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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 8

by Anna LaVerne

  “Open” Garriks voice husky with desire. Taryn was in the sitting room setting out food.

  “Out!” Garrik yelled and I blushed. Now we can add Taryn to the list of people who has seen Vera completely naked. She rushed out of the room as Garrik carried me to the bathroom, walking down with me into the pool. The smell of lavender rose around us, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I ran my hands through his short sandy blond hair. He held me up by my ass staring into my eyes.

  “You are already changing. Anyone who saw you this morning will see the difference tonight at dinner.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Your eyes, they have darkened to a deeper green. When you had your mirrors up they were a human hazel sometimes green, sometimes light brown. Now they are a deep deep green and that isn't even the most fascinating part. You have a rim of gold right around the pupil making it appear as if they can glare into a person's soul. Vera, your eyes are unsettling.”

  I heard Garrik's words but all that caught me was the part about the gold. Just like my flame I saw. What could that mean? I brush away my super silent thoughts carefully hiding them from Garrik. I don't want him to know about my flame. I don't want it to hurt him if it is what I think it is.

  “I have always mentally saw myself with golden eyes. Are these my elven eyes?”

  “Yes, I imagine so. He kissed me again bringing a hand up to cup my breast. I could feel Garrik hardening against me again. He muttered, “We don't have time.”

  “Don't we though? Who is going to stop us?”

  “You, Vera are a very bad influence on me.” He groaned as he kissed my mouth with even more fervor than before. Surprising even me when I felt his long hard cock slam into my insides. I squealed in delight of feeling him joining my body once again. Garrik's eyes darkened as he held me there. One of his blond eyebrows rose a bit as he bites his lip and says, “Is that what my Lady wanted?”

  “Oh yes my Prince that is exactly what I wanted.”

  Garrik began to thrust bringing our tempo building higher and higher. Water sloshes out of the pool. He carried me underneath the waterfall and he pushed my back up against the wall of the pool to brace himself the best he could. His thrusts came harder and more frenzied I was about to break. Dropping his head he sucked at my neck sending me off the edge. My world shattered all over again just like the mirrors in my head. I threw my head back and screamed in delight. Garrik kept thrusting as I convulsed around his throbbing shaft then he followed me into oblivion.

  “Your eyes glow gold after you explode. It is the sexiest thing ever. Ever.” Garret says as he lifted me up and out of the pool.

  “You better put your hair in a towel or it won't dry fast enough.”

  “True story” I said with a smile. I stand up and walk to the chair that has towels in it. I flipped my head upside down and twisted it up in a towel. I grabbed a second towel to wrap around my body. Turning around and giving Garrik my most sensual of smiles I walked out of the bathroom. In the sitting room I picked up one of those sweet golden elf apples then muttered “Open” to walk into my room.

  Chapter Ten

  There is a beautiful green and gold gown lying on the bed. Next to the bed was standing Taryn. She had a look that would kill on her face. Her little red lips pursed in anger. Her eyes so dark they were almost black.

  “You, need to get dressed you are late!” She snapped at me.

  “Um okay, are you alright?” I said as she ripped the towel away from my body.

  “Yes, I am in a hurry. I wish you would have let us know you were awake this morning. That was rude.”

  “I was embarrassed because I was naked and I didn't know Echo would insult me by calling me a human toy.” I snapped back.

  She went to the wardrobe and gave me pair of silk panties. Apparently, women in Elf land never wore bras.

  “You need to put these on. Echo is brutally honest. That is just how he saw you.”

  I send her a thoughtful look and ask, “Is that how you think of me as well?”

  “I? No, I guess I don't. You are obviously something more than human and you are also now bonded to Garrik. Everyone will notice it tonight.”

  “How will they notice it?”

  Taryn walked over and slid an almost sheer shift over my head. “Us elvish are perceptive, Your colors are changing as is your appearance. Your eyes are made of two colors I have never seen before, and your freckles, well they are gone.”

  “What? My freckles are gone? Like poof gone?”

