good. But no matter which way he looked at it, the reason for his bad temper could be laid squarely at his fiancée’s feet.

  Well, no, that wasn’t really accurate, either. It was the situation his fiancée’s needs put them in. He’d known almost from the moment of that damn phone call that Melody and Ryan were better suited to each other than he and Melody were. He should have just stepped away then and saved himself the heartache. But no, he’d gone and suggested Melody try a relationship with both of them. And then, as if that wasn’t dumbass enough, he’d gone and suggested full-time, high-protocol Dom-sub relationships.

  The trouble was that he was thoroughly enjoying it. When he’d suggested this course of action he’d had the vague idea in his head of Ryan dominating Melody and him providing the vanilla-style break that she would need.

  He’d never guessed that he would end up wanting a full-time Dom-sub lifestyle, but that’s exactly where he was. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes tiredly. He knew, absolutely knew, that Melody didn’t want to be a full-time sub, but with two Doms demanding high protocol, how long was their relationship going to last?

  He shuffled the file folders on his desk, his agitation increasing when he couldn’t find the one he sought.

  “Rose!” he yelled to his secretary. “Where the hell’s the file for the Johansen’s sports chain?”

  There was a brief silence, and then Rose marched into his office, grabbed a folder from the top-left corner of his desk, and handed it to him. “Speak to me like that again and we’re going to have a problem.” She said it with a smile on her face, but he didn’t doubt her words for a second.

  Rose was a damn good secretary. She didn’t deserve, nor would she put up with, his temper. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly. He considered offering an excuse, but he’d always tried to keep his home life and his work life separate.

  And maybe that was his biggest problem.

  Playing the Dominant had always been a fun interlude for him, but he’d never even considered making it his full-time lifestyle—until that damn phone call. It was obvious that Melody responded well to being dominated, but she also needed her freedom. She wasn’t a full-time submissive no matter how much he and Ryan might want to live that life.

  Maybe the kindest thing Bradley could do was take a step back.

  At least with only one Dom she’d get a little bit more time to be herself.

  He sat at his desk, staring at the file he no longer wanted to read, and wondered again how his life had spiraled out of control so damn quickly.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I take a deep breath when I hear Bradley come into the apartment. I’m in the kitchen, fully clothed, cooking dinner for the three of us. I know it’s not what he’s expecting. Hell, it’s way outside the rules we established only a couple of days ago, but I feel too vulnerable on an emotional level to be naked for this talk. And, well, cooking naked is never a good idea, either.

  He looks surprised, but instead of commenting he continues past the kitchen and into one of the bedrooms.

  “Go talk to him,” Ryan says quietly. “I’ll finish making dinner.”

  “Thanks, Ry,” I say, leaning up to press a kiss to his jaw. I want to apologize for screwing things up so badly. I thought I knew what I wanted. The idea of submitting to both Bradley and Ryan seemed so exciting, but the reality is so different. How can I want both my old and new lives at the same time?

  “Brad?” I ask as I step into the bedroom, where he’s getting changed out of his work clothes.

  “It’s okay, Mel,” he says, not even looking at me. “You don’t need to explain. I was planning on going home tonight anyway.”

  “What?” I ask, feeling a little bit bewildered. “Why would you go home?”

  “Mel, you can’t honestly tell me this is working for you.”

  “Well, no, it’s not working for me yet, but we’ve only just started. It takes time to sort these things out.”

  “You and Ry are perfect for each other.”

  I nod carefully. Yes, Ryan and I are finding our places in a new relationship, a mixture of BDSM and vanilla. So far it’s working, but a lot of that has to do with the fact that we keep talking things through. Since signing that contract I feel like Bradley and I haven’t actually had a conversation. In fact, come to think of it, we haven’t had a conversation that didn’t require Dom-sub protocols.

  “It’s okay,” Bradley says. For a moment I think he is going to embrace me, but instead he moves into the closet and starts packing his stuff back into his suitcase. “Mel, I’m not going to force you to live a lifestyle you don’t enjoy.”

  “But I do enjoy it,” I say urgently. I had no idea that returning to a vanilla type of lifestyle temporarily would hurt him so badly. “Most of it. I just…” Fuck, I can’t find the words. I can feel his resolve, and one thing I know about my fiancé is that once his mind is made up it’s very difficult to get him to change it.

  “Don’t do this to yourself, Mel. I want you and Ry to be happy.”

  I twist the engagement ring on my finger. No way in hell am I taking it off until I know for sure that I can’t be the submissive Bradley wants me to be.

  “I’ll try harder,” I say, swallowing my pride, willing to say and do just about anything to get him to stay long enough to sort this through.

  “I know you would, Mel,” he says as he finally pulls me into his embrace, “but it’s not fair of me to ask it.”

  “Forget fair. You’re my Dom. You tell me what to do and I’ll do it.”

