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Enchantment (The Channie Series Book One)

Page 20

by Charlotte Abel

  Tender hearts full of hope and courage

  Heed the warnings, but be not discouraged.

  A love pure and true is yours if you dare

  To open your hearts and lay your souls bare.

  For every choice there is a cost

  And the things you lose are forever lost.

  You have until the full moon sets

  To bind your hearts with no regrets.

  But first remove the crimson stain

  Though it burns your flesh with unbearable pain.

  With your touch, ignite the fire

  And cleanse the one you most desire.

  You have until the dawn doth break

  To suffer for each other’s sake.

  But if you leave a single spot,

  Eternal pain will be your lot.

  Then wait until the moon is new

  Lest this tome be sealed to you.

  You have one chance to learn the spell

  And break the curse. Use it well.

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Josh scowled and started to turn the page. Channie grabbed his bare wrist. Agony seared her palm. She jerked away from him and cried out in pain.

  Josh swore, then immediately asked Channie if she were all right.

  “I don’t know.” Channie didn’t remember closing her eyes or flinging her hand away from her body. But her eyelids were squeezed shut and her arm was out to the side and slightly behind her back. “My hand. It hurts so much.” Please, please, please. Make it quit.

  “Let me see.” Josh’s voice was kind, but sharp around the edges. Channie gathered her courage then brought her hand to the front of her body and forced her eyes open. She expected to see charred flesh clinging to bare bones. But all she saw was healthy, pink skin. Pink...not scarlet...not stained. The pain faded to a dull ache and then disappeared completely.

  “Josh, show me your arm.”

  He pulled back his sleeve. The pale imprint of her fingers nearly circled his wrist. The skin-to-skin contact had burned away the stain of Momma’s red-handed curse.

  The words magically burned into the page of the book were also burned into Channie’s mind...But first remove the crimson stain, though it burns your flesh with unbearable pain.

  Her heart fell past her stomach and hit the floor. “No. I can’t do it.”

  Josh stroked Channie’s hair, from the top of her head to the middle of her back. “It’s alright, baby. You don't have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “If we don’t burn the stains off each other before sunrise, the pain will come back and never go away.”

  Josh extended his arm towards Channie. “Touch me with one of your fingers that’s not stained anymore.”

  He held his arm completely still and closed his eyes. Channie’s teeth chattered as she extended her hand. The anticipation of the pain was too much. She pulled her hand back and balled it into a fist, holding it against her heart as she rocked back and forth.

  Josh opened one eye, then the other and locked his gaze on Channie’s. “It’s okay, baby. Something’s telling me that once the stain is gone, it won’t hurt anymore.”

  Quick as lightening, Channie tapped the back of Josh’s hand with her index finger. He yelped and jerked his hand back. The only thing Channie felt was guilt.

  Josh blew on the small oval mark as they watched it fade to its normal color.

  He rubbed the back of his hand and said, “That wasn’t so bad.”


  “Did it burn your finger?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  “Good. How badly are you stained?”

  “Only my arms, up to my elbows...Oh, Josh ...“

  His stains were much worse.

  “It’s okay. I can handle it.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I don’t want to feel like I’m on fire for the rest my life either. Just ... do it.”

  “I can’t.” Channie shook her head and scooted away from Josh.

  He struck faster than a rattlesnake and grabbed her arm. But it didn’t burn. Her sleeve protected her from his touch.

  “Please, Channie. I can’t do it without you. I need your help.”

  You have until the dawn doth break to suffer for each other’s sake. She closed her eyes and nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

  Josh exhaled and extended his arm, but before Channie could touch him he grabbed her wrist again and said, “Wait! Do that spell you used on my scalp. The one that stops pain.”

  “Pain-away spells don’t work against magic.”

  “You’re sure?”

  Channie nodded.

  Josh’s shoulders slumped, but only for a moment. His eyes widened as a soft smile parted his lips. “I’ve got it! Let’s fill the bathtub and remove the stains under cold water. It will quench the fire.”

  “What if it doesn’t work? The pain would be so intense, it could make us pass out. We’d drown.”

  Josh closed his eyes and nodded then sat on the edge of her bed and pulled his arms out of the robe. He was trying so hard to be brave, but he couldn’t hide the fear that pulsated beyond the boundaries of his energy field. His sense of dread increased with every beat of his heart.

  Tears flowed down Channie’s cheeks as she stared at the red stain that started at Josh’s collarbone and covered his entire torso.

  He rolled onto his back and pulled a pillow over his face, muffling his voice. “Make it quick.”

  Channie balanced on her toes, in a runner’s stance, so she could move fast, and said, “I’m so sorry,” then grabbed his arm with both hands—knowing it would burn her stained palm.

  Josh arched his back and screamed into the pillow. Her hand felt as if it were on fire, but it was nothing compared to the anguish of knowing she was responsible for Josh’s agony.

  He tried to yank his arm out of Channie’s grasp, but she tightened her grip and pulled her hands from his armpit to his fingers as fast as she could. He whimpered once then went completely limp.

