Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Bed and Breakfast [Bloodkin 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Scarlet Hyacinth

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  Moss tried to calm his racing heart and knelt on the cool, marble floor. Every moment spent with Vane seemed charged with a tension he couldn’t really understand. Moss surmised Vane must feel the same intense attraction Moss did, but that didn’t help Moss figure out what to do.

  Forcing himself to calm down, Moss got up and advanced toward the large washing area. Yet another incredibly lavish convenience, the pool boasted some of the latest advances in technology, including plumbing. Moss’s parents had planned to save and try to make the addition to their home, but that dream had faded after the bloodkin’s appearance.

  The thought sobered him, at the same time bringing back his doubts. In Vane’s presence, he forgot about anything but pleasing the other man. One thing was certain, he needed to be more careful with his thoughts and feelings. He’d just met Vane the day before and the man already dominated his every desire.

  In fact, Vane had given him an order, not to delay too much with washing up, and Moss was already taking ages with it. He quickly discarded his shoes and breeches and stepped into the pool. He used the liquid soaps Pena left him to clean his skin and his hair. They smelled sweet, like lavender honey, and the scent reminded him of home. He’d have lingered more in the water, but already he’d made Vane wait for too long.

  Moss rinsed the foam off and left the water. He snatched a clean, white towel and dried himself off, then covered his nakedness with a robe. It was hardly an appropriate attire to meet one’s boss, but Vane would surely understand. After all, the man had come to his quarters. What did that even mean? Moss didn’t know.

  His legs unsteady, Moss opened the door to the bathing chamber and reentered the bedroom. As luxurious as the rest of the house, his quarters held an air of decadent exuberance, although Moss registered very little of the ornaments. A huge canopied bed dominated the room. Next to it, Vane waited, tapping his foot impatiently. Moss gulped, shameless thoughts invading his mind yet again.

  “You took a long time,” he told Moss.

  “Apologies, my lord,” Moss answered. “It’s just—”

  Vane lifted his hand, and Moss forgot what he wanted to say. “How many times have you done this now? You didn’t come here as established, you didn’t tell me your pet name, and now this.”

  Moss would have tried to protest, but all of a sudden, Vane was next to him, having crossed the room in the blink of an eye. He backed Moss against the wall, trapping him between his body and the solid stone. “You’re sorry for lying, aren’t you, Moss?”

  The sound of his name on Vane’s lips made Moss shudder. He hadn’t lied, just broken a promise, and he did regret it, to a certain extent at least. If it caused Vane to treat him like this, Moss would break promises more often. “Yes, my lord.”

  “You don’t look sorry,” Vane pointed out. One hand lifted Moss’s arms and trapped them in an ironlike vise. The other slipped into Moss’s robe to tweak a pert nipple. All the while, Vane licked the shell of Moss’s ear, then down to Moss’s neck. Moss moaned when he felt a hint of fang scratch at the skin. Would Vane do it? Would he drink his blood?

  He was so lost in the pleasure he didn’t register the exact moment when Vane pulled away. The heat of Vane’s body vanished, and the delicious pressure against Moss’s wrists evaporated as well. Unsupported, Moss almost fell to the floor, but he somehow managed to muster enough control to maintain some degree of propriety.

  “I promised I would keep this platonic, and I shall,” Vane said. “You are just too tempting for your own good.” Vane shook his head and his expression turned neutral once more. “Have you eaten?”

  The change in demeanor didn’t really take Moss by surprise, as he was beginning to understand the pattern in Vane’s behavior. Even so, he couldn’t make himself speak and just shook his head.

  “Well, then, put something on. We’ll discuss the rest of the issues over dinner.”

  Moss had the time to nod before Vane took off, leaving him aroused and frustrated. Once Vane vanished out the door, Moss took a few moments to calm down and then focused on the practical. It always helped him in moments of confusion.

  He did indeed need to go to dinner with Vane, so he dried his hair then scanned the room for clothing. A suit had been already laid out for him, most likely by the efficient Pena. Perhaps she had returned during his bath. As he picked it up, he judged it to be his size and of impressive quality.

