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Noble of Blood Trilogy Box Set: All 3 books; Blood Price, Blood Ties, and Blood War in 1 set

Page 11

by A L Wright

  With a powerful throw, one of his knives hurtled through the air and struck one of the goblins in the back of the skull, planting itself hilt-deep. The second goblin disappeared past the dense brush at the edge of the small clearing. Dartein was about to chase it down when Anton's groans caught his attention.

  “Oh devils, Anton. Are you okay?” Dartein dropped to his knees next to him and ran his hands over Anton's body, checking for serious injuries. He found a couple of broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, and a whole lot of cuts and swelling bruises.

  “Quit touching me, I swear you just want to hear me moan.” Anton pushed Dartein's hands away and then laid there on his back breathing rapidly.

  Dartein sat down next to him, trying to process what had just happened. Every time he had fought before he had done so in a very calculating manner, the way he had been trained. Test the enemy for weakness, make it tired then exploit the weaknesses.

  Problem was, these creatures were too fast and too tough. They didn't seem to have a weakness. They didn't have battle training and there was no predicting how they fought, how they would react.

  His own savageness shocked him. He could still feel the extra power the goblins blood had given him. Could feel it coursing through him, super heating his veins and making his heart beat like a drum. Thinking back on how he killed the creatures that were attacking Anton, it was like a blur. It had happened so fast, he had moved so fast that he could barely even remember how he did it.

  He looked at Anton, and caught him looking back at him with a curious look on his face.

  “Prince, I have seen you fight before many times. But I have never seen you fight like that. You were just a blur of movement, I could not even see what all was happening. You were like the wind, Dartein.” Anton shook his head slightly, trying to register what had happened.

  Dartein stood up. He let one of the creatures get away! He needed to track it down. And hopefully kill it before it brought others back here.

  “Anton, are you okay for a few moments? I need to see if I can track down the one that got away.”

  “Sure, just please be careful by yourself My Prince. I do not fancy coming home without you and trying to explain it to your father.” He half smiled, and Dartein knew he was going to be just fine.

  Helping Anton sit up against a tree, he placed his hands on both of Anton's arms and shoved upwards quickly. With only a sharp intake of breath, Anton reacted to his shoulder being reset quietly. Dartein waited until Anton was breathing evenly before he stood back up.

  “Alright, I will be back shortly. Whistle if you need me and I will come back.” Dartein patted Anton on his good shoulder, and watched as his friend leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes.

  Quickly and quietly Dartein ran into the brush beyond the clearing and through the woods, tracking the creature’s footprints. Even when the footprints were scarce he could still follow the creature's smell. But what he smelled even more than the rotten odor the creature gave off, he could smell its blood.

  Anton must have wounded it before he had gotten to them. The smell of the blood was driving him forward, like a hound on a scent trail. He wanted that creature's blood, wanted to drink it up so he could tear it limb from limb.

  His thoughts a bit crazed from lusting after the goblin’s blood, he nearly stepped over a small ridge. Catching himself before he stumbled, he stopped and looked out towards a small clearing. It was merely an open area in front of a rock face, but there were goblins there.

  A lot of goblins.

  Silently dropping down onto his belly, he watched as the one he had been tracking gestured and yelled at the others. The language was very guttural and involved a lot of hand movements, and Dartein could not make out any of it.

  The conversation over, the wounded goblin followed the others into a small crevice in the rock face. Waiting several moments until he was sure they were not coming back out, he crawled out from his hiding spot and snuck down to the opening.

  Peering in he saw nothing but darkness. Slinking into the opening he waited just a moment for his eyes to adjust to the complete darkness. He began to slide forward with his back along the wall, slipping around the twists and turns of the rock tunnel.

  He heard dim noises up ahead, like there were many voices all talking at once. He came upon the walkway opening before he was ready. Peering out from entryway he looked out over a large cavern. There were goblins packed into the area from wall to wall, hundreds of them if he had to guess. They were all talking loudly and gesticulating towards the wounded goblin he had tracked.

  Too many. He needed to get out and get himself and Anton away from here before they all decided to come looking for them. Slinking back towards the entrance he was wondering how he could get them both far away quickly with Anton's injuries.

  Chapter 20

  “It is time.”

  Ripping pain woke her from the light sleep she had barely managed to fall into a couple of hours ago. Catching her breath, she reached over for the bowl of water next to the bed, intent on dousing the rag next to it and placing it over her eyes. Just as her hand neared the bowl the pain, more terrible than the first time, tore through her again causing her to scream and jerk her hand.

  The bowl went tumbling off the table to roll across the floor.

  “It is time.” Both Victor's and Mordred's voices rolled through her head.

  Gasping, trying to breathe and ease her pain, she stared at the bowl that now lay empty halfway across her bedroom. She was so determined to control the pain that her sight was fixated on that bowl, and she did not hear Victor enter the room.

  “Princess?” Victor crossed the room quickly to the bed.

  “Princess?” He repeated a bit louder. Seeing her staring off into what seemed like nothing scared him. He waved his hand in front of her eyes, breaking her sight connection to the bowl.