  Channie took the pillow from his face and without thinking what she was doing, brushed the tears off his cheeks.

  Josh’s eyes flew open. They were almost completely black. There was nothing but a rim of sapphire around the edges of his irises. Beads of sweat ran from his brow to his temples. His chest twitched with each shallow breath.

  Channie bit the back of her hand but couldn’t bite back the sob that rushed out of her throat.

  Josh struggled to sit up. “I’m okay, babe.” His face was chalky white. He was still trembling and panting...far from okay. “The pain doesn’t last long.”

  His valiant attempt to comfort Channie only added to her guilt. “All I’ve done since the day we met, is hurt you.”

  “Channie. It’s not your fault. Let’s just get through this so we can be together. It’s gonna hurt, but it’ll be worth it. The book promised us a love pure and true—”

  “The book!”

  Channie grabbed the open book off the floor, heedless of the consequences. The message was fading. She fisted her hand and banged her forehead three times. She tried to cast a memory spell on herself. But of course it didn’t work.

  Josh crawled out of bed and held his phone over Channie’s right shoulder. It made a “chk-chk” sound in her ear and flashed a light just before the message disappeared.

  Josh grinned and turned the phone towards Channie. “How’s that for magic?” The entire spell was captured on the screen. It was faint and barely legible, but it was there.

  Channie smiled back at him. “Since it actually worked, it’s better than magic. But just in case, I better write it down.”

  She fetched her journal from under her bed while Josh slipped his arms back into his robe. He moved to the floor and sat down beside her then dictated the message.

  Balancing the pencil between her thumb and index finger, Channie tapped her bottom lip with the eraser and studied the words she’d written. “We need
to be sure we understand everything perfectly.”

  Josh nodded and squinted his eyes as he read from his phone. “Tender hearts full of hope and courage, heed the warnings, but be not discouraged.”

  Channie said, “That’s just the greeting. It sets the tone for what’s to come.”

  “At least it’s encouraging.”

  “Encouraging? Are you joking? We still have to torture each other before sunrise. How is that encouraging?”

  Josh’s smile slid off his face. He read the next phrase without any inflection in his voice. “A love pure and true is yours if you dare to open your hearts and lay your souls bare.” The slight tightening at the corners of his eyes and mouth was the only indication that she’d hurt his feelings.

  Josh had tried his best to comfort her. And all Channie had done was whine and complain about it.

  She softened her tone and said, “I think that means we just need to be honest and brave enough to show each other our true lay our souls bare is to trust each other enough to be completely vulnerable.”

  “Can you do that?”

  Channie wanted to say yes, of course she could, but that wouldn’t be honest. “I’ll do my best.”

  There was no need to ask Josh if he could do the same. From the first day she’d met him, Josh had been nothing but open-hearted and honest.

  He said, “That’s all anyone can ask,” and continued to read.

  “… For every choice there is a cost and the things you lose are forever lost.” He rubbed the back of his neck and frowned. “That sounds a little more ominous.”

  “It is. We need to think through the consequences of every decision before we commit to anything.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Josh nudged her shoulder with his elbow. “Look before you leap? Think before you act?”

  He was only trying to lighten the mood. But his words still stung. Channie had acted impulsively, without considering the consequences and now Josh had to pay for her stupidity.

  “Hey. I was just kidding. You know that, right?”

  Channie didn’t want to make him feel guilty on top of everything else so she forced a smile and nodded.

  Josh cleared his throat. “You have until the full moon sets to bind your hearts with no regrets...What’s that mean?”

  “That’s the time limit. We have to complete every spell before the full moon sets on December second.”

  “You know when the next full moon is?”

  “Of course I do. And so should you. How many times do I have to explain how important the moon is before you believe me?”

  “I wasn’t raised with all this mumbo-jumbo-hokus-pokus bullshit so excuse me if I’m not all gaga over the moon.”

  Channie felt as if Josh had punched her in the gut. Her mouth fell open, but the only sound that escaped was a quiet “huh” as her breath fled her lungs.

  Josh stumbled over his words in an effort to apologize. “Oh, god...Channie. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you...or your religion. I’m just so tired and...stressed out...but that’s no excuse.”

  “Magic is not my religion. It’s my heritage. I don’t worship the moon or believe it’s sacred or anything. But since it governs and regulates all magic, it should be respected.”

  “I’m still sorry I insulted you.”

  “And I’m sorry I snapped at you. You’re right about being exhausted and stressed out. We both are, but I think it’s more than that. I think this book is testing us.”

  Josh nodded and said, “I think you’re right. I guess we better figure out this last stanza.

  Channie dropped her gaze to her journal. “Then wait until the moon is new lest this tome be sealed to you. You’ve but one chance to learn the spell and break the curse. Use it well.”

  Josh traced the imprint of Channie’s fingers on his wrist. “That sounds like another time limit.”

  “More of a time restraint. We have to wait until the new moon, on the sixteenth, to get the next spell. If we try to do it before then, the book won’t work anymore. We’ll lose our chance to break the curse.”