  I ran over to the vanity and sure enough she was right my freckles were gone. Another piece of my humanity washed away. I pulled back my hair and checked my ears. Nope, my ears still look perfectly human.

  “I will do my duty and take care of you Lady Vera,” Taryn paused and adjusted her red hair.

  “But..” I prompted.

  “But I don't want to. I know about you and Echo.” She blurted it out like I had committed a sin.

  “I have done nothing with Echo, and I would like you to remember that!”

  I felt a change in my eyes. I turned quickly to look in the mirror and see they had flashed gold with my anger. Taryn took a step back in fear and I sighed. What was happening to me?

  “Echo told me. He told me about the spark.”

  “I don't want Echo,” I countered. “I am with Garrik.”

  “That is what I told Echo this afternoon. I went to him at our normal time to sneak off together. He refused to touch me. Wouldn't even kiss me. He said he has felt a spark and there was no longer anyone else for him!” Tears welled up in Taryn's eyes and my heart hurt for her and Echo because my spark is only Garrik.

  “I don't want to hurt you Taryn. I like you, and I don't want to hurt Echo either. I just want to get dressed and make it to the big dinner with my flame, Garrik.”

  Taryn sighed. “Come here then let's get you dressed. I know you do not understand what is going on. Although I love Echo I also trust in destiny. I will treat you right by my duty I swear. I am sorry for my anger Princess.” What? It was not the apology part that set me off. It was the Princess part.

  “I am not a Princess.” I said as I stepped into my dress that she was holding for me.

  “You are now that you are bonded to the Prince. Your new title will be announced. You are officially betrothed. In fact you don't even have to have a wedding if you don't want to. It is just accepted. Be wary though, some may not take kindly to a human rising in power. They won't know you are exceptional.”

  My head felt light. I was going to pass out. “Easy Princess,” Taryn steadied me as she zipped up the back of my bodice.

  “I have barely been in the Elmora for two days and I am a betrothed Princess of Median? I don't even know how big Median is. I don't even know what my duties are. All I know is I chose Garrik and he chose me. That is all I want.”

  “Breathe my Lady. I will not call you Princess any more in private until you adjust. Now come here and have a look while I oil your hair.”

  I pushed all my thoughts from my head and tried to focus on steady breathing. Taryn walked me over to a full length mirror. Who was I looking at? I saw a stranger looking back at me. My hair was free from the towel and Taryn was rubbing the spicy oil through the strands. My dress was a deep dark green the color of a pure emerald. The bodice shaped my waist into an hourglass figure. The fabric crisscrossed through it similar to the dress I had arrived in. The bottom part of the gown flowed out in layer upon layer of sheer fabric. I understood now why I had the final layer of slip underneath to guarantee all was covered. The color complimented my porcelain now freckle less skin, I looked perfect and I didn't have an ounce of makeup on.

  Taryn reached up and twisted two strands of my hair back away from face. She secured them to the back of my head, and then places a silver and golden diadem across my brow. It wasn't necessarily a crown, but it felt like that was the meaning behind it. The silver vines of it flowed around little golden flo
wers. There were no gemstones and none were needed. The only part I disliked was that the gold in the diadem made the gold rim in my eyes stand out in an unearthly manner.

  Taryn was able to read the look on my face because she replied, “You have to wear it and make stance. It is the only way the Prince can secure your protection from the scouts, warriors, and the rest of the Kingdom. A bonus is that it makes the gold in your eyes pop. The people need to know you are not just a human.”

  With that she handed me simple slippers that matched my dress. I will be forever grateful that the elvish kind do not torture their women with heels. I slipped them on and Taryn opened the door. Here I go again. You know the minute I thought that phrase the song rushed through my head lightening my step. I need to take time and run tomorrow. After all of this there has to be a safe place I can escape free of worry.

