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Obsidian Mask

Page 13

by Scarlett Dawn

  I dangled there with drying tears on a rollercoaster of emotions. I was scared my parents obviously knew I was pregnant, and if they hadn’t gotten the hint that Daniil was papa…no point in even hoping for that with the way he kept carrying on. And hurt that they would treat me like a child, and actually hurt me in front of everyone…and stunned to go along with the nauseous from being jerked around like I had been.

  Ember handed off Nikki and Beth to Cole and Brent, rushing over, holding her hands up when Daniil growled at her, backing up a few more steps with me in his hold. She stumbled to a stop a few feet away from us, her hands out to her sides, saying quickly, “Daniil, they can’t understand you.”

  Her expression showed that she couldn’t either as Daniil barked something at her in Russian, his grip tightening on me, and I started to feel real sick to my stomach being held like this. I tapped Daniil’s arm, which he didn’t seem to notice.

  My lunch began to rise.

  I swallowed hard, trying to keep it down.

  Stash raced over, standing next to Ember, and spoke in a calm, monotone low voice…but it was also in Russian. I had no clue what he was saying, but Daniil stopped making the soft growl that was coming from deep within his chest and listened. He made an odd grunting sound then, shaking his head and I burped, groaning.

  Daniil stilled, and then glanced down at me. Stash kept speaking, and slowly, Daniil lowered me. I barely kept from puking, but I did manage somehow to keep some of my dignity intact. And even though Daniil lowered me to my feet, he kept not just the one arm around me but added his other, keeping me flush against him.

  I felt his chest rise, and he nodded at Stash, before slowly speaking past his children, in an extremely accented voice, but thank God in English, “No one harms her.”

  The place was silent, and I felt Daniil all tight behind me, practically vibrating. I sighed, staying where I was—half because I wanted to and half because I really didn’t think Daniil was going to let me go anytime soon. “Mom. Dad. Yes, I’m pregnant. And Daniil’s the father if you hadn’t already figured that out.”

  There was a pregnant pause, and then my dad shouted my mom’s name, and Ember and Stash lunged toward them. I couldn’t see what happened, but I guessed Mom fainted. I hadn’t heard her hit the floor, so one of them must have caught her. And I was sure it was only going to get worse.

  Daniil, Dad, Mom, and I were in a study that Daniil had led us to after Mom woke from her fainting spell. Daniil still had his arms around me—he hadn’t let go yet—and he still wasn’t speaking very well in English, his accent very heavy. But, I got the gist that if I tried to move away from him it would probably end with me chained…inside a dungeon.

  Hell, I wouldn’t put it past him to have one here.

  Stiffly, Daniil steered me toward a large black marble desk. He lifted me, sitting me on top of the desk and started examining my arm and ear again, his movements jerky and clearly agitated. Glancing at me, he asked, “Does it hurt?”

  Yes. “No. I’m fine.” Didn’t want my parents being thrown in that dungeon, after all.

  He scowled, stating quietly, “You lie horribly.”

  “She always has,” my mom stated softly, staring at us wide-eyed while falling into a black leather chair just opposite the desk, her arms hanging over the arms of the chair, appearing completely shocked…and even a little scared.

  Daniil stiffened even more, his muscles bulging, as he stood straight, turning to face my parents, but I interrupted, saying, “You think you can find a shirt to put on?” His body was going to be a distraction to everyone.

  My dad snorted. “A little late for that, sweetie, don’t you think?” He rubbed his face where he stood on the opposite side of the desk before placing his hands it, head down and eyes closed. “Elizabeth, how could you do something so foolish?”

  Daniil started that little growly noise again, and I quickly put a hand on his chest, keeping him from doing anything to my dad. “It wasn’t exactly planned, Dad.”

  “Let me guess. It just happened?” Dad asked sarcastically, not really looking for an answer, glancing up and giving his full penetrating glare to Daniil. “How could you let this occur? She’s young and makes mistakes, but you’re old enough to know better.”

