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Elmora: Realm Walker Series Book One

Page 15

by Anna LaVerne

  “Vera.” was all he could say. My arms still stuck I twisted and kissed him on the lips. “Thank you,” he whispered pulling himself out of me.

  Echo walked through a door and brought out a warm wet towel. He then took the time to clean me off. No man had ever been so thoughtful. My gentle giant happens to be a big badass Dark Elf.

  “As much as I would like to keep you here all day. We better get dressed and return you to your mad boyfriends. Please remember I am every bit your husband now as Garrik is.”

  “Your possession of me is a major turn on.” I was already out of the bed and clothed, slipping on my boots. We locked arms again to head back.

  “Let's get this over with. I have a feeling Tom will be angry because he didn't take advantage of the time he had as you did.” Echo laughed his deep baritone laugh. I closed my eyes for the second time that day willing me back to my new hidden bedroom.

  I was not at all surprised when I saw Sir Tomilson seething when we returned. He stomped over and pushed Echo as soon as he had broke free of me.

  “Tom!” I shouted. Echo laughed again making the entire situation worse.

  “Stop it! Both of you!”

  “Tom, look at me. This is part of it. Someone had to bond with me first. He took advantage and I let him. I am still yours.”

  Garrik groaned again, “Vera please stop pretending like this is easy for any of us. We all want you to be ours alone.”

  Echo spoke up, “I knew from the beginning if I wanted her I would have to share. I am here because I am okay with it. If the only way I could have a Goddess for a wife was to share her then who am I to argue with that?”

  “I am not upset you slept with him. I am upset at how he did it leaving us here knowing what was going to happen.” Sir Tomilson looked so upset at the slight. I walked over to him and held his hand.

  “It will happen with us sooner rather than later I promise. I do love you all. Finley was right. This is right. I only hope you boys are up for it.” I gave them one of my famous awkward winks and told them I was going to take another shower and I expect food when I return. I am always hungry. I had a theory that my body was using so much energy now that I needed more food than normal to keep up.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When I came out of the shower everyone was gone. I knew they wouldn't leave me alone for long. I put on the same clothing I had been wearing earlier and grabbed the sandwich they left out for me to eat. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and saw myself standing in the war room. I heard people scream. Opening my eyes I saw King Rew on the floor with his gray hair over his face. Garrik reached down to help him to his feet giving me a disapproving glare.

  “Vera, you could have walked.”

  “But what fun is that?” I smiled and gave a quick apology to the King, Rose, Tomilson, and another man I had never met who looked white as a sheet.

  “Princess Vera, this is General Talbot. He is the head of the scouts in our Eastern Province. He also leads the watch at the human gates you would recognize as Saint Louis and Chicago.” I nodded.

  “General Talbot, It is nice to meet you.” I took in his plain brown hair, plain eyes, and tall lanky build, “I trust that you won't tell anyone of what you had seen.” He shudders.

  “Of course not Princess. I had heard you were special, and I am loyal to Median,” I could tell he found my presence to be unsettling.

  Remembering my sandwich I took a bite as everyone stared. I turned and quickly exited the room. Well, that was a mistake. Tomilson and Rose followed me out of the room. Rose looked joyful. Her hair was blue today and her red eyes were as unique as ever.

  “Oh Princess that was positively brilliant! Can you take me for a ride next?”

  “No, she can not. She can not go anywhere without the Princes or I and we do not know if she can transport any more than one person.” Rose pouted, but I could tell it wasn't an issue she would push.

  As we entered my little room again I spoke about Finley. “I am not sure I can teleport to Finley. I do not have a clear picture of his face. Then while in the shower I tried to remember this cavern home he is staying in but I can't. I can't go somewhere that I am not able to see. I also do not understand why he can not travel to Tendril.”

  “His life is in every bit as much danger as yours, and he does not have your extensive protections. He is safe as long as he is barricaded in his home,” Rose answered with a worried face. “You will have to go to him.” She said it with certainty.

