Lord Love a Duke

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Lord Love a Duke Page 5

by Renee Reynolds

  Juliet looked at Miranda and began to laugh in earnest, holding her sides. “Miranda, have you been eating our syrup?” she asked when she caught her breath.

  Miranda's face fell with the realization of what she did. “Oh no! I licked the spoon! Is my mouth the color that I think it?” She stuck out her tongue and Juliet began laughing anew. Miranda's tongue and teeth were a shocking shade of violet-blue. Juliet told her friend as much and Miranda ran to the cistern and began to vigorously scrub her teeth with a clean cloth, rinse her mouth with the fresh water, then swish and spit like a sailor.

  “Now that's some dignified and ladylike behavior! Too bad your brother is not witness to this, or better yet, your potential suitors. I shall be sure to extol throughout the week your ability to spit prodigiously.”

  Miranda looked up from her ministrations and glared hotly at her friend. “You most certainly will not. I remember a time, as I know your poor mother will, when you spat from the terrace onto unsuspecting guests below at a garden party at your Town house. It was not that many years ago, if memory serves.”

  Juliet flushed involuntarily at the reminder of her past ill behavior, and stuck her tongue out at her friend for reminding her of it. Miranda returned the action back and Juliet noticed that the blue had faded to a much less shocking and paler shade, and she informed her friend thus.

  “Well, thank heavens. I only wasted half the contents of the well to clear it up. At least we know the syrup works, and that it will come off with copious amounts of scrubbing and rinsing.”

  “There is that small accomplishment, I suppose.” Juliet glanced around the cabin that her father and brothers had used to clean fish and as refuge during sudden storms. It looked as if their presence had never been, save for the remnants of the fire in the hearth. Juliet was not going to clean that mess, but she did move some wood and kindling into the kitchen area so it would be dry for anyone needing to use the cabin.

  Miranda laid a cloth over the syrup bowl and carried it out of the door. Juliet followed, securing the latch, and they made for the stream. Not even bothering to remove any clothes, as they had been completely sweated through, the ladies eased into the water. They proceeded to scrub their faces and remove the soot, and any other evidence of their previous activities. The water was almost painfully cold to their overheated bodies, but they quickly acclimatised and floated on their backs in a deeper stretch of the stream, enjoying the coolness of the water as it seeped into their clothing. They were blissfully unaware of time and situation until the loud snort of a horse alerted them they were no longer alone.

  "I say, I seem to have found two lovely sea creatures," rang out the voice of Lord Aylesford. The ladies were startled and dropped to their knees in the shallow water. Juliet was pleased to notice the Earl kept a proper distance and averted his eyes respectfully. Miranda was less accommodating of the presence of brother's friends.

  "Well, if it isn't the esteemed Lords of Oxford." The gentlemen collectively winced at the sobriquet. "If there is a damsel in peril of ruin you all cannot help but to ferret her out, it seems. Jonas!” she yelled, “Call off the pack! There are ladies enjoying a swim, and we require your presence elsewhere, if you please."

  The Duke rode up from the back at the sound of his sister's voice. Taking in the scene he could not refrain from responding in kind.

  "I did not think ladies enjoyed such pastimes as this, that ladies were more inclined toward embroidery, flower arranging, and shopping. Swimming in streams has always seemed to be the occupation of boys and hoydens."

  A startled gasp was wrenched from Juliet and she stood, hands on hips, heedless of the picture her plastered gown and dripping tresses made. She gave a mocking curtsey. "Your Grace. My lords.” She made the titles sound like accusations. “You go too far with your speech. Be the gentlemen your titles bear witness of and remove yourselves."

  The gentlemen had the decency to look abashed at the set down while the Duke was struck mute by her wet form. Jonas was suddenly aware that not only did he not want his friends to see his sister, he did not want them to see Juliet, but it was not brotherly protection that he felt for the latter. He turned his mount and indicated they would acquiesce and leave. He looked back over his shoulder to see Juliet still glared in his direction. He tipped his hat in acknowledgment.

  "My lady, we beg forgiveness. We will leave but shall remain close enough to see you safely returned to the manor.” He addressed his sister but Juliet felt the heat from his gaze on her alone. “Please prepare yourselves and head for home, Random."

  Chapter Eleven

  A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!

  William Shakespeare, King Richard III, Act 1, Scene 1

  "Lady Juliet, a message has arrived from Belle Rêverie." Hastings held out a silver tray bearing a missive on ivory paper. Juliet and Miranda had hastened home from their cooking adventure. Having washed in the creek, they opted to dress quickly in an effort to be present for lunch. They reached the dining room in time to enjoy a light repast of sandwiches and fruit before the ladies and gentlemen separated for the afternoon.

  Most of the ladies sat on the front lawn, under the pretense of doing needlework but actually covertly watching the gentlemen playing billiards inside. The chairs had been placed on a grassy knoll overlooking the gardens, which served as the perfect vantage point to see and be seen. Juliet broke the seal on her missive and immediately her silver eyes sparkled with pleasure. She jumped up, relating the contents of her note to the group before returning to the house to approach the Duke. He was absent from his friends and instead she found him working in his study.