  Daniil sucked in a large breath and took my hand from his chest, holding it at his side. “Yes. Of course, I know better, but Beth is right. We didn’t plan this, but it did happen.” He shook his head. “You don’t really want to know the details, do you?” His eyebrows rose, as he seemed to get control over himself finally, resting his hip directly between my legs hanging over the table, showing blatantly that we were together now, even if we hadn’t planned this.

  My dad stared silently at our close positioning, and my mom snorted this time, waving a hand. “Beth is a short name of Elizabeth…,” she shook her head. “You tricked me. And I should have known better.”

  Daniil nodded once. “I did trick you. Beth and I didn’t want you knowing then.” No apology.

  “It’s not as bad as you think,” I tried placating them. “It’s not like it’s the end of the world.” I might have thought that at first, but now…well, it wasn’t so bad a thought. “It’s a baby. Your grandchild.”

  “Elizabeth,” Dad said softly. “You can’t stay in this relationship.”

  Immediately, Daniil countered, his voice fierce even if he wore a bored expression, “She can. And she will.”

  My mom stood, glaring now. “That’s my daughter’s decision. Not yours.”

  Quietly, into the tense silence I stated, “I want to be with him.”

  Mom crossed her arms, turning her rigid back to us, and dad’s eyes closed even as he asked, “Sweetie. Do you love him,” I stilled, “because as much as it pains me to say this, you shouldn’t be with him just because he’s the father of your baby? We can help you raise this child without him.” His eyes opened, staring hard into mine. “His world is no place for you or a child.”

  Truth time. My parents deserved that at least. “I don’t know him well enough to love him. We’re only in the beginning stages of our relationship.” Although, yes, I was already pregnant. We were doing things backward, but doing them nonetheless.

  My mom turned around and opened her mouth, but Daniil cut over her, stating, “I agree with Beth. Our relationship is too new for love, but I do care a great deal for your daughter. I won’t let anyone harm her…including her parents. She’s stated that she wants to be with me. Let her be without the arguments. Let us get to know one another better. As you said, I’m old enough to know better, and I know as well as you that arguing with your child, who’s an adult, gets you nowhere. They tend to do what they want, anyway.”

  I bit my lip because I agreed wholeheartedly and just about spouted something off very childish like “Duh. Like they could hold me back.” I would do what I wanted. But, I got the feeling Daniil—even though he agreed with what he had said—found ways around that little flaw stubborn children tended to have. I didn’t think there was much that he didn’t get when he wanted it.

  My dad shook his head. “I can’t agree with her being with you.” He walked a few steps, coming to stand next to us, staring up at Daniil, but somehow, Dad didn’t seem so small with the intensity of his conviction so obvious on his face. “Put yourself in my shoes, Daniil. If you were me, with my beliefs and standing before a man like you in this situation, what would you do?”

  Daniil’s lips twitched. “Run.”

  Sighing, I slapped his chest lightly. He wasn’t helping. “Daniil, stop it.” Staring at my dad’s furious face, I said, “Dad, Daniil has explained his world to me. I know the risks of being with him. And I still choose him.”

  Dad got right in my face, somehow maneuvering between Daniil and me. “Elizabeth, there’s knowing and then there’s knowing. You have never experienced his world. And Lord save you from ever doing that.” He paused, his gaze straight on mine. He blinked slowly. “Oh, sweetie. You don’t think yo
u can actually change him, do you?”

  I felt my irritation rise over being freaked that I was having this conversation with my parents. “Maybe.” When my dad sighed, I stated, “What do you think you were doing today? Every day, every Sunday, you try to change people to God’s ways. Educate them. You invited Daniil to service with that exactly in mind. What makes me different than you?”

  Dad opened his mouth and shut it slowly, his lips pinching.

  He leaned back, and I nodded. “See. We’re not so different after all.”

  In a lazy, bored tone, Daniil drawled, “Beth, my sweet. I’ve already told you I’m not changing my ways.”

  I smiled at him sweetly, still irritated. “Yes, you did say that.” Didn’t mean it wasn’t going to happen.