  She closed her eyes and groaned loudly, clutching her hands below her belly. Josaleene could feel Victor's hands on her shoulders, and the touch was too much to bear on her already pain-frayed nerves. She rolled away from his touch, wordless moans escaping her mouth uncontrollably.

  She did not notice Victor run out of the room yelling at the guards to get to the village for the midwife.

  She lay there for what seemed like an eternity in silence, the pain closing in around her and cutting her off from all her other senses. The only thing she felt was the pain. Her sight was dimmed, and she heard nothing.


  Mortul stood a few feet away from Josaleene, his hand cupping his chin in thought. He knew what was happening, and had dreaded it's coming for months. He had only hoped his son would be here to help comfort her in her last moments in this world.

  Mortul watched as the midwife and her assistant went about setting up for delivering a child. Water was heated at the hearth. Clean linens were laid out. A rope was thrown over the bed rafter for grip. Herbs were steeping in a mug. He supposed they were to help dull the pain.

  But, he knew her pain would not be dulled no matter how many herbs they put in that mug.

  The midwife turned to him and bowed low. “Mi Lord Patriarch, please give permission to touch your lady. I need to feel the baby's position.” She kept her head bowed. He knew he scared her and he sighed. He would only inhibit her work if he was there, and he needed the baby to be alright.

  His Son would lose enough tonight.

  “My Good-woman. She is not my lady, and you have full permission to do what is necessary to ensure that child is born safely and healthy. I will leave the room to give you the freedom to do as needed.” Seeing the relief on her face, he turned and walked towards the door.

  His attention was caught by Victor, who stood stoically near the window watching every move made within the room. He knew the guard was fiercely devoted to watching over his Son's Chosen.

  “Victor.” The guard turned his way, looking as if he was about to protest. Mortul held up his hand. “Please keep me apprised
of the situation.” Victor was clearly relieved at not being dismissed, and nodded before turning his attention back to Josaleene.

  Any other time The Patriarch would have taken it as a slight to be dismissed so quickly, but this time was unconcerned. He turned and left the room.

  Setting his sights on two close by guards he walked towards them.

  “I need the both of you to gather another six men and head out north of the Palace. If my son is anywhere nearby he needs to be found and brought back here immediately. Find the two rangers that are currently here and have them help as well.”

  The two guards bowed and fled down the hallway.

  There wasn't much left to do but wait, so he strolled out onto the nearest balcony. In a silent vigil he watched the stars and waited, trying to close his ears to Josaleene's screams of pain.


  He had run until he barely remembered that he was still running. The only reason he had stopped was because Anton insisted that he be put down or he was going to stab him.

  Now, Dartein paced restlessly in a circle around Anton. His friend and guard watched him circle around and around while he rested, chewing on a haunch of deer meat.

  “My Prince, you must be near to starvation with all the running you have done. Share this meat with me, recover some strength.” Anton waved the meat towards him.

  “No friend, eat all of it. You need it more than I to heal yourself. If only we could have taken more time to rest you would be fine by now. But as it is us having to move away from the goblins so quickly has left you weak. Eat, and heal up.” Dartein continued to pace circles around their resting spot.

  “You are making me dizzy, Dartein. I beg of you to stop and rest. You will wear yourself out entirely. I honestly do not know how you are still standing! I have never seen one of our kind able to run weighted down like you were, for so long.” Anton was eying him hard, not sure what to make of his friend's behavior.

  Dartein stopped his pacing and ran his hands through his hair. His hair was filthy. He had never wanted a bath so much in his life.

  “I need to find a stream and wash up. I will be right back.” He walked away before his friend could answer.

  Coming upon the stream he recognized the area as where he had spied the mother swan with her babies. He crouched near the shore looking around for the swan. He wondered why he cared about that darn animal and her babies.

  Shaking his head, he plunged his hands in the nearly ice-cold water and splashed his face with it.

  Stifling a groan at the sudden chill, he grabbed a handful of grass from the shore and used it to scrub his hands and arms. After he was done he threw the grass in the water and dunked his head in, giving his scalp a quick rub with his fingertips.

  Pulling his head from the water he sat there, icy water dripping down his back and shoulders. His head was much clearer now, and he started to think back on the last few nights.

  After he left the goblins cave he snuck back up the embankment and started towards where Anton had been laying. But a thought had struck him, and he knew they could not get out of there quickly without both of them being able to run. The conversation that he and his Father had before he left came to him. And he turned his trackers sight on to see if anything living was nearby.

  Luckily for him he had done that, for there was a sentry goblin not too far away. He would have run almost right by it had he not stopped. Crouching low he started towards the creature's location.

  Dartein came up almost right beside the creature before it noticed him. But it was too late, and he had the goblin by the back of the neck before it could make a sound. He plunged his teeth into its neck and drank its blood quickly.

  The goblin was dead in a matter of seconds.

  Dartein stood up and assessed himself. The powerful feeling was back and a little stronger than before. He felt an inner energy that pushed him forward, told him to go. He looked down at the goblin and noticed the marks on its neck were puncture wounds, and did not at all look like teeth marks.