  It was odd to dress into something like this once again, but just like with Pena, he easily fell into habit. In the past, he’d many times had servants dress him, but after they’d fallen into ruin, the staff in his home had been fired. The fancy clothing had been the last to go, so Moss had plenty of experience with dressing up.

  He finished dressing up just in time, as a knock sounded at the door. Moss opened it, and a servant—this time, male—bowed at him. “If you would please follow me, His Lordship is waiting.”

  Moss nodded and murmured an absent thank-you. The man led him through the strange corridors of the house and back into the main foyer. At one point, they veered right and after a few more twists and turns, reached a dining room. Vane already waited there, at the head of the table, nursing a drink.

  “Ah, excellent. Please, sit.” He nodded toward the seat next to him, where flatware had already been placed.

  Moss wordlessly obeyed Vane’s command. At this point, his body instinctively followed everything Vane ordered, and Moss ceased to fight it. “Do you have any preference? Fish? Veal? Venison?”

  So mundane and bland. One would think the little episode in Moss’s quarters had just been his imagination. “Venison, please.”

  “Very well.” Vane nodded. With a look over Moss’s shoulders, he told the waiting staff, “You can begin to serve.”

  Maybe a minute later, dishes were rolled in, and Moss’s senses were assaulted by delicious aromas. His stomach growled, and his face heated when Vane gave him an amused look. “Go on. Dig in.”

  They ate in silence, but it didn’t feel awkward. Throughout the dinner, Moss allowed himself to study Vane. The bloodkin was a mystery. Moss never knew what the other man thought or intended to do. Vane, it seemed, ran hot and cold. Moss recalled their talk in the carriage and wondered if Vane’s control over his needs meant so much.

  Occasionally, Moss caught sight of the bloodkin watching him, studying him back. What did Vane see when he looked at Moss? Why had the man even chosen Moss for this job?

  At last, the dinner ended with a delicious dessert. As much as Moss enjoyed the meal, he looked forward to having his questions answered.

  As soon as they finished, the servants came and efficiently cleaned up. Benson reemerged, the familiar-looking documents in his grip. When had the butler returned?

  Before Moss could ask any questions, Benson handed him the papers. “Read,” Vane urged him. “It’s basically the same thing I gave you yesterday, with a few modifications.”

  Moss took the contract and began to examine it. He wanted to know exactly what he was signing up for. The contract stated pretty much what Vane had said, with the sexual part of it crossed out and Vane’s signature next to the modification. Another addition had been made, however. It said he’d be compelled to stay in this position at least one month in order to receive his pay.

  “Due to your little runaway episode, I felt the need to add a little caveat,” Vane explained, apparently sensing his shock. “I also raised your pay, in case you feel the previous sum did not suffice.”

  Indeed, the money promised had increased, not that it mattered much. It had been astronomical to begin with. As he reached the last page, Vane cleared his throat to draw Moss’s attention. “If everything is clear, I will have your answer now.”

  What could Moss do? He agreed and signed the document.

  Chapter Four

  It was his first official day as Vane Bloodmoor’s secretary, and so far, it held promise. Pena had woken him with a delicious breakfast and helped him prepare for
the day. After his repast, Benson had led him to the study, where Moss’s job waited.

  The sight of the neat stacks of paper on the desk made Moss giddy. Clearly, it would be a lot of work, but Moss loved things that challenged his intellect. Even so, he wondered why Vane trusted him with such important tasks from the very beginning.

  “What you see there,” Benson explained, “is the rough basics of His Lordship’s assets. As his secretary, you will be required to read and know them. After that, you can start with the actual job.”

  “Thank you, Benson,” he replied. “You are very helpful.” He recalled last night and couldn’t help but say, “Pardon me for asking this, but why did you not come back to the house yesterday night?”

  “I went to retrieve your possessions first,” Benson replied.

  Moss gaped in disbelief. Apparently, Vane wasn’t taking any chances, not this time. “How did you ever get inside?”

  “I have my ways,” Benson answered mysteriously. For a few seconds, his eyes sparkled with a peculiar light, but the glow soon vanished. Moss would have thought it to be just a trick of light, but he’d begun to get used to the peculiarities of this household. “And your items have already been put into storage in your wardrobe.”

