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Agent Vixen Collection

Page 13

by Jay Aury

  The going was rough, his fingers searching for handholds in the water slick rock. It didn’t help he wasn’t exactly at his best. Audra had been near insatiable, and to be fair, he hadn’t been able to stop once her arms were around him, stroking him, clawing at his back as he thrust into her familiar warmth. Just the memory made him harden a little in his dark attire.

  It was a little strange for him, he had to admit as well. He never had the same lover more than a few times. He was Alistair Smith. The shadow. The master of a thousand faces. His disguises were legendary precisely because no one actually knew what he looked like. His real face was handsome, in its own way, but far more mundane. He took pains to remove distinguishing features. His face was a thing to hang accessories on to. People remembered accessories. Why yes captain. The man with the glasses and the mustache shot the general. His hair was shaggy black and he wore a popped collar. He’s impossible to miss!

  But Audra knew him now. It was a disturbing feeling in many ways. He felt a little naked. And worse, he didn’t mind so much. That could be a problem. He wasn’t naïve. He knew that this business bred deceit like a corpse does maggots. And there was a darkness in Audra. One didn’t get far in this business without it. A streak of ruthlessness and a thrill of danger.

  Yet, he found himself volunteering for missions with her. True, the Castle Hammerstein task had been his idea first, but he’d be lying to say he hadn’t enjoyed her assistance, or the time they spent after it.

  He realized he was probably setting himself up to be hurt. That too surprised him. The concept hadn’t occurred to him since he transferred from CSIS. But he knew Audra. Knew she had many lovers, and often enjoyed their attentions. Much of her accomplishments came from being willing to use her body and enjoy it. He felt a low burn and wondered at it. Jealousy? Couldn’t be.

  He banished the thought from his mind as the glass windows rose ahead. He grit his teeth, clawing nearer. Cut into the naked rock, the windows bulged outward, glowing golden in the dark. Alistair carefully dug some spikes from his belt. Quietly as he could, he anchored them into the niches in the rocks. Pulling his aching fingers from the cracks, he connected his belt to the hook. Thus secured, he fetched the listening pad from his belt. Hooking the receiver to his ear, he carefully pressed the pad against the glass.

  The sensitive listening device crackled in his ear, but soon enough he made out the sounds of voices.

  “…could be a problem,” a man’s voice said. “We’re subtle, but people are bound to notice.”

  “Let them,” Capria Eisen said, and no longer did her voice hold a shred of the smiling host. It was firm and dry. A voice of command and challenge. “They can’t prove anything. Our client list is completely private. No one has reported the few who are missing as gone. The rest are in seclusion, and the ones keeping them there have far more to lose than we do. We have nothing to fear.”

  Alistair very carefully lifted his head, peeking through the window. A boardroom lay within, a dozen men seated at a long table. Capria stood at the head, looking down at the men before her with amused disinterest. She looked different from this morning. She looked sharper, like she’d unsheathed the knife that was her personality. She was dressed the same in her seam straining white outfit, her red hair loose around her shoulders. But the mask of cordiality was gone. Here stood a woman who would make her fortune on the bodies of those who got in her way.

  One of the man, his face the soft flesh of the perpetual worrier, cleared his throat. “Agencies-“

  Capria laughed. “What can they do? Half of them have wives in our care. A quarter are the ones who use our facilities. Gentlemen, your concerns are appreciated, but invalid. We would know if any national agency were to try and infiltrate our facility. We’ve already picked up on a MI6 effort, one from the Russians, and even a Japanese infiltration. The only thing they took away was a glowing report, and they left us that much richer.”

  “And our backers…”

  Capria’s smile faded. Her joviality was gone. The shapely woman, her dress hugging her curves tightly, glared down at the table with eyes as hard and green as jade.

  “You don’t need to worry about that. They are the middlemen. We are paid well for selling these sluts to them.”

  “But we’re making a fortune as it is,” another voice said. “And if we’re caught… What if one talks?”

  Capria smiled cruelly. “Oh, I very much doubt they’d have anything to say other than ‘please, like, totally fuck me again!’”