  Sir Tomilson reacted like Garrik, “Absolutely not. What can this Fin say to her that he can not put in letter?” Rose shook her head.

  “I honestly do not know. I only know that Fin is older than us all and so far he seems to have been right about everything in regards to Princess Vera.”

  “I agree with Rose. I need to do this. If trouble approaches us then I will grab my nearest Elf-man and teleport home to Tindril.”

  “We will discuss this tonight with Garrik, Echo, and the King,” I smiled up at Tom. He is wavering. This may mean I get to leave the palace grounds! I might even get to ride a horse, and sleep in a tree house home. The thrill of adventure had me on edge.

  “Tom, can we take a walk to the training facilities. I need some fresh air and it is still daylight.” Rose took this as her time to turn back to the war room. She nodded at me before she departed.

  “Are you not concerned about what people will think of your changes?” He asked. I sent him a warm smile, “I can not hide forever if this is supposed to be my home.” I felt a tinge of foreboding in the pit of my stomach. This isn't my home is it? Elmora is my home, but not Tindril. Tindril is Garrik's home that he is sharing with me, the revelation made me feel empty. I told myself it doesn't matter, my home is wherever my men are. End of story.

  I put on my heavy dark green wool cloak. Tomilson was given a room across the hall, we stopped by there for him to grab a heavy coat as well. His looked more like an old Civil War jacket. It didn't have the embroidery, or big gold buttons though. It was wool that had been dyed dark blue. Instead of buttons the coat overlapped in the front and was secured with a tie on the side. It magnified his broad shoulders. If I had seen it in the Human Realm I would have thought it looked feminine, but not on my violet eyed Sir Tom. I found myself staring at him biting my bottom lip. Tomilson took notice and flushed as he pulled me into an intoxicating hug.

  I closed my eyes that moment and pictured us in the hall outside my old suite. I was told to not let anyone see me exit through the hidden door in the main hall. This way it would seem as if we were coming from my original rooms.

  “Good thinking," Tomilson said as he picked me up and carried me into my old room. “I am not going to miss an opportunity again.” Tomilson's eyes darkened to a deep purple.

  “I just got dressed,” I fake whined. Tomilson stared at me as he took off his coat and tunic in one movement. His skin was a pale white, he had well defined muscles, much like Garrik's. His shaggy dark hair fell in front of his eyes as he bent forward to grab me and give me a kiss. It felt oh so right. I removed my cloak, as I dropped to my knees unfastening his leather pants. Tomilson threw his head back and moaned when his hard length sprung free. I felt his hand pull the hair tie that was holding my hair in place. He was the perfect. I ran my tongue along the tip of his cock looking up at him with my green eyes big and devouring.


  His voice husky with desire. I took him in my mouth completely. He called my name again as his hand wound itself into my dark hair.

  I never took my eyes off of him as I worked his cock in my mouth. There was something so sexy watching him enjoy every motion, every lick and knowing I was the one giving him intense pleasure. He pulled out and stood back in all his naked glory staring at me with an intensity that was strong even for my most serious Elf-man. He reached down pulling me up into his arms he kissed me. I quickly pulled off my tunic, kicked off my boots and dropped my pants. The ache between my legs was reaching new
heights. He was near my bed when I had finished, I sprung on him pushing him back onto the bed. I found myself straddling him, he felt like a perfect fit. He set up and pulled me closer as I lowered myself onto him. He felt so good. I felt so complete. Tomilson is my magic number three.

  His mouth was on my neck as I rose and fell upon him. My breath was fast and he was groaning each time I went down and gyrated my hips. His hands dug into my hips pulling me closer, closer, and even closer still. I looked into his dark purple eyes as I felt my world crumble away and release into sweet oblivion. There was no sharing of sparks, no swapping of flames, but it was still earth shattering and perfect in every way. Seconds later I felt Tomilson release into me blending us together in the post orgasmic oblivion. I could tell he felt the same as I

  He fell backwards on the bed and I tumbled down onto his chest, “Never have I ever felt like that in someone's bed. You are a Goddess, Vera and I will worship at your feet for eternity.”