  And Daniil actually chuckled, turning between my legs, staring down at me. Lightly, he gripped my cheeks as I scowled at him—damn man thought I was cute—and lightly kissed my lips while still laughing softly. “I adore your conviction, but you’re not going to change me.”

  Ignoring how my parents went mute at our chaste kiss, I grumbled, “It’s worth a shot.” I paused, and then stated honestly, “You’re worth a shot.”

  Smiling at me softly, he shook his head. “Your father is right about one thing. You don’t really know my world. I’ve told you what you need to know to make an informed decision to be with me, but what I do…who I am…it’s too much a part of me. It is me. I do what I do to keep my family safe, and that’s not going to change.”

  I shook my head. “No. You tried talking to Ben instead of using force first. When I asked you to stop with Samuel, you did so, letting me handle it the legal way. You agreed not to hurt that Phillips guy even though you were overly upset. You didn’t hurt Micah over that photo,” I ignored the reasons behind it, “and you kept me from doing anything stupid like drinking when I was ignorant enough not to realize I might be pregnant.” I pointed a finger at the tip of his nose. “There’s good in there. I believe I can help you find it.”

  Daniil’s grin broadened and he kissed the tip of my pointed finger. “You are adorable.”

  I sighed, rolling my eyes since the man wasn’t listening. “And you’re crazy.”

  “Uh-huh,” Daniil murmured, tilting his head and brushing my finger away with his cheek. He bent lower and kissed me again…but this time it wasn’t so chaste.

  I damn near melted into him, but a few seconds—hopefully—later I was sane enough to remember my parents were in the room, and I pulled back. I smiled—it was damn cute—when Daniil followed with a small humming complaint, but I quickly put a stopping finger against his lips, saying, “Daniil, my parents.”

  His lids opened, and his brown eyes that had started to darken, blinked without comprehension before intelligent reasoning was reflected there, and he cleared his throat, straitening and pulling me back to a more upright position. He didn’t turn to face my parents since I could feel the beginnings of his erection resting between my thighs, but he did turn his head to them, holding me close.

  My parents were staring. My mom’s gaze was stunned, to say the least…but…oddly…a tiny smile lifted her lips. And my dad was resting right against the desk next to us, he hadn’t moved, but he was staring at Daniil calmly. Very, very calmly. It was…peculiar.

  Daniil cleared his throat again, running his hand through his hair and opening his mouth to say something.

  But my dad lifted a hand, stopping him. “I can’t condone this right now. But you’re correct, Daniil. I can’t stop it, either.” He pushed off the desk and slowly paced behind the chair that my mom had sat in again at some point during our smooch. His gaze never left Daniil’s face. “If this is going to continue, which it appears it’s going to,” his hand went to the cross necklace that was hidden under his shirt, “I would request that you continue going to church. And we’ll all have dinner together at least twice a week, whether it’s here or at our house, I don’t care just so long as it happens.”

  He stopped pacing, and his expression turned pained when he spoke. “I don’t suppose you two can stop your,” his hand gestured between the two of us, “intimate relations while you get to know each other…” His voice trailed off as Daniil and I both stared. “Never mind, that was too much to hope for. Although, I might add that this pregnancy wouldn’t be a problem if you would have followed His ways and waited until marriage.” Neither Daniil nor I commented—what was there to say?—on that, and he scowled but continued talking. “I would prefer this be kept quiet also, for the sake of my daughter’s safety, until you two get this figured out.” His cheeks flushed with fury. He rarely got mad, so it shocked me enough to keep my mouth shut.

  Daniil gently nodded. “I don’t see an issue with what you requested. It will give you, your wife, and me a chance to get to know one another better since we will be linked through my child and your grandchild no matter the outcome. And I agree with the secrecy for now. Beth’s safety should be our number one priority.”

  “Yes. It should be,” my mother stated, rising from her chair again.

  Daniil held up a finger. “But I have a few requests of my own.”

  I stayed quiet, wondering what he was going to say while my parents watched him with narrow eyes, appearing not to appreciate this.

  “First. You will never lay a hand on her again,” Daniil’s voice was a soft growl, and he absently started rubbing my bruised arm. “Ever.”