  Moss had not noticed this, but then again, he did not notice many things these days. “Oh, all right,” he said lamely. “Thank you.”

  The butler nodded, a faint smirk on his lips. “Have a good day, sir.”

  Without further ado, Benson took off, leaving Moss alone with the mountains of manuscripts. Moss sat at Vane’s desk, feeling strangely gleeful at the knowledge this very same chair had been used by Vane. Shaking his head at his own musing, he took the first document and began to read.

  The day passed in a flurry of paperwork. Benson brought him lunch in the study, so Moss didn’t even have to bother with going to eat. He only got up to stretch his bones a bit and empty his bladder. By the end of the day, he’d grasped the intricacies of Vane Bloodmoor’s official image and assets.

  Even so, in spite of the number of documents he’d read through, he wasn’t any closer in deciphering the other man. Of course, it couldn’t be that easy, but Moss burned to know more about Vane.

  He was beginning to sort the piles back in order when he heard the door open. Benson must have come to spy on him again. “Benson, thank you, but I don’t need a snack before dinner.”

  “I might,” Vane’s voice replied.

  Moss shot to his feet, and his body instantly responded as he observed the master of the house saunter in. “How are you doing?” Vane asked.

  “Very well,” Moss replied. “Thank you for this chance, my lord.”

  Vane let out a thoughtful hum. “I’m told you have barely left the room today. You shouldn’t tire yourself. There’s plenty of time to get acquainted with everything. You weren’t actually meant to read all the documents today.”

  Vane sounded concerned, and Moss felt warm on the inside. Then Vane’s first words slipped into his consciousness. “I’m perfectly fine if you want to…You know, the snack.”

  Vane arched a brow. “Do you enjoy tempting me that much?” He sat down on the comfortable couch and beckoned Moss toward him. For some reason, Moss had a feeling of déjà vu. His face heated as he recalled the dream from two nights back. Why did it feel so familiar now?

  Knowing he couldn’t hide a thing from Vane, Moss abandoned the desk and joined Vane on the couch. He sat at the very edge, carefully keeping their bodies apart and hoping that at least this way, he’d be able to keep a modicum of calm.

  However, Vane seemed intent on torturing him. The bloodkin pulled Moss in his lap, and Moss ended up with his ass against Vane’s hard dick. With Vane’s hot breath tickling his neck, Moss wondered what his master would do. Vane’s tongue licked a line from Moss’s collarbone his ear, making him shiver in anticipation.

  “Tell me about your day,” Vane whispered. “Do you have any questions regarding what you read?”

  Vane expected him to be calm and articulate in such circumstances? How could he, when he felt a hard cock against his ass and fangs scraping his neck? “Y–yes,” he replied. “I mean, no. Ohhh…”

  “It seems you can’t decide on anything, my beauty,” Vane purred. “That’s fine. I’ll teach you everything in time.”

  Sharp fangs penetrated his skin, and for one single instant, excruciating pain swept through Moss. The second passed, and Moss sensed Vane invade his every pore, the bloodkin’s power surrounding him with carnal intensity. The suction against his neck seemed to send shockwaves of pleasure through his body. Vane’s pleasure and need echoed in his mind, making everything ten times better.

  Just a little more, just a little longer, and he’d come. He could already feel the climax coming.

  All of a sudden, Vane pulled away. Moss cried out in loss. “Please,” he croaked, “more.”

  Vane looked pained, but shook his head. “You haven’t eaten enough today. It’s not safe.”

  Moss could have sobbed when Vane pushed him aside. His cock demanded release, and he couldn’t help but cling to Vane. “Please.”

  “Don’t push it,” Vane said. His voice sounded strained, and his cock throbbed against Moss’s ass, but the decision in his tone couldn’t be denied. “Later, my beauty.”

  Moss resigned himself to the situation, knowing if Vane said so, he needed to obey. As Vane pushed him off and got up from the couch, Moss began to realize how alarmingly slutty he’d been.

  Vane had been right last night. They’d agreed to keep this platonic. It said so in the contract, signed by both him and Vane. But the attraction between the two of them felt so very genuine. He saw it in Vane and in himself.

