Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 10

by Anna LaVerne

  Tindril is now over ran with elves. They are either training to be scouts or knights. Every courtyard has turned into some form of training center. From my I window in my room I can see the bow practice going on every evening. I wanted to go learn as well, but Garrik and Tom both insisted it was not a talent a Princess needed. I am overly protected. Even Echo has taken to stalking me around the premises. I have not gotten to go ride or see any of the countryside of Median.

  I also learned that Median is huge. It encompasses the entire Central United States of America, Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. Median is self-sufficient and has no need to trade for outside resources. We are one of the most abundant elf kingdoms on Earth. Therefore Median has vast wealth. So much so that when King Rew sent out the message to prepare for war many have chosen to relocate to help Median. Garrik told me there has been talk to move court to one of the larger palaces in the North. For now to make space they have set Echo the task of building earth homes to house the influx of elves for training. Trainers came from all over Median. Tindril is tentatively ground zero.

  Toby has insisted that we tag along with Echo while he builds the Earth homes along the outside of the palace. Garrik hated the idea, but since Echo is the only Dark Elf here he is the only one who can help me develop my Earth magic. The most I have managed to do is smooth the walls inside the homes. Echo does the rest. He pulls the mounds up from the earth creates a hole in it and then sucks the spare dirt out. I go in and use what little earth magic I have to smooth out the walls. I am not sure what good smoothing walls will do in war. Echo doesn't try to talk to me. Except for the earth homes he keeps his distance watching. When I am running I can feel him in the trees or in the shadows of the wall. He is good at blending in like myself. I feel I have more of that magic than earth.

  Progress on my wards and barriers have been going well. All but the final barrier has been brought down. We have learned that I can move anywhere in the realms as long as I have been there before. It made it possible for me to take Garrik to meet my human Mom on her birthday. He will meet my Dad around Christmas when I make my yearly appearance to that side of the family. I know eventually I won't be able to visit them anymore. They will start to notice my lack of aging and I am okay with that. I have a new family now.

  My ears are starting to get a slight point in them. I am so proud of it that I have taken to wearing my hair up on my head whenever I am walking around the palace. Garrik loves teasing me about his little Vera and her little elf ears. It is easy to forget that we are prepping for a war with Garrik around loving me everyday. He is the one who has kept me going. Today we are heading to remove the final barrier on my mind. I have not seen a single dead person or spirit yet. Toby believes the ghosts that haunted me before were spirits or creatures lost in the Inferious. Inferious is a mid-realm slightly below the Human Realm. The veil between the two realms is thinner than most. I could see them because I would drop from one realm into it without intending to do so. I still have to be careful. They said if I land in Faerie we would have another huge problem to worry about. So, even though I am opening my mind and exploring my magics I have to stay grounded at all times unless I need to lift roots to travel.

  There was a knock at my door that pulled me from my musings. I stood straightening the heavy warm fabric of my fall dress. It was a pretty burnt orange with a brown leather belt at the waist. I was gifted a little green jeweled dagger from the King. I use the belt to keep the dagger with me at all times. I walk over and open the door to see Taryn standing there with a tray and bowl of soup.

  “Garrik told me to bring this up, he is worried you are not eating adequately with all the training. He said to tell you that he has a report to make to Rose in the war room and will be up shortly.”

  “Thank you Taryn, would you like to join me today?”

  “Oh no Princess, I am so busy today. They had female elves arrive for training today. All of them are asking to join the archers division. Queen Lyra suggested that I would be best at finding them housing and clothing. We knew they were coming, so the seamstresses worked late into the night to have everything ready. Parsley is over ran in the kitchen. Wagons have been arriving all day with supplies that were sent to Tindril. Only reason I brought this to your room is because I know the other elves working here make you uncomfortable with their staring.”

  I smiled big at Taryn. We have come a long way in the last couple weeks. She was so upset about Echo. The lack of down time has helped mend her broken heart. I pray she can find her match within the recruits arriving daily.

