Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Scarlet Hyacinth

Then again, he doubted any other male lover would’ve made him feel like this. Moss’s entire body buzzed with need, his own shaft throbbing, begging for release. He moaned, the sound muffled by the cock in his mouth.

  Moss couldn’t take it any longer. He struggled with the bindings of his breeches and released his own cock from its confines. It was hard to focus both on pleasuring Vane and on finding his own peak, but somehow Moss did it.

  It went on and on, with Vane fucking his face and Moss fucking his own fist. He absently heard Vane growling obscenities, but a weird buzzing filled his ears and he could make out very little from the words. And then hot cum hit his taste buds as his lover climaxed. The sensation pushed Moss over the edge, and he came as well.

  He rode the orgasm for the longest time, the sensations unlike anything he’d ever experienced. He heard his own voice cry out Vane’s name and distantly wondered how that was even possible if he still had Vane’s cock in his mouth.

  The thought made his mind clear up a bit, and he opened his eyes to his empty, pathetic room. The only living beings in the area other than him were the rats, scampering around the corners. Moss could have sobbed in loss, and his remaining arousal dissipated as if it had never been.

  Unwilling to let a stupid dream get the best of him, he got up from his little cot and walked to the pot serving as a cleaning space. As he dipped a rag in the water, he recalled the dream, and the entire night before. This was such a surreal situation, and he felt strangely empty and abandoned. He swore he still tasted Vane’s cum in his mouth, but that couldn’t be. Or could it?

  After returning from his peculiar interview, he’d fallen asleep almost instantly. Then he’d had the disturbing dream that seemed so vivid. Had he really accepted to be the secretary of a bloodkin? The bloodkin had separated him from his family to begin with. This was a terrible idea, and one he would have never agreed to had he been in his right mind.

  He could only find one explanation for his poor reasoning and the dream. Vane must have seduced him just like the strangers in his town had done with so many others. But he didn’t have to work there. He hadn’t signed the contract. Normally, he operated with the motto “my word is my bond” always in mind, but this time, he needed to make an exception.

  Nodding to himself, Moss finished cleaning up and returned to bed. He grimaced in distaste as he realized he’d soiled the one blanket he owned, but he didn’t have any choice but to use it. Nights could get very chilly here.

  Bundling back up in the cot and carefully avoiding the wet spot, Moss closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep. Tomorrow would be another day, and perhaps he’d be able to find a better job. For all his efforts, that night, he dreamed of dark eyes and sensual lips on his own.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Moss headed out toward the harbor, hoping to find another daily job so he could at least eat today. He ran into some of his former employers and ended up spending a few good hours carrying heavy boxes around. A part of him screamed he’d had a chance for an excellent job with Vane Bloodmoor, but then, he remembered his father’s advice and everything that had happened in Elmya. As much as he liked Vane, he couldn’t let the other man take over his life. He didn’t want to lose himself like his friends had.

  Unfortunately, he hadn’t slept well the night before, tormented by dreams of Vane, and his distracted musings didn’t help his performance. Several times, he was reprimanded, and the money he received at the end of the job hardly covered his eating needs for the following day.

  Disheartened, Moss headed toward his poor home. At least it was close to the harbor and he didn’t have to drag his tired body too far. But as he reached his little hovel, he noticed a familiar-looking carriage.

  He considered running away, but he did have to advise his former employer of his decision. He spotted Benson waiting, and figured talking to the butler would suffice.

  He’d have preferred to wear something different while doing so, since his appearance echoed his day spent working in the harbor. But at this point, it didn’t matter since after this evening, Moss would most likely never see Benson ever again.

  Taking a deep breath, Moss headed toward Benson. “Mister Hayden,” the butler greeted him. “Do you have a response for us?”

  Moss nodded. “I changed my mind. This is a bad idea. I don’t think I can take such a job.”

  “I thought you might say that.” The carriage door opened and Vane stepped out.

  Moss froze. He could have resisted Benson, but with Vane himself here, he found his previous decision melting away like butter left in the sun.