  It is the second time that day I had heard similar words. “Oh shush you," I said as I thumped him on the chest pulling off of him. I swayed my hips and stretched showing off my exotic womanhood as I muttered open to go rinse off in the pool. I didn't bother getting under the waterfall to wet my hair. Instead I stepped into the warm water and rinsed myself off before grabbing a towel. When I arrived back in the room Tomilson was already dressed. I could feel the bond between us had grown deeper than ever before. It was as if he had a string attached to my heart. I knew that no matter what I would always know where he was, as he would me.

  Tomilson handed me my pants, I slipped into them with ease. Without saying a word he brought my tunic down over my head. He then went to my vanity and grabbed my spicy hair oil. Putting a drop into his hands he carefully worked it through my long hair. My men will always take care of me. I felt safe. He pulled two strands of my hair from the sides of my face fastening them together at the back of my head. The result was that my hair was down but my ears were shown. He took me in telling me, “You have beautiful ears Vera.”

  When we exited the palace I found myself becoming self conscience. I pulled the hood up over my head, it wasn't that cold, but I didn't want anyone to notice me. At first we garnered a few quick glances no one seemed to give me a second look. We made our way around nearing the training facilities. Many recruits were outside sparring. All it took was one to drop his staff and say, “The Princess.” Everyone stopped and stared. I squeezed Tomilson's hand. He bent over and whispered as we continued to walk.

  “Stand tall Princess, they need to see a strong woman.” His words echoed through me. He is right. I need to stand stall. I pulled my hood back and met each one of their stares.

  One of the nearest recruits put his hand over his heart and bowed. They all followed him. Why are they all so supportive of a former human? I am the catalyst for war. King Talon was just waiting for something like me to come along. The Elven Council is divided, and I am the cause. I nod to them all even if I do not understand I will respect them for what they are willing to do for me. With my hand I motioned for them to continue. I looked to Tomilson for support, “What was that?”

  “More have been called to you. Rumors are beginning to spread that you are the lost Queen.”

  “You didn't think I deserved to know that?” I snapped under my breath. We were nearing the training tree.

  “Prince Garrik and Echo worried it would be too much for you right now," Tom muttered. I was barely able to understand him. It was obvious that he wanted no part of Garrik and Echo keeping secrets from me.

  Tomilson reached forward and held the door open for me to enter the tree. Echo was standing in the middle of a circle of recruits. I strode forward and everyone stopped what they were doing. Exercising my power as Princess of Median I told everyone to make themselves scarce. No one moved.

  “That means you are dismissed. Go. Now.” Like a swarm they all began to move and rush from the tree. Toby I noticed was in the corner. “We all need to talk.”

  “I guess Tomilson told you about the rumors.” Echo said as he walked towards us.

  “I had to she needed to know why over one hundred recruits randomly stopped and bowed to her in the courtyard. I am not going to lie to my Princess.” Tomilson stood proud next to me. Echo punched him in the arm hard. Tomilson winced but didn't move.

  “ENOUGH!” I shouted I felt the earth beneath my feet rumble. Was that me? I had never accidentally made the earth do anything before. I am complete. I knew in that moment that things like that may happen more than expected. I need to get some control on what is going on.

  “Toby, can you please explain it all to me,” I pleaded. I needed answers and I am not getting them fast enough.

  Toby nodded and begun, “I do not know everything as I was not alive then. There was a time when Elmora was lead by one monarch. She was always a Queen. When she grew too old she would fade away and be re born into a new elf every thousand years or so. When our last Queen faded away the Elven Council took her place to keep the peace among the Kingdoms. The Kingdoms are the same today except for King Talon. The story says that the new Queen was found early. She was a Dark Elf that round. During her absence, individual kingdoms were growing into more power. They had become greedy like King Talon,” I could feel Echo cringe at the mention of his father. “Within months of her crowning several Kingdoms joined together to march on the High Queen. They wanted to have the ultimate power for their own Kingdoms. The battle was great hundreds of elves were killed and the Queen went missing never seen again. No one knows what happened to her.”