  Perhaps it was be better this way. Moss would always be a human, and Vane a bloodkin. Some things could not be forgotten, no matter how much time went by, and some relationships simply weren’t meant to be, as much as one wanted them to work. Feeling disheartened, Moss followed his master to dinner.

  And yet, when he went to bed that night, Vane slipped into his dreams, dark, beautiful dreams of sensual promise. At first, the dream seemed but a memory. Moss following his friend, Corey, through the streets of his hometown.

  “I don’t know about this, C. What if your friends get upset you’ve invited me to come along?”

  Corey waved a hand as if to cast Moss’s concern away. “Nonsense. The more the merrier. Besides, it’s a party. We’re going to have fun.”

  “I guess,” Moss answered hesitantly. He allowed Corey to lead him until they reached the lavish residence of James Terk. Moss frowned. He somehow doubted the old stuck-up man would hold interesting parties or befriend Corey.

  “I thought this belonged to Lord James.”

  “It did, but he sold it.” Corey shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. That has nothing to do with us.”

  Moss wanted to return to his little home, but he’d already distanced himself from his friends. This would be his last chance to connect with them again, to get back at least something he’d lost with his family fortune.

  There were new guards stationed in front of the entrance. They gave Moss the creeps, and he regretted ever agreeing to come. With a cursory glance in Moss’s direction, the guards let them pass.

  As they went inside, Moss registered a dark air of decadence looming over them. “Corey? What is this place?”

  “You’ll see,” his friend replied. “We’ll have fun here. Don’t worry about it.”

  Moss was worried, very worried. Corey pulled him into a lounge, and Moss gaped as he saw the assortments of sexual paraphernalia littering the room, some idle on tables, others being used on very horny subjects. Naked men and women lay spread-eagle. Cocks moved in and out of willing holes.

  And then, the dream shifted. Corey vanished, and Moss found himself holding Vane’s hand. “What do you think, my beauty? Would you like us to play here as well? Or would you prefer someplace more private?”

  Suddenly, the bloodkin�
�s orgy didn’t seem quite so scary. This time, Moss didn’t run away. In fact, he nodded at Vane, his body aching to feel Vane deep inside. All the eyes on him did make him uncomfortable. As if guessing his thoughts, Vane waved a hand, and the scene melted.

  They ended up in a dormitory. It held the same air of dignified masculinity as the study, but here, it had been stripped to its very core. A huge, four-poster bed dominated the room. Moss trembled as Vane led him there. Vane’s hand felt warm on the small of Moss’s back, and Moss realized he was naked. When had Vane undressed him? He didn’t know.

  Obediently, he lay back on the bed, shuddering as the cool silk of the sheets caressed his sensitive skin. Above him, Vane removed his cravat, his eyes raking Moss’s body in clear lust. It aroused Moss to be naked in front of a man still clothed. The way Vane looked at him made his body turn to flame, and he squirmed, his shaft so hard it hurt. “Vane…Please.”

  “Don’t worry, my beauty. I have you.”

  Vane slowly stripped off his tunic and shirt, revealing a muscled torso and an abdomen that could’ve been sculpted in marble. His hard shaft tented his breeches, and Moss swallowed, desire and nervousness swirling in his stomach.

  Now shirtless, Vane wrapped his cravat around his fist, then reached for Moss’s arms. Moss allowed his master to lift his arms and tie them to the headboard with the silk binding.

  “Spread your legs, Moss. Come on.” Once more, Moss obeyed, even if he felt self-conscious at being so exposed in front of Vane. His body didn’t care about ridiculous things like propriety, and his hole twitched under Vane’s gaze. Moss clung to the cravat around his wrists in an effort to keep himself from pleading. Vane would decide when to give him the pleasure and when to take it.

  It made no sense he should think like this, but it seemed so natural and so normal to surrender to Vane. When Vane caressed his cheek and smiled, the desire to love and be loved swelled inside Moss, so powerful it took over everything. He wanted Vane to mark him, to hold him, to brand him, to kiss him, to take and give and share everything they could ever be together.


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