Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One Page 11

by Anna LaVerne

  This voice was so pretty. Melodic. Washing over my body. Vera has a body. I have a body. Sparks I feel sparks.

  “Vera has a body. Vera has sparks.”

  “She can feel us!” I heard a deep voice. Baritone.

  “Vera has ears.”

  “Yes! Vera has ears! Beautiful little elf ears!”

  “They stole my ears. They tore my soul. I am nothingness.”

  “No no Vera, you are everything. Come back to us. You are EVERYTHING to me,” said a deep baritone voice. I feel myself drifting again and then sparks exploded on my lips. I have lips. I have lips.

  “Vera has lips.”

  “YES, Vera has lips!” I hear Garrik’s voice in my head. Garrik. Vera has a Garrik. Not only Garrik, Vera has an Echo, and a Finley. No no that isn't right. Finley is gone. Where is Finley? I search for my lips. I search for my eyes I find them both. I will my eyes to open and they listened.

  “Goddess bless! Send for the King and Queen she is awake!” a tall man with teal eyes shouted. Garrik. That was Garrik.

  “Vera, can you find your lips? Can you find your voice?” A man who looked like coffee with gold eyes spoke to me. Coffee. Vera likes coffee.

  “You love coffee” Garrik's voice echoed through my head. Yes I do. I love coffee.

  “Coffee,” My voice is dry. Everyone around me erupts in laughter.

  “Of course her first word back is coffee.” Tomilson said in the corner. Tomilson. Tom Tom. I know him.

  “Tom Tom.” I said. He moved forward at the use of his pet name. Violet eyes beneath dark hair. I recognize that face.

  I looked toward the end of the bed where Echo sat. “Echo.” I whispered. Standing right next to me was Garrik.

  “Garrik, my love. I don't understand what has happened. Where is Finley? I have lost Finley”

  “Easy Vera, we don't know who Finley is, but we will find him. I promise you after this war we will find him.”

  “War?” I asked. Then the darkness took me again, but this time I know. I have lips, I have eyes, I am Vera.

  I am awake again. There is only one small dim lit lantern on my vanity. It must be night. I wiggle my toes. That is right. Vera has toes. I need to remember I have a body to use it. I wiggle my fingers. I sit up and feel my ears. I have ears!

  “I HAVE EARS!” I yelled out into the room. The main lantern in the room began to glow. I woke everyone up. There were three of them. Echo was laying across the bed at my feet. Garrik was next to me and Tom Tom was on the floor. I found myself sitting up in bed staring at them all. As soon as they realized what had happened they were wide awake. Garrik was the first to reach around me and hug me tight. I felt the warm sparks flow through my body.

  Echo pushed his way in and sparks floated in the air around us. I remember now. I remember it all. Tom Tom exited the room before saying hi. I manage to move my mouth again.

  “There was no time. I was lost. How long was I lost?”

  “In this life or the last that you kept reliving?” Garrik asks as concern washes over his beautiful face.

  “This life. There was no time in my last”

  “Eight weeks give or take a day.” Echo's baritone voice caressed my ears.

  “How am I here if I laid in bed eight weeks?”

  “Parsley. He had dealt with comas in the past during the Elf wars with Faerie. He had a way to push food into you. Then Taryn was charged with keeping you clean, but we all pitched in. Life had to go on.”

  Embarrassment flushed my cheeks. Who knows what my body did and they may have seen. That moment my Tom returned from the sitting room. He had a fresh cup of coffee. I gave him a grateful look as he said, “It is good to have you back Princess. I am not sure my back would have tolerated the stone floor much longer.” I chuckled.

  “Well you could have slept in your bed.”

  “And leave you with a Light Elf Prince and Dark Elf Prince alone? They would have killed each other in minutes and you know it.” Tomilson was always the voice of reason. He was probably right.

  “Why is Echo here? I thought. I thought we were trying to avoid him?” Echo looked instantly hurt by my words.

  “It is a long story Princess, but let's just say I came to terms with what is going on. I saw you dying in the training facility. I couldn't get you, but somehow Echo was able to with his shadow magic. He held you through the worst of the onslaught. When everything died down he refused to leave your side unless he was promised to have a part in your healing and in your life.”