  “I want you to live a happy life with my brother.”

  I swallow hard, refusing to cry. I thought I knew him better. I thought Bradley would give me time to adjust, to learn, to become what he wants me to be. And instead, he finds me fully dressed just once and he’s willing to throw away years of friendship and our plans for our future.

  Anger burns low in my gut as I push my way out of his embrace.

  “Fine. Run away. If this is how you react when I break the rules just once, then you can…” My words trail away. I almost told him to “go to hell,” but I love him too deeply to be that callous. “You can go find some mindless sub to dominate.”

  He looks confused. “Why would I do that?”

  “Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Hell, no,” he says with a small laugh. “The only woman I’ve ever wanted to dominate is you. I’m just surprised that I want to do it all of the time.”

  “All of the time? Is that why you pulled away last night?” I ask, worrying again about his reason for the emotional withdrawal I sensed at a moment when I’d been feeling so connected to both of my Doms.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you,” he says. “Last night was the first time I realized I crave this life. I’ve always just thought of it as a fun time before. I never really considered it necessary to my happiness until I played with a woman I love. I want to be your Dom all of the time.” He runs his hands over my fully clothed ass and whispers, “But I think I could be happy with ‘most’ of the time.”

  “Really?” I ask quietly. He nods, but I feel like I have to explain some things. “So far I love most of what this life has to offer, but I have hit a couple of limits that we need to discuss. I don’t like being fed from my Dom’s plate and I’m not thrilled by the idea of wearing a leash, but I’m willing to compromise. I love you. Please give us a chance to work this out.”

  “I love you, too, baby girl,” he says solemnly. “And I don’t like feeding a sub from my plate, either.” He touches my face, brushing the hair from my eyes as he gazes at me. “We’ll compromise on the leash.” He searches my face, his expression one of contrition. “I’m sorry for getting spooked. I honestly thought I knew what to expect when we signed
the contract.” He laughs softly. “But we can definitely find a middle road. Perhaps set out some boundaries that we all adhere to. Things like where, when, what topic.”

  “Are you disappointed that I’m fully dressed and not kneeling at your feet tonight?”

  “Kneeling? Not really. I love playing with you, and most of the time I can’t stop thinking about ways I might be able to get you to break the rules so I can leave my mark on your beautiful bottom.”

  “You want me to break the rules so you can spank me?” I can already feel my clit swelling at that idea. It seems that Mitchell’s prediction that I’m going to be a troublesome sub is right on the money.

  “Not always. However, I do want to be your Dom all of the time, but between me and Ryan you’ll quickly become annoyed at us telling you how to live your life.”

  I practically throw myself back into his arms. “Actually, I think that might work for all three of us. Ryan doesn’t want to be a full-time Dom.”

  “He doesn’t?” Bradley asks, sounding really surprised. “But he owns a BDSM club.”

  I shrug and then cuddle closer. “It surprised me, too, but it’s the way he wants to live. It’s true that I mostly enjoyed our vanilla life together, but I need your domination, Brad. There has to be a way to make this work that suits all three of us.”

  He laughs softly again as his arms tighten around me. “We’ll find a way, baby girl. I don’t ever want to lose you.”

  “Same here,” I say as I snuggle closer.

  * * * *

  Ryan listened from just outside the doorway to the bedroom and breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that Melody and Bradley had found a way back to each other. He knew he and his brother could make her happy.

  “Actually,” Ryan said to his brother as he stepped into the bedroom, “I think I have a suggestion that would suit all of us.” He held his hand out to Melody. “Would you like to try it?”

  Without even asking any questions, Melody placed her hand in his, her faith in him more precious than any other gift he’d ever received. “I love you, Mel.”

  Ryan noticed the reassuring way Bradley squeezed her other hand. She wasn’t in the middle of a tug-of-war between brothers. She was right where she belonged. Pressed between them.

  “I love you both.”

  “Perfect,” he said when his brother smiled.


  I rush into the house and drag my shoes off as soon as I reach the bedroom. It’s taken several months to work through the difficulties of such a complicated relationship, but I feel like we’ve weathered the worst of it.

  “You’re late,” Ryan says in his bossy-Dom tone of voice. He’s already dressed in his leathers, and if I’m not mistaken the clothes—or parts thereof—lying on the bed are what he expects me to wear.

  “Sorry, Ry,” I say. “Work was a disaster zone.”

  “Everything okay?” he asks, stepping closer to touch my face. I love the way he’s always willing to talk things out. After the near disaster in the early days of our unusual relationship I really appreciate the fact that Ryan insists that we avoid misunderstandings. Even if it’s as simple as knowing each other’s moods from work. Never again will I assume I know what’s going on inside my men’s heads. Talk. That’s the biggest part of keeping this relationship we share from imploding.

