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Agent Vixen Collection

Page 7

by Jay Aury

  “And if I don’t want you marry you, my sheik?” Audra said, cupping her breast, sucking in a breath as her thumb pressed down on her hardened nipple. “If I value my freedom too much to be veiled by you and kept like some harem girl?”

  “Ah, why then, it is up to this old man to convince you,” Raphael purred. “To show you the pleasures which can be reached by the skilled hands of the expert. A taste which I have given you. Ah, but a life of such delights await you, my jewel, should you surrender your wanton ways.”

  “Oh,” Audra said, shifting, pushing her expansive chest out a little more. “But I quite like my wanton ways. However would you convince me to give them up?”

  “Ah my sweet. To capture you I would focus upon your sweet breasts.”

  “Oh?” Audra breathed, fingering the front of her bra. “Would you now?”

  “Ah, but of course. For your breasts are such wondrous morsels. Begging for a taste of a skilled tongue. And so, I would first take away your bra my sweet, so that I might better see the treasures which it keeps.”

  “Mmm…” A buckle snapped open and Audra pulled aside her bra. Her naked breasts rose and fell, her nipples growing stiff in the warm air of the hotel room. It had been hot in Alexandria, that fateful night, the single fan beating above as Raphael pulled her into his large lap. “And then?” she said, cupping her soft tit.

  “For you, my rose? I would take your bud between my teeth. For there such a flower as you is most tender, and needs the most attention.”

  “Would you,” Audra murmured, gasping as she pinched her hardened nipple, rolling it between her fingers like Raphael’s lips had done. She bit her lower lip, her nipple aching. A dull throb growing from her core and moistening her quim. “And then? What would you do then?”

  “Ah my sweet. I would let my hands linger upon your form. Caress you with all the tenderness of a man who knows beauty, as a sculptor feels the smoothness of his masterpiece. Feeling your tender hips. Your slimmest belly, cupping again your tender breasts, where such pleasure I would have, and where our children would so greedily suckle you.”

  Audra moaned softly. Excitement quickened her blood. Her fingers pinched and rubbed her tender nipple, sending pleasure crackling through her. She shifted her hips, feeling the ghostly touches of the man on the others side of the world. The memory of the rough hands of the overweight, older man. “Oooh Raphael. Surely you wouldn’t stop there?”

  “Stop? Ah my dear, that is where I would merely begin! For your body is a treasure of delights. All which I would explore with the greatest of pleasure?” he said, and she could fairly smell his breath. That strange medley of tobacco, hashish and rum. “Ah, and I would venture down, my sweetest. My hands to wander to your sweetest space, waiting for the old bull’s touch. Yes, these would merely be the appetizers, for the true feast awaits between your legs, where your tender womanhood trembles for a man to claim her.”

  Audra’s chest was heaving. Her thighs slick with juices as she listened to the near hypnotic purr of Raphael’s voice. “Oooh Raphael. And you are such a man?”

  “Who else, my sweet? My tender western nymph?”

  “Who?” Audra murmured, her hand sliding down from her quivering breast. Her hand slipping under her panties and stroking her tender folds. “How would you take me, Raphael? My old sheik?”

  He chuckled, and oh that sound sent her heart pounding. Her body tingling. There was something of such sinful delight in imagining this old, fat man pleasuring her. Of taking her and claiming her. Her hips undulated slowly, rocking herself against her own teasing finger.

  “My dear,” Raphael murmured. “I would first touch you, slipping a few fingers inside your graceful folds. I would ensure you are prepared for my manhood, so that any pain you felt would be followed only by pleasures whose equal could only be found in the heavens above.”

  “Mmm,” Audra moaned, bucking her hips as she slipped first one, then two fingers into her warm depths, sliding her slickened fingers in and out of herself. “What then? What would you do after you prepared me, my handsome bull?”

  “I would have you climb atop me, my lovely. I would grip your hips tightly and slowly slide my manhood within you. Stretching you about this old bull’s cock.”