  “Thank you Taryn, I appreciate it.” I sent her a warm smile as she exited the room. She had carried my soup to the sitting room. When I entered Tomilson was there drinking a coffee.

  “I am a bad influence on you, Tom. You know coffee is meant to be had in the morning. It is now afternoon.”

  “Well I am tired. I go non stop now that I am your personal guard.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  “Only about your late night runs. Some of us need sleep.”

  “Maybe Garrik can go with me tonight.”

  “He needs the rest more than I do. Perhaps we can let Echo watch you. He is there every night anyways.”

  I cringe at his suggestion. I am still scared to be around Echo. I am not ready to acknowledge our connection, and I don't think that Garrik is either. We know he is bound to stay in Median, so he couldn't kidnap me, but he could do worse. Like try and kiss me or cement our bond.

  “I am sorry I was so straightforward Princess, but war is coming and we are all stretched thin. We may need Echo more than you know.”

  He is right. I hate to admit it but he is right. We only have this winter to prepare. King Talon is from the southern hemisphere. He won't make a move until the winter thaws. At least we don't expect him too. The majority of the free scouts are currently sitting along the southern border. They have also doubled coverage at the two largest gates near Tindril. The one that opens into Kansas City, and then one that is even closer that opens into Saint Louis. There is always the small chance that King Talon takes his troops into the Human Realm and then up through a gate. I was told it is very unlikely he would do it through the Faerie Realm. For the last five hundred years, Faerie and Elmora have had a shaky truce. Neither liked each other they only tolerate one another. It is better that way than to have two realms at war.

  As I was finishing my butternut squash soup Garrik walked in. I stood and gave him a big hug and kiss.

  “Are you ready Vera? Today we take the final step.” My body tingles as he talks. Having him near me feels like I am home and complete. I can't imagine that I could actually feel more whole than I already do.

  “That means I will get to bond with Tom Tom too.” I looked up at Tomilson with a wink. Bless his heart he has turned into a brother to me and I tease him endlessly.

  “A superficial bond.” Garrik was quick to add.

  “Only reason I am okay with this is for Princess Vera's protection. If she abuses the bond I will cut it no matter what.”

  I roll my eyes at Tom, “Like I would abuse a bond just so I can annoy you.”

  “He has a point Vera. You do go out of your way to torture poor Tomilson.”

  “Only because I love him like a brother.” I smiled. The best was when I put jelly on the floor and yelled for help when I knew he was in the bathroom one morning. He opened the door and his feet landed right in the sticky jelly. I couldn't stop laughing all day. It was epic. Unfortunately no one else saw it my way. Elmora doesn't have a TV or movies to kill down time. It is why the elvish are so productive. I mean by the time this war rolls around this palace will be seriously fortified. Not to mention the gates. I push myself up from my chair and head for the door.

  “I guess we should get going. You know how Toby gets when we are late. He can't keep the main training area empty for long. I was also told Rose was going to sit in for this one. She wants to see what I have hidden in that last box. I don't
even know if anything is in there. I mean if I had another magic wouldn't I know about it?”

  “We won't know until we get there, speculating is a waste of time.” Tomilson was quick to stop my mind from wandering. He was good about that. Always sure to keep me in reality and not allow me to think crazy thoughts, which I do frequently. I have a hard time staying focused. He is more than my protector he is my sense of reason while Garrik is my heart and anchor.

  There were recruits leaving the training center as we were arriving. They all stopped to stare at me, as usual. Being a bit more peeved than normal I turned to them flashing my eyes and made the ground rumble under their feet. It is about all I could do with my earth magic, but they didn't know that.

  “It does no good to scare the people pledged to protecting you Vera.” Garrik's words ruined my fun. I find myself much more mischievous now. I suspect it has something to do with elvish nature. Everyone else is able to control it more than I. I am the baby of the bunch and my magic is now finding freedom. I am like a kid in a candy store.

  First person I saw upon entering was Rose. She bounced over and gave me a big hug. Today her hair is bright purple. One of her fae magics allows her to change her hair and lip color at will. Her face and body and eyes will always look the same.