  “Just the usual merger pains, I think.” I’ve been really busy since the company I work for has been taken over by another larger business in the same industry. It’s been an unsettling time for many of the people I’ve worked with over the past few years, but I’ve found it rather invigorating. It probably helps my mood that the new boss noticed the talents my old boss ignored and quickly gave me a promotion and substantial raise in pay. As career steps go, staying right where I was seems to have been a good choice. “Where’s Bradley?”

  “Running late as well. He really needs to hire more staff, especially if his business keeps growing the way it has.”

  “True,” I say as I step into the shower. Ryan follows me into the bathroom but leans against the vanity as I give him a quick rundown of my day.

  “Are you going to be okay tonight?”

  “Of course,” I say as I turn off the taps and step into the towel he has waiting for me. “I love Friday nights.”

  “If it ever gets too much for you…”

  “I will tell you,” I promise in a very sincere voice. No way, no how, never, ever, ever is bad communication going to ruin my relationships. Once bitten and all that.

  “I love you,” Ryan says. He grins when he hears Bradley come into the bedroom. “Perfect timing, Brad. I was just about to tell her about our little change in plans.”

  “Change in plans?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. We always play at the club Friday nights. Inside the club and Ryan’s apartment above it, I’m a full-time submissive to two bossy Doms. Some weekends we play all the way to Sunday night. Other weekends we come home and spend some quality vanilla time together. It’s challenging with the different hours we all keep work-wise, but we make it work.

  I’m usually flexible enough to change with the moods of my husbands—well, our marriages might not be official, but I claim them both as mine—but I was looking forward to relaxing into their care tonight. Now that Bradley is no longer worried about overwhelming me with his needs it’s become a very satisfying part of the relationship for all of us.

  “Yes, baby girl, we have a surprise for you,” Bradley says with a wink. “As soon as I have a shower we’ll get going.”

  Well, now I’m really intrigued.

  At least, I am until Ryan parks his car in the usual parking spot under the club. I’m actually feeling a little annoyed. When they said change of plans, I thought they meant an actual “change in plans,” not the same place, same time as every other week.

  “Ready?” Ryan asks as we step into the elevator.

  I shrug. So far my surprise isn’t really surprising. I’m not even startled by the fact that we skip the floor to the club and ride the elevator all the way to Ryan’s apartment. We’ve done that more than once over the past few months.

  But when the elevator door opens and I find the living area full of the friends I’ve made at the club—both Doms and their subs—I’m a little more interested. I want to ask what’s going on, but I know the rules. In this apartment I am their full-time sub—a fact that is reinforced when Bradley strips off my coat to reveal the deep-pink corset that actually puts my breasts and nipples on display instead of hiding them and the matching G-string that I’m wearing.

  Ryan quickly buckles my cuffs onto my wrists and ankles, secures my arms behind me, and then leads me over to kneel in front of Mitchell. He places a hand at the back of my head, angling my face down in a very obvious display of subservience. My breath catches in my throat. I don’t understand what’s happening. Surely they don’t intend to share me with anyone else—least of all Mitchell, who is well known for being happily married and faithful to his wife.

  “Little sub,” Mitchell says as he places his hand on my head possessively. “I introduced you to this lifestyle many months ago. By the rules of the club, I am responsible for your welfare.”

  Okay, that I did know. I’m not sure why I forgot.

  “Master Ryan and Master Bradley have asked for permission to make your union official. Do you consent to be their part-time submissive and full-time wife?”

  “I do, Sir,” I say as tears fill my eyes. I hadn’t expected them to do this without asking me first, but it does fit the relationship we’ve begun to build. I’m actually very happy that both men feel secure enough in my love to know my answer would be yes.

  “Do you promise to love and honor and be faithful to Master Bradley and Master Ryan for the rest of your life?”

  “I do, Sir.”

  Mitchell leans over, lifts my chin so that I’m looking up at him, and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Well done, little sub,” he whispers. “I know the three of you will be very happ
y together.” And then he announces to the group of people gathered around, “Let it be known that from this day forward Melody Jeffers officially belongs to Ryan and Bradley Griffin.” He winks in my direction. “And that they both belong to her.”

  Both of my men step closer and help me to my feet.

  Ryan smiles happily as Bradley shows me a beautifully crafted necklace. To the rest of the world it will seem to be just an attractive piece of jewelry, but to the people in this room it means so much more. Ryan lifts my hair out of the way as Bradley secures the thick chain into place and then closes the tiny lock.

  I smile as every doubt I ever had about this lifestyle dissolves. I know I will never forget the sound of that lock being closed. Such a tiny noise to signal the official beginning of an unusual marriage, but it’s a union that all three of us are determined will last the rest of our lives.




  Rachel loves romance in all its forms. She writes contemporary, BDSM, paranormal, and science fiction in MFM, MFMMM, MMF, and lots of other different pairings. Her one unbreakable rule is that every story must have a very happy ending.

  For all titles by Rachel Clark, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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