  “Yes?” Audra gasped, plunging her fingers in and out of her sopping cunt. Rocking against her touch. Panting. Imagining it was him again within her. Fucking her as he had done in that hot room in the back of the bar. His lips on hers. His touch commanding. Powerful. “Yes? Then?”

  “Then? Ah, then I would take you my dear. I would conquer your pliant form. This old bull would ride you, such a sweet, tender young woman. So full of life. So aching of pleasure. Ah, how could I stop myself? How could I do anything but take you. Conquer you.”

  “Yes,” Audra groaned, driving her fingers faster inside of her. Imagining the large, older man, his unshaved chin, his somnolent eyes flashing with fire. His great belly heaving as he thrust into her. “Yes. Yes!”

  “And I would take you. Claim you as my own as you writhed atop my cock. Ah but I would drive you to such heights that you would scream my name.”

  “Raphael!” she gasped, tension of growing orgasm coiling in her. Blood afire with desire.

  “Yes my sweet! Ah, and then, then, when you have suffered through such heights. When your voice rises, singing like the angel you are, I would release myself. I would cum in you my tender jewel. I would make you know who it is that you belong to.”

  “Ah!” Audra gasped, bucking as her finger thrust inside her. “Ah! Ah! R-Raphael! Raphaeeeeeel!”

  She writhed, cumming on the bed, soaking her panties and her plunging fingers. She cried out, panting with pleasure at her release. Her body thrumming like an overstrung instrument. She gasped, sagging onto the sheets twisted by her writhing, spent.

  Distantly, she heard Raphael chuckle through the phoneline. “Ah, but such things will need to wait, my sweet. I look forward to when we shall meet. And I can express my appreciation for your beauty in person.”

  A shiver of delight raced up Audra’s spine. She smiled, floating on a cloud of bliss, feeling again her old self. “Mmm. Oh Raphael, I think I might be able to find an opening. But you won’t have me as your western bride.”

  “Ah, my dear. I am an old man. I know patience. I will wait for you to accept the truth.”

  Audra laughed breathlessly, but she couldn’t deny her heart beating faster at his arrogant words. “Goodbye, Raphael.”

  “Goodbye my wild rose. Until we meet.”

  She hung up, snapping shut her phone and tossing it aside. Spreading her arms out, she lay on the tender softness of her bed, staring at the ceiling, her body pulsating with the thrill of her orgasm. Her fingers and lacy panties damp with her own juices. She smiled, her mind far away as she settled in to sleep.

  The Castle

  Hammerstein Castle overlooked the Rhine from atop a tall cliff. What remained of a small village was situated at the base of a winding path. The homes were quite clearly empty, some even fallen in, and Audra didn’t bother asking the driver who had once lived there.

  The car had come for her in the morning. The driver, dressed in a drab grey uniform, had said nothing as she gave him von Hammerstein’s card. As they drove up the winding path which led to the looming edifice, she spotted a new addition to the gothic spires and crenellations. A wide helicopter pad that jutted out over the sudden drop of the cliffs. Audra tapped a finger on the arm of her seat thoughtfully.

  That von Hammerstein was up to something she had no doubt. A man like that was never satisfied. But the scale of the castle and the potential work being pursued within disturbed her. Audra touched the earring Alistair had given her, the false stone flashing in the light. Though the thrill of danger still tightened her belly, knowing Alistair was out there was a queer comfort. It was an unusual thought. She rarely had back up before, even before she’d joined G7. There had never been anyone she could trust. She leaned back in the black lea
ther of her seat, crossing one leg over the other thoughtfully.

  She was wearing a long black coat over a red summer dress today. Something a little more dignified and casual compared to the shimmering dark gown yesterday. And one more easily shed. She had little illusions about exactly what von Hammerstein had in mind once she arrived, and what he wanted out of her. She knew his type well. Had dealt with them over the course of her career. Egomaniac, obsessed with their own intelligence and cleverness. Desperate to show it off to others.