  “Vane…I mean, Lord Bloodmoor…”

  Vane glowered at him. “Shut up and get in the carriage.”

  The tone reminded Moss of his dream, and his cock stirred in his linen work pants. No, this was a very bad moment to be aroused. And then, Vane stepped closer, and Moss’s body responded to the other man’s close proximity. “Go on,” he whispered huskily. “You’ve made me wait enough.”

  Moss wanted to obey. In fact, his entire body screamed to do so. He could no longer remember why he’d even thought he needed to resist. But his legs refused to move, and his knees yielded. He almost fell on his face right in front of Vane, but the other man caught him just in time.

  Vane’s arm went around Moss’s waist, and he whimpered as Vane’s body came into close contact with his own. Flashes of the dream passed through his mind’s eye, and he had the sudden urge to reenact it, right then and there. Judging by the feel of Vane’s hard shaft against him, the other man would have very much liked something similar.

  But Vane showed more caution and control than Moss. He pulled Moss along and basically tossed him into the luxurious carriage. To Moss’s surprise, Benson didn’t get in. The carriage rolled off, leaving the butler behind.

  “W–what’s going on?” he asked. “Where is he going?”

  Vane ignored his question. “Did you read through the contract?” he asked instead of offering a reply.

  Moss shook his head. He hadn’t read through it. He’d left at dawn for his harbor job, convinced he would refuse the weird secretary position. “I fell asleep shortly after I got back, and in the morning—”

  Vane cut him off before he could finish the phrase. “Well, you’re coming with me now so you can read it. You may not be my employee yet, but you did promise to give me an actual answer. I don’t appreciate being ignored.”

  Moss’s face heated at the reprimand. “Yes, my lord,” he muttered. He should have known better. He’d been taught manners by a very educated lady, and here he was, ignoring his mother’s every lesson. “I understand.”

  Vane nodded. “Excellent. Never disobey me again. I don’t like it.”

  “Yes, my lord,” Moss repeated. He could swear he saw Vane adjust himself in his pants, but the motion was so fast it could have very well been his imagination.

  He tried to distract himself and looked away from his employer. Outside, the city looked as busy as ever, with carts surrounding the carriage, errand boys running to and fro. Merchants advertised their wares, and ragged-looking housewives occasionally engaged in not-so-polite debates with them, intent on decreasing the prices.

  It occurred to Moss none of the people seemed to pay any heed to the passing vehicle. In fact, they went about their business as if expensive carriages were the norm in their city and the district, when in fact, Moss could count the times he’d seen them on the fingers of one hand. Only the wealthiest folk benefited from such comforts, and not even rich human families, like Moss’s had been, could afford one. The magicks and technologies needed to fashion such items went beyond anything Moss could ever hope to see.

  “You are wondering why they can’t see the carriage,” Vane said. “Like I said, my kind has certain abilities, and I can make the humans avoid our vehicle without them even noticing.”

  Moss gaped at Vane. “But didn’t you say you dislike manipulating humans? That you don’t use your powers for such things?
” He closed his mouth when he realized he’d insulted his employer. “I–I’m sorry,” he stammered.

  Strangely, Vane didn’t look upset. In fact, he looked amused. “Don’t apologize. I am pleased you asked since you will be seeing me use my powers in the future. And to answer your question, there is a difference between the two cases.” He paused, as if taking a moment to assess his words. “In this situation, I use my abilities for my comfort and convenience. It would be very annoying to have the humans take notice of the carriage and either take off screaming or beg for money.”

  Moss nodded. He agreed with that, but he still didn’t grasp the difference Vane was talking about. “But isn’t the ‘bed and breakfast’ thing convenience as well?” He couldn’t make himself say “sex and blood.”

  Vane shook his head. “That is need and base instinct. Using my power for obtaining it would render me close to an animal, like many of my kin have become.” Vane’s gaze seemed to turn heated, more intense. “My education and position help me conquer it. Others are not so lucky, or simply do not bother.”