  I looked at Echo, I owed him the truth, “Echo, thank you. I can not promise you a life with me though. I am bonded to Garrik only at this time. I can promise that when I am ready, someday I am willing to give the thought of us a chance.” A look of contentment crossed his face. He was happy with that. He didn't need to say it he only nodded. I remember it was his spark after all that made me remember that I even had lips.

  “Can someone get me sustenance. I am starving. I would also like to take a bath alone if that would be okay?”

  Everyone nodded and quickly went about rounding up food. Garrik helped me walk to the bathroom. He refused to leave me there alone. Instead he moved the towels and sat in the chair to watch me. Garrik claimed he needed to be there in case I drifted off and was lost in space again. I agreed. I took that moment to ask what exactly had happened in the training facility. He started with everything that I remembered and then filled in the rest.

  “You fought Toby and I on the last two strikes to your box. We should have listened to you, but we didn't. We thought you would have been better off complete. When the box burst open Toby and I were thrown into the wall and held there. Rose wasn't able to come near you. Only Echo was able to get through your ward using shadow magic, but even he couldn't touch you at all. You hung in the air for minutes screaming an awful scream. I will never be able to get the sound out of my ears.

  Blood started to seep through the back of your dress and that is when you fell. Every few seconds you would scream again and again until your voice was so hoarse you couldn't scream any more. The blood was so thick and plenty it pooled onto the floor. I was still being held against the wall. Echo took his knife and cut you free from your clothing. Your back was mutilated and your skin had begun darkening. You then passed out, we wrapped you in towels and carried you to your room. Healers had to be in your room for the first week tending to your wounds. You should have healed the first day, but you didn't.”

  “Probably the human blood slowing the healing,” I said as I dipped my head under the warm water.

  “I promise you, you have no more human blood left in your body. You are all elf now.”

  “I look fully elf?” I asked. There is no way.

  “More than that my little Vera, you are every bit both Light and Dark elf now. Your eyes are the same but look at your skin. It's gold, almost the color of honey. You are the first ever mixed elf and you look it.”

  I took that moment to look down at my body and he was right. I was tan and the color of honey. I sucked in my breath. “I think I would like to see a mirror,” I climbed out of the water. Garrik wrapped me in a robe. I flipped my hair over my head and tied it up in a towel.

  Tomilson was eating in the sitting room, the door to my room was wide open. I strode through to my full length mirror. Holy Hell it's true. I look like me still, kind of. My hair is the same. My eyes, nose, mouth the same. My body? I dropped my robe ignoring the gasps of Garrik and Echo. Garrik ran towards me to try to shield my body from Echo.

  “Stop it Garrik, I don't care. I need to see!” I was hairless, with exception to what was on my head. I had gotten leaner since coming to the Elmora, but I still was soft around the edges. Wide hips, ample behind, small perky breasts, but they were all a supernatural gold color. It dawned on me that I would never be able to go back to the Human Realm like this! Tears welled up in my eyes. Why does it bother me so much? I didn't have a great relationship with anyone, yet having it all cut away forever hurt my hear

  “I need to run.” I said. Echo shook his head, “You need to eat. Run after you eat.” My head was going to explode. I was no longer Vera.

  “You are Vera.” bounced around in my head in my voice. I nod. I am Vera. I am now a golden Vera with green and gold eyes. I looked back to the mirror where I saw my skin reflecting the light. I am almost shiny. Shimmery.

  “Will the other elvish still be willing to treat me like their Princess?” I asked.

  “If you were in a Dark Kingdom you would be worshiped,” Echo's deep voice washed over me. I looked up at the giant of a man standing before me in his typical light tan leather pants, tall boots and his dark brown tunic. The only difference in him is this tunic had sleeves. Winter must have arrived while I slept. I found myself liking this Dark Elf-man.

  “I am not sure how you will be seen here. I think the best we can do is try to explain to the people how or why you are this way.” I nodded. Fingers crossed it goes over well. I began to move the full body mirror in front of the vanity.