  The story had ended, but I was still caught within it. Blimps of it flashed into my head. Memories. Broken pieces of what could have happened. I couldn't breathe the tree was swarming around me. I grabbed a hold of Echo and Tomilson and willed us back into the war room. People screeched and backed away as usual. Garrik groaned. I guess we answered the question of how many people I could take with me. We are now up to two.

  “I am traveling to see Finley. I will leave first thing in the morning,” It wasn't a question. I felt persuasion coat my words and stared venomously at everyone daring them to challenge me. King Rew stepped forward.

  “Do you think that is wise?” he asked me. I am surprised he is even entertaining my demand.

  “She knows King Rew. She knows the rumors.”

  The King nodded and Garrik slipped around to pull me to him. He was scared he was going to lose me. I could feel it.

  “I was alive then,” King Rew mused, “I got to travel to the crowning of the last High Queen with my parents. It was in Ireland. It took us two months of traveling to be there. It was our duty to attend, we were a loyal Kingdom.” King Rew seemed lost in his memories. He became King very young as he had lost his father in the Fae Wars. His mother chose to die on her own some fifty years after his father. Flames have a hard time living on afterward. Garrik had told me the history laying in bed one night. He never told me about the High Queen then. I wonder if he had his suspicions.

  “Do you believe you are the High Queen?” King Rew asked me. Everyone was waiting for my answer. I looked to Rose to step in and say something, but she didn't. She stood and waited like everyone else.

  “I have memories, broken pieces of memories. The other day I was in the Training Tree and remembered how to fight. I am good at it too,” I paused looking for the best words.

  “I remember being on a hill of a great battle. I could smell the blood. I carried a gold and silver sword. It had a Stag and a Doe on the hilt. People came at me one, by one, by one. I was trapped, and I think you know the rest,” King Rew's eyes were wet holding back tears.

  “I have a good memory as well. It is broken, but there were white flowers falling upon me and I was upon a beautiful black horse whose mane was so long it almost dragged the ground. The only other person I remember is Finley and I am sad to say I can't even form his face. I only remember his eyes and a tug at my chest akin to the same tug I get from Sir Tomilson. So
, yes. I think I may be this lost Queen.”

  King Rew dropped to his knee. “I believe you are too, my Queen”. I was quick to lift him up as the rest of the room dropped to their knees as well. I gave the King a big hug.

  “I am your daughter first. It may not be by blood but I never had a father active in my life, I would rather you be that to me. Please let me call you Father,” I sobbed into his robes. A Kings robes. He placed his hand on my back and gave me a pat.

  “Of course you may, my Daughter.”

  It was then decided that the only way to get answers was to go to Finley. Rose insisted that I should be able to teleport there, but I didn't have any memory of the place. I can't travel somewhere that way if I can't see it in my head.

  “How long will it take us by horseback?” I finally asked after arguing for a solid hour. I was tired and I wanted to leave in the morning.

  “A short week, maybe. If we go to the Human Realm first we may be able to do it within a day.” Garrik said.

  “I can't leave Median or I will be banished for ever.” Echo said. He wants to take the slow way.

  “The gates are not safe right now. The Human Realm is even less safe. We have control over this side of the gates, but we don't have anyone on the human side anymore. King Talon won that skirmish.” Talbot said. I hadn't even noticed he was in the room.

  The idea of traveling Median was exciting. I would get to ride a horse, I would get to stay in a tree house, and I would get to spend hours uninterrupted with my men. Though it was also winter and I remember spending hours outside in the cold working when I was younger. It is not fun. The cold penetrates your bones and makes your entire body ache. If only there was a way to teleport. Didn't Finley say that I needed to get with Sir Tomilson so he could always find me. That he will be able to teleport to me? Could teleport through my bond?


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