  Startled he reached up and put a finger to his mouth. To each side of his mouth were sharp teeth, elongated and pushing past his lips. As he thought about them, they receded slightly back into his gums and upon feel they seemed just a little less sharp.

  Not wanting to think about it much more he sprinted away from the dead goblin and back to Anton.

  As they had ran, Dartein conveyed to Anton what he had seen in the cave. Now it was not only self-preservation that had them fleeing, but the knowledge that the Ancient Enemy was back in force had them running for the Palace. They needed to tell his Father.

  As he sat there staring into nothing he heard a slight rustle. It couldn't have been an animal, but his keen hearing told him it was something. As he listened to the trace sounds he concluded it wasn't goblins, they weren't that quiet in their movements. Coming up to his feet, he crouched near the shore with his daggers in his hands.

  A small shrill bird call sounded off to his left. Unsure if he heard it right, he waited with his breath held to see if it sounded again.

  A minute slid by, then another. Just when he was ready to give up and head back toward camp he heard it again, followed by an answering call.

  He had heard it right the first time. It was the call of the Noble Rangers. Why were they out here, and why did they make themselves known? Usually their protocol was to avoid other living beings, as their orders or targets were more important.

  The calls had come from where Anton was resting. Dartein pursed his lips and blew the bird call. Two answering calls came back. He stood and jogged back to Anton.

  When he reached his friend, he saw two other Nobles pacing near him.

  “Oh, thank the devils, Dartein. Their pacing was making me crazier than yours was.” Anton waved towards the Rangers.

  Both Rangers came up to him and bowed low. When they both came back up, the lighter haired one spoke.

  “My Prince, I am Greir and this is Alek. We brought word from your Father, he bade us to run fast and find you if we could. We bring news of your Chosen, The Princess. She is in labor, and is in much pain.” The Ranger called Greir bowed again.

  Dartein did not take much time to contemplate the situation. He had to move now.

  “How far away from the Palace are we?” He asked the Rangers.

  “A few hours if you run fast. We ran for two nights in widening circles before we found you, My Prince.” Alek spoke up.

  Two nights. That meant Josaleene had been in pain for two full days and nights without him there. She could have already had the child. Or worse she could be...

  He had to get there.

  Looking at the two Rangers he spoke with authority. “Escort Anton back to the Palace, he is still recovering from injury. I am going now.”

  He turned away from them and jogged out into the tall grass. He had to find something to kill. He had to get there as soon as possible.

  Chapter 21

  Abit later that same night, Josaleene clung to the rope above her bed and screamed in pain as she pushed and pushed for what seemed like forever. Victor watched her like a hawk as he paced back and forth by her bed.

  Catching her breath, she let her body sag while she still gripped the rope. Her hands were sore and raw from the rope, and so was her throat from her screams. Her breaths were ragged, and it was all she could do to stay conscious against the pain.

  She realized the midwife was talking. The good-woman's voice sounded as if it was from very far away.

  “Princess, Princess please listen. You cannot give up now, the child is so very close. The head is crowning, My Lady. A few more good pushes and this will all be over.” The midwife was tired, her voice was strained. She had caught only a few hours of sleep here and there over the last two days.

  The midwife's assistant came over with more towels. They had been through so many already, cleaning up the blood as quickly as they could to hide the fact that they already knew.

  Josaleene would no
t survive this. How she had made it this far was nothing short of a miracle. The blood loss alone should have killed her. But stubbornly she held on, determined to see this through.

  Taking in a deep breath she thought of her love. Dartein would not get to see their child born. He would not get to share the joy of a new life. Or more importantly, he would not be there to comfort her as she died.

  Josaleene accepted her death. She knew it was coming. She just had to make it until the baby was born. But she was so weak and did not think she could continue pushing anymore.

  Looking over at her friend she said, “Victor, I need help.” Her voice was so weak and rough he barely heard her, but he was at her side in an instant.

  “What do you need, Princess? Let me help you.”

  “I need your strength, I cannot hold on anymore.” Her grip slipped from the rope, and he caught her in his arms. Sliding himself onto the bed behind her, he wrapped his arms around her chest and let her grip his hands. He winced upon feeling them, raw and swollen.

  “My dear Princess,” he whispered in her ear. “Take all of my strength, all that you need. I will see you through this ordeal.” He kissed her gently on the back of her head.

  She leaned back and gripped his hands tightly, drawing in a large breath. Waiting for the next wave of pain she held her breath, and when it hit her she pushed.

  She pushed harder than she thought she could, being as weak as she was. Victor held her tight and whispered reassuringly in her ear. She pushed and cried as she heard him tell her of his love for her, and how strong and incredible and brave she was. She kept pushing until she felt a shift, a movement, and then a tearing sensation like nothing she had ever felt before.

  Once more, she screamed.


  Dirty, exhausted and stumbling he came through the main doors of the Palace. Dartein did not need to know Josaleene was not in their bedchambers, he could smell the blood from here and knew which direction to go. He paused a moment to catch his breath. But then he heard a sound that tore at his very soul. Such an anguished scream rent the air, the very desperation of the sound had him sprinting once more. Down the hallways, around the corners until he came to a stop outside the room.


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