  “But I really don’t see why-“

  Capria slammed her hand down on the table. Every man jumped, quailed as she looked at each member of the board in turn. “Because I am in charge,” she said. “Because it is my decision. My. Executive. Decision. And if anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with me.” She smiled, and icebergs were warmer than that smile. “Do we have a problem with that?”

  Every man slowly shook his head.

  Her smile widened even as her eyes narrowed. “Good. And of course,” she added, rising again, locking her hands behind her back. “I can assure you, gentlemen, that I have the records of those sales in a very safe location. Ones which, I’m sure, I would never need to dip into in order to remind you that we are all in this together.”

  One sucked in a horrified breath. “You kept…”

  “I may have the curves, gentlemen,” Capria said, stroking her ample bust lazily. “But I am far from one of the brain dead sluts you so enjoy fucking in your private rooms. So let’s all remember just who is in charge here, and I’m sure we won’t have any problems.” Her eyes gleamed. “Will we?”

  The meeting ended quite shortly after that. As they dispersed Alistair disconnected his listening device and stowed it away. Unhooking himself from the wall and tucking the spikes back into his belt, he scaled back down the cliff, thoughts heavy with what he’d learned.

  He slipped past the alarms easily enough. Thanks to the thunder of the waves, motion sensors were useless, and in the light the camera lenses were just visible. By the time he reached the beach and was climbing the steps to his room, he had shed his camo and was walking once more in his shorts and shirt. Just another irreverent rich man out for a moonlight stroll over the tiled grounds. He passed by tables folded up for the night and climbed the stairs back up to his room. He shut the glass door behind him and turned to the bed.

  Audra wasn’t there.

  For a brief moment he felt his chest tighten with unreasoning terror. He held himself tightly in place. Killed the fear. Smothered it. His eyes glided over the bed before finding the note he had written lying on the indent of the pillow where her head had been.

  He picked up the note and unfolded it and found what had been written under his own handwriting.

  Went to meet with a contact. Don’t wait up.

  He felt that horrible clenching of his heart ease only then. He scowled a little. Damn her. What did she think she was doing?

  He pressed a hand to his forehead with a sigh. No. That wasn’t fair. Audra was an agent. An excellent one. He’d seen the steel in her more than once now, and it had impressed him. She knew her business. Knew it better than most who spent their years in the cutthroat games of espionage. She could take care of herself.

  There was a subtle knock on the door. Leaving the note, Alistair went and opened it.

  “Hello John.”

  Alistair didn’t even stiffen at the sight of the buxom red head standing in the doorway. “Miss Eisen!” he cried, falling into the familiar effervescent voice of John Avera. “What a surprise! I didn’t expect to see you.”

  Her smile was again that of the bright eyed, exuberant spa owner he met the day before. But Alistair wasn’t fooled. He saw the cold, brutal woman he’d spied on just a few hours ago behind those green eyes. A devil peeking out behind the face of an angel.

  “Please, call me Capria. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  “Oh no. I tend to be something of a night owl.”
  “May I come in?”

  “It is your resort,” Alistair said as she stepped aside.

  Capria smiled prettily at him as she walked inside. She glanced about the room, her eyes flicking to the bedroom. “Your wife isn’t here?”

  “Ah. No. It seems she wanted to take a midnight swim.”

  “Did she?” Capria said. “And you didn’t join her?”

  “Oh. She ah… seems to have slipped out while I was asleep.”

  Capria glanced at him, her head cocked, a knowing smile on her lips. “Are you sure about that, John?”

  Alistair nodded. “Quite sure.”

  Her smile widened. And any man with a working libido would have noticed how she walked towards him, hips swinging with suggestion, green eyes alight with amusement and hot desire. “You’re a very trusting man,” she said, running her finger along the buttons that held shut his shirt.

  “I’m… sorry?”

  “On this island, where some of the most famous and handsome men visit, your wife slipped out? And you think she just… went for a swim.”