  I look out into the wide hall that is lit with those pretty elf lanterns. Garrik is pacing near the top of the stairs. Something has him nervous, I hope it's not me. The first thoughts I have are those of self-doubt. I am sure that Garrik may be embarrassed of a human girl, and now we are bonded. There is no going back from our choice. Sadness creeps across my face, he still hasn't seen me. Maybe he is so nervous because he is having buyers remorse. I feel tears starting to sting my eyes. Why am I being so emotional? I force myself to stand tall and take a few steps forward. Taryn stepped through the door behind me closing it.

  The sound of the door clicking shut brought Garrik's eyes to me. I felt beautiful again the moment I saw myself in his eyes. His hands dropped to his sides as he took a step forward towards me. The mischievous smile that has been missing all day appeared across his face. He grabbed me by the waist and twirled me around.

  “Vera! Words can't even tell you how you make me feel in this moment!” He set my feet my back on the stone floor and I found myself laughing and punching him in his chest.

  “Oh stop it you silly Elf-man you are making me blush!”

  “I am dead serious, Vera. I don't know how I got so blessed with you.”

  “Then what is bothering you? Something is wrong, and I want to know what it is before I am fed to the wolves” I looked at him squeezing his hand. I felt warm tingles shooting up my arm. The closer we get the sparks are becoming warmer and more cozy.

  Garrik's face became serious, “Some members of the Elven Council have arrived. I feel it's too soon for you to be thrown to those wolves. You are being hit with too much at once. I don't trust myself to keep my mouth shut.” Garrik groaned in frustration again.

  “I am normally so fucking put together, but tonight I am sick to my stomach.”

  “Look at you Garrik, using the 'F' word like a big boy.” I give him a little smile and pulled him down to short girl level to plant a deep kiss on his lips.

  “ I have been a bad influence on you, but don't worry. Twenty minutes ago I was losing it too. I didn't know we were practically married now, but you know what? If I take a step back this is a dream come true. I don't know anything about any council. What I do know is that I don't want to be anywhere but with you. I have faith in us to navigate the Elven Council with our wits intact.”

  “Goddess bless Vera. Thank you love.”

  With that I slipped my arm into Garriks. He is mesmerizing in a tunic of deep green once again matching my dress. His pants are a darker leather tonight then I have seen in the past, and he has knee high riding boots. There is a dark belt around his waist with his sword, the same on I had seen on the boat. I know Garrik must know how to use it, which amplifies his level of sexy by a million. Before I know it we are heading down the colorful truth telling hall to the throne room. There were no colorful lights dancing through out since night had fallen in Elmora. Taryn was standing by the majestic doors.

  “Prince, Princess,” She nodded. I started to walk in and Garrik held me back.

  “Wait. This isn't a ball, but we are the honored guests so we must make an entrance.”

  There was a tall elf at the door dressed in a white and green uniform. He held a trumpet looking thing to his lips and made a noise I hadn't ever heard before. The entire throne room silenced. I saw King Rew and Queen Lyra stand from their thrones in anticipation. To the right of the King was a smaller throne and then to the left of the Queen was another small throne. We won't be dining next to each other. Nerves shoot through me.

  The tall white clad elf announces with a booming voice, “Please all stand and welcome Prince Garrik of Median and his Princess Vera!”

  Everyone stood and lifted their goblets in the air. My elf Prince led me down the long walk to the head table and our thrones. The throne room had thirteen rows deep of long tables on each side of our path up the center. Each table was full of the people of Tindril. The nobility is seated closest to the throne. I saw apprehensive eyes staring back at me. Some of them even appeared to be downright hostile. We reached the main table and curved around the left together. The King and Queen stepped around giving each of us a hug. Garrik pulled out my small throne for me to take a seat. He shot me an apologetic look as he left to take his seat next to his father.

  The Queen leans into me, “Welcome to the family dear, now smile and wave. They love that.”

  I looked up at hundreds of people watching us intently. I smiled my biggest smile and waved my hand as I saw the actress do on Princess Diaries. It seemed appropriate and the crowd all lifted their goblets into the air again and cheered.