  “What are you doing, Vera?” not looking up from my task I let him know that I want to see my behind as well. I wanted to know what all of me looked like. It is new and I am curious.

  “NO!” both Echo and Garrik shouted. I stopped and stood.

  “Why not? Is my back a different color?” Echo steps forward and grabs my hand. Sparks. Golden Sparks. I pulled my hand away roughly. “Why?”

  “Remember the blood I told you about in the training facility? Remember the healers that had to come to help you, but you were not healing properly?” I nodded, “ Well you have scars.” Garrik shot his eyes to the ground. Scars. It couldn't be that bad. Every human has scars. I must have thought it loud enough because Garrik responded, “Not every elf, and you are an elf.” I stared at him like he had two heads.

  “Seriously? No one will even see them unless my hair is up and I have a backless dress on. Is it so disgusting to you that you are making it a bigger deal than it is?” Men. Elf-men. Vain. I go back to moving the mirror. When they tried to counter my remark I held my middle finger in the air and gave them both a big, “Fuck you guys.”

  I turned to stand just right and held my breath. I need to see this. I look into one mirror seeing the reflection of the mirror behind me. Yes, it was bad, white scars laced my back. They stood out stark against my golden skin. I am not a monster from what has been done to me, but I wish we would have left that box alone. I miss my porcelain skin. What will my babies look like?

  “Babies? You really want to have babies with me?” Garrik's smile was giant.

  “Fuck, you don't have to listen to everything I think.” I snap back. I am not in a good mood. I just woke up from an eight week coma. I am angry, I am changed, and it's all the fault of elves who thought I needed answers.

  “If it makes you feel better I didn't hear anything,” Echo said sending me a sly grin, his eyes darkening in lust. I guess my scars have no effect on turning Echo off.

  “Remember what I said, Vera. The Dark Elves would worship you and rejoice in your scars. It is a sign of your strength. You are survivor.” I roll my eyes at Echo and Garrik groaned loudly shooting dagger eyes at his competition. I head to the wardrobe and grab a long sleeve silk dress. It didn't feel like it would be warm at all it was the first one I saw and we all know that I am not picky. It was a midnight blue all over complimenting my skin nicely. Good random choice. I went back to the vanity and rubbed oil through my hair. I decided to do the twisty thing Taryn did to my hair the night of the big dinner where I became a recognized Princess.

  Walking back into the sitting room Sir Tomilson was still sitting there.

  “Good dress, Princess. You need to stand out the first time the others see you. Make them look at you in awe rather than fear. A black dress might have been too dramatic.”

  “Thank you, Sir Tom. I really needed you to point out what I am going to face upon leaving my room. Has anyone told the King, Queen, Rose, and Toby that I am awake?”

  All three men shook their heads no. Well, I guess that means we are going to be surprising the Palace all at once. I knew that everyone who matters will be aware of my changes. It is the ones who were already uncertain of me that I am worried about. I have no choice now. Tindril is my only home now. I won't be accepted in any other realm as I am. Hiding ears is one thing, glamouring an entire body is a bit beyond the magics I possess. I would like to get back to training. My protection magic and shadow magics are pretty strong. I want to work on my realm walking, earth and persuasion magics.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I finish my food and stand up to leave. I have all three men at my back. They appear formidable. All of them are tall. All of them are trained to fight, all of them have swords and each of them has a form of higher magic, and they were all mine. Tomilson may not be mine in the same sense as the other two, but he is still mine. I realized then that I am going to be fiercely protective of them all. I also realized that I would never let Echo go. He made it through my protective barriers so no matter what happens I know he will be able to get to me and that makes me feel safe. I like feeling safe.

  We decided that we would head to the war room first. Then one of the guys would go inform all that it matters that I was awake, fed, and out of bed. We couldn't go the back way because then I would have had to walk through the entire Palace, through the throne room, and solar. I would have had a much greater chance running into people that way. Instead when we were on the main floor Tomilson and Garrik walked in front of me and Echo followed behind. I worked my shadow magic to blend into them. Unless someone was looking for me all they would see is a random elf walking with three bigger elves.