  His face hardened a little, as any man’s would on his wife’s fidelity being questioned. “What are you…”

  “Oh I’m sure she did,” Capria said, her voice low. An insinuating purr as she flicked open the first button of his shirt. “I’m sure she’s just at the beach. But I am a woman, John,” she said, another button popped open, baring the beginnings of his toned chest. “And I know how tempting a man can be. It can turn a woman from the sight right… in… front of her.”




  Alistair was breathing deeply as the last few buttons snapped open, his shirt parting, his sculpted chest on full display. Her eyes flashed and rose to his face again. Her palm rested on his abdominals.

  Her smile was warmer. “Hm. I can empathize, really. I can. But I’m sure she’s just… swimming.”

  Alistair swallowed thickly, his cock outlined against his shorts as it hardened despite the cool night air. “Was there… Did you come here for something?”

  Her hand stroked his abs, slid lower. “Oh. Well. I know how lonely it can be while your wife is getting her treatment, and thought I might break up the monotony of it. Invite you for lunch in my personal suite. I think there’s much we can discuss.”

  He sucked in a breath as her fingers stroked the outline of his shaft. “Why, that’s… quite generous of you.”

  “It’s my pleasure,” she said smiling lightly. She leaned in, her full breasts pressing against his chest. Her hand squeezed his cock. “Say eleven? I’ll have a man come around and bring you. I’m looking forward to it.”

  She didn’t wait for him to confirm. She turned, red hair whirling around her as departed with a satisfied sway. Alistair gasped, sagging a bit where he stood as the door shut behind her with a click.

  Alistair exhaled thickly, running a hand through his hair. He looked over the dark room in the silence, his nostrils flaring at the scent of cinnamon lingering in the air. Well, that had been a pretty blatant bloody offer, hadn’t it? He sighed and sat down at the edge of the bed, wincing as his hard cock flexed in the tightness of his pants. Still, he mused, tilting back his head and staring at the ceiling. A golden opportunity to discover more about the island, if he played his cards right.

  He sighed, falling back, crossing his arms behind his head. With a pang of unexpected jealousy, he wondered if Audra had as much luck with her nighttime work.

  Making Friends

  The elevator thumped, slid upward smoothly. The upper floors were off limits. Staff residences and offices. Yet, with but a flick of the keycard the screen blinked a cheery hello and brought her up. Twice guards had stopped her, asking politely what she was doing about the grounds. Just meeting a friend she’d said, flashing a smile and the keycard. They’d let her pass after that, making her way down the curving walls with their strange, latent glows.

  The elevator chimed for the fourth floor, and when the glass elevator slid open, she found herself in a massive living room whose utter pinkness practically blinded her after the sterile whites of the spa. The walls, the floor, the decorations of beads and frilly finery, everything had hues of pinks and purples.

  Maxine was within. She was sitting in a chair like an egg cut in half, arms and head thrown back and moaning with unabashed delight as a man kneeled between her legs eagerly licked her out.

  For a moment Audra just stood there, stunned, watching the voluptuous scientist buck her hips, the man’s naked, muscled back moving as he buried his tongue deep in her cunt. Audra didn’t consider herself a prude. She’d done things she wouldn’t admit to anyone but the bottom of a wine bottle. But the sight before her stole her breath and froze her where she stood.

  She didn’t move until Maxine’s sparkling blue eyes opened and saw her standing there.

  “Janie!” she cried. “There you… mnnn… are. Just a second. I’m… just about… nnn! Nnnaaaa!”

  Maxine moaned, grabbing the man’s head and pulling him flush against her hot cunt. Her shapely thighs tremble with the shaking thrill of orgasm.

  Panting, Maxine pushed the man away. “Thanks Trevor! That was… like, great!”

  Trevor grunted and stood. He was a broad specimen, Audra couldn’t help but notice with a twinge of interest. His broad, naked back tanned to an oak brown and his head was smooth and hairless as a bowling ball. He turned and wandered off into a side room where she heard the sudden hiss of a shower.

  Maxine jumped to her feet and skipped across the floor, her immense breasts bouncing and her thighs and quim gleaming with the lingering evidence of her tryst. Before Audra could do more than blink she was again engulfed in the woman’s hug, face mashed between those flawless teats, drowned in the scent of fizzy liquor.