  She understand, now, why Alistair hadn’t been able to make much headway. And why he’d needed her. She was playing a dangerous game. Putting herself entirely in the man’s power. The thought brought a sinful thrill and she flashed a reckless grin. Ah. Danger. The ultimate aphrodisiac…

  They drove up to the front gate, which she noticed appeared to new and installed not too long ago. She noted smoke stains on the stone. Armed guards in drab grey stood atop the walls, submachine guns slung under their arms. A small garden encompassed the interior of the court, and at the end a set of steps rose to the tall doors of the castle itself. Cruising the car before it, the driver stopped and got out, opening the door for her.

  Stepping out, Audra took in the heavy brick of the castle. It was an imposing thing indeed. Europe was drowned in its history of war, its castles both edifices of the times as well as a reminder of the power of the old class of lords. Castle Hammerstein was one of the old sorts. The fortresses that later became palatial after gunpowder made the things obsolete, but still powerful seats for their owners.

  She looked back down to the door as it opened. Her hand tightened a little on her purse as Bludghost moved down the steps. The heavy set man looked even more dangerous up close, where Audra could see the many pale slashes of scars which crossed his face. He paused before her, giving a bow so stiff it was a wonder he didn’t snap doing it.

  He gestured.

  “I’m supposed to follow you?” Audra said.

  Bludghost opened his mouth in what might have been an attempt at a smile, showing his sharp, iron tipped teeth. Audra suppressed a shudder as he turned and moved towards the doors, she following closely after.

  The main hall of the chateau was richly appointed. Old suits of armour stood guard along the walls, while paintings of men and women long dead watched them pass through the corridors. Not that the entire place was so medieval. Electric lights glowed in globes hooked to the ceiling, and Audra appreciated the effort put into intertwining the modern amenities with the rest of the décor.

  As she had been taught at her own family estate so long ago, Audra tracked their path into her mental map, laying out the route on the diagrams Alistair had given her for the castle. Fairly easy to find, he’d told her, but alterations had doubtless been made. What those were, and what they hid, was the real question.

  Bludghost brought her to a richly appointed room with a four poster bed and a window overlooking the forest that surrounded much of the castle. Through it, she could just make out the distant buildings of Rullenburg.

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling at the hulking guard.

  Bludghost didn’t bother to answer. The bald man shut the door behind her, and she heard the click of a lock.

  Audra very slowly exhaled. She moved across the room, examining it minutely. It didn’t take her long to spot the camera. It was hidden in one of the gold filigree women that curved along the corner of the ceiling, offering it a compelling view of the room. The only space not under its scrutiny was directly below it.

  An idiot he may be, but someone in von Hammerstein’s employ clearly had some brains. Careful not to let her awareness of the camera show, Audra laid out her suitcase and leisurely stripped out of her rich black coat. No doubt someone would go through her luggage while she was gone. Well, they were welcome to. All they’d find was a few changes of clothes and her personal toiletries.

  The evening stretched on, and soon enough there was a knock at the door. Bludghost pushed it open and pressed a gown into her hands.

  “Would you like to watch me change?” Audra asked playfully.

  Bludghost grunted, then pulled the door shut firmly. Audra pouted a little. There weren’t many men who didn’t show some obvious desire for her. Maybe he was gay.

  She shrugged and donned the new dress. It was a stunningly good fit. The slinky black clung to her curves without actually restricting her. Strapless, the fabric lifted her breasts, baring the upper curves of her generous globes in a way she found surprisingly enticing. She took a moment to admire herself in the full length mirror, turning side to side, letting the hem swirl around her ankles. Not bad. Not bad at all…

  She opened the door when she was finished. Bludghost took one dismissive look at her and led her down the passage.

  They returned to the front hall and there found Victor von Hammerstein. Dressed in tight fitting riding clothes, he cut a sharp figure as he watched her descend, arms crossed behind his back, a riding crop in his hand. His monocle gleamed, and his smile was like poison.

  “Mein fraluein,” he said, smiling. “So good of you to join me. I vas almost afraid I might haf frightened you off.”

  Audra smiled back. Remember. Nervous. Shy. Exactly like some heiress desperate to do whatever it took not to let daddy know she’d lost all her money. “Oh no. I would never...”

  He snapped his crop and she fell submissively silent. He gestured at himself. “Forgive me, fraulein. I fear I vas out riding ven you arrived. And my boots are terribly dusty.”