  “So, good to see you Vera! Unfortunately still no news from the Council. They know we have until spring, so they are taking their time to evaluate the situation. They are all old and set in their ways.”

  Toby came forward and gestured that I take my safety position on the floor. Garrik sits down behind me. I look up to the balcony and sure enough there was Echo. He flashed his golden eyes to show me he was present. I nodded in his direction and felt Garrik stiffen. He knows Echo is always there beyond where we can see and he hates it. Although Garrik is still angry I can sense he is softening toward Echo.

  Toby began, “I am going to sit in front of you today, Princess. I want you to hold my hands. You will feel my energy seep in and join with yours and Garrik’s. It is only temporary. I have given it some thought and I am rather uncertain of what you could have locked away in the box. The last several barriers have been uneventful. This one is not in your mind, but in your soul.”

  I nod my understanding. Suddenly I feel the seriousness of the moment. Up until then I was treating this like any other day. For added security Toby asked Rose to step back and for Tomilson to erect a protective barrier directly around us.

  We were all in position. I had already brought myself into the meditative state needed. Toby was holding my hands and Garrik was pressed up against my back. I could feel the pattern of his breathing. I leaned into it using it as a tool to bring me to a heightened level of peace. Slowly both Garrik's teal energy and Toby's pure white reached into my core swirling with my own.

  “Look for the box, Vera,” It was the voice of Toby. I went to my mind first looking for it. It wasn't there. It wouldn't be there, this one was in my soul. I brought the energy down lower probing my heart. There it was nestled in my pulsating heart. I have second thoughts about this. I feel it is there for a reason. Deep down I know that I didn't put it there in this life. This is something I carried throughout other lives.

  I pulled the energy and gently nudged the box, nothing. Instinct was telling me that I need to take it slow yet I could feel the urgency from Toby and Garrik pushing me harder. I tried again to open the box, nothing. This felt familiar to the mirror incident when I had first arrived. Garrik and Toby's energy began to ball together in a fist. Not knowing what else to do I added mine to the mix and I allowed them to guide it for me. They pulled back together and hammered the box. One, nothing. Two, it hurts. I try to pull back from the pain. Garrik and Toby push forward, Three. No, No more. I felt my body moan, “Please no more.” I could feel they wanted to try one more time and as it hit I knew this was it.

  I was blinded to the world. I felt the energy push out from me. Pain cracked through my skull and my heart. Screams ripped through my soul. Garrik and Toby were both gone. I was alone with my soul being torn apart. I felt my feet lift off the ground, my arms stretch out and my head fell backwards as if I was being crucified. I no longer knew what was happening in Elmora. I was no longer there.

  I found myself strapped to a board spread eagle in the Human Realm. My head bent to my left. I could see my arm tied down with leather straps. I heard people talking but I couldn't focus on any of it. Only thing I could feel was the searing pain of a whip lashing into my back. I screamed and screamed. Every lash that hit my back brought forth another scream until I no longer had a voice. My mouth was dry and I was on the verge of passing out. Someone was still whipping me.

  My head was then ripped up off the board and pulled backwards. Someone poured cold water on my face. I opened my mouth praying it would drown me. My body and soul was being shattered in the Human Realm and I don't know who my captors were. Someone grabbed my hair holding my head back when I felt a hot piece of metal on my ears. They were cutting my beautiful ears off. They are taking every part of who I am. One last scream managed to escape from my lips before darkness fell around me. The next thing I remember was an elf with bright blue eyes finding me.

  “Finley,” I whispered. “My Love, help me I am dying.” I sent with the last of my strength.

  I died. I know I died right there with my Finley watching over me. My soul was tattered. Everything was dark and there was nowhere for me to go. I was completely lost floating above my body. I watched as Finley sobbed over me. We were never meant to be, but I loved him. I never had a spark with anyone. I spent hundreds of years alone, an outcast with no spark. The memories were disappearing. My soul was evaporating into nothingness. With no body, no purpose, and so tattered from the abuse I was dealt.