  “I’m so glad you came! I was hoping you would! Come on. Let’s sit. I so wanted to talk to you!”

  “Oh,” Audra said as she was hauled across the room. Despite looking like every man’s wet dream Maxine was strong! “That’s uh, good. I was hoping to talk to you too.”

  “Great! Oh! You’re not put off by that little show were you?” she suddenly asked.

  “Oh, no,” Audra said, flushing a little at the memory of the man between Maxine’s pretty thighs. “It’s fine.”

  “If you want to try him you can. He’s got a suuuper good cock. But I get to watch!” she giggled.

  Audra found herself smiling back. Strange as Maxine surely was, the voluptuous blonde had a manic, bubbly energy she couldn’t help but like. “Oh no. No,” Audra demurred politely as she let the blonde seat her on a couch. “I’m married, you see.”

  “Pthbth,” Maxine said, sticking out her tongue. “Who cares! How can you just have one guy when there’s a whole world of sexy men out there just, like, so eager to fuck!”

  “It is a challenge I admit,” Audra said.

  “I could never,” Maxine said, flopping into her egg-shaped chair, her massive teats bouncing on her chest. “I mean, what if tonight I wanted a black guy? But I was married to someone? It might get awkward. I mean, I totally have the body to get one. And they have great cocks,” she said fondly. “There’s like, a different taste to them, you know?”

  Audra considered that. “I suppose…”

  “Or, like, what if I wanted someone to spank me?” she asked, turning over and giving Audra a smoky look of her shoulder. She grasped the firm globes of her perfect rear and gave them a squeeze. “You’d need someone really good at it!”

  Audra swallowed a little at the sight of that firm derrier, outlined by a thin strip of fabric vanishing between the shapely globes of Maxine’s ass. “Well, that’s a matter of opinion...”

  “Right! But everyone should be able to, like, be so sexy! You know? I’m sure you totally understand. I mean look at you!”

  Audra knew she shouldn’t, but such obvious and eager praise made her preen like a bird on a warm day. “Well,” she laughed, brushing her bouncing
blonde hair. “I don’t know about that…”

  “Like, totally!” Maxine cried. Audra drew back a little in surprise as the other woman suddenly leaned forward, then gasped in shock as the busty blonde cupped her breasts. “And you have such, like, great tits! Oh!” she said, smiling slyly when she saw Audra’s flush. “Are they sensitive?”

  “Mmm. A… a little,” Audra gasped.

  Maxine giggled, but something more burned in those bright baby blues. She leaned in and expertly undid the buttons of the spy’s shirt. Audra gasped as her breasts bounced in the open air. She hadn’t put on a bra after waking up, and her naked teats with their proud, pink nipples quivered in the air.

  “Oh wow! Those are like, so perfect!”

  “Th-thank youuuuuuuuu!” Audra moaned as a pair of plump lips suddenly attached themselves to her nipples. Audra gasped, arching, thrusting out her chest into Maxine’s mouth as the other woman suckled and tongued them. Audra clung to her seat, head thrown back, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her breasts rising and falling with heavy beats of her heart. She had never really been into women. At times she’d been forced to fake it to make it. Evil was, after all, hardly confined to one sex. But she’d never had a woman like Maxine on her. The blonde bimbo’s eager attentions were backed up by skills that made the spy’s toes curl and waves of heat wash through her.

  “Ohhhh,” Audra moaned softly.

  Maxine broke her kiss on Audra’s firm teats. “Mmm, yeah,” she giggled, tongue sliding around the pink ring of Audra’s areola. “You have such great tits! They taste like honey! I’ll barely have to, like, do anything to them.”

  Audra swallowed thickly, hips twitching with the urge to press her mound against the other woman’s tanned flesh. “O-oh. G-good…”

  “Oh yeah!” Maxien giggled. “You’re like, halfway there already! Bit more on the hips. A bit more on the chest, and you’d be, like, the best!”

  Red faced, Audra huffed, “What’s wrong with my tits?”

  “Oh nothing,” Maxine giggled. “They’re like, so great! But we can make them even better.”


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