  Moss was beginning to understand. “It’s not so different with humans,” he replied, proud when his voice didn’t tremble. “Following instinct and need blindly leads to disastrous results.”

  “Precisely.” Vane’s expression turned predatory. “With the exception that my instinct is to possess, feed, and hurt, and much more extreme. I have other abilities, such as telekinesis, for example, but I won’t get into that right now.”

  Moss didn’t know what to say to that. He’d somehow ended up in a very dangerous situation, but he didn’t even feel frightened.

  “Ah, we’re here,” Vane said suddenly.

  Startled, Moss looked outside once more. Indeed, at some point during the conversation, they’d left the harbor district and were now in front of Vane’s home. When had so much time passed?

  The carriage slowed down and stopped, and Moss’s nervousness doubled. Vane opened the door and jumped outside, then gestured him out. Taken aback, Moss tripped and caught himself before falling. He realized then his messy clothing had dirtied the expensive seating of the carriage.

  What a disaster. He’d been so lost in Vane’s presence he’d even forgotten to feel self-conscious about his clothing. He wished now he’d have fulfilled his promise. At least that way, Vane wouldn’t have seen him like this.

  “Come on,” Vane said, and Moss’s body moved as if of its own accord.

  He joined Vane out of the carriage, the same feeling of wonder filling him as he took in the house. When Vane headed toward the front entrance, Moss followed. His shamelessness returned with a vengeance and he took advantage of his position to admire Vane’s ass and broad back. His hands itched to touch, to see if those muscles were as hard as they seemed, to feel and explore everything.

  He struggled to keep a modicum of composure, even if he suspected Vane could see straight through him. Vane led him inside, and just when Moss thought he’d had enough surprises for the day, an army of servants met them. Liveried men and women in maid outfits popped up from every direction, fussing around Vane and giving Moss curious looks. Moss could only guess what they thought of him and wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

  “Everyone, this is my future companion, Mister Marlais Hayden. As usual, you are to help him with everything he needs.”

  There were yeses all around, and then silence fell. Moss had to say something to introduce himself. “Hi. It’s a pleasure to be here. I’m Marlais, but you can call me Moss.”

  Another chorus of agreements followed, but this time, they sounded less practiced and a bit more intrigued.

  “Well, then, Pena, prepare a bath for our new guest.” A tiny woman nodded and did a small curtsy. “Go with her,” Vane told Moss. “After you wash up and get a change of clothes, I expect you in my study.” He clapped his hands together. “Everyone, back to your duties.”

  The servants scattered, obeying Vane’s orders to the letter. Vane left as well, and Moss was left with the tiny maid. “I’m Pena. I usually help out the master’s companions with daily issues like wardrobe, washing, things like that.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Pena,” Moss replied automatically. “Okay, then. Lead the way.”

  * * * *

  Yet again, Vane retreated to his study, seeking to get rid of his need and arousal before he saw Marlais again. He considered touching himself again, but knowing his luck, either Kier or Marlais himself would burst in on him, and that would be very embarrassing.

  Vane sat at the desk, absently looking over the papers he’d set out the night before. Everything represented a task he intended to appoint to his new human secretary. He admitted he’d been disappointed when the human had not shown up, but it truly hadn’t surprised him. He even knew where Marlais had gone, of course. He’d have chased him down into the harbor, but he disliked sunlight, more so since he’d spent quite a long time without blood now. His kind usually built up resistance to the sun through a heavier consumption of blood. Vane couldn’t wait to test it with his new companion.

  Vane’s fangs emerged at the thought of drinking Marlais’s blood, and he cursed. His nature seemed to be emerging more and more with each second he spent in the human’s presence. The young man had been right about this being a bad idea, but Vane couldn’t make himself let go now. It felt too right. Having Marlais—or rather, Moss—by his side had quickly become essential.

  Even their small conversation in the carriage convinced Vane of this. Articulate, educated, and intelligent, Moss showed genuine interest in the bloodkin and arousal at Vane’s touch. He was perfect, too perfect.