  I had never been to the war room from this direction, so I hadn't a clue where we were going. We were not far though. We only had to walk one of the main halls before we turned and I heard Garrik mutter “Open” to a hidden door. We entered a much smaller hallway where we followed in single line. I could have walked next to another one of me, but there was no way anyone could have fit next to one of my three Elf-men. We made another turn through a regular old ornate cherry wood door and we were in the War Room. It made sense that this place would be the source of planning attacks and protections.

  I sat down underneath the green and gold stag. All of the chairs in the circular room looked the same, so I didn't think anyone would mind. I felt safer here. It was an insignia of my new home and I found both the colors and the stag comforting. If there is ever a day that I have a choice I wouldn't hide it away as the current royals did. I would proudly display it everywhere.

  “It is the crest used when the Light and Dark Elves were ruled by one supreme elf. Interesting fact that all kingdoms who were loyal until the end will have a similar tapestry.” Garrik had to let me know he was listening to my thoughts again. I was so peeved at the intrusion I didn't give much thought to what he had said. I have lost the ability the block them well. I am going to be working on that as soon as possible. I am over all the mind reading.

  “Echo, you go to Toby and Rose. Tomilson, my parents should be in the solar or library. I will stay with Vera.” Garrik is so good at taking command. It is kind of hot. If only I wasn't so tired with the weight of the world crashing onto my shoulders I would take advantage of him tonight. I don't want war, and I don't want people to go to war for me. I sent Garrik a reassuring smile. I hope this war can be avoided somehow. I didn't mean to connect to two different men, and for them both being Princes. It is like fate had dealt me a nasty hand by cheating death. I couldn't dwell on that time long I feared I would forget I had a body again. “I am Vera, I have lips.” I have not been awake long. I caught myself sending reminders through my head when my mind drifts to the time I was nothing.

  The door opens and the Queen runs in. Her long sandy blond hair flowing behind her as she pulls me from the chair giving me the strongest of hugs.

  “Daughter! I am so glad to have you returned to us!” My coloring doesn't phase her, though
I imagine she has had time to get used to it. Her teal eyes are brimming with tears.

  “I thought that in our pursuit to make you whole we had broken you. Garrik was inconsolable those first few weeks. We all were.” I returned her hug.

  “I am here. I am Vera.” I said without emotion. She pulled away from me and stared.

  “I am sorry my Queen, it is a habit I will have to break. I keep reminding myself I am Vera.” She gave me a gentle nod.

  “Please call me Mother. I always wanted a strong beautiful daughter such as you. I knew you would survive this. I am guessing we are here because you are ready to tell us what happened and fill in the gaps?”

  Garrik nodded and placed his warm hand on my shoulder, “I hope so as well. I want to know who Finley is.”

  “Finley”, That name echoed through my soul. I looked at Garrik and the Queen with perplexed eyes.

  “Finley saved me. He had blue eyes. We had no sparks.” The words flew from my mouth. It came to me that is all I remember of Finley.

  I realized then that they didn't know why my back had split open. They don't know how I became a mixed elf. I am going to have to tell them. I had to fight the sudden urge to run back to my room. I realize I am traumatized. My hands began to shake and I felt the tears welling up into my eyes again. My breath picked up. I couldn't breathe. Garrik lifted me into his arms cradling me like a child. His warm lips pressed into my forehead.

  “Breathe my little Vera, remember you are Vera, you are okay, you are safe. I have you now. I am holding you now. Breathe.” He bent his head kissing me on my head. The melody of Garrik's words washed over me bringing little goosebumps to my flesh. His song of words entered my head and echoed through my body. “Breathe, my little Vera. You are Vera and you are loved. You are safe. I have you.” His gift of persuasion will be my saving grace in moments like these. I will always need him.

  I looked up to see that the King, Rose, and Tomilson had entered the room. I didn't even try to climb out of Garriks arms yet. We were still waiting for Toby and Echo to return. The Queen said, “We can do this later. It is still winter, we have time for you to recover.”


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