  "Your Grace, I sent for my horse and she has arrived outside. Might I trouble you for a stall to house her during my stay?"

  Jonas looked up from his ledger and papers and studied her excited countenance. "But of course you may have a stall. Allow me to accompany you to the stables."

  "Oh, that is quit unnecessary, I assure you. I can instruct a groom to assist me." She immediately turned to leave.

  He rose from his seat, laying aside his work. "I insist, my lady." He indicated with his hand for her to lead and he followed her out of the library and into the hall. She stopped, turning to make a request of a nearby footman.

  "Thomas, will you please fetch my riding gloves?" The footman nodded and departed per her request. She faced the Duke again. "Please, Your Grace, I do not mind to go unaccompanied. I am perhaps as familiar with your grounds and stables as my own."

  He looked at her with an expression she could not identify before he responded. "I assure you I do not mind the task. In fact, I was looking for just such an opportunity to assuage my boredom from work. But as you have stated twice now that my company is unnecessary, I must ask if it is also unwanted. I would by no means wish to make you suffer my presence."

  Juliet looked shocked at the idea then flushed with embarrassment. "Your Grace, I must apologize. I only meant you need not concern yourself with such a mundane task. I would be happy to provide you some entertainment, although you may find your boredom will not be alleviated thus."

  Jonas laughed but gave her a quizzical look. "Lady Juliet, you continually surprise me. I have never met a female so disinclined to flatter herself as you. I am confident I shall survive the ennui of your company. The truer question is whether you shall survive mine."

  She chuckled in return and some of her obvious discomfort eased, although her heart pounded with anticipation, the cause of which she could not fathom. "It seems we both offer such low expectations that we are sure to surpass them. If you are determined to come then I am determined to allow it." She gave him a saucy smile as Thomas arrived with her gloves. The Duke stepped in front of her and returned her bonnet to her head from its resting place hanging down her back. Juliet thought her skin felt scorched where his hands briefly brushed her neck as he retied her bow. She murmured her thanks and moved toward the door.

  Hastings opened the door and they walked down the sho
rt stairway to the pebbled drive. Juliet greeted the groom from her stables, thanking him warmly and passing him coin for the delivery. She turned to the Duke with a contented smile.

  "Your Grace, may I present the finest horse in all of Sussex. In truth she is both wickedly smart and shrewd, and fast as the wind as she leaves others in her wake.” She paused and chose her next words carefully, finally opting for teasing sarcasm. “I am sorry to imply the occupants of your stables are inferior, but it is a sad truth, as I am sure you must now agree." She reached out to rub her mount's velvety nose and received a nickering response. The mare nudged her mistress and was rewarded with a sought-after rub on her muzzle.

  The Duke appraised the spirited Arabian with an experienced eye, noting the sleek coat and mane, and her majestic stance. Although appearing white in color, pure Arabians were called gray, yet Juliet's horse was without any discoloration or markings. "I will admit that she seems a pretty piece of horseflesh, but I will reserve judgment as to the veracity of your claims against my stables. In truth, I cannot verify your claims without seeing your mare in action."

  Juliet straightened to her full height and took several steps to stand in front of the Duke. He was again reminded how she tall she was, the top of her head nearly coming to the tip of his nose. He glanced over her frame, quickly calculating her long slender arms likely meant she possessed long, slender legs. He took a step back at the heat that washed over him at that conclusion, silently cursing his wayward thoughts. He raised his eyes to her and saw a hint of bravado in their depths.

  "That sounds very much like a challenge, Your Grace, and I am afraid that I am very fond of challenges. Do you fancy a race, good sir?" She quirked a single eyebrow up, her eyes wide with adventure.

  Good lord but she's beautiful, he thought. He gave himself a mental shake at the improper thoughts he was entertaining toward his sister's best friend and decided a good race was exactly what he needed. "I, too, appreciate a challenge. I believe you have offered me a respite from my boredom, my lady." He grabbed her hand and raised it to brush a light kiss across her knuckles, immediately regretting his actions as he felt his lips tingle from that slight contact. She had removed her dainty lace gloves but had not yet donned her leather riding gloves. The contact with her bare skin was enticing and unnerving.

  Juliet felt a shiver race through her at his delicate kiss, her eyes widening with surprise at his bold contact. She schooled her face to remain lighthearted, hoping he could not see the effect his touch and proximity were suddenly having on her. "When and where shall we run? The beach? The back meadows?" She took several steps back and focused her attention on her mount, running her fingers through her mare's glossy mane.

  He again contemplated her mount but was immediately distracted by the gliding caress of her fingers on her horse. Would that he could feel that same gentle touch of her fingers. He cleared his throat. "The beach. It is low tide in the early morn, which will provide ample ground to run." He was dismayed to hear the gravelly timbre of his voice.

  She gave him a brilliant smile and dropped an impudent curtsey. "Then name the hour and I shall meet you at the stables."