  Break the curse...Channie could barely contain her excitement. Not only would she be free from the curse, she would have her real name back. She would be Enchantment and everyone would love her again.

  But Josh already loved her. And it had cost him dearly. Was she willing to risk even more suffering to be rid of Chastity’s curse? If she was acting alone then, yes, she would risk anything, even her life. But not Josh’s.

  She said, “Maybe we should just get rid of the stains and call it quits.”

  “Do we have a choice?”

  “We always have a choice. We just have to consider the consequences. Which reminds me...You have until the dawn doth break to suffer for each other’s sake. But if you leave a single spot, eternal pain will be your lot.” Channie rubbed the stain on her arm and shuddered. “If we don’t want to be on fire for the rest of our lives, we need to take care of this.”

  Josh’s gaze traveled the length of Channie’s body then focused on her eyes. “Let’s take a break first.” He stroked her face with his unstained fingertips. “Your skin is so soft.” His voice was deep and raspy. His eyes smoldered under half-closed lids as he traced her lower lip with his thumb.

  Channie’s breath caught. Her heart skipped a beat then started pounding. Her whole body was on fire. But in a good way. Chastity’s power-well was full, but the energy was calm.

  Could she really be free from the curse?

  Josh pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “If I remember correctly, kissing me was at the top of your list. Do you still want that kiss?”

  Channie wove her fingers through Josh’s hair and said, “Yes, I want that kiss. And a thousand more. But I think we better wait until we finish removing the stains. I don’t want to get distracted and miss the deadline. Besides, it can be our reward for enduring our ordeal.”

  Josh took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “You’re right, and the anticipation of kissing you will distract me from the pain. Let’s get back to work.”


  Channie cut the legs off a pair of Daddy’s sweatpants for Josh so she could remove the stains from his legs as well as his chest and belly. He cinched them up as tight as he could with the drawstring, but they were still too big. They hung low on his hips but not low enough.

  “Josh, I need you to pull the waistband down so I can get rid of the rest of this stain.”


  “Why not?”

  “There’s no way to expose the rest of the stain without exposing...the rest of me.”

  “I see.”

  “No. You don’t.” Josh grinned at her. But it was a forced smile that did not reach his eyes. “And I intend to keep it that way.”

  “Do you want to feel like you’re on fire for the rest of your life?”

  “No. Of course not. But I can’t ask you to do this.”

  “You aren’t asking. And neither am I. Now drop your pants.”

  Josh pushed his hair off his forehead with both hands and stared at the ceiling. He took a deep breath then dropped his head and his hands at the same time, expelling the air from his lungs with a whoosh. “Turn around. And close your eyes. I’ll try to cover myself with a sheet or something.”

  Channie tried to ignore the sound of rustling sheets as Josh crawled under the covers.

  The Book of the Dead had neutralized all the other spells. Without Josh’s shield making her crazy and her own moon-curse holding her back, Channie was left with the natural urges, fears and confusion of a sixteen-year-old girl.

  Part of her wanted to lock herself in the bathroom and hide. Another part of her wanted to get naked and crawl into bed with Josh.

  He said, “Alright, I’m ready.”

  The trepidation in his voice drove every lustful thought out of Channie’s mind. She opened her eyes and turned around. Josh was lying on top of the bed with a sheet draped over his groi
n and left hip. The entire right side of his body was exposed. He’d hidden his eyes under the crook of his elbow. All she could see of his face was his nose, mouth and trembling chin.

  She looked beyond the beautiful young man lying naked in her bed and saw the vulnerable boy, trying so hard to be brave.


  “I’m right here, beside you.”

  “Okay.” Josh nodded but kept his arm over his eyes. “Warn me first. Before you start.”

  “Just tell me when you’re ready.”

  His teeth chattered for a split-second before he clenched his jaw. His skin puckered into goose-bumps as a tremor ran up and down his body. Channie bit her lip as she examined the rest of the stain. It was less solid below his navel, but it flowed across the muscular indentation where his right hip joined his torso and down the front of his thigh. There was no way she could get it all with one pass. Unless she used something besides her hands.

  She quickly, but silently, removed everything except her bra and underpants, then decided that was too reckless. Stains still covered her arms. She couldn’t help Josh deal with his pain if she were in agony, too. In fact, he’d probably try to help her. She pushed her arms into the sleeves of her shirt like a jacket, but left the rest of her torso bare, then crawled onto the bed.

  Josh lifted his arm off his face and stared at her. His eyes widened, but his gaze never left her face. A testament to the power of pain over every thing else, even lust. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to use my body to get the stains off.”


  “So I can do it all at once. My hands are too small and as soon as I touch you, you’re going to jerk away from me.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. There’s nothing but a sheet between us.”

  Channie didn’t even try to argue with him and fell on top of Josh before he could squirm out of reach.

  He screamed and bucked like an angry mule with a burr under his saddle blanket.

  She scrambled off as fast as she could, but not fast enough. Josh smacked the side of her head with his elbow, knocking her onto the floor.

  He was still panting in pain, but that didn’t stop him from crawling to the edge of the bed and reaching his hand out to her. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay, babe?”


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