  Audra caught at once the subtle meaning. Her cheeks warmed but she knew what he wanted her to do. “S-sir. What do you mean?”

  “Clean them, mein fraulein.”

  “But I don’t have a rag.”

  “Oh?” von Hammerstein said, cocking his head, a look of exaggerated confusion on his face. “Do you not? Den, I suppose you must use your tongue…”

  She flushed, and that at least wasn’t a sham. “S-sir-“

  He snapped the crop again, the sound like a whip. His monocle flashed. “I vill not ask again. Do it.”

  Her skin tingled as she got down on her knees before him. She leaned forward, hesitated, then ran her tongue along the leather of his boot. She glanced up and saw cruel delight shining in those dark eyes. She shuddered, in part with disgust, but curling in her core was the oh so familiar ache of lust. Audra bent forward again and cleaned his boot with long, leisurely strokes of her pink tongue.

  Humiliation barely described it. The fact she was in the front hall of his castle, dressed in such finery and before his manservant made her whole body heat with the willing degradation. But she’d be lying if she said there wasn’t a sinful thrill that went with the coarse taste her tongue soon developed. An aching lust as she willingly licked clean his boots.

  At last she pulled back, sitting on her knees and looking up at him. She hid her smile, noticing the hard bulge in his tight pants. “D-did that please you, my lord?”

  He looked down at his toe, turning it this way and that with a condescending expression of interest. “Hm. I suppose, for a first effort, it vas satisfactory.” He tapped her chin with the crop. “Up, mein fraulein.”

  Audra climbed to her feet, still flush. Her hands fidgeting with her gown.

  Victor’s smile grew sharper with lust. He took her arm, his gloved hand tight and cruelly indifferent as he guided her out of the front hall. Her eyes flashed as she realized they were entering the castle’s lower levels. Fine corridors soon made way for cut and cold stone. They found their way into the dungeons, the weight of years and torments endured thick in the air. He opened a door and guided her down some steps.

  A light flickered in a dark room, and Audra paused at the top of the stairs. Below lay a dungeon. Straps and chains, a pair of stocks and even a rack made the furnishing. The despairing face of an iron maiden loomed in the corner. The walls were draped with whips and paddles, fleshing knives and more tools that even she had some doubts about.

ctor paused with her, smiling as she took in the room. “Admiring my collection, I see,” he said.

  “Y-yes,” Audra said, and her stutter of fear wasn’t entirely feigned. She looked back at him, eyes wide with innocent fear. “S-sir? Are you… are you going to torture me?” she said.

  Victor’s smile was subtle, his monocle opaque with the shine of the light. “Zat vill be entirely up to me. But zough zere may be pain, zere vill be pleasure as vell. For I,” he said, pressing a gloved hand to his chest. “Victor von Hammerstein! Know very vell ze thin divide between pain and ze ecstasies of pleasure!”

  “It’s just…” Audra murmured, eying the instruments of pain. “I’ve never done something like this before.”

  Victor chuckled. His grin grew hungry. He pressed the riding crop to her chin, tilting back her head. “Haf you not? Vell zen I, Victor von Hammerstein, shall be more zen happy to thoroughly educate you, mein fraulein.”

  Audra shivered. “O-okay. Sir.”

  His touch on her arm grew firmer. He drew her down to the ground floor and then released her. His heels snapped off the floor as he stepped away and turned sharply to face her. “Strip, fraulein. Let us see vat I haf to vork vith.”

  Her hand trembling, and not entirely falsely, Audra reached back and touched the back of her dress, releasing the catch. She peeled off the fabric slowly, the shining black unveiling her firm, high breasts and a lacy black bra. The cool air of the dungeon raised goosebumps as she pushed the dress down, catching it on her hips before letting it pool about her feet. She hooked her thumbs in her panties and slowly tugged them off, the pink flower of her pussy damp.

  Von Hammerstein watched her with undisguised desire as she removed her top, her pink nipples hard in the cool air. His riding crop tapped his leg impatiently. She stood before him, shyly moving her hands to cover her naked quim and breasts.


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