  King Rew stood to speak, “Thank you all for coming. At the time I did not know that we would be celebrating a bonded pair, yet here we! Queen Lyra and I are grateful. We have waited a century for this moment. Now the Kingdom of Median has a clear future. We have both a future King and Queen to sit on our throne!” The crowd went wild with cheers. “Princess Vera is special, you will see in due time. She deserves to be exactly where she sits, and as King, I ask all to give her due respect.”

  The room calmed and people wiggled in their seats. I looked over to Garrik who sent me a wink. Relief rushed through me.

  King Rew continued, “Prince Garrik has known who his spark is for sixteen years. We are glad he finally brought her here! Tonight we celebrate, eat, drink, and be merry!”

  With that the crowd again lifted their goblets and cheered. My cheeks warmed and I hoped the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach is only nerves.

  Queen Lyra leaned over to me and spoke quietly, “You are doing great. He needed to make it clear that although your origins are humble you belong here. We believe so so they must as well. No one else here has any claim to our thrones.”

  I looked at her with grateful eyes as the first round of dinner was served. Dinner was uneventful. I tried to mirror the Queens style of eating. Forcing myself to take little bites. Each new course was brought out as soon as the King was done with his. The Royal table was always served first. There was a never ending supply of elf wine and I loved that no one became inebriated from it. Elves didn't need to get drunk or high. It was unheard of in this realm, which made it that much more awesome.

  After the dessert was served everyone stood up from their seats as the tables were lifted and moved to the sides of the throne room. Everyone pitched in and moved their own chair. It was an impressive show of teamwork. It is so surreal. In the back left corner of the throne room bright white lantern lights turned on to reveal a small orchestra, on cue the music started playing. People began to dance. I closed my eyes and prayed that no one would ask me to dance, because let's be real I didn't know how to. I may love music but moving to it is not something I can do, like at all. I looked to Garrik, “I can't dance.” I sent his way through our bond.

  “Don't worry little Vera, no one will have the nerve to ask you.” He sent back with a wink.

  There was a line beginning to form in front of the thrones. I leaned over to the Queen and asked, “What is going on?”

  “These are the people who want to meet the new Princess.”

  Oh great, the Elven Council. I rolled
my eyes. My back was beginning to ache sitting up straight in my little throne for so long is taking its toll. I have notoriously bad posture, this night couldn't end soon enough. I sent a pleading look to Garrik begging him to rescue me with my eyes. He laughed out loud. King Rew motioned for the first person to step forward.

  He was a tall man wearing a red tunic, tan pants. His tunic had a bird in flight pinned over his heart. His hair was pitch black and slick back from his face. He had a sharp big pointy nose and black eyes. He bowed to the King and then looked over to me with slimy eyes. I did not trust this man at all, I could be wrong my instincts were usually on point.

  “Princess,” he said. I stood and took his hand as he reached it out to me.

  “Well met,” He brought my hand to his slimy lips giving it a little kiss. “My name is Langly, I am of the Elven Council.”

  “Well met, Langly. It is a pleasure meeting one of the Elven Council who approved my arrival to the Elf Realm”

  Langly sneered at me as Garrik shot into my head,“Langly was one of three who voted against your arrival.”

  Anger shot through me, I felt my eyes flash gold and Langly took a step backward. He nodded at me as he turned to leave. I barely noticed when Sir Tomilson came forward a I was watching Langly exit the throne room with haste.

  “Princess, I am honored to have been apart of your arrival.” He dropped down to one knee. I was perplexed Tomilson is a knight. There are not many knights in the realm a I was told the majority of soldiers are scouts that guard the gates. Knights are set to guard the royalty.

  “Sir Tomilson, well met, please rise. There is no reason for a friend to kneel before me.”

  “Princess, I am kneeling out of respect.” He looked up at me with deep violet eyes. I had never noticed their color before, though each time I had met Tomilson it was dark out and my eyes were set to Garrik.

  Sir Tomilson continued, “Princess I was hoping you would accept me as your personal guard.” My eyes widened. I looked to Garrik.


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