  "Eight of the clock should suffice. I shall have our mounts readied for that time." He turned to back to her mare but stopped himself and faced her again. “I almost forgot to ask. What is her name?”

  Juliet dropped her gaze and flushed with embarrassment. “Herring,” she murmured.

  The Duke visibly started, certain he had misunderstood. “Beg pardon? What was that again?”

  She gave a wry smile and replied with more volume. “Herring. My mare's name is Herring.” She regarded the Duke warily as he processed this information. She thought he fought to suppress both a smile and laughter so she rushed to explain. “I, in the wisdom that only a girl of fourteen possesses, determined to name her something full of meaning and profundity. Having been somewhat obsessed with Greek mythology for a while, I chose Hera for her name. I gloated with youthful enthusiasm that she was queen of the gods, so regal and bold. Unbeknownst to me, my brothers decided to amuse themselves by conspiring with a groomsman to work diligently to make my mount respond to another name – Herring. I should have been suspicious when they began to tease me of Hera's jealousy and spite, but I naively assumed they confused their myths and thought nothing of it. She was the queen, married to Zeus, the mother of goddesses. Day after day I whispered and cooed the name Hera in her ear as we rode or when I groomed her, but as soon as I left one of the three conspirators managed to be around to undo my words. Within a month I could not understand why she failed to respond to her name when called. All became clear as the family decided to take a ride together one warm September afternoon. As I voiced my happiness with my mare in every aspect save her name response, Marcus assured me that she did indeed know her name. After voicing my objections and trying in vain to call Hera, Charles calmly whistled and called out to 'Herring.' To my horror she immediately responded. My brothers thought it all quite a lark.”

  She paused in her story and Jonas was half stunned and half amused. He could not hold back his eventual chuckles. “You have to admit, it was a good prank, but I shudder to think what your parents made of the name.”

  “I will admit no such thing! The worst of the story is that I suddenly realized I was desperately wishing to name my beautiful mare after a vicious and vindictive woman who was feared and despised, and insulted repeatedly by her husband. Simply speaking her name makes one wonder if mountains will shudder and men lacking pomegranates run away in fright. To have this magnificent mount labeled with such a pejorative designation just seems a travesty. A name is something carried for the entirety of life, be it animal or human. But which is worse, I ask you – an unstable queen of the gods or a bottom-feeding fish that tastes worse than it smells. Picture your own steed with some such derogation, then talk to me about the worthiness of that prank.”

  His humor dried up in the face of her earnestness. “I do see your point. I should think you would like to turn the prank around and claim the name proudly in defiance of your brothers, but it would be hard to refer constantly to ones horse with the name of a much-maligned fish. Why not simply change her name again? It can be done, then you need not be ashamed but speak with pride of your mare's title. Let us make this your joke. She is a fiery, spirited beast. She could well hold her own against a four-legged Zeus. Should you still like the name Hera?”

  Juliet blinked several times as she considered his words. A slow smile began to form before she laughed, a full and happy sound that complemented the excitement now brightening her face. "Is it possible? I thought her past the age of naming. I had given in and called her Herring as noiselessly as possible for five years now.” She looked over her mount and dragged her fingers through her horse's silky mane. Her horse responded by dropping her head and looking back at her mistress with what could only be described as a loving expression. “Think you I should change her name?”

  “I think you should do whatever gives you the greatest pleasure. Revert to Hera and claim the name that brings men to their knees. Hera was also strong and determined, and while her husband strayed he always returned. She was fiercely loyal to those whom she loved and was loved by in return. Forget the hold the joke had on you and your mare and do what you wish.”

  “I would that her name be Hera. She did, after all, command no small amount of attention, be it good or ill. My mare, while beautiful, has been known to frighten some gentlemen with her temperament and energy.”

  “Henceforth she shall remain Hera, with all the accompanying fear, terror, awe, and respect that name justifies.”

  Juliet was ecstatic and grasped the Duke's hands in appreciation. “Thank you for this. I am inclined to teach my brothers a lesson by doing something truly wicked with her mane, to live up to her namesake. Mayhap this autumn, when the family returns to Somerset, I will introduce my mare with a re-christening. Silly as it seems, you will have my undying gratitude if this works.”
She suddenly became aware of her clasp of his hands and released him, stepping back slightly. She steered the conversation back to the subject at hand. “And although it pains me to say this, I shall now be forced to repay your good deed with defeat. I apologize in advance, but confess I am looking forward to our race tomorrow." She turned and hurried into the house, running up the stairs to her room, removing her bonnet and gloves as she ascended.

  He was struck with the sudden image of her removing more and more as she would have to exchange her day gown for riding habit and he swallowed. What on earth was coming over him? he wondered. Lady Juliet had always been his sister's friend, one he rarely noticed, or even bothered to notice. He sent Hera to the stables with the groom, with instructions to have both their mounts saddled and ready to ride in the morning. He then retraced his steps into the house and returned to the ledgers in his study, still pondering just how much he was looking forward to their outing. It made him a little nervous to realize he was anticipating the company more than the race.


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