  My parents stayed mute but nodded, their eyes still constricted, but amazingly looking sheepish. As they should. Sure, they spanked me growing up when I really misbehaved, but they had never really harmed me. I knew they felt bad about what they had done. Their expressions said it all.

  “Second. You will never degrade her in front of anyone again. She is not a child and should not be treated at such.”

  My mom stiffened. “She will always be a child to us.”

  Daniil nodded. “I understand that. She is your child, and will always be so, but demeaning her in front of others is not healthy for her.” He paused, staring them down. “If you have an issue with something she’s doing, take her to a more private venue to discuss your issues. I’m sure Beth would appreciate this.”

  I nodded. Hell yes, I would.

  “All right,” my dad stated stiffly, clearly irritated at being told what to do, but understanding nonetheless. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have agreed.

  “And third.” Daniil paused, his voice going to a deep and dark place inside him. “Since you know about us, you will cancel that date you’ve set up with Don Phillips. She won’t be seeing anyone else.”

  Both of my parents’ mouths thinned, and they glanced at me for confirmation. They really didn’t like the command in his voice—I could tell, so they weren’t going to just agree with him on this one. They wanted that ‘request’ coming from me. So, I nodded. “Daniil’s right. Please cancel the date.” I sure as hell didn’t want to be seeing someone else when I was with him. The fewer people I had to save, the better off I was. And Don was.

  “You may have more in common with Don than with Daniil,” Mom stated hesitantly.

  Daniil started to move away, clearly irritated if the sound of the small growl vibrating in his chest meant anything. I quickly wrapped my legs around his, grabbing his waist. “Mr. Phillips is not who I want to be with. Just cancel the date.” I kept my legs tight around Daniil, and when he saw my parents shoulders sag even as they nodded, he relaxed back into me.

  Letting my feet fall from his legs, I placed a hand on his warm back. “Mom, do you know a good OBGYN? I would like to set up an appointment.” I didn’t want my parents too upset. They may be overbearing most of the time, but deep down, I loved them. They were mine, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

  Mom’s mien changed instantly like I knew it would, going all mother-in-charge on me. “You haven’t had an appointment yet to confirm the pregnancy?” She paused, looking a little hopeful. “How do you really know you’re pregnant?”

  “She’s carrying my child,” Daniil stated bluntly. He placed his hand on my lower stomach. His eyes gleamed with pride. “I’m almost positive it’s a boy.”

  Rolling my eyes, I patted his back. “Mom, I took a pregnancy test after I missed my period. It was positive. I am pregnant.” I shot Daniil a look. “And the sex is undetermined even though some wish for another little ‘Daniil’ running around.”

  Daniil grinned and shook his head, rubbing on my belly. He had that same look on his face, letting me know that I was being cute again.

  My dad was watching our interaction carefully, staying silent, even as my mom nodded, grabbing her purse, and pulling out a black book. She stated, “Well, in that case, I do know of an excellent OBGYN. We send some of the single teen moms who come to the church to her. She has an excellent bedside manner and she’s very skilled.” She flipped through the pages of the black book.

  A thought occurred, and I blurted, “Is she ugly?”

  Mom was startled at my question even as Daniil laughed outright, pulling me in closer to him. He had remembered Ember’s advice too. Whispering in my ear, he said, “You have nothing to worry about, my sweet. I choose you.”

  Since the conversation with my parents hadn’t taken too long, we went back to the gymnasium with a little persuasion on my part to Daniil and both my parents. They even agreed that I shouldn’t be playing, but I stayed firm in my belief that exercise was good for me.

  Daniil grumbled the most. “If you’re going to play then tell Mary to not trip my son into you again.” I didn’t know she had. I just thought he slammed into me because I hadn’t been paying attention. Although it didn’t surprise me since I knew Mary was getting ticked off while playing. She could hold her own if need be.

  The game was a blast in the end.

  We won.

  I was in fine spirits, grinning like an idiot and taunting Daniil, who was decidedly a sore loser. I didn’t have to hide our relationship from anyone here, so it was easy.


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