  “Finley goodbye I am nothing.”

  Finley heard me. He looked up and I felt his eyes see my floating soul. He reached out and touched me. Something was happening. Everything was starting to go dark again. I felt a blue energy mixing with mine. Rebuilding my soul, piecing me back together. My soul was free to move around the Human Realm again. Finley sent just enough of himself into me that his blue energy was holding my soul together like glue. Where did Finley go? My thoughts were disappearing as I floated aimlessly. I was lost to time, and time was lost to me. I kept searching for Finley never finding him.

  During that time my soul altered. I learned to protect myself from the things in the dark that try to steal energy. I was free energy. I had no body. I had no Finley. My soul evolved during this time. My mind started to drift back to sanity. I had no idea how long I free floated before I remembered I was an elf. I knew that the only way to back was to find a new body.

  I was floating over a lake when I saw a woman approach the banks. She was crying so I hovered around her. Her sadness was calling to me as I was also sad. A sad ball of reformed soul. I made no sense, I defied all logic, but I kept existing. That is all I knew how to do at that point. I attached myself to the sad bitter woman. I soon learn that she was in tears because her husband was absent and she was newly pregnant. This was my chance. I didn't want any ties to Earth. I didn't want good parents. I wanted to go home.

  I pushed myself into her womb joining with the new fetus forcing myself into her. I felt it then. I could see the colors I had become from Finely saving me. I saw my green and gold mixed with Finley's blue. With my new body and new life came a new color, teal. I am a patchwork of survival. A quilt of an elf in a human body. This felt right. I was going home. Finley, where is Finley? He saved me. Where is my Finley? Vera. My name is Vera. Vera. My name is Vera. My new body repeated the mantra over and over. I am still Vera.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I am in a soft bed. I hear people talking, but I can't seem to wake up. Voices sound familiar, but I can't place them in my head. I have no understanding at all what has happened. Vera. I am Vera. My name is Vera. I keep repeating myself. I begin to project it as if I don't have a mouth to make a voice with. “Vera, my name is Ver
a. I am Vera. Vera. Vera. Vera.”

  “VERA!!! I hear you I am here I am here with you my little Vera.”

  “Finley?” I ask the only voice I can hear.

  “No Garrik. Who is Finley?”

  “Finley saved me. Finley is my glue. Where is my Finley?”

  “I don't know my sweet little Vera, but if you wake and come back to me I promise I will help you find him. Please come back Vera.”

  Darkness overtook me again. I felt like I was left floating in the Human Realm again. The seasons passed by I was watching, waiting, and searching. I don't remember who I am. I don't remember who I was. I only remember Finley. There is no time. Everything is dark. I am Vera. Vera is me. I begin to repeat my mantra again. Trying to hold on to the only piece of myself I can remember. “I am Vera. My name is Vera. Vera is me. Vera Vera Vera. I am Vera.” I projected it, I have no mouth, “I am nothing, I am Vera. I am nothing.”

  “Vera, I hear you. Do you hear me?”

  “Who are you? I have no body. I am lost. I am Vera.”

  “Echo. Vera I need you to listen to me. You have a body. You have a life. You have sparks.”

  “Finley? Finley, saved me. Finley and I had no sparks. I remember. I am Vera.”

  “Vera, listen. Find your energy. Feel your body.”

  The voice in my head was strong. It wasn't Finley. I had no body. Darkness washed over me again. There is no time. Time is not real. There is only me. I am Vera endlessly floating.

  I hear. Vera can hear. I hear a woman crying. I speed across a lake. The woman is sad. Vera is sad. Vera is alone. Vera wants to go home.

  “Vera, Vera. Please Vera hear me. Echo and I are here. Vera. We beg you to come back to us. Garrik. Remember Garrik. Feel our spark.”

  “Vera has no body. No spark. I am Vera.”

  “Vera, I am telling you to feel your body. You have arms. You have legs. You have a heart and a flame. I am part of your flame.”


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