  He was also alone now, alone with Pena. A growl emerged in Vane’s throat at the thought of anyone else but him seeing Moss naked. He’d done it out of habit, since it never bothered him before when servants took care of his “bed and breakfasts.” But Moss couldn’t be compared to those past whores. Vane should never have told Pena to help him with settling in, or at least, he should’ve kept watch over them.

  In a blur of motion, Vane left his study and rushed out. The room he’d assigned for Moss held a luxurious adjoining bathroom and he crossed the distance from his study there in a few seconds.

  Even before entering the room, he heard a conversation taking place. He stopped, deciding to see if Moss intended to make a move on Pena. “Thank you for all your help,” Moss said. “Sorry about the clothes.”

  “You don’t need to apologize, my lord,” Pena replied. “It’s my job.”

  “Yes, but…I’m really confused about this. So I hoped maybe you could help out, tell me how I should act.”

  Vane didn’t want Moss to need anyone else but him. Shocked at his own thoughts, he began to back off, only to realize he couldn’t make himself leave. First, he had to mark Moss as his.

  Without allowing himself a moment to change his mind, Vane sauntered inside the room. The bathroom door was cracked open and Vane noticed Moss half-naked with Pena. Jealousy swelled hot inside Vane, and his vision turned dark and red. He growled low in his throat. How dare she touch what belonged to him?

  He didn’t know what prevented him from just shooting into the bathroom and pulling Moss away from Pena, perhaps the very realization that the first time in centuries, he’d fallen prey to his instincts. Up until that moment, he hadn’t truly acknowledged the extent of his peculiar attachment to Moss. Moss had been in his house for maybe an hour total, and Vane was already going berserk. He couldn’t understand it.

  Someone else might have rushed out to lick his wounds in private or surrendered to the emotions. Vane did neither. Instead, he filtered everything through the reason that governed his every moment. In a flash, he had his control back. Just in time, too, because Pena had heard the noise. For a bunch of household spirits, brownies really did have acute senses.

  Pena slipped out of the bathroom, with Moss behind her. Both gaped when they saw him. “My lord?” Moss asked hesitantly. “I thought I was supposed to join you in t
he study?”

  “I changed my mind.” He turned to a wide-eyed Pena. “You’re dismissed, Pena. Thank you.”

  The maid nodded, curtsied, and hastened out. Like all the people here, she was used to living in a bloodkin’s house. Her kind generally accepted all the peculiarities of their current master, and neither Pena nor the rest of her kind had ever shown any surprise or distress regarding Vane’s habits. Besides, Kier did a good job of keeping the servants in line and pacifying them with honey cakes, so Vane didn’t worry too much about what they thought.

  “You were very comfortable with her,” Vane noted, carefully keeping his voice neutral.

  Moss fidgeted. “She’s nice, and I’m used to having servants around, so I kind of fell into the routine.”

  “Did you?” So Moss had grown up in a rich family, then, and had his fortune spent because of bloodkin. Vane made a mental note to inquire into their current situation. Knowing more about his human’s past could always be helpful. “Well, I’m glad you’re getting along with the staff.”

  He remembered he’d intended to ask something which had pissed him off. “Why didn’t you tell me to call you Moss?” Finding out his human’s nickname during a conversation with the help frustrated him beyond belief.

  Moss gave him a confused look. “It just never occurred to me it would be important.”

  “Of course it’s important,” Vane answered. “I need to know the person who I received into my home.”

  He didn’t say he typically didn’t ask any questions of his companions, and he’d almost forced Moss to come here. To soften up the conversation a bit, he said, “It suits you.” The human’s eyes were green, just like the beautiful moss native to the Tachakan plains, but that would’ve been too corny to say.

  Moss didn’t answer this time, but he did go red, and Vane noted the charming blush went over the human’s chest, too. He cleared his throat and looked away. “Very well, then. Go wash up. Don’t take long.”

  If he did, Vane might lose control again. Thankfully, Moss obeyed and rushed into the bathroom. Vane remained alone in the bedroom, wondering how he’d ever manage to stick to the terms he himself had set for this contract.


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